#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util/signal.h" static struct wlr_scene *scene_root_from_node(struct wlr_scene_node *node) { assert(node->type == WLR_SCENE_NODE_ROOT); return (struct wlr_scene *)node; } struct wlr_scene_surface *wlr_scene_surface_from_node( struct wlr_scene_node *node) { assert(node->type == WLR_SCENE_NODE_SURFACE); return (struct wlr_scene_surface *)node; } static struct wlr_scene_rect *scene_rect_from_node( struct wlr_scene_node *node) { assert(node->type == WLR_SCENE_NODE_RECT); return (struct wlr_scene_rect *)node; } static void scene_node_state_init(struct wlr_scene_node_state *state) { wl_list_init(&state->children); wl_list_init(&state->link); state->enabled = true; } static void scene_node_state_finish(struct wlr_scene_node_state *state) { wl_list_remove(&state->link); } static void scene_node_init(struct wlr_scene_node *node, enum wlr_scene_node_type type, struct wlr_scene_node *parent) { assert(type == WLR_SCENE_NODE_ROOT || parent != NULL); node->type = type; node->parent = parent; scene_node_state_init(&node->state); wl_signal_init(&node->events.destroy); if (parent != NULL) { wl_list_insert(parent->state.children.prev, &node->state.link); } } static void scene_node_finish(struct wlr_scene_node *node) { wlr_signal_emit_safe(&node->events.destroy, NULL); struct wlr_scene_node *child, *child_tmp; wl_list_for_each_safe(child, child_tmp, &node->state.children, state.link) { wlr_scene_node_destroy(child); } scene_node_state_finish(&node->state); } void wlr_scene_node_destroy(struct wlr_scene_node *node) { if (node == NULL) { return; } scene_node_finish(node); switch (node->type) { case WLR_SCENE_NODE_ROOT:; struct wlr_scene *scene = scene_root_from_node(node); free(scene); break; case WLR_SCENE_NODE_SURFACE:; struct wlr_scene_surface *scene_surface = wlr_scene_surface_from_node(node); wl_list_remove(&scene_surface->surface_destroy.link); free(scene_surface); break; case WLR_SCENE_NODE_RECT:; struct wlr_scene_rect *scene_rect = scene_rect_from_node(node); free(scene_rect); break; } } struct wlr_scene *wlr_scene_create(void) { struct wlr_scene *scene = calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_scene)); if (scene == NULL) { return NULL; } scene_node_init(&scene->node, WLR_SCENE_NODE_ROOT, NULL); return scene; } static void scene_surface_handle_surface_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct wlr_scene_surface *scene_surface = wl_container_of(listener, scene_surface, surface_destroy); wlr_scene_node_destroy(&scene_surface->node); } struct wlr_scene_surface *wlr_scene_surface_create(struct wlr_scene_node *parent, struct wlr_surface *surface) { struct wlr_scene_surface *scene_surface = calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_scene_surface)); if (scene_surface == NULL) { return NULL; } scene_node_init(&scene_surface->node, WLR_SCENE_NODE_SURFACE, parent); scene_surface->surface = surface; scene_surface->surface_destroy.notify = scene_surface_handle_surface_destroy; wl_signal_add(&surface->events.destroy, &scene_surface->surface_destroy); return scene_surface; } struct wlr_scene_rect *wlr_scene_rect_create(struct wlr_scene_node *parent, int width, int height, const float color[static 4]) { struct wlr_scene_rect *scene_rect = calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_scene_rect)); if (scene_rect == NULL) { return NULL; } scene_node_init(&scene_rect->node, WLR_SCENE_NODE_RECT, parent); scene_rect->width = width; scene_rect->height = height; memcpy(scene_rect->color, color, sizeof(scene_rect->color)); return scene_rect; } void wlr_scene_rect_set_size(struct wlr_scene_rect *rect, int width, int height) { rect->width = width; rect->height = height; } void wlr_scene_rect_set_color(struct wlr_scene_rect *rect, const float color[static 4]) { memcpy(rect->color, color, sizeof(rect->color)); } void