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package types
import (
const GINKGO_TIME_FORMAT = "01/02/06 15:04:05.999"
// Report captures information about a Ginkgo test run
type Report struct {
//SuitePath captures the absolute path to the test suite
SuitePath string
//SuiteDescription captures the description string passed to the DSL's RunSpecs() function
SuiteDescription string
//SuiteLabels captures any labels attached to the suite by the DSL's RunSpecs() function
SuiteLabels []string
//SuiteSucceeded captures the success or failure status of the test run
//If true, the test run is considered successful.
//If false, the test run is considered unsuccessful
SuiteSucceeded bool
//SuiteHasProgrammaticFocus captures whether the test suite has a test or set of tests that are programmatically focused
//(i.e an `FIt` or an `FDescribe`
SuiteHasProgrammaticFocus bool
//SpecialSuiteFailureReasons may contain special failure reasons
//For example, a test suite might be considered "failed" even if none of the individual specs
//have a failure state. For example, if the user has configured --fail-on-pending the test suite
//will have failed if there are pending tests even though all non-pending tests may have passed. In such
//cases, Ginkgo populates SpecialSuiteFailureReasons with a clear message indicating the reason for the failure.
//SpecialSuiteFailureReasons is also populated if the test suite is interrupted by the user.
//Since multiple special failure reasons can occur, this field is a slice.
SpecialSuiteFailureReasons []string
//PreRunStats contains a set of stats captured before the test run begins. This is primarily used
//by Ginkgo's reporter to tell the user how many specs are in the current suite (PreRunStats.TotalSpecs)
//and how many it intends to run (PreRunStats.SpecsThatWillRun) after applying any relevant focus or skip filters.
PreRunStats PreRunStats
//StartTime and EndTime capture the start and end time of the test run
StartTime time.Time
EndTime time.Time
//RunTime captures the duration of the test run
RunTime time.Duration
//SuiteConfig captures the Ginkgo configuration governing this test run
//SuiteConfig includes information necessary for reproducing an identical test run,
//such as the random seed and any filters applied during the test run
SuiteConfig SuiteConfig
//SpecReports is a list of all SpecReports generated by this test run
//It is empty when the SuiteReport is provided to ReportBeforeSuite
SpecReports SpecReports
// PreRunStats contains a set of stats captured before the test run begins. This is primarily used
// by Ginkgo's reporter to tell the user how many specs are in the current suite (PreRunStats.TotalSpecs)
// and how many it intends to run (PreRunStats.SpecsThatWillRun) after applying any relevant focus or skip filters.
type PreRunStats struct {
TotalSpecs int
SpecsThatWillRun int
// Add is used by Ginkgo's parallel aggregation mechanisms to combine test run reports form individual parallel processes
// to form a complete final report.
func (report Report) Add(other Report) Report {
report.SuiteSucceeded = report.SuiteSucceeded && other.SuiteSucceeded
if other.StartTime.Before(report.StartTime) {
report.StartTime = other.StartTime
if other.EndTime.After(report.EndTime) {
report.EndTime = other.EndTime
specialSuiteFailureReasons := []string{}
reasonsLookup := map[string]bool{}
for _, reasons := range [][]string{report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons, other.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons} {
for _, reason := range reasons {
if !reasonsLookup[reason] {
reasonsLookup[reason] = true
specialSuiteFailureReasons = append(specialSuiteFailureReasons, reason)
report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons = specialSuiteFailureReasons
report.RunTime = report.EndTime.Sub(report.StartTime)
reports := make(SpecReports, len(report.SpecReports)+len(other.SpecReports))
copy(reports, report.SpecReports)
offset := len(report.SpecReports)
for i := range other.SpecReports {
reports[i+offset] = other.SpecReports[i]
report.SpecReports = reports
return report
// SpecReport captures information about a Ginkgo spec.
type SpecReport struct {
// ContainerHierarchyTexts is a slice containing the text strings of
// all Describe/Context/When containers in this spec's hierarchy.
ContainerHierarchyTexts []string
// ContainerHierarchyLocations is a slice containing the CodeLocations of
// all Describe/Context/When containers in this spec's hierarchy.
