import os import html import tempfile from pyrogram import Client, filters from .. import config, help_dict, log_errors, session, progress_callback, public_log_errors @Client.on_message(~filters.forwarded & ~filters.sticker & ~filters.via_bot & ~filters.edited & & filters.command('cat', prefixes=config['config']['prefixes'])) @log_errors @public_log_errors async def cat(client, message): media = (message.text or message.caption).markdown.split(' ', 1)[1:] if media: media = os.path.expanduser(media[0]) else: media = message.document if not media and not getattr(message.reply_to_message, 'empty', True): media = message.reply_to_message.document if not media: await message.reply_text('Document or local file path required') return done = False reply = rfile = None try: if not isinstance(media, str): rfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() reply = await message.reply_text('Downloading...') await client.download_media(media,, progress=progress_callback, progress_args=(reply, 'Downloading...', False)) media = with open(media, 'r') as file: while True: chunk = if not chunk: break if not chunk.strip(): continue chunk = f'{html.escape(chunk)}' if done: await message.reply_text(chunk, quote=False) else: await getattr(reply, 'edit_text', message.reply_text)(chunk) done = True finally: if rfile: rfile.close() help_dict['cat'] = ('cat', '''{prefix}cat (as caption of text file or reply) - Outputs file's text to Telegram {prefix}cat <path to local file> - Outputs file's text to Telegram''')