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2018-07-05 19:06:27 +00:00
package h2mux
import (
/* This is an implementation of
but modified for tunnels in a few key ways:
Since tunnels is a server-to-server service, some aspects of the spec would cause
unnessasary head-of-line blocking on the CPU and on the network, hence this implementation
allows for parallel compression on the "client", and buffering on the "server" to solve
this problem. */
// Assign temporary values
const SettingCompression http2.SettingID = 0xff20
const (
FrameSetCompressionContext http2.FrameType = 0xf0
FrameUseDictionary http2.FrameType = 0xf1
FrameSetDictionary http2.FrameType = 0xf2
const (
FlagSetDictionaryAppend http2.Flags = 0x1
FlagSetDictionaryOffset http2.Flags = 0x2
const compressionVersion = uint8(1)
const compressionFormat = uint8(2)
type CompressionSetting uint
const (
CompressionNone CompressionSetting = iota
type CompressionPreset struct {
nDicts, dictSize, quality uint8
type compressor interface {
Write([]byte) (int, error)
Flush() error
Close() error
type decompressor interface {
Read([]byte) (int, error)
Close() error
var compressionPresets = map[CompressionSetting]CompressionPreset{
CompressionNone: {0, 0, 0},
CompressionLow: {32, 17, 5},
CompressionMedium: {64, 18, 6},
CompressionMax: {255, 19, 9},
func compressionSettingVal(version, fmt, sz, nd uint8) uint32 {
// Currently the compression settings are inlcude:
// * version: only 1 is supported
// * fmt: only 2 for brotli is supported
// * sz: log2 of the maximal allowed dictionary size
// * nd: max allowed number of dictionaries
return uint32(version)<<24 + uint32(fmt)<<16 + uint32(sz)<<8 + uint32(nd)
func parseCompressionSettingVal(setting uint32) (version, fmt, sz, nd uint8) {
version = uint8(setting >> 24)
fmt = uint8(setting >> 16)
sz = uint8(setting >> 8)
nd = uint8(setting)
func (c CompressionSetting) toH2Setting() uint32 {
p, ok := compressionPresets[c]
if !ok {
return 0
return compressionSettingVal(compressionVersion, compressionFormat, p.dictSize, p.nDicts)
func (c CompressionSetting) getPreset() CompressionPreset {
return compressionPresets[c]
type dictUpdate struct {
reader *h2DictionaryReader
dictionary *h2ReadDictionary
buff []byte
isReady bool
isUse bool
s setDictRequest
type h2ReadDictionary struct {
dictionary []byte
queue []*dictUpdate
maxSize int
type h2ReadDictionaries struct {
d []h2ReadDictionary
maxSize int
type h2DictionaryReader struct {
*SharedBuffer // Propagate the decompressed output into the original buffer
decompBuffer *bytes.Buffer // Intermediate buffer for the brotli compressor
dictionary []byte // The content of the dictionary being used by this reader
internalBuffer []byte
s, e int // Start and end of the buffer
decomp decompressor // The brotli compressor
isClosed bool // Indicates that Close was called for this reader
queue []*dictUpdate // List of dictionaries to update, when the data is available
type h2WriteDictionary []byte
type setDictRequest struct {
streamID uint32
dictID uint8
dictSZ uint64
truncate, offset uint64
P, E, D bool
type useDictRequest struct {
dictID uint8
streamID uint32
setDict []setDictRequest
type h2WriteDictionaries struct {
dictLock sync.Mutex
dictChan chan useDictRequest
dictionaries []h2WriteDictionary
nextAvail int // next unused dictionary slot
maxAvail int // max ID, defined by SETTINGS
maxSize int // max size, defined by SETTINGS
typeToDict map[string]uint8 // map from content type to dictionary that encodes it
pathToDict map[string]uint8 // map from path to dictionary that encodes it
quality int
window int
compIn, compOut *AtomicCounter
type h2DictWriter struct {
comp compressor
dicts *h2WriteDictionaries
writerLock sync.Mutex
streamID uint32
path string
contentType string
type h2Dictionaries struct {
write *h2WriteDictionaries
read *h2ReadDictionaries
func (o *dictUpdate) update(buff []byte) {
o.buff = make([]byte, len(buff))
copy(o.buff, buff)
o.isReady = true
func (d *h2ReadDictionary) update() {
