TUN-3581: Tunnels can be run by name using only --credentials-file, no

origin cert necessary.
This commit is contained in:
Adam Chalmers 2020-11-23 15:36:16 -06:00
parent fcc393e2f0
commit 69fd502db3
11 changed files with 338 additions and 90 deletions

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import (
@ -250,7 +251,7 @@ func installLinuxService(c *cli.Context) error {
val, err := src.String(s)
return err == nil && val != ""
if src.TunnelID == "" || !configPresent("credentials-file") {
if src.TunnelID == "" || !configPresent(tunnel.CredFileFlag) {
return fmt.Errorf(`Configuration file %s must contain entries for the tunnel to run and its associated credentials:
credentials-file: CREDENTIALS-FILE

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
package tunnel
import (
// CredFinder can find the tunnel credentials file.
type CredFinder interface {
Path() (string, error)
// Implements CredFinder and looks for the credentials file at the given
// filepath.
type staticPath struct {
filePath string
fs fileSystem
func newStaticPath(filePath string, fs fileSystem) CredFinder {
return staticPath{
filePath: filePath,
fs: fs,
func (a staticPath) Path() (string, error) {
if a.filePath != "" && a.fs.validFilePath(a.filePath) {
return a.filePath, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("Tunnel credentials file '%s' doesn't exist or is not a file", a.filePath)
// Implements CredFinder and looks for the credentials file in several directories
// searching for a file named <id>.json
type searchByID struct {
id uuid.UUID
c *cli.Context
logger logger.Service
fs fileSystem
func newSearchByID(id uuid.UUID, c *cli.Context, logger logger.Service, fs fileSystem) CredFinder {
return searchByID{
id: id,
c: c,
logger: logger,
fs: fs,
func (s searchByID) Path() (string, error) {
// Fallback to look for tunnel credentials in the origin cert directory
if originCertPath, err := findOriginCert(s.c, s.logger); err == nil {
originCertDir := filepath.Dir(originCertPath)
if filePath, err := tunnelFilePath(s.id, originCertDir); err == nil {
if s.fs.validFilePath(filePath) {
return filePath, nil
// Last resort look under default config directories
for _, configDir := range config.DefaultConfigSearchDirectories() {
if filePath, err := tunnelFilePath(s.id, configDir); err == nil {
if s.fs.validFilePath(filePath) {
return filePath, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("Tunnel credentials file not found")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package tunnel
import (
// Abstract away details of reading files, so that SubcommandContext can read
// from either the real filesystem, or a mock (when running unit tests).
type fileSystem interface {
readFile(filePath string) ([]byte, error)
validFilePath(path string) bool
type realFileSystem struct{}
func (fs realFileSystem) validFilePath(path string) bool {
fileStat, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return false
return !fileStat.IsDir()
func (fs realFileSystem) readFile(filePath string) ([]byte, error) {
return ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)

