TUN-4701: Split Proxy into ProxyHTTP and ProxyTCP

http.Request now is only used by ProxyHTTP and not required if the
proxying is TCP. The dest conversion is handled by the transport layer.
This commit is contained in:
Sudarsan Reddy 2021-07-16 16:14:37 +01:00
parent 81dff44bb9
commit 8f3526289a
9 changed files with 263 additions and 135 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package connection
import (
@ -11,9 +12,15 @@ import (
const LogFieldConnIndex = "connIndex"
const (
lbProbeUserAgentPrefix = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Cloudflare-Traffic-Manager/1.0; +https://www.cloudflare.com/traffic-manager/;"
LogFieldConnIndex = "connIndex"
var switchingProtocolText = fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", http.StatusSwitchingProtocols, http.StatusText(http.StatusSwitchingProtocols))
type Config struct {
OriginProxy OriginProxy
@ -87,9 +94,64 @@ func (t Type) String() string {
// OriginProxy is how data flows from cloudflared to the origin services running behind it.
type OriginProxy interface {
// If Proxy returns an error, the caller is responsible for writing the error status to ResponseWriter
Proxy(w ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, sourceConnectionType Type) error
ProxyHTTP(w ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, isWebsocket bool) error
ProxyTCP(ctx context.Context, rwa ReadWriteAcker, req *TCPRequest) error
// TCPRequest defines the input format needed to perform a TCP proxy.
type TCPRequest struct {
Dest string
CFRay string
LBProbe bool
// ReadWriteAcker is a readwriter with the ability to Acknowledge to the downstream (edge) that the origin has
// accepted the connection.
type ReadWriteAcker interface {
AckConnection() error
// HTTPResponseReadWriteAcker is an HTTP implementation of ReadWriteAcker.
type HTTPResponseReadWriteAcker struct {
r io.Reader
w ResponseWriter
req *http.Request
// NewHTTPResponseReadWriterAcker returns a new instance of HTTPResponseReadWriteAcker.
func NewHTTPResponseReadWriterAcker(w ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) *HTTPResponseReadWriteAcker {
return &HTTPResponseReadWriteAcker{
r: req.Body,
w: w,
req: req,
func (h *HTTPResponseReadWriteAcker) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
return h.r.Read(p)
func (h *HTTPResponseReadWriteAcker) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
return h.w.Write(p)
// AckConnection acks an HTTP connection by sending a switch protocols status code that enables the caller to
// upgrade to streams.
func (h *HTTPResponseReadWriteAcker) AckConnection() error {
resp := &http.Response{
Status: switchingProtocolText,
StatusCode: http.StatusSwitchingProtocols,
ContentLength: -1,
if secWebsocketKey := h.req.Header.Get("Sec-WebSocket-Key"); secWebsocketKey != "" {
resp.Header = websocket.NewResponseHeader(h.req)
return h.w.WriteRespHeaders(resp.StatusCode, resp.Header)
type ResponseWriter interface {
@ -112,3 +174,11 @@ func IsServerSentEvent(headers http.Header) bool {
func uint8ToString(input uint8) string {
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(input), 10)
func FindCfRayHeader(req *http.Request) string {
return req.Header.Get("Cf-Ray")
func IsLBProbeRequest(req *http.Request) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(req.UserAgent(), lbProbeUserAgentPrefix)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package connection
import (
@ -11,6 +12,8 @@ import (
const (
@ -18,7 +21,8 @@ const (
var (
testConfig = &Config{
unusedWarpRoutingService = (*ingress.WarpRoutingService)(nil)
testConfig = &Config{
OriginProxy: &mockOriginProxy{},
GracePeriod: time.Millisecond * 100,
@ -38,14 +42,17 @@ type testRequest struct {
isProxyError bool
type mockOriginProxy struct {
type mockOriginProxy struct{}
func (moc *mockOriginProxy) Proxy(w ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, sourceConnectionType Type) error {
if sourceConnectionType == TypeWebsocket {
return wsEndpoint(w, r)
func (moc *mockOriginProxy) ProxyHTTP(
w ResponseWriter,
req *http.Request,
isWebsocket bool,
) error {
if isWebsocket {
return wsEndpoint(w, req)
switch r.URL.Path {
switch req.URL.Path {
case "/ok":
originRespEndpoint(w, http.StatusOK, []byte(http.StatusText(http.StatusOK)))
case "/large_file":
@ -60,6 +67,15 @@ func (moc *mockOriginProxy) Proxy(w ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, sourceConne
originRespEndpoint(w, http.StatusNotFound, []byte("page not found"))
return nil
func (moc *mockOriginProxy) ProxyTCP(
ctx context.Context,
rwa ReadWriteAcker,
r *TCPRequest,
) error {
return nil
type nowriter struct {

