#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199309L #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rootston/server.h" #include "rootston/server.h" void view_destroy(struct roots_view *view) { struct roots_desktop *desktop = view->desktop; struct roots_input *input = desktop->server->input; if (input->active_view == view) { input->active_view = NULL; input->mode = ROOTS_CURSOR_PASSTHROUGH; } for (size_t i = 0; i < desktop->views->length; ++i) { struct roots_view *_view = desktop->views->items[i]; if (view == _view) { wlr_list_del(desktop->views, i); break; } } free(view); } void view_get_size(const struct roots_view *view, struct wlr_box *box) { if (view->get_size) { view->get_size(view, box); } else { box->width = view->wlr_surface->current->width; box->height = view->wlr_surface->current->height; } box->x = view->x; box->y = view->y; } static void view_update_output(const struct roots_view *view, const struct wlr_box *before) { struct roots_desktop *desktop = view->desktop; struct roots_output *output; struct wlr_box box; view_get_size(view, &box); wl_list_for_each(output, &desktop->outputs, link) { bool intersected = before->x != -1 && wlr_output_layout_intersects( desktop->layout, output->wlr_output, before->x, before->y, before->x + before->width, before->y + before->height); bool intersects = wlr_output_layout_intersects( desktop->layout, output->wlr_output, view->x, view->y, view->x + box.width, view->y + box.height); if (intersected && !intersects) { wlr_surface_send_leave(view->wlr_surface, output->wlr_output); } if (!intersected && intersects) { wlr_surface_send_enter(view->wlr_surface, output->wlr_output); } } } void view_set_position(struct roots_view *view, double x, double y) { struct wlr_box before; view_get_size(view, &before); if (view->set_position) { view->set_position(view, x, y); } else { view->x = x; view->y = y; } view_update_output(view, &before); } void view_activate(struct roots_view *view, bool activate) { if (view->activate) { view->activate(view, activate); } } void view_resize(struct roots_view *view, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { struct wlr_box before; view_get_size(view, &before); if (view->resize) { view->resize(view, width, height); } view_update_output(view, &before); } void view_close(struct roots_view *view) { if (view->close) { view->close(view); } } bool view_center(struct roots_view *view) { struct wlr_box box; view_get_size(view, &box); struct roots_desktop *desktop = view->desktop; struct wlr_cursor *cursor = desktop->server->input->cursor; struct wlr_output *output = wlr_output_layout_output_at(desktop->layout, cursor->x, cursor->y); if (!output) { output = wlr_output_layout_get_center_output(desktop->layout); } if (!output) { // empty layout return false; } const struct wlr_output_layout_output *l_output = wlr_output_layout_get(desktop->layout, output); int width, height; wlr_output_effective_resolution(output, &width, &height); double view_x = (double)(width - box.width) / 2 + l_output->x; double view_y = (double)(height - box.height) / 2 + l_output->y; view_set_position(view, view_x, view_y); return true; } void view_setup(struct roots_view *view) { struct roots_input *input = view->desktop->server->input; view_center(view); set_view_focus(input, view->desktop, view); wlr_seat_keyboard_notify_enter(input->wl_seat, view->wlr_surface); struct wlr_box before; view_get_size(view, &before); view_update_output(view, &before); } void view_teardown(struct roots_view *view) { struct wlr_list *views = view->desktop->views; if (views->length < 2 || views->items[views->length-1] != view) { return; } struct roots_view *prev_view = views->items[views->length-2]; struct roots_input *input = prev_view->desktop->server->input; set_view_focus(input, prev_view->desktop, prev_view); wlr_seat_keyboard_notify_enter(input->wl_seat, prev_view->wlr_surface); } struct roots_view *view_at(struct roots_desktop *desktop, double lx, double ly, struct wlr_surface **surface, double *sx, double *sy) { for (int i = desktop->views->length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { struct roots_view *view = desktop->views->items[i]; if (view->type == ROOTS_WL_SHELL_VIEW && view->wl_shell_surface->state == WLR_WL_SHELL_SURFACE_STATE_POPUP) { continue; } double view_sx = lx - view->x; double view_sy = ly - view->y; struct wlr_box box = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = view->wlr_surface->current->buffer_width, .height = view->wlr_surface->current->buffer_height, }; if (view->rotation != 0.0) { // Coordinates relative to the center of the view double ox = view_sx - (double)box.width/2, oy = view_sy - (double)box.height/2; // Rotated coordinates double rx = cos(view->rotation)*ox - sin(view->rotation)*oy, ry = cos(view->rotation)*oy + sin(view->rotation)*ox; view_sx = rx + (double)box.width/2; view_sy = ry + (double)box.height/2; } if (view->type == ROOTS_XDG_SHELL_V6_VIEW) { // TODO: test if this works with rotated views double popup_sx, popup_sy; struct wlr_xdg_surface_v6 *popup = wlr_xdg_surface_v6_popup_at(view->xdg_surface_v6, view_sx, view_sy, &popup_sx, &popup_sy); if (popup) { *sx = view_sx - popup_sx; *sy = view_sy - popup_sy; *surface = popup->surface; return view; } } if (view->type == ROOTS_WL_SHELL_VIEW) { // TODO: test if this works with rotated views double popup_sx, popup_sy; struct wlr_wl_shell_surface *popup = wlr_wl_shell_surface_popup_at(view->wl_shell_surface, view_sx, view_sy, &popup_sx, &popup_sy); if (popup) { *sx = view_sx - popup_sx; *sy = view_sy - popup_sy; *surface = popup->surface; return view; } } double sub_x, sub_y; struct wlr_subsurface *subsurface = wlr_surface_subsurface_at(view->wlr_surface, view_sx, view_sy, &sub_x, &sub_y); if (subsurface) { *sx = view_sx - sub_x; *sy = view_sy - sub_y; *surface = subsurface->surface; return view; } if (wlr_box_contains_point(&box, view_sx, view_sy) && pixman_region32_contains_point( &view->wlr_surface->current->input, view_sx, view_sy, NULL)) { *sx = view_sx; *sy = view_sy; *surface = view->wlr_surface; return view; } } return NULL; } struct roots_desktop *desktop_create(struct roots_server *server, struct roots_config *config) { wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "Initializing roots desktop"); struct roots_desktop *desktop = calloc(1, sizeof(struct roots_desktop)); if (desktop == NULL) { return NULL; } desktop->views = wlr_list_create(); if (desktop->views == NULL) { free(desktop); return NULL; } wl_list_init(&desktop->outputs); desktop->output_add.notify = output_add_notify; wl_signal_add(&server->backend->events.output_add, &desktop->output_add); desktop->output_remove.notify = output_remove_notify; wl_signal_add(&server->backend->events.output_remove, &desktop->output_remove); desktop->server = server; desktop->config = config; desktop->layout = wlr_output_layout_create(); desktop->compositor = wlr_compositor_create(server->wl_display, server->renderer); desktop->xdg_shell_v6 = wlr_xdg_shell_v6_create(server->wl_display); wl_signal_add(&desktop->xdg_shell_v6->events.new_surface, &desktop->xdg_shell_v6_surface); desktop->xdg_shell_v6_surface.notify = handle_xdg_shell_v6_surface; desktop->wl_shell = wlr_wl_shell_create(server->wl_display); wl_signal_add(&desktop->wl_shell->events.new_surface, &desktop->wl_shell_surface); desktop->wl_shell_surface.notify = handle_wl_shell_surface; #ifdef HAS_XWAYLAND if (config->xwayland) { desktop->xwayland = wlr_xwayland_create(server->wl_display, desktop->compositor); wl_signal_add(&desktop->xwayland->events.new_surface, &desktop->xwayland_surface); desktop->xwayland_surface.notify = handle_xwayland_surface; } #endif desktop->gamma_control_manager = wlr_gamma_control_manager_create( server->wl_display); desktop->screenshooter = wlr_screenshooter_create(server->wl_display, server->renderer); desktop->server_decoration_manager = wlr_server_decoration_manager_create(server->wl_display); wlr_server_decoration_manager_set_default_mode( desktop->server_decoration_manager, ORG_KDE_KWIN_SERVER_DECORATION_MANAGER_MODE_CLIENT); return desktop; } void desktop_destroy(struct roots_desktop *desktop) { // TODO }