# Chameleon theme Chameleon is a fork of [Typing](https://github.com/geekplux/hexo-theme-typing) theme, rewrote from scratch with the following changes/features: - [sanitize.css](https://github.com/csstools/sanitize.css/) and [autoprefixer](https://github.com/csstools/sanitize.css/) for consistent cross-browser styling. - Utilise [relative length](https://www.w3schools.com/CSSref/css_units.asp) instead of absolute length in the css. - [`prefers-color-scheme`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-color-scheme) to apply light/dark theme according to the OS preference. - Add a [Copy](https://clipboardjs.com/) button to each code block. - Removed jQuery, fancyBox, web analytics, comment plugins, donation links and [typo.css](https://github.com/sofish/typo.css). - Homepage shows index of posts (same as /archives). ## Options Configure this theme from your **site**'s configuration: ``` yml # _config.yml theme_config: # Header menu menu: Home: / Archives: /archives/ Feed: /atom.xml # Footer menu footer: GitLab: https://gitlab.com/curben/blog # Load forkawesome icons? icons: false ``` ## Codeblock highlight Following configurations need to be updated. ``` yml # _config.yml highlight: enable: true line_number: false hljs: true wrap: false prismjs: enable: false ``` ## Build Build "source/css/_source.css" into "source/css/chameleon.css" ``` $ npm install $ npm run build ```