ContainerHierarchyLocations []CodeLocation
// ContainerHierarchyLabels is a slice containing the labels of
// all Describe/Context/When containers in this spec's hierarchy
ContainerHierarchyLabels [][]string
// LeafNodeType, LeadNodeLocation, LeafNodeLabels and LeafNodeText capture the NodeType, CodeLocation, and text
// of the Ginkgo node being tested (typically an NodeTypeIt node, though this can also be
// one of the NodeTypesForSuiteLevelNodes node types)
LeafNodeType NodeType
LeafNodeLocation CodeLocation
LeafNodeLabels []string
LeafNodeText string
// State captures whether the spec has passed, failed, etc.
State SpecState
// IsSerial captures whether the spec has the Serial decorator
IsSerial bool
// IsInOrderedContainer captures whether the spec appears in an Ordered container
IsInOrderedContainer bool
// StartTime and EndTime capture the start and end time of the spec
StartTime time.Time
EndTime time.Time
// RunTime captures the duration of the spec
RunTime time.Duration
// ParallelProcess captures the parallel process that this spec ran on
ParallelProcess int
// RunningInParallel captures whether this spec is part of a suite that ran in parallel
RunningInParallel bool
//Failure is populated if a spec has failed, panicked, been interrupted, or skipped by the user (e.g. calling Skip())
//It includes detailed information about the Failure
Failure Failure
// NumAttempts captures the number of times this Spec was run.
// Flakey specs can be retried with ginkgo --flake-attempts=N or the use of the FlakeAttempts decorator.
// Repeated specs can be retried with the use of the MustPassRepeatedly decorator
NumAttempts int
// MaxFlakeAttempts captures whether the spec has been retried with ginkgo --flake-attempts=N or the use of the FlakeAttempts decorator.
MaxFlakeAttempts int
// MaxMustPassRepeatedly captures whether the spec has the MustPassRepeatedly decorator
MaxMustPassRepeatedly int
// CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput contains text printed to the GinkgoWriter
CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput string
// CapturedStdOutErr contains text printed to stdout/stderr (when running in parallel)
// This is always empty when running in series or calling CurrentSpecReport()
// It is used internally by Ginkgo's reporter
CapturedStdOutErr string
// ReportEntries contains any reports added via `AddReportEntry`
ReportEntries ReportEntries
// ProgressReports contains any progress reports generated during this spec. These can either be manually triggered, or automatically generated by Ginkgo via the PollProgressAfter() decorator
ProgressReports []ProgressReport
// AdditionalFailures contains any failures that occurred after the initial spec failure. These typically occur in cleanup nodes after the initial failure and are only emitted when running in verbose mode.
AdditionalFailures []AdditionalFailure
// SpecEvents capture additional events that occur during the spec run
SpecEvents SpecEvents
func (report SpecReport) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
//All this to avoid emitting an empty Failure struct in the JSON
out := struct {
ContainerHierarchyTexts []string
ContainerHierarchyLocations []CodeLocation
ContainerHierarchyLabels [][]string
LeafNodeType NodeType
LeafNodeLocation CodeLocation
LeafNodeLabels []string
LeafNodeText string
State SpecState
StartTime time.Time
EndTime time.Time
RunTime time.Duration
ParallelProcess int
Failure *Failure `json:",omitempty"`
NumAttempts int
MaxFlakeAttempts int
MaxMustPassRepeatedly int
CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput string `json:",omitempty"`
CapturedStdOutErr string `json:",omitempty"`
ReportEntries ReportEntries `json:",omitempty"`
ProgressReports []ProgressReport `json:",omitempty"`
AdditionalFailures []AdditionalFailure `json:",omitempty"`
SpecEvents SpecEvents `json:",omitempty"`
ContainerHierarchyTexts: report.ContainerHierarchyTexts,
ContainerHierarchyLocations: report.ContainerHierarchyLocations,
ContainerHierarchyLabels: report.ContainerHierarchyLabels,
LeafNodeType: report.LeafNodeType,
LeafNodeLocation: report.LeafNodeLocation,
LeafNodeLabels: report.LeafNodeLabels,
LeafNodeText: report.LeafNodeText,
State: report.State,
StartTime: report.StartTime,
EndTime: report.EndTime,
RunTime: report.RunTime,
ParallelProcess: report.ParallelProcess,
Failure: nil,
ReportEntries: nil,
NumAttempts: report.NumAttempts,
MaxFlakeAttempts: report.MaxFlakeAttempts,
MaxMustPassRepeatedly: report.MaxMustPassRepeatedly,
CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput: report.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput,
CapturedStdOutErr: report.CapturedStdOutErr,
if !report.Failure.IsZero() {
out.Failure = &(report.Failure)
if len(report.ReportEntries) > 0 {
out.ReportEntries = report.ReportEntries
if len(report.ProgressReports) > 0 {
out.ProgressReports = report.ProgressReports
if len(report.AdditionalFailures) > 0 {
out.AdditionalFailures = report.AdditionalFailures
if len(report.SpecEvents) > 0 {
out.SpecEvents = report.SpecEvents
return json.Marshal(out)
// CombinedOutput returns a single string representation of both CapturedStdOutErr and CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput
// Note that both are empty when using CurrentSpecReport() so CurrentSpecReport().CombinedOutput() will always be empty.
