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package dburl
import (
// Proto are the allowed transport protocol types in a database URL scheme.
type Proto uint
// Proto types.
const (
ProtoNone Proto = 0
ProtoTCP Proto = 1
ProtoUDP Proto = 2
ProtoUnix Proto = 4
ProtoAny Proto = 8
// Scheme wraps information used for registering a URL scheme with
// Parse/Open.
type Scheme struct {
// Driver is the name of the SQL driver that will set as the Scheme in
// Parse'd URLs, and is the driver name expected by the standard sql.Open
// calls.
// Note: a 2 letter alias will always be registered for the Driver as the
// first 2 characters of the Driver, unless one of the Aliases includes an
// alias that is 2 characters.
Driver string
// Generator is the func responsible for generating a DSN based on parsed
// URL information.
// Note: this func should not modify the passed URL.
Generator func(*URL) (string, error)
// Proto are allowed protocol types for the scheme.
Proto Proto
// Opaque toggles Parse to not re-process URLs with an "opaque" component.
Opaque bool
// Aliases are any additional aliases for the scheme.
Aliases []string
// Override is the Go SQL driver to use instead of Driver.
Override string
// BaseSchemes returns the supported base schemes.
func BaseSchemes() []Scheme {
return []Scheme{
// core databases
{"mssql", GenSQLServer, 0, false, []string{"sqlserver"}, ""},
{"mysql", GenMySQL, ProtoTCP | ProtoUDP | ProtoUnix, false, []string{"mariadb", "maria", "percona", "aurora"}, ""},
{"goracle", GenOracle, 0, false, []string{"or", "ora", "oracle", "oci", "oci8", "odpi", "odpi-c"}, ""},
{"postgres", GenPostgres, ProtoUnix, false, []string{"pg", "postgresql", "pgsql"}, ""},
{"sqlite3", GenOpaque, 0, true, []string{"sqlite", "file"}, ""},
// wire compatibles
{"cockroachdb", GenFromURL("postgres://localhost:26257/?sslmode=disable"), 0, false, []string{"cr", "cockroach", "crdb", "cdb"}, "postgres"},
{"memsql", GenMySQL, 0, false, nil, "mysql"},
{"redshift", GenFromURL("postgres://localhost:5439/"), 0, false, []string{"rs"}, "postgres"},
{"tidb", GenMySQL, 0, false, nil, "mysql"},
{"vitess", GenMySQL, 0, false, []string{"vt"}, "mysql"},
// testing
{"spanner", GenScheme("spanner"), 0, false, []string{"gs", "google", "span"}, ""},
// alternate implementations
{"mymysql", GenMyMySQL, ProtoTCP | ProtoUDP | ProtoUnix, false, []string{"zm", "mymy"}, ""},
{"pgx", GenScheme("postgres"), ProtoUnix, false, []string{"px"}, ""},
// other databases
{"adodb", GenADODB, 0, false, []string{"ado"}, ""},
{"avatica", GenFromURL("http://localhost:8765/"), 0, false, []string{"phoenix"}, ""},
{"cql", GenCassandra, 0, false, []string{"ca", "cassandra", "datastax", "scy", "scylla"}, ""},
{"clickhouse", GenClickhouse, 0, false, []string{"ch"}, ""},
{"firebirdsql", GenFirebird, 0, false, []string{"fb", "firebird"}, ""},
{"hdb", GenScheme("hdb"), 0, false, []string{"sa", "saphana", "sap", "hana"}, ""},
{"ignite", GenIgnite, 0, false, []string{"ig", "gridgain"}, ""},
{"n1ql", GenFromURL("http://localhost:9000/"), 0, false, []string{"couchbase"}, ""},
{"odbc", GenODBC, ProtoAny, false, nil, ""},
{"oleodbc", GenOLEODBC, ProtoAny, false, []string{"oo", "ole"}, "adodb"},
{"presto", GenPresto, 0, false, []string{"prestodb", "prestos", "prs", "prestodbs"}, ""},
{"ql", GenOpaque, 0, true, []string{"ql", "cznic", "cznicql"}, ""},
{"snowflake", GenSnowflake, 0, false, []string{"sf"}, ""},
{"tds", GenFromURL("http://localhost:5000/"), 0, false, []string{"ax", "ase", "sapase"}, ""},
{"voltdb", GenVoltDB, 0, false, []string{"volt", "vdb"}, ""},
func init() {
schemes := BaseSchemes()
schemeMap = make(map[string]*Scheme, len(schemes))
// register
for _, scheme := range schemes {
// schemeMap is the map of registered schemes.
var schemeMap map[string]*Scheme
// registerAlias registers a alias for an already registered Scheme.
func registerAlias(name, alias string, doSort bool) {
scheme, ok := schemeMap[name]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("scheme %s not registered", name))
if doSort && has(scheme.Aliases, alias) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("scheme %s already has alias %s", name, alias))
if _, ok := schemeMap[alias]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("scheme %s already registered", alias))
scheme.Aliases = append(scheme.Aliases, alias)
if doSort {
schemeMap[alias] = scheme
// Register registers a Scheme.
func Register(scheme Scheme) {
if scheme.Generator == nil {
panic("must specify Generator when registering Scheme")
if scheme.Opaque && scheme.Proto&ProtoUnix != 0 {
panic("scheme must support only Opaque or Unix protocols, not both")
// register
if _, ok := schemeMap[scheme.Driver]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("scheme %s already registered", scheme.Driver))
sz := &Scheme{
Driver: scheme.Driver,
Generator: scheme.Generator,
Proto: scheme.Proto,
Opaque: scheme.Opaque,
Override: scheme.Override,
schemeMap[scheme.Driver] = sz
// add aliases
var hasShort bool
for _, alias := range scheme.Aliases {
if len(alias) == 2 {
hasShort = true
if scheme.Driver != alias {
registerAlias(scheme.Driver, alias, false)
if !hasShort && len(scheme.Driver) > 2 {
registerAlias(scheme.Driver, scheme.Driver[:2], false)
// ensure always at least one alias, and that if Driver is 2 characters,
// that it gets added as well
if len(sz.Aliases) == 0 || len(scheme.Driver) == 2 {
sz.Aliases = append(sz.Aliases, scheme.Driver)
// sort
// Unregister unregisters a Scheme and all associated aliases.
func Unregister(name string) *Scheme {
scheme, ok := schemeMap[name]
if ok {
for _, alias := range scheme.Aliases {
delete(schemeMap, alias)
delete(schemeMap, name)
return scheme
return nil
// RegisterAlias registers a alias for an already registered Scheme.h
func RegisterAlias(name, alias string) {
registerAlias(name, alias, true)
// has is a util func to determine if a contains b.
func has(a []string, b string) bool {
for _, s := range a {
if s == b {
return true
return false
// SchemeDriverAndAliases returns the registered driver and aliases for a
// database scheme.
func SchemeDriverAndAliases(name string) (string, []string) {
if scheme, ok := schemeMap[name]; ok {
driver := scheme.Driver
if scheme.Override != "" {
driver = scheme.Override
var aliases []string
for _, alias := range scheme.Aliases {
if alias == driver {
aliases = append(aliases, alias)
return driver, aliases
return "", nil
// ss is a util type to provide sorting of a string slice (used for sorting
// aliases).
type ss []string
func (s ss) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s ss) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func (s ss) Less(i, j int) bool {
if len(s[i]) <= len(s[j]) {
return true
if len(s[j]) < len(s[i]) {
return false
return s[i] < s[j]