View File

@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ type h2muxConnection struct {
gracefulShutdownC <-chan struct{}
stoppedGracefully bool
log *zerolog.Logger
// newRPCClientFunc allows us to mock RPCs during testing
newRPCClientFunc func(context.Context, io.ReadWriteCloser, *zerolog.Logger) NamedTunnelRPCClient
@ -222,12 +224,11 @@ func (h *h2muxConnection) ServeStream(stream *h2mux.MuxedStream) error {
sourceConnectionType = TypeWebsocket
err := h.config.OriginProxy.Proxy(respWriter, req, sourceConnectionType)
err := h.config.OriginProxy.ProxyHTTP(respWriter, req, sourceConnectionType == TypeWebsocket)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return err
func (h *h2muxConnection) newRequest(stream *h2mux.MuxedStream) (*http.Request, error) {

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
@ -26,7 +27,9 @@ const (
var errEdgeConnectionClosed = fmt.Errorf("connection with edge closed")
type http2Connection struct {
// HTTP2Connection represents a net.Conn that uses HTTP2 frames to proxy traffic from the edge to cloudflared on the
// origin.
type HTTP2Connection struct {
conn net.Conn
server *http2.Server
config *Config
@ -38,6 +41,7 @@ type http2Connection struct {
// newRPCClientFunc allows us to mock RPCs during testing
newRPCClientFunc func(context.Context, io.ReadWriteCloser, *zerolog.Logger) NamedTunnelRPCClient
log *zerolog.Logger
activeRequestsWG sync.WaitGroup
connectedFuse ConnectedFuse
gracefulShutdownC <-chan struct{}
@ -45,6 +49,7 @@ type http2Connection struct {
controlStreamErr error // result of running control stream handler
// NewHTTP2Connection returns a new instance of HTTP2Connection.
func NewHTTP2Connection(
conn net.Conn,
config *Config,
@ -53,9 +58,10 @@ func NewHTTP2Connection(
observer *Observer,
connIndex uint8,
connectedFuse ConnectedFuse,
log *zerolog.Logger,
gracefulShutdownC <-chan struct{},
) *http2Connection {
return &http2Connection{
) *HTTP2Connection {
return &HTTP2Connection{
conn: conn,
server: &http2.Server{
MaxConcurrentStreams: math.MaxUint32,
@ -68,11 +74,13 @@ func NewHTTP2Connection(
connIndex: connIndex,
newRPCClientFunc: newRegistrationRPCClient,
connectedFuse: connectedFuse,
log: log,
gracefulShutdownC: gracefulShutdownC,
func (c *http2Connection) Serve(ctx context.Context) error {
// Serve serves an HTTP2 server that the edge can talk to.
func (c *HTTP2Connection) Serve(ctx context.Context) error {
go func() {
@ -93,7 +101,7 @@ func (c *http2Connection) Serve(ctx context.Context) error {
func (c *http2Connection) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func (c *HTTP2Connection) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
defer c.activeRequestsWG.Done()
@ -106,23 +114,47 @@ func (c *http2Connection) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var proxyErr error
switch connType {
case TypeControlStream:
proxyErr = c.serveControlStream(r.Context(), respWriter)
c.controlStreamErr = proxyErr
case TypeWebsocket:
if err := c.serveControlStream(r.Context(), respWriter); err != nil {
c.controlStreamErr = err
case TypeWebsocket, TypeHTTP:
proxyErr = c.config.OriginProxy.Proxy(respWriter, r, TypeWebsocket)
if err := c.config.OriginProxy.ProxyHTTP(respWriter, r, connType == TypeWebsocket); err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Failed to proxy HTTP: %w", err)
case TypeTCP:
host, err := getRequestHost(r)
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf(`cloudflared recieved a warp-routing request with an empty host value: %w`, err)
rws := NewHTTPResponseReadWriterAcker(respWriter, r)
if err := c.config.OriginProxy.ProxyTCP(r.Context(), rws, &TCPRequest{
Dest: host,
CFRay: FindCfRayHeader(r),
LBProbe: IsLBProbeRequest(r),
}); err != nil {
proxyErr = c.config.OriginProxy.Proxy(respWriter, r, connType)
if proxyErr != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Received unknown connection type: %s", connType)
func (c *http2Connection) serveControlStream(ctx context.Context, respWriter *http2RespWriter) error {
func (c *HTTP2Connection) serveControlStream(ctx context.Context, respWriter *http2RespWriter) error {
rpcClient := c.newRPCClientFunc(ctx, respWriter, c.observer.log)
defer rpcClient.Close()
@ -145,7 +177,7 @@ func (c *http2Connection) serveControlStream(ctx context.Context, respWriter *ht
return nil
func (c *http2Connection) close() {
func (c *HTTP2Connection) close() {
// Wait for all serve HTTP handlers to return
@ -287,3 +319,14 @@ func IsTCPStream(r *http.Request) bool {
func stripWebsocketUpgradeHeader(r *http.Request) {
// getRequestHost returns the host of the http.Request.
func getRequestHost(r *http.Request) (string, error) {
if r.Host != "" {
return r.Host, nil
if r.URL != nil {
return r.URL.Host, nil
return "", errors.New("host not set in incoming request")