// CombinedOutput() is used internally by Ginkgo's reporter.
func (report SpecReport) CombinedOutput() string {
if report.CapturedStdOutErr == "" {
return report.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput
if report.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput == "" {
return report.CapturedStdOutErr
return report.CapturedStdOutErr + "\n" + report.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput
// Failed returns true if report.State is one of the SpecStateFailureStates
// (SpecStateFailed, SpecStatePanicked, SpecStateinterrupted, SpecStateAborted)
func (report SpecReport) Failed() bool {
return report.State.Is(SpecStateFailureStates)
// FullText returns a concatenation of all the report.ContainerHierarchyTexts and report.LeafNodeText
func (report SpecReport) FullText() string {
texts := []string{}
texts = append(texts, report.ContainerHierarchyTexts...)
if report.LeafNodeText != "" {
texts = append(texts, report.LeafNodeText)
return strings.Join(texts, " ")
// Labels returns a deduped set of all the spec's Labels.
func (report SpecReport) Labels() []string {
out := []string{}
seen := map[string]bool{}
for _, labels := range report.ContainerHierarchyLabels {
for _, label := range labels {
if !seen[label] {
seen[label] = true
out = append(out, label)
for _, label := range report.LeafNodeLabels {
if !seen[label] {
seen[label] = true
out = append(out, label)
return out
// MatchesLabelFilter returns true if the spec satisfies the passed in label filter query
func (report SpecReport) MatchesLabelFilter(query string) (bool, error) {
filter, err := ParseLabelFilter(query)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return filter(report.Labels()), nil
// FileName() returns the name of the file containing the spec
func (report SpecReport) FileName() string {
return report.LeafNodeLocation.FileName
// LineNumber() returns the line number of the leaf node
func (report SpecReport) LineNumber() int {
return report.LeafNodeLocation.LineNumber
// FailureMessage() returns the failure message (or empty string if the test hasn't failed)
func (report SpecReport) FailureMessage() string {
return report.Failure.Message
// FailureLocation() returns the location of the failure (or an empty CodeLocation if the test hasn't failed)
func (report SpecReport) FailureLocation() CodeLocation {
return report.Failure.Location
// Timeline() returns a timeline view of the report
func (report SpecReport) Timeline() Timeline {
timeline := Timeline{}
if !report.Failure.IsZero() {
timeline = append(timeline, report.Failure)
if report.Failure.AdditionalFailure != nil {
timeline = append(timeline, *(report.Failure.AdditionalFailure))
for _, additionalFailure := range report.AdditionalFailures {
timeline = append(timeline, additionalFailure)
for _, reportEntry := range report.ReportEntries {
timeline = append(timeline, reportEntry)
for _, progressReport := range report.ProgressReports {
timeline = append(timeline, progressReport)
for _, specEvent := range report.SpecEvents {
timeline = append(timeline, specEvent)
return timeline
type SpecReports []SpecReport
// WithLeafNodeType returns the subset of SpecReports with LeafNodeType matching one of the requested NodeTypes
func (reports SpecReports) WithLeafNodeType(nodeTypes NodeType) SpecReports {
count := 0
for i := range reports {
if reports[i].LeafNodeType.Is(nodeTypes) {
out := make(SpecReports, count)
j := 0
for i := range reports {
if reports[i].LeafNodeType.Is(nodeTypes) {
out[j] = reports[i]
return out
// WithState returns the subset of SpecReports with State matching one of the requested SpecStates
func (reports SpecReports) WithState(states SpecState) SpecReports {
count := 0
for i := range reports {
if reports[i].State.Is(states) {
out, j := make(SpecReports, count), 0
for i := range reports {
if reports[i].State.Is(states) {
out[j] = reports[i]
return out
// CountWithState returns the number of SpecReports with State matching one of the requested SpecStates
func (reports SpecReports) CountWithState(states SpecState) int {
n := 0
for i := range reports {
if reports[i].State.Is(states) {
n += 1
return n
// If the Spec passes, CountOfFlakedSpecs returns the number of SpecReports that failed after multiple attempts.