for len(d.queue) > 0 {
o := d.queue[0]
if !o.isReady {
if o.isUse {
reader := o.reader
reader.dictionary = make([]byte, len(d.dictionary))
copy(reader.dictionary, d.dictionary)
reader.decomp = newDecompressor(reader.decompBuffer)
if len(reader.dictionary) > 0 {
} else {
d.dictionary = adjustDictionary(d.dictionary, o.buff, o.s, d.maxSize)
d.queue = d.queue[1:]
func newH2ReadDictionaries(nd, sz uint8) h2ReadDictionaries {
d := make([]h2ReadDictionary, int(nd))
for i := range d {
d[i].maxSize = 1 << uint(sz)
return h2ReadDictionaries{d: d, maxSize: 1 << uint(sz)}
func (dicts *h2ReadDictionaries) getDictByID(dictID uint8) (*h2ReadDictionary, error) {
if int(dictID) > len(dicts.d) {
return nil, MuxerStreamError{"dictID too big", http2.ErrCodeProtocol}
return &dicts.d[dictID], nil
func (dicts *h2ReadDictionaries) newReader(b *SharedBuffer, dictID uint8) *h2DictionaryReader {
if int(dictID) > len(dicts.d) {
return nil
dictionary := &dicts.d[dictID]
reader := &h2DictionaryReader{SharedBuffer: b, decompBuffer: &bytes.Buffer{}, internalBuffer: make([]byte, dicts.maxSize)}
if len(dictionary.queue) == 0 {
reader.dictionary = make([]byte, len(dictionary.dictionary))
copy(reader.dictionary, dictionary.dictionary)
reader.decomp = newDecompressor(reader.decompBuffer)
if len(reader.dictionary) > 0 {
} else {
dictionary.queue = append(dictionary.queue, &dictUpdate{isUse: true, isReady: true, reader: reader})
return reader
func (r *h2DictionaryReader) updateWaitingDictionaries() {
// Update all the waiting dictionaries
for _, o := range r.queue {
if o.isReady {
if r.isClosed || uint64(r.e) >= o.s.dictSZ {
if o == o.dictionary.queue[0] {
defer o.dictionary.update()
// Write actually happens when reading from network, this is therefore the stage where we decompress the buffer
func (r *h2DictionaryReader) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
// Every write goes into brotli buffer first
n, err = r.decompBuffer.Write(p)
if err != nil {
if r.decomp == nil {
for {
m, err := r.decomp.Read(r.internalBuffer[r.e:])
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return n, err
r.SharedBuffer.Write(r.internalBuffer[r.e : r.e+m])
r.e += m
if m == 0 {
if r.e == len(r.internalBuffer) {
r.e = 0
if r.isClosed {
func (r *h2DictionaryReader) Close() error {
if r.isClosed {
return nil
r.isClosed = true
return nil
var compressibleTypes = map[string]bool{
"application/atom+xml": true,
"application/javascript": true,
"application/json": true,
"application/ld+json": true,
"application/manifest+json": true,
"application/rss+xml": true,
"application/vnd.geo+json": true,
"application/": true,
"application/x-font-ttf": true,
"application/x-yaml": true,
"application/x-web-app-manifest+json": true,
"application/xhtml+xml": true,
"application/xml": true,
"font/opentype": true,
"image/bmp": true,
"image/svg+xml": true,
"image/x-icon": true,
"text/cache-manifest": true,
"text/css": true,
"text/html": true,
"text/plain": true,
"text/vcard": true,
"text/vnd.rim.location.xloc": true,
"text/vtt": true,
"text/x-component": true,
"text/x-cross-domain-policy": true,
"text/x-yaml": true,
func getContentType(headers []Header) string {
for _, h := range headers {
if strings.ToLower(h.Name) == "content-type" {
val := strings.ToLower(h.Value)
sep := strings.IndexRune(val, ';')
if sep != -1 {
return val[:sep]
return val
return ""
func newH2WriteDictionaries(nd, sz, quality uint8, compIn, compOut *AtomicCounter) (*h2WriteDictionaries, chan useDictRequest) {
useDictChan := make(chan useDictRequest)
return &h2WriteDictionaries{
dictionaries: make([]h2WriteDictionary, nd),
nextAvail: 0,
maxAvail: int(nd),
maxSize: 1 << uint(sz),
dictChan: useDictChan,
typeToDict: make(map[string]uint8),
pathToDict: make(map[string]uint8),
quality: int(quality),
window: 1 << uint(sz+1),
compIn: compIn,
compOut: compOut,
}, useDictChan
func adjustDictionary(currentDictionary, newData []byte, set setDictRequest, maxSize int) []byte {
currentDictionary = append(currentDictionary, newData[:set.dictSZ]...)