View File

@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ package tunnel
import (
@ -13,10 +11,8 @@ import (
@ -34,12 +30,12 @@ func (e errInvalidJSONCredential) Error() string {
type subcommandContext struct {
c *cli.Context
logger logger.Service
isUIEnabled bool
fs fileSystem
// These fields should be accessed using their respective Getter
tunnelstoreClient tunnelstore.Client
userCredential *userCredential
isUIEnabled bool
func newSubcommandContext(c *cli.Context) (*subcommandContext, error) {
@ -55,9 +51,18 @@ func newSubcommandContext(c *cli.Context) (*subcommandContext, error) {
c: c,
logger: logger,
isUIEnabled: isUIEnabled,
fs: realFileSystem{},
}, nil
// Returns something that can find the given tunnel's credentials file.
func (sc *subcommandContext) credentialFinder(tunnelID uuid.UUID) CredFinder {
if path := sc.c.String(CredFileFlag); path != "" {
return newStaticPath(path, sc.fs)
return newSearchByID(tunnelID, sc.c, sc.logger, sc.fs)
type userCredential struct {
cert *certutil.OriginCert
certPath string
@ -108,56 +113,27 @@ func (sc *subcommandContext) credential() (*userCredential, error) {
return sc.userCredential, nil
func (sc *subcommandContext) readTunnelCredentials(tunnelID uuid.UUID) (*pogs.TunnelAuth, error) {
filePath, err := sc.tunnelCredentialsPath(tunnelID)
func (sc *subcommandContext) readTunnelCredentials(credFinder CredFinder) (connection.Credentials, error) {
filePath, err := credFinder.Path()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return connection.Credentials{}, err
body, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
body, err := sc.fs.readFile(filePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "couldn't read tunnel credentials from %v", filePath)
return connection.Credentials{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "couldn't read tunnel credentials from %v", filePath)
var auth pogs.TunnelAuth
if err = json.Unmarshal(body, &auth); err != nil {
var credentials connection.Credentials
if err = json.Unmarshal(body, &credentials); err != nil {
if strings.HasSuffix(filePath, ".pem") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("The tunnel credentials file should be .json but you gave a .pem. "+
"The tunnel credentials file was originally created by `cloudflared tunnel create` and named %s.json."+
"You may have accidentally used the filepath to cert.pem, which is generated by `cloudflared tunnel "+
"login`.", tunnelID)
return connection.Credentials{}, fmt.Errorf("The tunnel credentials file should be .json but you gave a .pem. " +
"The tunnel credentials file was originally created by `cloudflared tunnel create`. " +
"You may have accidentally used the filepath to cert.pem, which is generated by `cloudflared tunnel " +
return nil, errInvalidJSONCredential{path: filePath, err: err}
return connection.Credentials{}, errInvalidJSONCredential{path: filePath, err: err}
return &auth, nil
func (sc *subcommandContext) tunnelCredentialsPath(tunnelID uuid.UUID) (string, error) {
if filePath := sc.c.String("credentials-file"); filePath != "" {
if validFilePath(filePath) {
return filePath, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("Tunnel credentials file %s doesn't exist or is not a file", filePath)
// Fallback to look for tunnel credentials in the origin cert directory
if originCertPath, err := findOriginCert(sc.c, sc.logger); err == nil {
originCertDir := filepath.Dir(originCertPath)
if filePath, err := tunnelFilePath(tunnelID, originCertDir); err == nil {
if validFilePath(filePath) {
return filePath, nil
// Last resort look under default config directories
for _, configDir := range config.DefaultConfigSearchDirectories() {
if filePath, err := tunnelFilePath(tunnelID, configDir); err == nil {
if validFilePath(filePath) {
return filePath, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("Tunnel credentials file not found")
return credentials, nil
func (sc *subcommandContext) create(name string) (*tunnelstore.Tunnel, error) {
@ -180,7 +156,14 @@ func (sc *subcommandContext) create(name string) (*tunnelstore.Tunnel, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if writeFileErr := writeTunnelCredentials(tunnel.ID, credential.cert.AccountID, credential.certPath, tunnelSecret, sc.logger); err != nil {
tunnelCredentials := connection.Credentials{
AccountTag: credential.cert.AccountID,
TunnelSecret: tunnelSecret,
TunnelID: tunnel.ID,
TunnelName: name,
filePath, writeFileErr := writeTunnelCredentials(credential.certPath, &tunnelCredentials)
if err != nil {
var errorLines []string
errorLines = append(errorLines, fmt.Sprintf("Your tunnel '%v' was created with ID %v. However, cloudflared couldn't write to the tunnel credentials file at %v.json.", tunnel.Name, tunnel.ID, tunnel.ID))
errorLines = append(errorLines, fmt.Sprintf("The file-writing error is: %v", writeFileErr))
@ -193,6 +176,7 @@ func (sc *subcommandContext) create(name string) (*tunnelstore.Tunnel, error) {
errorMsg := strings.Join(errorLines, "\n")
return nil, errors.New(errorMsg)
sc.logger.Infof("Tunnel credentials written to %v. cloudflared chose this file based on where your origin certificate was found. Keep this file secret. To revoke these credentials, delete the tunnel.", filePath)
if outputFormat := sc.c.String(outputFormatFlag.Name); outputFormat != "" {
return nil, renderOutput(outputFormat, &tunnel)
@ -243,7 +227,8 @@ func (sc *subcommandContext) delete(tunnelIDs []uuid.UUID) error {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Error deleting tunnel %s", tunnel.ID)
tunnelCredentialsPath, err := sc.tunnelCredentialsPath(tunnel.ID)
credFinder := sc.credentialFinder(id)
tunnelCredentialsPath, err := credFinder.Path()
if err != nil {
sc.logger.Infof("Cannot locate tunnel credentials to delete, error: %v. Please delete the file manually", err)
return nil
@ -256,8 +241,21 @@ func (sc *subcommandContext) delete(tunnelIDs []uuid.UUID) error {
return nil
// findCredentials will choose the right way to find the credentials file, find it,
// and add the TunnelID into any old credentials (generated before TUN-3581 added the `TunnelID`
// field to credentials files)
func (sc *subcommandContext) findCredentials(tunnelID uuid.UUID) (connection.Credentials, error) {
credFinder := sc.credentialFinder(tunnelID)
credentials, err := sc.readTunnelCredentials(credFinder)
// This line ensures backwards compatibility with credentials files generated before
// TUN-3581. Those old credentials files don't have a TunnelID field, so we enrich the struct
// with the ID, which we have already resolved from the user input.
credentials.TunnelID = tunnelID
return credentials, err
func (sc *subcommandContext) run(tunnelID uuid.UUID) error {
credentials, err := sc.readTunnelCredentials(tunnelID)
credentials, err := sc.findCredentials(tunnelID)
if err != nil {
if e, ok := err.(errInvalidJSONCredential); ok {
sc.logger.Errorf("The credentials file at %s contained invalid JSON. This is probably caused by passing the wrong filepath. Reminder: the credentials file is a .json file created via `cloudflared tunnel create`.", e.path)
@ -265,13 +263,12 @@ func (sc *subcommandContext) run(tunnelID uuid.UUID) error {
return err
return StartServer(
&connection.NamedTunnelConfig{Auth: *credentials, ID: tunnelID},
&connection.NamedTunnelConfig{Credentials: credentials},
@ -300,6 +297,7 @@ func (sc *subcommandContext) route(tunnelID uuid.UUID, r tunnelstore.Route) (tun
return client.RouteTunnel(tunnelID, r)
// Query Tunnelstore to find the active tunnel with the given name.
func (sc *subcommandContext) tunnelActive(name string) (*tunnelstore.Tunnel, bool, error) {
filter := tunnelstore.NewFilter()
@ -322,6 +320,15 @@ func (sc *subcommandContext) findID(input string) (uuid.UUID, error) {
return u, nil
// Look up name in the credentials file.
credFinder := newStaticPath(sc.c.String(CredFileFlag), sc.fs)
if credentials, err := sc.readTunnelCredentials(credFinder); err == nil {
if credentials.TunnelID != uuid.Nil && input == credentials.TunnelName {
return credentials.TunnelID, nil
// Fall back to querying Tunnelstore.
if tunnel, found, err := sc.tunnelActive(input); err != nil {
return uuid.Nil, err
} else if found {