func (reports SpecReports) CountOfFlakedSpecs() int {
n := 0
for i := range reports {
if reports[i].MaxFlakeAttempts > 1 && reports[i].State.Is(SpecStatePassed) && reports[i].NumAttempts > 1 {
n += 1
return n
// If the Spec fails, CountOfRepeatedSpecs returns the number of SpecReports that passed after multiple attempts
func (reports SpecReports) CountOfRepeatedSpecs() int {
n := 0
for i := range reports {
if reports[i].MaxMustPassRepeatedly > 1 && reports[i].State.Is(SpecStateFailureStates) && reports[i].NumAttempts > 1 {
n += 1
return n
// TimelineLocation captures the location of an event in the spec's timeline
type TimelineLocation struct {
//Offset is the offset (in bytes) of the event relative to the GinkgoWriter stream
Offset int `json:",omitempty"`
//Order is the order of the event with respect to other events. The absolute value of Order
//is irrelevant. All that matters is that an event with a lower Order occurs before ane vent with a higher Order
Order int `json:",omitempty"`
Time time.Time
// TimelineEvent represent an event on the timeline
// consumers of Timeline will need to check the concrete type of each entry to determine how to handle it
type TimelineEvent interface {
GetTimelineLocation() TimelineLocation
type Timeline []TimelineEvent
func (t Timeline) Len() int { return len(t) }
func (t Timeline) Less(i, j int) bool {
return t[i].GetTimelineLocation().Order < t[j].GetTimelineLocation().Order
func (t Timeline) Swap(i, j int) { t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i] }
func (t Timeline) WithoutHiddenReportEntries() Timeline {
out := Timeline{}
for _, event := range t {
if reportEntry, isReportEntry := event.(ReportEntry); isReportEntry && reportEntry.Visibility == ReportEntryVisibilityNever {
out = append(out, event)
return out
func (t Timeline) WithoutVeryVerboseSpecEvents() Timeline {
out := Timeline{}
for _, event := range t {
if specEvent, isSpecEvent := event.(SpecEvent); isSpecEvent && specEvent.IsOnlyVisibleAtVeryVerbose() {
out = append(out, event)
return out
// Failure captures failure information for an individual test
type Failure struct {
// Message - the failure message passed into Fail(...). When using a matcher library
// like Gomega, this will contain the failure message generated by Gomega.
// Message is also populated if the user has called Skip(...).
Message string
// Location - the CodeLocation where the failure occurred
// This CodeLocation will include a fully-populated StackTrace
Location CodeLocation
TimelineLocation TimelineLocation
// ForwardedPanic - if the failure represents a captured panic (i.e. Summary.State == SpecStatePanicked)
// then ForwardedPanic will be populated with a string representation of the captured panic.
ForwardedPanic string `json:",omitempty"`
// FailureNodeContext - one of three contexts describing the node in which the failure occurred:
// FailureNodeIsLeafNode means the failure occurred in the leaf node of the associated SpecReport. None of the other FailureNode fields will be populated
// FailureNodeAtTopLevel means the failure occurred in a non-leaf node that is defined at the top-level of the spec (i.e. not in a container). FailureNodeType and FailureNodeLocation will be populated.
