TUN-6917: Bump go to 1.19.3

This commit is contained in:
Devin Carr 2022-11-04 16:39:42 -07:00
parent 1b5313cc28
commit 515ad7cbee
13 changed files with 76 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ quic-deps:
.PHONY: vet
go vet -v -mod=vendor ./...
go vet -v -mod=vendor github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared/...
.PHONY: goimports
for d in $$(go list -mod=readonly -f '{{.Dir}}' -a ./... | fgrep -v tunnelrpc) ; do goimports -format-only -local github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared -w $$d ; done
.PHONY: fmt
goimports -l -w -local github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared $$(go list -mod=vendor -f '{{.Dir}}' -a ./... | fgrep -v tunnelrpc)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
//Package carrier provides a WebSocket proxy to carry or proxy a connection
//from the local client to the edge. See it as a wrapper around any protocol
//that it packages up in a WebSocket connection to the edge.
// Package carrier provides a WebSocket proxy to carry or proxy a connection
// from the local client to the edge. See it as a wrapper around any protocol
// that it packages up in a WebSocket connection to the edge.
package carrier
import (

View File

@ -1,23 +1,29 @@
pinned_go: &pinned_go go=1.18.6-1
pinned_go_fips: &pinned_go_fips go-boring=1.18.6-1
pinned_go: &pinned_go go=1.19.3-1
pinned_go_fips: &pinned_go_fips go-boring=1.19.3-1
build_dir: &build_dir /cfsetup_build
default-flavor: bullseye
stretch: &stretch
build_dir: *build_dir
builddeps: &build_deps
- *pinned_go
- build-essential
- gotest-to-teamcity
pre-cache: &build_pre_cache
- export GOCACHE=/cfsetup_build/.cache/go-build
- go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest
- export GOOS=linux
- export GOARCH=amd64
- make cloudflared
build_dir: *build_dir
builddeps: &build_deps_fips
- *pinned_go_fips
- build-essential
- gotest-to-teamcity
pre-cache: *build_pre_cache
- export GOOS=linux
- export GOARCH=amd64
@ -163,12 +169,8 @@ stretch: &stretch
- make github-windows-upload
build_dir: *build_dir
- *pinned_go
- build-essential
- gotest-to-teamcity
pre-cache: &test_pre_cache
- go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest
builddeps: *build_deps
pre-cache: *build_pre_cache
- export GOOS=linux
- export GOARCH=amd64
@ -177,11 +179,8 @@ stretch: &stretch
- make test | gotest-to-teamcity
build_dir: *build_dir
- *pinned_go_fips
- build-essential
- gotest-to-teamcity
pre-cache: *test_pre_cache
builddeps: *build_deps_fips
pre-cache: *build_pre_cache
- export GOOS=linux
- export GOARCH=amd64

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
FROM golang:1.18 as builder
FROM golang:1.19 as builder
WORKDIR /go/src/github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared/

View File

@ -73,9 +73,12 @@ type EdgeAddr struct {
// Note: Instead of DoT, we could also have used DoH. Either of these:
// - directly via the JSON API (
// - indirectly via `tunneldns.NewUpstreamHTTPS()`
// But both of these cases miss out on a key feature from the stdlib:
// "The returned records are sorted by priority and randomized by weight within a priority."
// (https://golang.org/pkg/net/#Resolver.LookupSRV)
// Does this matter? I don't know. It may someday. Let's use DoT so we don't need to worry about it.
// See also: Go feature request for stdlib-supported DoH: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/27552
var fallbackLookupSRV = lookupSRVWithDOT

View File

@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
set -e -o pipefail
OUTPUT=$(for d in $(go list -mod=vendor -f '{{.Dir}}' -a ./... | fgrep -v tunnelrpc) ; do goimports -format-only -local github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared -d $d ; done)
OUTPUT=$(goimports -l -d -local github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared $(go list -mod=vendor -f '{{.Dir}}' -a ./... | fgrep -v tunnelrpc))
if [ -n "$OUTPUT" ] ; then
PAGER=$(which colordiff || echo cat)
echo "Code formatting issues found, use 'goimports -format-only -local github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared' to correct them"
echo "Code formatting issues found, use 'make fmt' to correct them"
echo "$OUTPUT" | $PAGER
exit 1

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared
go 1.18
go 1.19
require (
github.com/cloudflare/brotli-go v0.0.0-20191101163834-d34379f7ff93

View File

@ -439,6 +439,7 @@ func (defaults *OriginRequestConfig) setAccess(overrides config.OriginRequestCon
// 2. The user config for the overall ingress config
// 3. Defaults chosen by the cloudflared team
// 4. Golang zero values for that type
// If an earlier option isn't set, it will try the next option down.
func setConfig(defaults OriginRequestConfig, overrides config.OriginRequestConfig) OriginRequestConfig {
cfg := defaults

View File

@ -376,20 +376,20 @@ func (ip *icmpProxy) icmpEchoRoundtrip(dst netip.Addr, echo *icmp.Echo) (echoRes
Wrapper to call https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/icmpapi/nf-icmpapi-icmpsendecho
- IcmpHandle: Handle created by IcmpCreateFile
- DestinationAddress: IPv4 in the form of https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/inaddr/ns-inaddr-in_addr#syntax
- RequestData: A pointer to echo data
- RequestSize: Number of bytes in buffer pointed by echo data
- RequestOptions: IP header options
- ReplyBuffer: A pointer to the buffer for echoReply, options and data
- ReplySize: Number of bytes allocated for ReplyBuffer
- Timeout: Timeout in milliseconds to wait for a reply
- the number of replies in uint32 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/icmpapi/nf-icmpapi-icmpsendecho#return-value
To retain the reference allocated objects, conversion from pointer to uintptr must happen as arguments to the
syscall function
Wrapper to call https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/icmpapi/nf-icmpapi-icmpsendecho
- IcmpHandle: Handle created by IcmpCreateFile
- DestinationAddress: IPv4 in the form of https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/inaddr/ns-inaddr-in_addr#syntax
- RequestData: A pointer to echo data
- RequestSize: Number of bytes in buffer pointed by echo data
- RequestOptions: IP header options
- ReplyBuffer: A pointer to the buffer for echoReply, options and data
- ReplySize: Number of bytes allocated for ReplyBuffer
- Timeout: Timeout in milliseconds to wait for a reply
- the number of replies in uint32 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/icmpapi/nf-icmpapi-icmpsendecho#return-value
To retain the reference allocated objects, conversion from pointer to uintptr must happen as arguments to the
syscall function
func (ip *icmpProxy) icmpSendEcho(dst netip.Addr, echo *icmp.Echo) (*echoV4Resp, error) {
dataSize := len(echo.Data)

View File

@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ func (ar AuthenticateResponse) Outcome() AuthOutcome {
// AuthOutcome is a programmer-friendly sum type denoting the possible outcomes of Authenticate.
//go-sumtype:decl AuthOutcome
type AuthOutcome interface {
// Serialize into an AuthenticateResponse which can be sent via Capnp

View File

@ -61,9 +61,13 @@ func ValidateHostname(hostname string) (string, error) {
// ValidateUrl returns a validated version of `originUrl` with a scheme prepended (by default http://).
// Note: when originUrl contains a scheme, the path is removed:
// ValidateUrl("https://localhost:8080/api/") => "https://localhost:8080"
// but when it does not, the path is preserved:
// ValidateUrl("localhost:8080/api/") => "http://localhost:8080/api/"
// This is arguably a bug, but changing it might break some cloudflared users.
func ValidateUrl(originUrl string) (*url.URL, error) {
urlStr, err := validateUrlString(originUrl)