View File

@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
package tunnel
import (
func Test_findIDs(t *testing.T) {
@ -80,3 +88,128 @@ func Test_findIDs(t *testing.T) {
type mockFileSystem struct {
rf func(string) ([]byte, error)
vfp func(string) bool
func (fs mockFileSystem) validFilePath(path string) bool {
return fs.vfp(path)
func (fs mockFileSystem) readFile(filePath string) ([]byte, error) {
return fs.rf(filePath)
func Test_subcommandContext_findCredentials(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
c *cli.Context
logger logger.Service
isUIEnabled bool
fs fileSystem
tunnelstoreClient tunnelstore.Client
userCredential *userCredential
type args struct {
tunnelID uuid.UUID
oldCertPath := "old_cert.json"
newCertPath := "new_cert.json"
accountTag := "0000d4d14e84bd4ae5a6a02e0000ac63"
secret := []byte{211, 79, 177, 245, 179, 194, 152, 127, 140, 71, 18, 46, 183, 209, 10, 24, 192, 150, 55, 249, 211, 16, 167, 30, 113, 51, 152, 168, 72, 100, 205, 144}
secretB64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(secret)
tunnelID := uuid.MustParse("df5ed608-b8b4-4109-89f3-9f2cf199df64")
name := "mytunnel"
fs := mockFileSystem{
rf: func(filePath string) ([]byte, error) {
if filePath == oldCertPath {
// An old credentials file created before TUN-3581 added the new fields
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"AccountTag":"%s","TunnelSecret":"%s"}`, accountTag, secretB64)), nil
if filePath == newCertPath {
// A new credentials file created after TUN-3581 with its new fields.
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"AccountTag":"%s","TunnelSecret":"%s","TunnelID":"%s","TunnelName":"%s"}`, accountTag, secretB64, tunnelID, name)), nil
return nil, errors.New("file not found")
vfp: func(string) bool { return true },
logger, err := logger.New()
require.NoError(t, err)
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
want connection.Credentials
wantErr bool
name: "Filepath given leads to old credentials file",
fields: fields{
logger: logger,
fs: fs,
c: func() *cli.Context {
flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("test0", flag.PanicOnError)
flagSet.String(CredFileFlag, oldCertPath, "")
c := cli.NewContext(cli.NewApp(), flagSet, nil)
err = c.Set(CredFileFlag, oldCertPath)
return c
args: args{
tunnelID: tunnelID,
want: connection.Credentials{
AccountTag: accountTag,
TunnelID: tunnelID,
TunnelSecret: secret,
name: "Filepath given leads to new credentials file",
fields: fields{
logger: logger,
fs: fs,
c: func() *cli.Context {
flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("test0", flag.PanicOnError)
flagSet.String(CredFileFlag, newCertPath, "")
c := cli.NewContext(cli.NewApp(), flagSet, nil)
err = c.Set(CredFileFlag, newCertPath)
return c
args: args{
tunnelID: tunnelID,
want: connection.Credentials{
AccountTag: accountTag,
TunnelID: tunnelID,
TunnelSecret: secret,
TunnelName: name,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
sc := &subcommandContext{
c: tt.fields.c,
logger: tt.fields.logger,
isUIEnabled: tt.fields.isUIEnabled,
fs: tt.fields.fs,
tunnelstoreClient: tt.fields.tunnelstoreClient,
userCredential: tt.fields.userCredential,
got, err := sc.findCredentials(tt.args.tunnelID)
if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
t.Errorf("subcommandContext.findCredentials() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
t.Errorf("subcommandContext.findCredentials() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)