// FailureNodeInContainer means the failure occurred in a non-leaf node that is defined within a container. FailureNodeType, FailureNodeLocation, and FailureNodeContainerIndex will be populated.
// FailureNodeType will contain the NodeType of the node in which the failure occurred.
// FailureNodeLocation will contain the CodeLocation of the node in which the failure occurred.
// If populated, FailureNodeContainerIndex will be the index into SpecReport.ContainerHierarchyTexts and SpecReport.ContainerHierarchyLocations that represents the parent container of the node in which the failure occurred.
FailureNodeContext FailureNodeContext `json:",omitempty"`
FailureNodeType NodeType `json:",omitempty"`
FailureNodeLocation CodeLocation `json:",omitempty"`
FailureNodeContainerIndex int `json:",omitempty"`
//ProgressReport is populated if the spec was interrupted or timed out
ProgressReport ProgressReport `json:",omitempty"`
//AdditionalFailure is non-nil if a follow-on failure occurred within the same node after the primary failure. This only happens when a node has timed out or been interrupted. In such cases the AdditionalFailure can include information about where/why the spec was stuck.
AdditionalFailure *AdditionalFailure `json:",omitempty"`
func (f Failure) IsZero() bool {
return f.Message == "" && (f.Location == CodeLocation{})
func (f Failure) GetTimelineLocation() TimelineLocation {
return f.TimelineLocation
// FailureNodeContext captures the location context for the node containing the failing line of code
type FailureNodeContext uint
const (
FailureNodeContextInvalid FailureNodeContext = iota
var fncEnumSupport = NewEnumSupport(map[uint]string{
uint(FailureNodeContextInvalid): "INVALID FAILURE NODE CONTEXT",
uint(FailureNodeIsLeafNode): "leaf-node",
uint(FailureNodeAtTopLevel): "top-level",
uint(FailureNodeInContainer): "in-container",
func (fnc FailureNodeContext) String() string {
return fncEnumSupport.String(uint(fnc))
func (fnc *FailureNodeContext) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
out, err := fncEnumSupport.UnmarshJSON(b)
*fnc = FailureNodeContext(out)
return err
func (fnc FailureNodeContext) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return fncEnumSupport.MarshJSON(uint(fnc))
// AdditionalFailure capturs any additional failures that occur after the initial failure of a psec
// these typically occur in clean up nodes after the spec has failed.
// We can't simply use Failure as we want to track the SpecState to know what kind of failure this is
type AdditionalFailure struct {
State SpecState
Failure Failure
func (f AdditionalFailure) GetTimelineLocation() TimelineLocation {
return f.Failure.TimelineLocation
// SpecState captures the state of a spec
// To determine if a given `state` represents a failure state, use `state.Is(SpecStateFailureStates)`
type SpecState uint
const (
SpecStateInvalid SpecState = 0
SpecStatePending SpecState = 1 << iota
var ssEnumSupport = NewEnumSupport(map[uint]string{
uint(SpecStateInvalid): "INVALID SPEC STATE",
uint(SpecStatePending): "pending",
uint(SpecStateSkipped): "skipped",
uint(SpecStatePassed): "passed",
uint(SpecStateFailed): "failed",
uint(SpecStateAborted): "aborted",
uint(SpecStatePanicked): "panicked",
uint(SpecStateInterrupted): "interrupted",
uint(SpecStateTimedout): "timedout",
func (ss SpecState) String() string {
return ssEnumSupport.String(uint(ss))
func (ss SpecState) GomegaString() string {
return ssEnumSupport.String(uint(ss))
func (ss *SpecState) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
out, err := ssEnumSupport.UnmarshJSON(b)
*ss = SpecState(out)
return err
func (ss SpecState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return ssEnumSupport.MarshJSON(uint(ss))
var SpecStateFailureStates = SpecStateFailed | SpecStateTimedout | SpecStateAborted | SpecStatePanicked | SpecStateInterrupted
