// ==UserScript== // @name RESser // @namespace blankie-scripts // @match https://old.reddit.com/* // @grant GM_openInTab // @version 1.4.1 // @author blankie // @inject-into content // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 86: // v case 78: // n // v/n to expose text spoilers document.querySelectorAll('.RES-keyNav-activeElement .md-spoiler-text:not(.revealed)').forEach((e) => { e.classList.add('revealed'); e.click(); }); break; case 13: // return/enter // [shift-]enter on crossposted item to go to crossposted item instead of link const crosspostA = document.querySelector('.RES-keyNav-activeElement .crosspost-preview a'); if (crosspostA !== null) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); if (e.shiftKey) { // TODO fix duplicate link from res lmao GM_openInTab(crosspostA.href, {active: true}); } else { location.href = crosspostA.href; } return; } // shift-enter on 'Continue this thread' if (e.shiftKey) { const continueThing = document.querySelector('.RES-keyNav-activeElement > span.deepthread > a'); if (continueThing !== null) { GM_openInTab(continueThing.href, {active: true}); } } }; }, {capture: true, useCapture: true})