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package streamhandler
import (
func TestH2RequestHeadersToH1Request_RegularHeaders(t *testing.T) {
request, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "", nil)
assert.NoError(t, err)
headersConversionErr := H2RequestHeadersToH1Request(
Name: "Mock header 1",
Value: "Mock value 1",
Name: "Mock header 2",
Value: "Mock value 2",
assert.Equal(t, http.Header{
"Mock header 1": []string{"Mock value 1"},
"Mock header 2": []string{"Mock value 2"},
}, request.Header)
assert.NoError(t, headersConversionErr)
func TestH2RequestHeadersToH1Request_NoHeaders(t *testing.T) {
request, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "", nil)
assert.NoError(t, err)
headersConversionErr := H2RequestHeadersToH1Request(
assert.Equal(t, http.Header{}, request.Header)
assert.NoError(t, headersConversionErr)
func TestH2RequestHeadersToH1Request_InvalidHostPath(t *testing.T) {
request, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "", nil)
assert.NoError(t, err)
headersConversionErr := H2RequestHeadersToH1Request(
Name: ":path",
Value: "//bad_path/",
Name: "Mock header",
Value: "Mock value",
assert.Equal(t, http.Header{
"Mock header": []string{"Mock value"},
}, request.Header)
assert.Equal(t, "", request.URL.String())
assert.NoError(t, headersConversionErr)
func TestH2RequestHeadersToH1Request_HostPathWithQuery(t *testing.T) {
request, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "", nil)
assert.NoError(t, err)
headersConversionErr := H2RequestHeadersToH1Request(
Name: ":path",
Value: "/?query=mock%20value",
Name: "Mock header",
Value: "Mock value",
assert.Equal(t, http.Header{
"Mock header": []string{"Mock value"},
}, request.Header)
assert.Equal(t, "", request.URL.String())
assert.NoError(t, headersConversionErr)
func TestH2RequestHeadersToH1Request_HostPathWithURLEncoding(t *testing.T) {
request, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "", nil)
assert.NoError(t, err)
headersConversionErr := H2RequestHeadersToH1Request(
Name: ":path",
Value: "/mock%20path",
Name: "Mock header",
Value: "Mock value",
assert.Equal(t, http.Header{
"Mock header": []string{"Mock value"},
}, request.Header)
assert.Equal(t, "", request.URL.String())
assert.NoError(t, headersConversionErr)
func TestH2RequestHeadersToH1Request_WeirdURLs(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
path string
want string
testCases := []testCase{
path: "",
want: "",
path: "/",
want: "/",
path: "//",
want: "//",
path: "/test",
want: "/test",
path: "//test",
want: "//test",
path: "//test/",
want: "//test/",
path: "/%2Ftest",
want: "/%2Ftest",
path: "//%20test",
want: "//%20test",
path: "/test?get=somthing%20a",
want: "/test?get=somthing%20a",
path: "/%20",
want: "/%20",
// stdlib's EscapedPath() will always percent-encode ' '
path: "/ ",
want: "/%20",
path: "/ a ",
want: "/%20a%20",
path: "/a%20b",
want: "/a%20b",
path: "/foo/bar;param?query#frag",
want: "/foo/bar;param?query#frag",
// stdlib's EscapedPath() will always percent-encode non-ASCII chars
path: "/a␠b",
want: "/a%E2%90%A0b",
path: "/a-umlaut-ä",
want: "/a-umlaut-%C3%A4",
path: "/a-umlaut-%C3%A4",
want: "/a-umlaut-%C3%A4",
path: "/a-umlaut-%c3%a4",
want: "/a-umlaut-%c3%a4",
// here the second '#' is treated as part of the fragment
path: "/a#b#c",
want: "/a#b%23c",
path: "/a#b␠c",
want: "/a#b%E2%90%A0c",
path: "/a#b%20c",
want: "/a#b%20c",
path: "/a#b c",
want: "/a#b%20c",
// stdlib's EscapedPath() will always percent-encode '\'
path: "/\\",
want: "/%5C",
path: "/a\\",
want: "/a%5C",
path: "/a,b.c.",
want: "/a,b.c.",
path: "/.",
want: "/.",
// stdlib's EscapedPath() will always percent-encode '`'
path: "/a`",
want: "/a%60",
path: "/a[0]",
want: "/a[0]",
path: "/?a[0]=5 &b[]=",
want: "/?a[0]=5 &b[]=",
path: "/?a=%22b%20%22",
want: "/?a=%22b%20%22",
for index, testCase := range testCases {
requestURL := ""
request, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, requestURL, nil)
assert.NoError(t, err)
headersConversionErr := H2RequestHeadersToH1Request(
Name: ":path",
Value: testCase.path,