func (ss SpecState) Is(states SpecState) bool {
return ss&states != 0
// ProgressReport captures the progress of the current spec. It is, effectively, a structured Ginkgo-aware stack trace
type ProgressReport struct {
Message string `json:",omitempty"`
ParallelProcess int `json:",omitempty"`
RunningInParallel bool `json:",omitempty"`
ContainerHierarchyTexts []string `json:",omitempty"`
LeafNodeText string `json:",omitempty"`
LeafNodeLocation CodeLocation `json:",omitempty"`
SpecStartTime time.Time `json:",omitempty"`
CurrentNodeType NodeType `json:",omitempty"`
CurrentNodeText string `json:",omitempty"`
CurrentNodeLocation CodeLocation `json:",omitempty"`
CurrentNodeStartTime time.Time `json:",omitempty"`
CurrentStepText string `json:",omitempty"`
CurrentStepLocation CodeLocation `json:",omitempty"`
CurrentStepStartTime time.Time `json:",omitempty"`
AdditionalReports []string `json:",omitempty"`
CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput string `json:",omitempty"`
TimelineLocation TimelineLocation `json:",omitempty"`
Goroutines []Goroutine `json:",omitempty"`
func (pr ProgressReport) IsZero() bool {
return pr.CurrentNodeType == NodeTypeInvalid
func (pr ProgressReport) Time() time.Time {
return pr.TimelineLocation.Time
func (pr ProgressReport) SpecGoroutine() Goroutine {
for _, goroutine := range pr.Goroutines {
if goroutine.IsSpecGoroutine {
return goroutine
return Goroutine{}
func (pr ProgressReport) HighlightedGoroutines() []Goroutine {
out := []Goroutine{}
for _, goroutine := range pr.Goroutines {
if goroutine.IsSpecGoroutine || !goroutine.HasHighlights() {
out = append(out, goroutine)
return out
func (pr ProgressReport) OtherGoroutines() []Goroutine {
out := []Goroutine{}
for _, goroutine := range pr.Goroutines {
if goroutine.IsSpecGoroutine || goroutine.HasHighlights() {
out = append(out, goroutine)
return out
func (pr ProgressReport) WithoutCapturedGinkgoWriterOutput() ProgressReport {
out := pr
out.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput = ""
return out
func (pr ProgressReport) WithoutOtherGoroutines() ProgressReport {
out := pr
filteredGoroutines := []Goroutine{}
for _, goroutine := range pr.Goroutines {
if goroutine.IsSpecGoroutine || goroutine.HasHighlights() {
filteredGoroutines = append(filteredGoroutines, goroutine)
out.Goroutines = filteredGoroutines
return out
func (pr ProgressReport) GetTimelineLocation() TimelineLocation {
return pr.TimelineLocation
type Goroutine struct {
ID uint64
State string
Stack []FunctionCall
IsSpecGoroutine bool
func (g Goroutine) IsZero() bool {
return g.ID == 0
func (g Goroutine) HasHighlights() bool {
for _, fc := range g.Stack {
if fc.Highlight {
return true
return false
type FunctionCall struct {
Function string
Filename string
Line int
Highlight bool `json:",omitempty"`
Source []string `json:",omitempty"`
SourceHighlight int `json:",omitempty"`
// NodeType captures the type of a given Ginkgo Node
type NodeType uint
const (
NodeTypeInvalid NodeType = 0
NodeTypeContainer NodeType = 1 << iota
var NodeTypesForContainerAndIt = NodeTypeContainer | NodeTypeIt
var NodeTypesForSuiteLevelNodes = NodeTypeBeforeSuite | NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite | NodeTypeAfterSuite | NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite | NodeTypeReportBeforeSuite | NodeTypeReportAfterSuite | NodeTypeCleanupAfterSuite
var NodeTypesAllowedDuringCleanupInterrupt = NodeTypeAfterEach | NodeTypeJustAfterEach | NodeTypeAfterAll | NodeTypeAfterSuite | NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite | NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach | NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll | NodeTypeCleanupAfterSuite
var NodeTypesAllowedDuringReportInterrupt = NodeTypeReportBeforeEach | NodeTypeReportAfterEach | NodeTypeReportBeforeSuite | NodeTypeReportAfterSuite
var ntEnumSupport = NewEnumSupport(map[uint]string{