wlr_scene_node_set_enabled(struct wlr_scene_node *node, bool enabled) { node->state.enabled = enabled; } void wlr_scene_node_set_position(struct wlr_scene_node *node, int x, int y) { node->state.x = x; node->state.y = y; } void wlr_scene_node_place_above(struct wlr_scene_node *node, struct wlr_scene_node *sibling) { assert(node->parent == sibling->parent); wl_list_remove(&node->state.link); wl_list_insert(&sibling->state.link, &node->state.link); } void wlr_scene_node_place_below(struct wlr_scene_node *node, struct wlr_scene_node *sibling) { assert(node->parent == sibling->parent); wl_list_remove(&node->state.link); wl_list_insert(sibling->state.link.prev, &node->state.link); } void wlr_scene_node_reparent(struct wlr_scene_node *node, struct wlr_scene_node *new_parent) { assert(node->type != WLR_SCENE_NODE_ROOT && new_parent != NULL); if (node->parent == new_parent) { return; } /* Ensure that a node cannot become its own ancestor */ for (struct wlr_scene_node *ancestor = new_parent; ancestor != NULL; ancestor = ancestor->parent) { assert(ancestor != node); } wl_list_remove(&node->state.link); node->parent = new_parent; wl_list_insert(new_parent->state.children.prev, &node->state.link); } static void scene_node_for_each_surface(struct wlr_scene_node *node, int lx, int ly, wlr_surface_iterator_func_t user_iterator, void *user_data) { if (!node->state.enabled) { return; } lx += node->state.x; ly += node->state.y; if (node->type == WLR_SCENE_NODE_SURFACE) { struct wlr_scene_surface *scene_surface = wlr_scene_surface_from_node(node); user_iterator(scene_surface->surface, lx, ly, user_data); } struct wlr_scene_node *child; wl_list_for_each(child, &node->state.children, state.link) { scene_node_for_each_surface(child, lx, ly, user_iterator, user_data); } } void wlr_scene_node_for_each_surface(struct wlr_scene_node *node, wlr_surface_iterator_func_t user_iterator, void *user_data) { scene_node_for_each_surface(node, 0, 0, user_iterator, user_data); } struct wlr_scene_node *wlr_scene_node_at(struct wlr_scene_node *node, double lx, double ly, double *nx, double *ny) { if (!node->state.enabled) { return NULL; } // TODO: optimize by storing a bounding box in each node? lx -= node->state.x; ly -= node->state.y; struct wlr_scene_node *child; wl_list_for_each_reverse(child, &node->state.children, state.link) { struct wlr_scene_node *node = wlr_scene_node_at(child, lx, ly, nx, ny); if (node != NULL) { return node; } } switch (node->type) { case WLR_SCENE_NODE_SURFACE:; struct wlr_scene_surface *scene_surface = wlr_scene_surface_from_node(node); if (wlr_surface_point_accepts_input(scene_surface->surface, lx, ly)) { if (nx != NULL) { *nx = lx; } if (ny != NULL) { *ny = ly; } return &scene_surface->node; } break; case WLR_SCENE_NODE_RECT:; struct wlr_scene_rect *rect = scene_rect_from_node(node); if (lx >= 0 && lx < rect->width && ly >= 0 && ly < rect->height) { if (nx != NULL) { *nx = lx; } if (ny != NULL) { *ny = ly; } return &rect->node; } break; default: break; } return NULL; } static int scale_length(int length, int offset, float scale) { return round((offset + length) * scale) - round(offset * scale); } static void scale_box(struct wlr_box *box, float scale) { box->width = scale_length(box->width, box->x, scale); box->height = scale_length(box->height, box->y, scale); box->x = round(box->x * scale); box->y = round(box->y * scale); } static void scissor_output(struct wlr_output *output, pixman_box32_t *rect) { struct wlr_renderer *renderer = wlr_backend_get_renderer(output->backend); assert(renderer); struct wlr_box box = { .x = rect->x1, .y = rect->y1, .width = rect->x2 - rect->x1, .height = rect->y2 - rect->y1, }; int ow, oh; wlr_output_transformed_resolution(output, &ow, &oh); enum wl_output_transform transform = wlr_output_transform_invert(output->transform); wlr_box_transform(&box, &box, transform, ow, oh); wlr_renderer_scissor(renderer, &box); } static