# Typing > A pure and fresh Hexo theme. * Minimal And Clean Design * Dark And Light Modes * Optional Fontawesome Icons ## Preview - [My blog](http://geekplux.com) - [Online Demo](http://geekplux.github.io/hexo-theme-typing/) ![](preview/preview.png) ##### Dark mode ![](preview/preview-dark-mode.png) Other preview images in `preview` folder. ## Installation ### Install ```shell cd your-blog git clone https://github.com/geekplux/hexo-theme-typing themes/typing ``` **Typing requires Hexo 2.4 and above.** ### Enable Modify `theme` setting in `_config.yml` to `typing`. Also if your website language is English make sure to explicitly specify it: `language: "en"` ### Update ``` bash cd themes/typing git pull ``` ## Configuration ``` yml # Dark Mode dark: false // whether to open dark mode # Header menu: Home: / Archives: /archives # Your Feed Location #rss: /atom.xml # Content fancybox: true # Miscellaneous google_analytics: favicon: /favicon.png twitter: google_plus: # Profile nickname: NickName description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, **consectetur adipiscing elit.** Fusce eget urna vitae velit *eleifend interdum at ac* nisi. # Load fontawesome icons? Also see the links option icons: true # Footer area links # NOTICE) If you set "icons: false" link names will be clear text # If "icons: true" link names will interpreted as fontawesome icon names # NOTICE) Use the fontawesome icon names (http://fontawesome.io/cheatsheet/) without the fa- prefix links: twitter: https://twitter.com/ github-alt: https://github.com/ # ... # nav position (top, left. top is default) nav: top # Info archive_footer_content: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, **consectetur adipiscing elit.** Fusce eget urna vitae velit *eleifend interdum at ac* nisi. post_footer_content: ipsum dolor sit amet, **consectetur adipiscing elit.** Fusce eget urna vitae velit *eleifend interdum at ac* nisi. # Gitment gitment: owner: repo: client: id: secret: # Donate donate: github: paypal: bitcoin: BTCQR: AliPayQR: WeChatQR: ``` - **menu** - Navigation menu - **nickname** - Your nickname - **description** - Description below the name - **icons** - Load [fontawesome](http://fontawesome.io/) icons? - **links** - Footer area links. Text links if `icons: false` and icons if `icons: true` - **archive_footer_content**: - Content in your archives page footer(Markdown supported) - **post_footer_content**: - Content in your posts and pages footer(Markdown supported) - **fancybox** - Enable [Fancybox] - **google_analytics** - Google Analytics ID - **favicon** - Favicon path - **twitter** - Twitter ID - **google_plus** - Google+ ID - **gitment** - [Gitment](https://github.com/imsun/gitment) Options - **donate** - Donate Options ## ChangeLog - [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) ## Development Anyone is welcome to contribute! ```shell mkdir typing_dev && cd typing_dev git clone https://github.com/hexojs/hexo-theme-unit-test.git ``` [Fork and clone](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/) `https://github.com/geekplux/hexo-theme-typing.git` ```shell cd hexo-theme-unit-test && npm install cd ../hexo-theme-typing && npm install ``` To test your changes to the theme, modify the `theme` setting in the `/hexo-theme-unit-test/_config.yml` file to `typing` and execute these commands in the `hexo-theme-typing` folder: ```shell make all cd ../hexo-theme-unit-test hexo server ``` Now you can browse it at []( ### LICENSE Typing © [@geekplux](https://github.com/geekplux), Released under the [MIT](LICENSE) License. Authored and maintained by [@geekplux](https://github.com/geekplux) with help from contributors ([list](https://github.com/geekplux/hexo-theme-typing/graphs/contributors)). --- > Blog [geekplux.com](http://geekplux.com)  ·  > GitHub [@geekplux](https://github.com/geekplux)  ·  > Twitter [@geekplux](https://twitter.com/geekplux)