uint(NodeTypeInvalid): "INVALID NODE TYPE",
uint(NodeTypeContainer): "Container",
uint(NodeTypeIt): "It",
uint(NodeTypeBeforeEach): "BeforeEach",
uint(NodeTypeJustBeforeEach): "JustBeforeEach",
uint(NodeTypeAfterEach): "AfterEach",
uint(NodeTypeJustAfterEach): "JustAfterEach",
uint(NodeTypeBeforeAll): "BeforeAll",
uint(NodeTypeAfterAll): "AfterAll",
uint(NodeTypeBeforeSuite): "BeforeSuite",
uint(NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite): "SynchronizedBeforeSuite",
uint(NodeTypeAfterSuite): "AfterSuite",
uint(NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite): "SynchronizedAfterSuite",
uint(NodeTypeReportBeforeEach): "ReportBeforeEach",
uint(NodeTypeReportAfterEach): "ReportAfterEach",
uint(NodeTypeReportBeforeSuite): "ReportBeforeSuite",
uint(NodeTypeReportAfterSuite): "ReportAfterSuite",
uint(NodeTypeCleanupInvalid): "DeferCleanup",
uint(NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach): "DeferCleanup (Each)",
uint(NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll): "DeferCleanup (All)",
uint(NodeTypeCleanupAfterSuite): "DeferCleanup (Suite)",
func (nt NodeType) String() string {
return ntEnumSupport.String(uint(nt))
func (nt *NodeType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
out, err := ntEnumSupport.UnmarshJSON(b)
*nt = NodeType(out)
return err
func (nt NodeType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return ntEnumSupport.MarshJSON(uint(nt))
func (nt NodeType) Is(nodeTypes NodeType) bool {
return nt&nodeTypes != 0
SpecEvent captures a vareity of events that can occur when specs run. See SpecEventType for the list of available events.
type SpecEvent struct {
SpecEventType SpecEventType
CodeLocation CodeLocation
TimelineLocation TimelineLocation
Message string `json:",omitempty"`
Duration time.Duration `json:",omitempty"`
NodeType NodeType `json:",omitempty"`
Attempt int `json:",omitempty"`
func (se SpecEvent) GetTimelineLocation() TimelineLocation {
return se.TimelineLocation
func (se SpecEvent) IsOnlyVisibleAtVeryVerbose() bool {
return se.SpecEventType.Is(SpecEventByEnd | SpecEventNodeStart | SpecEventNodeEnd)
func (se SpecEvent) GomegaString() string {
out := &strings.Builder{}
out.WriteString("[" + se.SpecEventType.String() + " SpecEvent] ")
if se.Message != "" {
out.WriteString(`"` + se.Message + `",`)
if se.Duration != 0 {
out.WriteString("Duration=" + se.Duration.String() + ",")
if se.NodeType != NodeTypeInvalid {
out.WriteString("NodeType=" + se.NodeType.String() + ",")
if se.Attempt != 0 {
out.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Attempt=%d", se.Attempt) + ",")
out.WriteString("CL=" + se.CodeLocation.String() + ",")
out.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("TL.Offset=%d", se.TimelineLocation.Offset))
return out.String()
type SpecEvents []SpecEvent
func (se SpecEvents) WithType(seType SpecEventType) SpecEvents {
out := SpecEvents{}
for _, event := range se {
if event.SpecEventType.Is(seType) {
out = append(out, event)
return out
type SpecEventType uint
const (
SpecEventInvalid SpecEventType = 0
SpecEventByStart SpecEventType = 1 << iota
var seEnumSupport = NewEnumSupport(map[uint]string{
uint(SpecEventInvalid): "INVALID SPEC EVENT",
uint(SpecEventByStart): "By",
uint(SpecEventByEnd): "By (End)",
uint(SpecEventNodeStart): "Node",
uint(SpecEventNodeEnd): "Node (End)",
uint(SpecEventSpecRepeat): "Repeat",
uint(SpecEventSpecRetry): "Retry",
func (se SpecEventType) String() string {
return seEnumSupport.String(uint(se))
func (se *SpecEventType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
out, err := seEnumSupport.UnmarshJSON(b)
*se = SpecEventType(out)
return err
func (se SpecEventType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return seEnumSupport.MarshJSON(uint(se))
func (se SpecEventType) Is(specEventTypes SpecEventType) bool {
return se&specEventTypes != 0