- This release introduces the use of new Post Quantum curves and the ability to use Post Quantum curves when running tunnels with the QUIC protocol this applies to non-FIPS and FIPS builds.
- This release introduces the ability to collect troubleshooting information from one instance of cloudflared running on the local machine. The command can be executed as `cloudflared tunnel diag`.
- The use of the `--metrics` is still honoured meaning that if this flag is set the metrics server will try to bind it, however, this version includes a change that makes the metrics server bind to a port with a semi-deterministic approach. If the metrics flag is not present the server will bind to the first available port of the range 20241 to 20245. In case of all ports being unavailable then the fallback is to bind to a random port.
- We fixed a bug related to `--grace-period`. Tunnels that use QUIC as transport weren't abiding by this waiting period before forcefully closing the connections to the edge. From now on, both QUIC and HTTP2 tunnels will wait for either the grace period to end (defaults to 30 seconds) or until the last in-flight request is handled. Users that wish to maintain the previous behavior should set `--grace-period` to 0 if `--protocol` is set to `quic`. This will force `cloudflared` to shutdown as soon as either SIGTERM or SIGINT is received.
- Starting from this version, tunnel diagnostics will be enabled by default. This will allow the engineering team to remotely get diagnostics from cloudflared during debug activities. Users still have the capability to opt-out of this feature by defining `--management-diagnostics=false` (or env `TUNNEL_MANAGEMENT_DIAGNOSTICS`).
- The `warp-routing``enabled: boolean` flag is no longer supported in the configuration file. Warp Routing traffic (eg TCP, UDP, ICMP) traffic is proxied to cloudflared if routes to the target tunnel are configured. This change does not affect remotely managed tunnels, but for locally managed tunnels, users that might be relying on this feature flag to block traffic should instead guarantee that tunnel has no Private Routes configured for the tunnel.
- You can now enable additional diagnostics over the management.argotunnel.com service for your active cloudflared connectors via a new runtime flag `--management-diagnostics` (or env `TUNNEL_MANAGEMENT_DIAGNOSTICS`). This feature is provided as opt-in and requires the flag to enable. Endpoints such as /metrics provides your prometheus metrics endpoint another mechanism to be reached. Additionally /debug/pprof/(goroutine|heap) are also introduced to allow for remotely retrieving active pprof information from a running cloudflared connector.
- You can now stream your logs from your remote cloudflared to your local terminal with `cloudflared tail <TUNNEL-ID>`. This new feature requires the remote cloudflared to be version 2023.4.1 or higher.
- Due to the nature of QuickTunnels (https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-apps/do-more-with-tunnels/trycloudflare/) and its intended usage for testing and experiment of Cloudflare Tunnels, starting from 2023.3.2, QuickTunnels only make a single connection to the edge. If users want to use Tunnels in a production environment, they should move to Named Tunnels instead. (https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-apps/install-and-setup/tunnel-guide/remote/#set-up-a-tunnel-remotely-dashboard-setup)
- Running a tunnel without ingress rules defined in configuration file nor from the CLI flags will no longer provide a default ingress rule to localhost:8080 and instead will return HTTP response code 503 for all incoming HTTP requests.
- Windows 32 bit machines MSI now defaults to Program Files to install cloudflared. (See CVE-2023-1314). The cloudflared client itself is unaffected. This just changes how the installer works on 32 bit windows machines.
### Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that would cause running tunnel on Bastion mode and without ingress rules to crash.
- Legacy tunnels were officially deprecated on December 1, 2022. Starting with this version, cloudflared no longer supports connecting legacy tunnels.
- h2mux tunnel connection protocol is no longer supported. Any tunnels still configured to use this protocol will alert and use http2 tunnel protocol instead. We recommend using quic protocol for all tunnels going forward.
## 2023.2.1
### Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug in TCP connection proxy that could result in the connection being closed before all data was written.
- cloudflared now correctly aborts body write if connection to origin service fails after response headers were sent already.
- Fixed a bug introduced in the previous release where debug endpoints were removed.
- It is now possible to connect cloudflared tunnel to Cloudflare Global Network with IPv6. See `cloudflared tunnel --help` and look for `edge-ip-version` for more information. For now, the default behavior is to still connect with IPv4 only.
### Bug Fixes
- Several bug fixes related with QUIC transport (used between cloudflared tunnel and Cloudflare Global Network). Updating to this version is highly recommended.
-`cloudflared` can now run with `quic` as the underlying tunnel transport protocol. To try it, change or add "protocol: quic" to your config.yml file or
run cloudflared with the `--protocol quic` flag. e.g:
`cloudflared tunnel --protocol quic run <tunnel-name>`
### Bug Fixes
- Fixed some generic transport bugs in `quic` mode. It's advised to upgrade to at least this version (2021.9.2) when running `cloudflared`
with `quic` protocol.
-`cloudflared` docker images will now show version.
- It is now possible to run the same tunnel using more than one `cloudflared` instance. This is a server-side change and
is compatible with any client version that uses Named Tunnels.
To get started, visit our [developer documentation](https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-apps/run-tunnel/deploy-cloudflared-replicas).