# Lang language: en # Dark Mode dark: true # Header menu: Home: / About: /about # Your Feed Location #rss: /atom.xml # Content fancybox: true # Miscellaneous #google_analytics: favicon: #twitter: #google_plus: #fb_admins: #fb_app_id: # Profile nickname: curben's blog description: Troubleshooting, tips & tricks, etc. # Load fontawesome icons? Also see the links option icons: false # Footer area links # NOTICE) If you set "icons: false" link names will be clear text # If "icons: true" link names will interpreted as fontawesome icon names # NOTICE) Use the fontawesome icon names without the fa- prefix (http://fontawesome.io/cheatsheet/) links: Home: / # globe: # twitter: # github-alt: # youtube-play: # stack-overflow: # google-plus: # rss: # nav position (top, left. top is default) nav: left # Info archive_footer_content: post_footer_content: # Donate donate: enable: false github: paypal: bitcoin: BTCQR: AliPayQR: WeChatQR: # Following are configs for various comment system supported by the typing theme # Gitment gitment: owner: repo: client: id: secret: # Utterances # NOTICE) make sure the app is installed on the repo before using this commit system # see https://utteranc.es/ for more utterances: enable: false repo: # your repo in this format: 'username/reponame', note that there is no '.git' suffix # If you want to use valine,you should get the appId and appKey form https://leancloud.cn ,more setting please see https://valine.js.org valine: enable: false # !!if you want use valine comment system,please set enable: true appId: #your leancloud appId appKey: #your leancloud appKey guest_info: nick,mail,link #valine comment header info placeholder: Just go go # valine comment input placeholder(like: Please leave your footprints ) avatar: mm # gravatar style https://valine.js.org/avatar pageSize: 10 # comment list page size verify: false # valine verify code (true/false) notify: false # valine mail notify (true/false) lang: zh-cn