// ==UserScript== // @name Archive Site Links // @namespace blankie-scripts // @match http*://*/* // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @version 1.0.0 // @author blankie // @description Adds buttons to the monkey menu to open/archive in the Wayback Machine and archive.today // @inject-into content // @noframes // ==/UserScript== "use strict"; const ARCHIVE_SITES = [ { name: "Wayback Machine", getArchiveUrl: function(url) { let newUrl = new URL("https://web.archive.org/save"); let search = new URLSearchParams([["asl_url", url]]); newUrl.search = search.toString(); return newUrl.href; }, getArchivedUrl: function(url) { return `https://web.archive.org/web/2/${url}`; }, getArchivedUrlBase: function() { if (window.location.host !== "web.archive.org") return null; let match = /^\/web\/[0-9a-z_*]+\/(.+)$/.exec(window.location.pathname); return match ? match[1] : null; }, }, { name: "archive.today", getArchiveUrl: function(url) { let newUrl = new URL("https://archive.today"); newUrl.searchParams.append("url", url); return newUrl.href; }, getArchivedUrl: function(url) { return `https://archive.today/newest/${url}`; }, getArchivedUrlBase: function() { // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archive.today?useskin=vector& if (!/^archive\.(today|ph|is|li|vn|fo|md)$/.test(window.location.host)) return null; let q = document.querySelector("center form input[name=q]"); return q ? q.value : null; } } ]; let url = window.location.href; let onArchiveSite; for (const ARCHIVE_SITE of ARCHIVE_SITES) { let urlBase = ARCHIVE_SITE.getArchivedUrlBase(url); if (!urlBase) { continue; } if (!/^https?:\/\/|\/\//.test(urlBase)) { urlBase = `http://${urlBase}` }; let urlObject = new URL(urlBase); urlObject.search = window.location.search; urlObject.hash = window.location.hash; url = urlObject.href; onArchiveSite = ARCHIVE_SITE; break; } let archiveSites = 0; for (const ARCHIVE_SITE of ARCHIVE_SITES) { if (onArchiveSite === ARCHIVE_SITE) { continue; } if (archiveSites !== 0) { GM_registerMenuCommand("=".repeat(20) + "\u200B".repeat(archiveSites), function() {}); } archiveSites++; GM_registerMenuCommand(`Open in ${ARCHIVE_SITE.name}`, function() { window.location.href = ARCHIVE_SITE.getArchivedUrl(url); }); GM_registerMenuCommand(`Open in ${ARCHIVE_SITE.name} (new tab)`, function() { GM_openInTab(ARCHIVE_SITE.getArchivedUrl(url)); }); let urlObject = new URL(url); urlObject.hash = ""; let hashlessUrl = urlObject.href; GM_registerMenuCommand(`Archive in ${ARCHIVE_SITE.name}`, function() { window.location.href = ARCHIVE_SITE.getArchiveUrl(hashlessUrl); }); GM_registerMenuCommand(`Archive in ${ARCHIVE_SITE.name} (new tab)`, function() { GM_openInTab(ARCHIVE_SITE.getArchiveUrl(hashlessUrl)); }); } // workaround for the wayback machine not exposing a way to prefill the url input box let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); if (window.location.host === "web.archive.org" && window.location.pathname === "/save" && searchParams.has("asl_url")) { document.querySelector("#web-save-url-input").value = searchParams.get("asl_url"); let urlObject = new URL(window.location); urlObject.searchParams.delete("asl_url"); history.replaceState(null, "", urlObject.href); }