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package connection
import (
var (
// h2mux-style special headers
RequestUserHeaders = "cf-cloudflared-request-headers"
ResponseUserHeaders = "cf-cloudflared-response-headers"
ResponseMetaHeader = "cf-cloudflared-response-meta"
// h2mux-style special headers
CanonicalResponseUserHeaders = http.CanonicalHeaderKey(ResponseUserHeaders)
CanonicalResponseMetaHeader = http.CanonicalHeaderKey(ResponseMetaHeader)
var (
// pre-generate possible values for res
responseMetaHeaderCfd = mustInitRespMetaHeader("cloudflared")
responseMetaHeaderOrigin = mustInitRespMetaHeader("origin")
type responseMetaHeader struct {
Source string `json:"src"`
func mustInitRespMetaHeader(src string) string {
header, err := json.Marshal(responseMetaHeader{Source: src})
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to serialize response meta header = %s, err: %v", src, err))
return string(header)
var headerEncoding = base64.RawStdEncoding
// note: all h2mux headers should be lower-case (http/2 style)
const ()
// H2RequestHeadersToH1Request converts the HTTP/2 headers coming from origintunneld
// to an HTTP/1 Request object destined for the local origin web service.
// This operation includes conversion of the pseudo-headers into their closest
// HTTP/1 equivalents. See
func H2RequestHeadersToH1Request(h2 []h2mux.Header, h1 *http.Request) error {
for _, header := range h2 {
name := strings.ToLower(header.Name)
if !IsControlRequestHeader(name) {
switch name {
case ":method":
h1.Method = header.Value
case ":scheme":
// noop - use the preexisting scheme from h1.URL
case ":authority":
// Otherwise the host header will be based on the origin URL
h1.Host = header.Value
case ":path":
// We don't want to be an "opinionated" proxy, so ideally we would use :path as-is.
// However, this HTTP/1 Request object belongs to the Go standard library,
// whose URL package makes some opinionated decisions about the encoding of
// URL characters: see the docs of,
// in particular the EscapedPath method,
// which is always used when computing url.URL.String(), whether we'd like it or not.
// Well, not *always*. We could circumvent this by using url.URL.Opaque. But
// that would present unusual difficulties when using an HTTP proxy: url.URL.Opaque
// is treated differently when HTTP_PROXY is set!
// See
// This means we are subject to the behavior of net/url's function `shouldEscape`
// (as invoked with mode=encodePath):
if header.Value == "*" {
h1.URL.Path = "*"
// Due to the behavior of validation.ValidateUrl, h1.URL may
// already have a partial value, with or without a trailing slash.
base := h1.URL.String()
base = strings.TrimRight(base, "/")
// But we know :path begins with '/', because we handled '*' above - see RFC7540
requestURL, err := url.Parse(base + header.Value)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("invalid path '%v'", header.Value))
h1.URL = requestURL
case "content-length":
contentLength, err := strconv.ParseInt(header.Value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unparseable content length")
h1.ContentLength = contentLength
case RequestUserHeaders:
// Do not forward the serialized headers to the origin -- deserialize them, and ditch the serialized version
// Find and parse user headers serialized into a single one
userHeaders, err := DeserializeHeaders(header.Value)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to parse user headers")
for _, userHeader := range userHeaders {
h1.Header.Add(userHeader.Name, userHeader.Value)
// All other control headers shall just be proxied transparently
h1.Header.Add(header.Name, header.Value)
return nil
func IsControlRequestHeader(headerName string) bool {
return headerName == "content-length" ||
headerName == "connection" || headerName == "upgrade" || // Websocket request headers
strings.HasPrefix(headerName, ":") ||
strings.HasPrefix(headerName, "cf-")
func IsControlResponseHeader(headerName string) bool {
return headerName == "content-length" ||
strings.HasPrefix(headerName, ":") ||
strings.HasPrefix(headerName, "cf-int-") ||
strings.HasPrefix(headerName, "cf-cloudflared-")
// isWebsocketClientHeader returns true if the header name is required by the client to upgrade properly
func IsWebsocketClientHeader(headerName string) bool {
return headerName == "sec-websocket-accept" ||
headerName == "connection" ||
headerName == "upgrade"
func H1ResponseToH2ResponseHeaders(status int, h1 http.Header) (h2 []h2mux.Header) {
h2 = []h2mux.Header{
{Name: ":status", Value: strconv.Itoa(status)},
userHeaders := make(http.Header, len(h1))
for header, values := range h1 {
h2name := strings.ToLower(header)
if h2name == "content-length" {
// This header has meaning in HTTP/2 and will be used by the edge,
// so it should be sent as an HTTP/2 response header.
// Since these are http2 headers, they're required to be lowercase
h2 = append(h2, h2mux.Header{Name: "content-length", Value: values[0]})
} else if !IsControlResponseHeader(h2name) || IsWebsocketClientHeader(h2name) {
// User headers, on the other hand, must all be serialized so that
// HTTP/2 header validation won't be applied to HTTP/1 header values
userHeaders[header] = values
// Perform user header serialization and set them in the single header
h2 = append(h2, h2mux.Header{Name: ResponseUserHeaders, Value: SerializeHeaders(userHeaders)})
return h2
// Serialize HTTP1.x headers by base64-encoding each header name and value,
// and then joining them in the format of [key:value;]
func SerializeHeaders(h1Headers http.Header) string {
// compute size of the fully serialized value and largest temp buffer we will need
serializedLen := 0
maxTempLen := 0
for headerName, headerValues := range h1Headers {
for _, headerValue := range headerValues {
nameLen := headerEncoding.EncodedLen(len(headerName))
valueLen := headerEncoding.EncodedLen(len(headerValue))
const delims = 2
serializedLen += delims + nameLen + valueLen
if nameLen > maxTempLen {
maxTempLen = nameLen
if valueLen > maxTempLen {
maxTempLen = valueLen
var buf strings.Builder
temp := make([]byte, maxTempLen)
writeB64 := func(s string) {
n := headerEncoding.EncodedLen(len(s))
if n > len(temp) {
temp = make([]byte, n)
headerEncoding.Encode(temp[:n], []byte(s))
for headerName, headerValues := range h1Headers {
for _, headerValue := range headerValues {
if buf.Len() > 0 {
return buf.String()
// Deserialize headers serialized by `SerializeHeader`
func DeserializeHeaders(serializedHeaders string) ([]h2mux.Header, error) {
const unableToDeserializeErr = "Unable to deserialize headers"
var deserialized []h2mux.Header
for _, serializedPair := range strings.Split(serializedHeaders, ";") {
if len(serializedPair) == 0 {
serializedHeaderParts := strings.Split(serializedPair, ":")
if len(serializedHeaderParts) != 2 {
return nil, errors.New(unableToDeserializeErr)
serializedName := serializedHeaderParts[0]
serializedValue := serializedHeaderParts[1]
deserializedName := make([]byte, headerEncoding.DecodedLen(len(serializedName)))
deserializedValue := make([]byte, headerEncoding.DecodedLen(len(serializedValue)))
if _, err := headerEncoding.Decode(deserializedName, []byte(serializedName)); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, unableToDeserializeErr)
if _, err := headerEncoding.Decode(deserializedValue, []byte(serializedValue)); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, unableToDeserializeErr)
deserialized = append(deserialized, h2mux.Header{
Name: string(deserializedName),
Value: string(deserializedValue),
return deserialized, nil