TUN-5881: Clarify success (or lack thereof) of (un)installing cloudflared service

This commit is contained in:
Nuno Diegues 2022-03-18 09:42:45 +00:00
parent 05b903a32e
commit 1b511b2d25
3 changed files with 64 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ import (
func runApp(app *cli.App, graceShutdownC chan struct{}) {
app.Commands = append(app.Commands, &cli.Command{
Name: "service",
Usage: "Manages the Cloudflare Tunnel system service",
Usage: "Manages the cloudflared system service",
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
Name: "install",
Usage: "Install Cloudflare Tunnel as a system service",
Usage: "Install cloudflared as a system service",
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(installLinuxService),
Name: "uninstall",
Usage: "Uninstall the Cloudflare Tunnel service",
Usage: "Uninstall the cloudflared service",
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(uninstallLinuxService),
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ var systemdTemplates = []ServiceTemplate{
Path: "/etc/systemd/system/cloudflared.service",
Content: `[Unit]
Description=Cloudflare Tunnel
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ WantedBy=multi-user.target
Path: "/etc/systemd/system/cloudflared-update.service",
Content: `[Unit]
Description=Update Cloudflare Tunnel
Description=Update cloudflared
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '{{ .Path }} update; code=$?; if [ $code -eq 11 ]; then s
Path: "/etc/systemd/system/cloudflared-update.timer",
Content: `[Unit]
Description=Update Cloudflare Tunnel
Description=Update cloudflared
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ var sysvTemplate = ServiceTemplate{
Content: `#!/bin/sh
# For RedHat and cousins:
# chkconfig: 2345 99 01
# description: Cloudflare Tunnel agent
# description: cloudflared
# processname: {{.Path}}
# Provides: {{.Path}}
@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ var sysvTemplate = ServiceTemplate{
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Cloudflare Tunnel
# Description: Cloudflare Tunnel agent
# Short-Description: cloudflared
# Description: cloudflared agent
name=$(basename $(readlink -f $0))
cmd="{{.Path}} --pidfile /var/run/$name.pid --autoupdate-freq 24h0m0s{{ range .ExtraArgs }} {{ . }}{{ end }}"
@ -212,11 +212,16 @@ func installLinuxService(c *cli.Context) error {
switch {
case isSystemd():
log.Info().Msgf("Using Systemd")
return installSystemd(&templateArgs, log)
err = installSystemd(&templateArgs, log)
log.Info().Msgf("Using SysV")
return installSysv(&templateArgs, log)
err = installSysv(&templateArgs, log)
if err == nil {
log.Info().Msg("Linux service for cloudflared installed successfully")
return err
func buildArgsForConfig(c *cli.Context, log *zerolog.Logger) ([]string, error) {
@ -271,7 +276,7 @@ func installSystemd(templateArgs *ServiceTemplateArgs, log *zerolog.Logger) erro
log.Err(err).Msg("systemctl start cloudflared-update.timer error")
return err
log.Info().Msg("systemctl daemon-reload")
log.Info().Msg("running systemctl daemon-reload")
return runCommand("systemctl", "daemon-reload")
@ -301,14 +306,20 @@ func installSysv(templateArgs *ServiceTemplateArgs, log *zerolog.Logger) error {
func uninstallLinuxService(c *cli.Context) error {
log := logger.CreateLoggerFromContext(c, logger.EnableTerminalLog)
var err error
switch {
case isSystemd():
log.Info().Msg("Using Systemd")
return uninstallSystemd(log)
err = uninstallSystemd(log)
log.Info().Msg("Using SysV")
return uninstallSysv(log)
err = uninstallSysv(log)
if err == nil {
log.Info().Msg("Linux service for cloudflared uninstalled successfully")
return err
func uninstallSystemd(log *zerolog.Logger) error {
@ -326,7 +337,6 @@ func uninstallSystemd(log *zerolog.Logger) error {
return err
log.Info().Msgf("Successfully uninstalled cloudflared service from systemd")
return nil
@ -345,6 +355,5 @@ func uninstallSysv(log *zerolog.Logger) error {
log.Info().Msgf("Successfully uninstalled cloudflared service from sysv")
return nil