Name: "Mock header",
Value: "Mock value",
assert.NoError(t, headersConversionErr)
"Mock header": []string{"Mock value"},
"Failed URL index: %v %#v", index, testCase)
func TestH2RequestHeadersToH1Request_QuickCheck(t *testing.T) {
config := &quick.Config{
Values: func(args []reflect.Value, rand *rand.Rand) {
args[0] = reflect.ValueOf(randomHTTP2Path(t, rand))
type testOrigin struct {
url string
expectedScheme string
expectedBasePath string
testOrigins := []testOrigin{
url: "",
expectedScheme: "http",
expectedBasePath: "",
url: "",
expectedScheme: "http",
expectedBasePath: "",
url: "",
expectedScheme: "http",
expectedBasePath: "",
url: "",
expectedScheme: "http",
expectedBasePath: "",
url: "",
expectedScheme: "https",
expectedBasePath: "",
// use multiple schemes to demonstrate that the URL is based on the
// origin's scheme, not the :scheme header
for _, testScheme := range []string{"http", "https"} {
for _, testOrigin := range testOrigins {
assertion := func(testPath string) bool {
const expectedMethod = "POST"
const expectedHostname = ""
h2 := []h2mux.Header{
h2mux.Header{Name: ":method", Value: expectedMethod},
h2mux.Header{Name: ":scheme", Value: testScheme},
h2mux.Header{Name: ":authority", Value: expectedHostname},
h2mux.Header{Name: ":path", Value: testPath},
h1, err := http.NewRequest("GET", testOrigin.url, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = H2RequestHeadersToH1Request(h2, h1)
return assert.NoError(t, err) &&
assert.Equal(t, expectedMethod, h1.Method) &&
assert.Equal(t, expectedHostname, h1.Host) &&
assert.Equal(t, testOrigin.expectedScheme, h1.URL.Scheme) &&
assert.Equal(t, testOrigin.expectedBasePath+testPath, h1.URL.String())
err := quick.Check(assertion, config)
assert.NoError(t, err)
func randomASCIIPrintableChar(rand *rand.Rand) int {
// smallest printable ASCII char is 32, largest is 126
const startPrintable = 32
const endPrintable = 127
return startPrintable + rand.Intn(endPrintable-startPrintable)
// randomASCIIText generates an ASCII string, some of whose characters may be
// percent-encoded. Its "logical length" (ignoring percent-encoding) is
// between 1 and `maxLength`.
func randomASCIIText(rand *rand.Rand, minLength int, maxLength int) string {
length := minLength + rand.Intn(maxLength)
result := ""
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
c := randomASCIIPrintableChar(rand)
// 1/4 chance of using percent encoding when not necessary
if c == '%' || rand.Intn(4) == 0 {
result += fmt.Sprintf("%%%02X", c)
} else {
result += string(c)
return result
// Calls `randomASCIIText` and ensures the result is a valid URL path,
// i.e. one that can pass unchanged through url.URL.String()
func randomHTTP1Path(t *testing.T, rand *rand.Rand, minLength int, maxLength int) string {
text := randomASCIIText(rand, minLength, maxLength)
regexp, err := regexp.Compile("[^/;,]*")
require.NoError(t, err)
return "/" + regexp.ReplaceAllStringFunc(text, url.PathEscape)
// Calls `randomASCIIText` and ensures the result is a valid URL query,
// i.e. one that can pass unchanged through url.URL.String()
func randomHTTP1Query(t *testing.T, rand *rand.Rand, minLength int, maxLength int) string {
text := randomASCIIText(rand, minLength, maxLength)
return "?" + strings.ReplaceAll(text, "#", "%23")
// Calls `randomASCIIText` and ensures the result is a valid URL fragment,
// i.e. one that can pass unchanged through url.URL.String()
func randomHTTP1Fragment(t *testing.T, rand *rand.Rand, minLength int, maxLength int) string {
text := randomASCIIText(rand, minLength, maxLength)
url, err := url.Parse("#" + text)
require.NoError(t, err)
return url.String()
// Assemble a random :path pseudoheader that is legal by Go stdlib standards
// (i.e. all characters will satisfy "net/url".shouldEscape for their respective locations)
func randomHTTP2Path(t *testing.T, rand *rand.Rand) string {
result := randomHTTP1Path(t, rand, 1, 64)
if rand.Intn(2) == 1 {
result += randomHTTP1Query(t, rand, 1, 32)
if rand.Intn(2) == 1 {
result += randomHTTP1Fragment(t, rand, 1, 16)
return result