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package streamhandler
import (
const (
statusPseudoHeader = ":status"
type httpErrorStatus struct {
status string
text []byte
var (
statusBadRequest = newHTTPErrorStatus(http.StatusBadRequest)
statusNotFound = newHTTPErrorStatus(http.StatusNotFound)
statusBadGateway = newHTTPErrorStatus(http.StatusBadGateway)
func newHTTPErrorStatus(status int) *httpErrorStatus {
return &httpErrorStatus{
status: strconv.Itoa(status),
text: []byte(http.StatusText(status)),
// StreamHandler handles new stream opened by the edge. The streams can be used to proxy requests or make RPC.
type StreamHandler struct {
// newConfigChan is a send-only channel to notify Supervisor of a new ClientConfig
newConfigChan chan<- *pogs.ClientConfig
// useConfigResultChan is a receive-only channel for Supervisor to communicate the result of applying a new ClientConfig
useConfigResultChan <-chan *pogs.UseConfigurationResult
// originMapper maps tunnel hostname to origin service
tunnelHostnameMapper *tunnelhostnamemapper.TunnelHostnameMapper
logger logger.Service
// NewStreamHandler creates a new StreamHandler
func NewStreamHandler(newConfigChan chan<- *pogs.ClientConfig,
useConfigResultChan <-chan *pogs.UseConfigurationResult,
logger logger.Service,
) *StreamHandler {
return &StreamHandler{
newConfigChan: newConfigChan,
useConfigResultChan: useConfigResultChan,
tunnelHostnameMapper: tunnelhostnamemapper.NewTunnelHostnameMapper(),
logger: logger,
// UseConfiguration implements ClientService
func (s *StreamHandler) UseConfiguration(ctx context.Context, config *pogs.ClientConfig) (*pogs.UseConfigurationResult, error) {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
err := fmt.Errorf("Timeout while sending new config to Supervisor")
s.logger.Errorf("streamHandler: %s", err)
return nil, err
case s.newConfigChan <- config:
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
err := fmt.Errorf("Timeout applying new configuration")
s.logger.Errorf("streamHandler: %s", err)
return nil, err
case result := <-s.useConfigResultChan:
return result, nil
// UpdateConfig replaces current originmapper mapping with mappings from newConfig
func (s *StreamHandler) UpdateConfig(newConfig []*pogs.ReverseProxyConfig) (failedConfigs []*pogs.FailedConfig) {
// Delete old configs that aren't in the `newConfig`
toRemove := s.tunnelHostnameMapper.ToRemove(newConfig)
for _, hostnameToRemove := range toRemove {
// Add new configs that weren't in the old mapper
toAdd := s.tunnelHostnameMapper.ToAdd(newConfig)
for _, tunnelConfig := range toAdd {
tunnelHostname := tunnelConfig.TunnelHostname
originSerice, err := tunnelConfig.OriginConfig.Service(s.logger)
if err != nil {
s.logger.Errorf("streamHandler: tunnelHostname: %s Invalid origin service config: %s", tunnelHostname, err)
failedConfigs = append(failedConfigs, &pogs.FailedConfig{
Config: tunnelConfig,
Reason: tunnelConfig.FailReason(err),
s.tunnelHostnameMapper.Add(tunnelConfig.TunnelHostname, originSerice)
s.logger.Infof("streamHandler: tunnelHostname: %s New origin service config: %v", tunnelHostname, originSerice.Summary())
// ServeStream implements MuxedStreamHandler interface
func (s *StreamHandler) ServeStream(stream *h2mux.MuxedStream) error {
if stream.IsRPCStream() {
return s.serveRPC(stream)
if err := s.serveRequest(stream); err != nil {
s.logger.Errorf("streamHandler: %s", err)
return err
return nil
func (s *StreamHandler) serveRPC(stream *h2mux.MuxedStream) error {
stream.WriteHeaders([]h2mux.Header{{Name: ":status", Value: "200"}})
main := pogs.ClientService_ServerToClient(s)
rpcConn := rpc.NewConn(
tunnelrpc.NewTransportLogger(s.logger, rpc.StreamTransport(stream)),
return rpcConn.Wait()
func (s *StreamHandler) serveRequest(stream *h2mux.MuxedStream) error {
tunnelHostname := stream.TunnelHostname()
if !tunnelHostname.IsSet() {
s.writeErrorStatus(stream, statusBadRequest)
return fmt.Errorf("stream doesn't have tunnelHostname")
originService, ok := s.tunnelHostnameMapper.Get(tunnelHostname)
if !ok {
s.writeErrorStatus(stream, statusNotFound)
return fmt.Errorf("cannot map tunnel hostname %s to origin", tunnelHostname)
req, err := createRequest(stream, originService.URL())
if err != nil {
s.writeErrorStatus(stream, statusBadRequest)
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot create request")
cfRay := s.logRequest(req, tunnelHostname)
s.logger.Debugf("streamHandler: tunnelHostname: %s CF-RAY: %s Request Headers %+v", tunnelHostname, cfRay, req.Header)
resp, err := originService.Proxy(stream, req)
if err != nil {
s.writeErrorStatus(stream, statusBadGateway)
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot proxy request")
s.logger.Debugf("streamHandler: tunnelHostname: %s CF-RAY: %s status: %s Response Headers %+v", tunnelHostname, cfRay, resp.Status, resp.Header)
return nil
func (s *StreamHandler) logRequest(req *http.Request, tunnelHostname h2mux.TunnelHostname) string {
cfRay := FindCfRayHeader(req)
lbProbe := IsLBProbeRequest(req)
logger := s.logger
if cfRay != "" {
logger.Debugf("streamHandler: tunnelHostname: %s CF-RAY: %s %s %s %s", tunnelHostname, cfRay, req.Method, req.URL, req.Proto)
} else if lbProbe {
logger.Debugf("streamHandler: tunnelHostname: %s CF-RAY: %s Load Balancer health check %s %s %s", tunnelHostname, cfRay, req.Method, req.URL, req.Proto)
} else {
logger.Infof("streamHandler: tunnelHostname: %s CF-RAY: %s Requests %v does not have CF-RAY header. Please open a support ticket with Cloudflare.", tunnelHostname, cfRay, req)
return cfRay
func (s *StreamHandler) writeErrorStatus(stream *h2mux.MuxedStream, status *httpErrorStatus) {
_ = stream.WriteHeaders([]h2mux.Header{
Name: statusPseudoHeader,
Value: status.status,
h2mux.CreateResponseMetaHeader(h2mux.ResponseMetaHeaderField, h2mux.ResponseSourceCloudflared),
_, _ = stream.Write(status.text)