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This is a utility for creating deb and rpm packages, signing them
and uploading them to a storage and adding metadata to workers KV.
It has two over-arching responsiblities:
1. Create deb and yum repositories from .deb and .rpm files.
This is also responsible for signing the packages and generally preparing
them to be in an uploadable state.
2. Upload these packages to a storage in a format that apt and yum expect.
import subprocess
import os
import logging
from hashlib import sha256
import boto3
from botocore.client import Config
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
# The front facing R2 URL to access assets from.
class PkgUploader:
def __init__(self, account_id, bucket_name, client_id, client_secret):
self.account_id = account_id
self.bucket_name = bucket_name
self.client_id = client_id
self.client_secret = client_secret
def upload_pkg_to_r2(self, filename, upload_file_path):
endpoint_url = f"https://{self.account_id}"
token_secret_hash = sha256(self.client_secret.encode()).hexdigest()
config = Config(
region_name = 'auto',
"addressing_style": "path",
r2 = boto3.client(
print(f"uploading asset: {filename} to {upload_file_path}...")
r2.upload_file(filename, self.bucket_name, upload_file_path)
except ClientError as e:
raise e
class PkgCreator:
The distribution conf is what dictates to reprepro, the debian packaging building
and signing tool we use, what distros to support, what GPG key to use for signing
and what to call the debian binary etc. This function creates it "./conf/distributions".
origin - name of your package (String)
label - label of your package (could be same as the name) (String)
release - release you want this to be distributed for (List of Strings)
components - could be a channel like main/stable/beta
archs - Architecture (List of Strings)
description - (String)
gpg_key_id - gpg key id of what you want to use to sign the packages.(String)
def create_distribution_conf(self,
gpg_key_id ):
with open(file_path, "w") as distributions_file:
for release in releases:
distributions_file.write(f"Origin: {origin}\n")
distributions_file.write(f"Label: {label}\n")
distributions_file.write(f"Codename: {release}\n")
archs_list = " ".join(archs)
distributions_file.write(f"Architectures: {archs_list}\n")
distributions_file.write(f"Components: {components}\n")
distributions_file.write(f"Description: {description} - {release}\n")
distributions_file.write(f"SignWith: {gpg_key_id}\n")
return distributions_file
Uses the reprepro tool to generate packages, sign them and create the InRelease as specified
by the distribution_conf file.
This function creates three folders db, pool and dist.
db and pool contain information and metadata about builds. We can ignore these.
dist: contains all the pkgs and signed releases that are necessary for an apt download.
def create_deb_pkgs(self, release, deb_file):
self._clean_build_resources()"reprepro", "includedeb", release, deb_file))
This is mostly useful to clear previously built db, dist and pool resources.
def _clean_build_resources(self):"reprepro", "clearvanished"))
Walks through a directory and uploads it's assets to R2.
directory : root directory to walk through (String).
release: release string. If this value is none, a specific release path will not be created
and the release will be uploaded to the default path.
binary: name of the binary to upload
def upload_from_directories(pkg_uploader, directory, release, binary):
for root, _ , files in os.walk(directory):
for file in files:
upload_file_name = os.path.join(binary, root, file)
if release:
upload_file_name = os.path.join(release, upload_file_name)
filename = os.path.join(root,file)
pkg_uploader.upload_pkg_to_r2(filename, upload_file_name)
except ClientError as e:
1. looks into a built_artifacts folder for cloudflared debs
2. creates Packages.gz, InRelease (signed) files
3. uploads them to Cloudflare R2
pkg_creator, pkg_uploader: are instantiations of the two classes above.
gpg_key_id: is an id indicating the key the package should be signed with. The public key of this id will be
uploaded to R2 so it can be presented to apt downloaders.
release_version: is the cloudflared release version.
def create_deb_packaging(pkg_creator, pkg_uploader, releases, gpg_key_id, binary_name, archs, package_component, release_version):
# set configuration for package creation.
print(f"initialising configuration for {binary_name} , {archs}")
f"apt repository for {binary_name}",
# create deb pkgs
for release in releases:
for arch in archs:
print(f"creating deb pkgs for {release} and {arch}...")
pkg_creator.create_deb_pkgs(release, f"./built_artifacts/cloudflared-linux-{arch}.deb")
print("uploading latest to r2...")
upload_from_directories(pkg_uploader, "dists", None, binary_name)
upload_from_directories(pkg_uploader, "pool", None, binary_name)
print(f"uploading versioned release {release_version} to r2...")
upload_from_directories(pkg_uploader, "dists", release_version, binary_name)
upload_from_directories(pkg_uploader, "pool", release_version, binary_name)
#TODO: will extract this into it's own command line script.
if __name__ == "__main__":
# initialise pkg creator
pkg_creator = PkgCreator()
# initialise pkg uploader
bucket_name = os.getenv('R2_BUCKET_NAME')
client_id = os.getenv('R2_CLIENT_ID')
client_secret = os.getenv('R2_CLIENT_SECRET')
tunnel_account_id = os.getenv('R2_ACCOUNT_ID')
release_version = os.getenv('RELEASE_VERSION')
gpg_key_id = os.getenv('GPG_KEY_ID')
pkg_uploader = PkgUploader(tunnel_account_id, bucket_name, client_id, client_secret)
archs = ["amd64", "386", "arm64"]
debian_releases = ["bookworm", "bullseye", "buster"]
ubuntu_releases = ["jammy", "impish", "focal", "bionic"]
deb_based_releases = debian_releases + ubuntu_releases
create_deb_packaging(pkg_creator, pkg_uploader, deb_based_releases, gpg_key_id, "cloudflared", archs, "main", release_version)