void render_rect(struct wlr_output *output, pixman_region32_t *output_damage, const float color[static 4], const struct wlr_box *box, const float matrix[static 9]) { struct wlr_renderer *renderer = wlr_backend_get_renderer(output->backend); assert(renderer); pixman_region32_t damage; pixman_region32_init(&damage); pixman_region32_init_rect(&damage, box->x, box->y, box->width, box->height); pixman_region32_intersect(&damage, &damage, output_damage); int nrects; pixman_box32_t *rects = pixman_region32_rectangles(&damage, &nrects); for (int i = 0; i < nrects; ++i) { scissor_output(output, &rects[i]); wlr_render_rect(renderer, box, color, matrix); } pixman_region32_fini(&damage); } static void render_texture(struct wlr_output *output, pixman_region32_t *output_damage, struct wlr_texture *texture, const struct wlr_box *box, const float matrix[static 9]) { struct wlr_renderer *renderer = wlr_backend_get_renderer(output->backend); assert(renderer); pixman_region32_t damage; pixman_region32_init(&damage); pixman_region32_init_rect(&damage, box->x, box->y, box->width, box->height); pixman_region32_intersect(&damage, &damage, output_damage); int nrects; pixman_box32_t *rects = pixman_region32_rectangles(&damage, &nrects); for (int i = 0; i < nrects; ++i) { scissor_output(output, &rects[i]); wlr_render_texture_with_matrix(renderer, texture, matrix, 1.0); } pixman_region32_fini(&damage); } struct render_data { struct wlr_output *output; pixman_region32_t *damage; }; static void render_node_iterator(struct wlr_scene_node *node, int x, int y, void *_data) { struct render_data *data = _data; struct wlr_output *output = data->output; pixman_region32_t *output_damage = data->damage; struct wlr_box box = { .x = x, .y = y, }; switch (node->type) { case WLR_SCENE_NODE_ROOT:; /* Root node has nothing to render itself */ break; case WLR_SCENE_NODE_SURFACE:; struct wlr_scene_surface *scene_surface = wlr_scene_surface_from_node(node); struct wlr_surface *surface = scene_surface->surface; struct wlr_texture *texture = wlr_surface_get_texture(surface); if (texture == NULL) { return; } box.width = surface->current.width; box.height = surface->current.height; scale_box(&box, output->scale); float matrix[9]; enum wl_output_transform transform = wlr_output_transform_invert(surface->current.transform); wlr_matrix_project_box(matrix, &box, transform, 0.0, output->transform_matrix); render_texture(output, output_damage, texture, &box, matrix); break; case WLR_SCENE_NODE_RECT:; struct wlr_scene_rect *scene_rect = scene_rect_from_node(node); box.width = scene_rect->width; box.height = scene_rect->height; scale_box(&box, data->output->scale); render_rect(output, output_damage, scene_rect->color, &box, output->transform_matrix); break; } } static void scene_node_for_each_node(struct wlr_scene_node *node, int lx, int ly, wlr_scene_node_iterator_func_t user_iterator, void *user_data) { if (!node->state.enabled) { return; } lx += node->state.x; ly += node->state.y; user_iterator(node, lx, ly, user_data); struct wlr_scene_node *child; wl_list_for_each(child, &node->state.children, state.link) { scene_node_for_each_node(child, lx, ly, user_iterator, user_data); } } void wlr_scene_render_output(struct wlr_scene *scene, struct wlr_output *output, int lx, int ly, pixman_region32_t *damage) { pixman_region32_t full_region; pixman_region32_init_rect(&full_region, 0, 0, output->width, output->height); if (damage == NULL) { damage = &full_region; } struct wlr_renderer *renderer = wlr_backend_get_renderer(output->backend); assert(renderer); if (output->enabled && pixman_region32_not_empty(damage)) { struct render_data data = { .output = output, .damage = damage, }; scene_node_for_each_node(&scene->node, lx, ly, render_node_iterator, &data); wlr_renderer_scissor(renderer, NULL); } pixman_region32_fini(&full_region); }