--- title: Default binaries in Alpine docker image date: 2018-10-10 tags: - Linux - Alpine --- Here is the list of binaries shipped with the Docker image of Alpine Linux `alpine:3.8` <!-- more --> [Pastebin](https://bin.disroot.org/?f85ebb52e17968ea#uvKnHjd1monx3ENkEL+jN1zKfWBYGI0jfaLbhvb7zoQ=) - acpid - addgroup - add-shell - adduser - adjtimex - apk - arch - arp - arping - ash - awk - base64 - basename - bbconfig - beep - blkdiscard - blkid - blockdev - brctl - bunzip2 - busybox - bzcat - bzip2 - cal - cat - chgrp - chmod - chown - chpasswd - chroot - chvt - cksum - clear - cmp - comm - conspy - cp - cpio - crond - crontab - cryptpw - cut - date - dc - dd - deallocvt - delgroup - deluser - depmod - df - diff - dirname - dmesg - dnsdomainname - dos2unix - du - dumpkmap - dumpleases - echo - ed - egrep - eject - env - ether-wake - expand - expr - factor - fallocate - false - fatattr - fbset - fbsplash - fdflush - fdformat - fdisk - fgrep - find - findfs - flock - fold - free - fsck - fstrim - fsync - fuser - getconf - getent - getopt - getty - grep - groups - gunzip - gzip - halt - hd - hdparm - head - hexdump - hostid - hostname - hwclock - iconv - id - ifconfig - ifdown - ifenslave - ifup - init - inotifyd - insmod - install - ionice - iostat - ip - ipaddr - ipcalc - ipcrm - ipcs - iplink - ipneigh - iproute - iprule - iptunnel - kbd_mode - kill - killall - killall5 - klogd - ldconfig - ldd - less - link - linux32 - linux64 - ln - loadfont - loadkmap - logger - login - logread - losetup - ls - lsmod - lsof - lspci - lsusb - lzcat - lzma - lzop - lzopcat - makemime - md5sum - mdev - mesg - microcom - mkdir - mkdosfs - mkfifo - mkfs.vfat - mkmntdirs - mknod - mkpasswd - mkswap - mktemp - modinfo - modprobe - more - mount - mountpoint - mpstat - mv - nameif - nanddump - nandwrite - nbd-client - nc - netstat - nice - nl - nmeter - nohup - nologin - nproc - nsenter - nslookup - ntpd - od - openvt - partprobe - passwd - paste - patch - pgrep - pidof - ping - ping6 - pipe_progress - pkill - pmap - poweroff - powertop - printenv - printf - ps - pscan - pstree - pwd - pwdx - raidautorun - rdate - rdev - readahead - readlink - readprofile - realpath - reboot - reformime - remove-shell - renice - reset - resize - rev - rfkill - rm - rmdir - rmmod - route - run-parts - scanelf - sed - sendmail - seq - setconsole - setfont - setkeycodes - setlogcons - setpriv - setserial - setsid - sh - sha1sum - sha256sum - sha3sum - sha512sum - showkey - shred - shuf - slattach - sleep - smemcap - sort - split - ssl_client - stat - strings - stty - su - sum - swapoff - swapon - switch_root - sync - sysctl - syslogd - tac - tail - tar - tee - test - time - timeout - top - touch - tr - traceroute - traceroute6 - true - truncate - tty - ttysize - tunctl - udhcpc - udhcpc6 - umount - uname - unexpand - uniq - unix2dos - unlink - unlzma - unlzop - unshare - unxz - unzip - uptime - usleep - uudecode - uuencode - vconfig - vi - vlock - volname - watch - watchdog - wc - wget - which - whoami - whois - xargs - xxd - xzcat - yes - zcat