View File

@ -21,16 +21,16 @@ const (
func runApp(app *cli.App, graceShutdownC chan struct{}) {
app.Commands = append(app.Commands, &cli.Command{
Name: "service",
Usage: "Manages the Cloudflare Tunnel launch agent",
Usage: "Manages the cloudflared launch agent",
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
Name: "install",
Usage: "Install Cloudflare Tunnel as an user launch agent",
Usage: "Install cloudflared as an user launch agent",
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(installLaunchd),
Name: "uninstall",
Usage: "Uninstall the Cloudflare Tunnel launch agent",
Usage: "Uninstall the cloudflared launch agent",
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(uninstallLaunchd),
@ -114,12 +114,12 @@ func installLaunchd(c *cli.Context) error {
log := logger.CreateLoggerFromContext(c, logger.EnableTerminalLog)
if isRootUser() {
log.Info().Msg("Installing Cloudflare Tunnel client as a system launch daemon. " +
"Cloudflare Tunnel client will run at boot")
log.Info().Msg("Installing cloudflared client as a system launch daemon. " +
"cloudflared client will run at boot")
} else {
log.Info().Msg("Installing Cloudflare Tunnel client as an user launch agent. " +
"Note that Cloudflare Tunnel client will only run when the user is logged in. " +
"If you want to run Cloudflare Tunnel client at boot, install with root permission. " +
log.Info().Msg("Installing cloudflared client as an user launch agent. " +
"Note that cloudflared client will only run when the user is logged in. " +
"If you want to run cloudflared client at boot, install with root permission. " +
"For more information, visit https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-apps/run-tunnel/run-as-service")
etPath, err := os.Executable()
@ -163,16 +163,20 @@ func installLaunchd(c *cli.Context) error {
log.Info().Msgf("Outputs are logged to %s and %s", stderrPath, stdoutPath)
return runCommand("launchctl", "load", plistPath)
err = runCommand("launchctl", "load", plistPath)
if err == nil {
log.Info().Msg("MacOS service for cloudflared installed successfully")
return err
func uninstallLaunchd(c *cli.Context) error {
log := logger.CreateLoggerFromContext(c, logger.EnableTerminalLog)
if isRootUser() {
log.Info().Msg("Uninstalling Cloudflare Tunnel as a system launch daemon")
log.Info().Msg("Uninstalling cloudflared as a system launch daemon")
} else {
log.Info().Msg("Uninstalling Cloudflare Tunnel as an user launch agent")
log.Info().Msg("Uninstalling cloudflared as a user launch agent")
installPath, err := installPath()
if err != nil {
@ -194,10 +198,13 @@ func uninstallLaunchd(c *cli.Context) error {
err = runCommand("launchctl", "unload", plistPath)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("error unloading")
log.Err(err).Msg("error unloading launchd")
return err
log.Info().Msgf("Outputs are logged to %s and %s", stderrPath, stdoutPath)
return launchdTemplate.Remove()
err = launchdTemplate.Remove()
if err == nil {
log.Info().Msg("Launchd for cloudflared was uninstalled successfully")
return err

View File

@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ import (
const (
windowsServiceName = "Cloudflared"
windowsServiceDescription = "Cloudflare Tunnel agent"
windowsServiceUrl = "https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-apps/run-tunnel/run-as-service#windows"
windowsServiceDescription = "Cloudflared agent"
windowsServiceUrl = "https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-apps/run-tunnel/as-a-service/windows/"
recoverActionDelay = time.Second * 20
failureCountResetPeriod = time.Hour * 24
@ -46,16 +46,16 @@ const (
func runApp(app *cli.App, graceShutdownC chan struct{}) {
app.Commands = append(app.Commands, &cli.Command{
Name: "service",
Usage: "Manages the Cloudflare Tunnel Windows service",
Usage: "Manages the cloudflared Windows service",
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
Name: "install",
Usage: "Install Cloudflare Tunnel as a Windows service",
Usage: "Install cloudflared as a Windows service",
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(installWindowsService),
Name: "uninstall",
Usage: "Uninstall the Cloudflare Tunnel service",
Usage: "Uninstall the cloudflared service",
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(uninstallWindowsService),
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ func (s *windowsService) Execute(serviceArgs []string, r <-chan svc.ChangeReques
func installWindowsService(c *cli.Context) error {
zeroLogger := logger.CreateLoggerFromContext(c, logger.EnableTerminalLog)
zeroLogger.Info().Msg("Installing Cloudflare Tunnel Windows service")
zeroLogger.Info().Msg("Installing cloudflared Windows service")
exepath, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot find path name that start the process")
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ func installWindowsService(c *cli.Context) error {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot install service")
defer s.Close()
log.Info().Msg("Cloudflare Tunnel agent service is installed")
log.Info().Msg("cloudflared agent service is installed")
err = eventlog.InstallAsEventCreate(windowsServiceName, eventlog.Error|eventlog.Warning|eventlog.Info)
if err != nil {
@ -219,7 +219,11 @@ func installWindowsService(c *cli.Context) error {
log.Info().Msgf("See %s to manually configure service recovery actions", windowsServiceUrl)
return s.Start()
err = s.Start()
if err == nil {
log.Info().Msg("Agent service for cloudflared installed successfully")
return err
func uninstallWindowsService(c *cli.Context) error {
@ -227,7 +231,7 @@ func uninstallWindowsService(c *cli.Context) error {
Str(LogFieldWindowsServiceName, windowsServiceName).Logger()
log.Info().Msg("Uninstalling Cloudflare Tunnel Windows Service")
log.Info().Msg("Uninstalling cloudflared agent service")
m, err := mgr.Connect()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot establish a connection to the service control manager")
@ -235,22 +239,22 @@ func uninstallWindowsService(c *cli.Context) error {
defer m.Disconnect()
s, err := m.OpenService(windowsServiceName)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Service %s is not installed", windowsServiceName)
return fmt.Errorf("Agent service %s is not installed, so it could not be uninstalled", windowsServiceName)
defer s.Close()
if status, err := s.Query(); err == nil && status.State == svc.Running {
log.Info().Msg("Stopping Cloudflare Tunnel agent service")
log.Info().Msg("Stopping cloudflared agent service")
if _, err := s.Control(svc.Stop); err != nil {
log.Info().Err(err).Msg("Failed to stop Cloudflare Tunnel agent service, you may need to stop it manually to complete uninstall.")
log.Info().Err(err).Msg("Failed to stop cloudflared agent service, you may need to stop it manually to complete uninstall.")
err = s.Delete()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot delete service")
return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot delete agent service")
log.Info().Msg("Cloudflare Tunnel agent service is uninstalled")
log.Info().Msg("Agent service for cloudflared was uninstalled successfully")
err = eventlog.Remove(windowsServiceName)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot remove event logger")