if len(currentDictionary) > maxSize {
currentDictionary = currentDictionary[len(currentDictionary)-maxSize:]
return currentDictionary
func (h2d *h2WriteDictionaries) getNextDictID() (dictID uint8, ok bool) {
if h2d.nextAvail < h2d.maxAvail {
dictID, ok = uint8(h2d.nextAvail), true
return 0, false
func (h2d *h2WriteDictionaries) getGenericDictID() (dictID uint8, ok bool) {
if h2d.maxAvail == 0 {
return 0, false
return uint8(h2d.maxAvail - 1), true
func (h2d *h2WriteDictionaries) getDictWriter(s *MuxedStream, headers []Header) *h2DictWriter {
w := s.writeBuffer
if w == nil {
return nil
if s.method != "GET" && s.method != "POST" {
return nil
s.contentType = getContentType(headers)
if _, ok := compressibleTypes[s.contentType]; !ok && !strings.HasPrefix(s.contentType, "text") {
return nil
return &h2DictWriter{
Buffer: w.(*bytes.Buffer),
path: s.path,
contentType: s.contentType,
streamID: s.streamID,
dicts: h2d,
func assignDictToStream(s *MuxedStream, p []byte) bool {
// On first write to stream:
// * assign the right dictionary
// * update relevant dictionaries
// * send the required USE_DICT and SET_DICT frames
h2d := s.dictionaries.write
if h2d == nil {
return false
w, ok := s.writeBuffer.(*h2DictWriter)
if !ok || w.comp != nil {
return false
if w.comp != nil {
// Check again with lock, in therory the inteface allows for unordered writes
return false
// The logic of dictionary generation is below
// Is there a dictionary for the exact path or content-type?
var useID uint8
pathID, pathFound := h2d.pathToDict[w.path]
typeID, typeFound := h2d.typeToDict[w.contentType]
if pathFound {
// Use dictionary for path as top priority
useID = pathID
if !typeFound { // Shouldn't really happen, unless type changes between requests
typeID, typeFound = h2d.getNextDictID()
if typeFound {
h2d.typeToDict[w.contentType] = typeID
} else if typeFound {
// Use dictionary for same content type as second priority
useID = typeID
pathID, pathFound = h2d.getNextDictID()
if pathFound { // If a slot is available, generate new dictionary for path
h2d.pathToDict[w.path] = pathID
} else {
// Use the overflow dictionary as last resort
// If slots are availabe generate new dictioanries for path and content-type
useID, _ = h2d.getGenericDictID()
pathID, pathFound = h2d.getNextDictID()
if pathFound {
h2d.pathToDict[w.path] = pathID
typeID, typeFound = h2d.getNextDictID()
if typeFound {
h2d.typeToDict[w.contentType] = typeID
useLen := h2d.maxSize
if len(p) < useLen {
useLen = len(p)
// Update all the dictionaries using the new data
setDicts := make([]setDictRequest, 0, 3)
setDict := setDictRequest{
streamID: w.streamID,
dictID: useID,
dictSZ: uint64(useLen),
setDicts = append(setDicts, setDict)
if pathID != useID {
setDict.dictID = pathID
setDicts = append(setDicts, setDict)
if typeID != useID {
setDict.dictID = typeID
setDicts = append(setDicts, setDict)
h2d.dictChan <- useDictRequest{streamID: w.streamID, dictID: uint8(useID), setDict: setDicts}
dict := h2d.dictionaries[useID]
// Brolti requires the dictionary to be immutable
copyDict := make([]byte, len(dict))
copy(copyDict, dict)
for _, set := range setDicts {
h2d.dictionaries[set.dictID] = adjustDictionary(h2d.dictionaries[set.dictID], p, set, h2d.maxSize)
w.comp = newCompressor(w.Buffer, h2d.quality, h2d.window)
if len(copyDict) > 0 {
return true
func (w *h2DictWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
bufLen := w.Buffer.Len()
if w.comp != nil {
n, err = w.comp.Write(p)
if err != nil {
err = w.comp.Flush()
w.dicts.compOut.IncrementBy(uint64(w.Buffer.Len() - bufLen))
return w.Buffer.Write(p)
func (w *h2DictWriter) Close() error {
return w.comp.Close()
// From http2/hpack
func http2ReadVarInt(n byte, p []byte) (remain []byte, v uint64, err error) {
if n < 1 || n > 8 {
panic("bad n")
if len(p) == 0 {
return nil, 0, MuxerStreamError{"unexpected EOF", http2.ErrCodeProtocol}
v = uint64(p[0])
if n < 8 {
v &= (1 << uint64(n)) - 1
if v < (1<<uint64(n))-1 {
return p[1:], v, nil
origP := p
p = p[1:]
var m uint64
for len(p) > 0 {
b := p[0]
p = p[1:]
v += uint64(b&127) << m
if b&128 == 0 {
return p, v, nil
m += 7
if m >= 63 {
return origP, 0, MuxerStreamError{"invalid integer", http2.ErrCodeProtocol}
return nil, 0, MuxerStreamError{"unexpected EOF", http2.ErrCodeProtocol}
func appendVarInt(dst []byte, n byte, i uint64) []byte {
k := uint64((1 << n) - 1)
if i < k {
return append(dst, byte(i))
dst = append(dst, byte(k))
i -= k
for ; i >= 128; i >>= 7 {
dst = append(dst, byte(0x80|(i&0x7f)))
return append(dst, byte(i))