`{"errors": [{"code": 1003, "message":"An A, AAAA or CNAME record already exists with that host"}], "result": {"cname": "new"}}`,
`{"errors": [{"code": 1003, "message":"An A, AAAA or CNAME record already exists with that host"}, {"code": 1004, "message":"Cannot use tunnel as origin for non-proxied load balancer"}], "result": {"cname": "new"}}`,
`{"errors": [{"code": 1003, "message":"An A, AAAA or CNAME record already exists with that host"}], "result": {"pool": "unchanged", "load_balancer": "updated"}}`,
`{"errors": [{"code": 1003, "message":"An A, AAAA or CNAME record already exists with that host"}, {"code": 1004, "message":"Cannot use tunnel as origin for non-proxied load balancer"}], "result": {"pool": "unchanged", "load_balancer": "updated"}}`,
{ChangeNew,ChangeNew,"Created load balancer lb.example.com and added a new pool POOL with this tunnel as an origin"},
{ChangeNew,ChangeUpdated,"Created load balancer lb.example.com with an existing pool POOL which was updated to use this tunnel as an origin"},
{ChangeNew,ChangeUnchanged,"Created load balancer lb.example.com with an existing pool POOL which already has this tunnel as an origin"},
{ChangeUpdated,ChangeNew,"Added new pool POOL with this tunnel as an origin to load balancer lb.example.com"},
{ChangeUpdated,ChangeUpdated,"Updated pool POOL to use this tunnel as an origin and added it to load balancer lb.example.com"},
{ChangeUpdated,ChangeUnchanged,"Added pool POOL, which already has this tunnel as an origin, to load balancer lb.example.com"},
{ChangeUnchanged,ChangeNew,"Something went wrong: failed to modify load balancer lb.example.com with pool POOL; please check traffic manager configuration in the dashboard"},
{ChangeUnchanged,ChangeUpdated,"Added this tunnel as an origin in pool POOL which is already used by load balancer lb.example.com"},
{ChangeUnchanged,ChangeUnchanged,"Load balancer lb.example.com already uses pool POOL which has this tunnel as an origin"},
{"","","Something went wrong: failed to modify load balancer lb.example.com with pool POOL; please check traffic manager configuration in the dashboard"},
{"a","b","Something went wrong: failed to modify load balancer lb.example.com with pool POOL; please check traffic manager configuration in the dashboard"},