View File

@ -24,13 +24,12 @@ import (
const (
credFileFlagAlias = "cred-file"
CredFileFlagAlias = "cred-file"
CredFileFlag = "credentials-file"
var (
@ -75,8 +74,8 @@ var (
"tunnels, you can do so with Cloudflare's Load Balancer product.",
credentialsFileFlag = altsrc.NewStringFlag(&cli.StringFlag{
Name: "credentials-file",
Aliases: []string{credFileFlagAlias},
Name: CredFileFlag,
Aliases: []string{CredFileFlagAlias},
Usage: "File path of tunnel credentials",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_CRED_FILE"},
@ -141,30 +140,21 @@ func tunnelFilePath(tunnelID uuid.UUID, directory string) (string, error) {
return homedir.Expand(filePath)
func writeTunnelCredentials(tunnelID uuid.UUID, accountID, originCertPath string, tunnelSecret []byte, logger logger.Service) error {
func writeTunnelCredentials(
originCertPath string,
credentials *connection.Credentials,
) (filePath string, err error) {
originCertDir := filepath.Dir(originCertPath)
filePath, err := tunnelFilePath(tunnelID, originCertDir)
filePath, err = tunnelFilePath(credentials.TunnelID, originCertDir)
if err != nil {
return err
return "", err
body, err := json.Marshal(pogs.TunnelAuth{
AccountTag: accountID,
TunnelSecret: tunnelSecret,
// Write the name and ID to the file too
body, err := json.Marshal(credentials)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to marshal tunnel credentials to JSON")
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to marshal tunnel credentials to JSON")
logger.Infof("Writing tunnel credentials to %v. cloudflared chose this file based on where your origin certificate was found.", filePath)
logger.Infof("Keep this file secret. To revoke these credentials, delete the tunnel.")
return ioutil.WriteFile(filePath, body, 400)
func validFilePath(path string) bool {
fileStat, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return false
return !fileStat.IsDir()
return filePath, ioutil.WriteFile(filePath, body, 400)
func buildListCommand() *cli.Command {

View File

@ -22,11 +22,25 @@ type Config struct {
type NamedTunnelConfig struct {
Auth pogs.TunnelAuth
ID uuid.UUID
Credentials Credentials
Client pogs.ClientInfo
// Credentials are stored in the credentials file and contain all info needed to run a tunnel.
type Credentials struct {
AccountTag string
TunnelSecret []byte
TunnelID uuid.UUID
TunnelName string
func (c *Credentials) Auth() pogs.TunnelAuth {
return pogs.TunnelAuth{
AccountTag: c.AccountTag,
TunnelSecret: c.TunnelSecret,
type ClassicTunnelConfig struct {
Hostname string
OriginCert []byte

View File

@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ func NewProtocolSelector(protocolFlag string, namedTunnel *NamedTunnelConfig, fe
if protocolFlag != autoSelectFlag {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown protocol %s, %s", protocolFlag, AvailableProtocolFlagMessage)
threshold := switchThreshold(namedTunnel.Auth.AccountTag)
threshold := switchThreshold(namedTunnel.Credentials.AccountTag)
if threshold < http2Percentage {
return newAutoProtocolSelector(HTTP2, threshold, fetchFunc, ttl, logger), nil

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import (
@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ const (
var (
testNamedTunnelConfig = &NamedTunnelConfig{
Auth: pogs.TunnelAuth{
Credentials: Credentials{
AccountTag: "testAccountTag",

View File

@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ func (rsc *registrationServerClient) RegisterConnection(
) error {
conn, err := rsc.client.RegisterConnection(

View File

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import (
@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ func TestWaitForBackoffFallback(t *testing.T) {
assert.NoError(t, err)
resolveTTL := time.Duration(0)
namedTunnel := &connection.NamedTunnelConfig{
Auth: pogs.TunnelAuth{
Credentials: connection.Credentials{
AccountTag: "test-account",