View File

@ -26,9 +26,10 @@ var (
testTransport = http2.Transport{}
func newTestHTTP2Connection() (*http2Connection, net.Conn) {
func newTestHTTP2Connection() (*HTTP2Connection, net.Conn) {
edgeConn, originConn := net.Pipe()
var connIndex = uint8(0)
log := zerolog.Nop()
return NewHTTP2Connection(
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ func newTestHTTP2Connection() (*http2Connection, net.Conn) {
NewObserver(&log, &log, false),
), edgeConn

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package ingress
import (
@ -9,7 +8,6 @@ import (
var (
switchingProtocolText = fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", http.StatusSwitchingProtocols, http.StatusText(http.StatusSwitchingProtocols))
errUnsupportedConnectionType = errors.New("internal error: unsupported connection type")

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import (
@ -20,13 +19,15 @@ import (
const (
// TagHeaderNamePrefix indicates a Cloudflared Warp Tag prefix that gets appended for warp traffic stream headers.
TagHeaderNamePrefix = "Cf-Warp-Tag-"
LogFieldCFRay = "cfRay"
LogFieldRule = "ingressRule"
LogFieldOriginService = "originService"
type proxy struct {
// Proxy represents a means to Proxy between cloudflared and the origin services.
type Proxy struct {
ingressRules ingress.Ingress
warpRouting *ingress.WarpRoutingService
tags []tunnelpogs.Tag
@ -34,15 +35,14 @@ type proxy struct {
bufferPool *bufferPool
var switchingProtocolText = fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", http.StatusSwitchingProtocols, http.StatusText(http.StatusSwitchingProtocols))
// NewOriginProxy returns a new instance of the Proxy struct.
func NewOriginProxy(
ingressRules ingress.Ingress,
warpRouting *ingress.WarpRoutingService,
tags []tunnelpogs.Tag,
log *zerolog.Logger) connection.OriginProxy {
return &proxy{
log *zerolog.Logger,
) *Proxy {
return &Proxy{
ingressRules: ingressRules,
warpRouting: warpRouting,
tags: tags,
@ -51,41 +51,18 @@ func NewOriginProxy(
// Caller is responsible for writing any error to ResponseWriter
func (p *proxy) Proxy(w connection.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, sourceConnectionType connection.Type) error {
// ProxyHTTP further depends on ingress rules to establish a connection with the origin service. This may be
// a simple roundtrip or a tcp/websocket dial depending on ingres rule setup.
func (p *Proxy) ProxyHTTP(
w connection.ResponseWriter,
req *http.Request,
isWebsocket bool,
) error {
defer decrementConcurrentRequests()
cfRay := findCfRayHeader(req)
lbProbe := isLBProbeRequest(req)
serveCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(req.Context())
defer cancel()
if sourceConnectionType == connection.TypeTCP {
if p.warpRouting == nil {
err := errors.New(`cloudflared received a request from WARP client, but your configuration has disabled ingress from WARP clients. To enable this, set "warp-routing:\n\t enabled: true" in your config.yaml`)
return err
logFields := logFields{
cfRay: cfRay,
lbProbe: lbProbe,
rule: ingress.ServiceWarpRouting,
host, err := getRequestHost(req)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf(`cloudflared recieved a warp-routing request with an empty host value: %v`, err)
return err
if err := p.proxyStreamRequest(serveCtx, w, host, req, p.warpRouting.Proxy, logFields); err != nil {
p.logRequestError(err, cfRay, "", ingress.ServiceWarpRouting)
return err
return nil
cfRay := connection.FindCfRayHeader(req)
lbProbe := connection.IsLBProbeRequest(req)
rule, ruleNum := p.ingressRules.FindMatchingRule(req.Host, req.URL.Path)
logFields := logFields{
@ -97,8 +74,14 @@ func (p *proxy) Proxy(w connection.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, sourceConn
switch originProxy := rule.Service.(type) {
case ingress.HTTPOriginProxy:
if err := p.proxyHTTPRequest(w, req, originProxy, sourceConnectionType == connection.TypeWebsocket,
rule.Config.DisableChunkedEncoding, logFields); err != nil {
if err := p.proxyHTTPRequest(
); err != nil {
rule, srv := ruleField(p.ingressRules, ruleNum)
p.logRequestError(err, cfRay, rule, srv)
return err
@ -110,7 +93,9 @@ func (p *proxy) Proxy(w connection.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, sourceConn
if err != nil {
return err
if err := p.proxyStreamRequest(serveCtx, w, dest, req, originProxy, logFields); err != nil {
rws := connection.NewHTTPResponseReadWriterAcker(w, req)
if err := p.proxyStream(req.Context(), rws, dest, originProxy, logFields); err != nil {
rule, srv := ruleField(p.ingressRules, ruleNum)
p.logRequestError(err, cfRay, rule, srv)
return err
@ -121,24 +106,36 @@ func (p *proxy) Proxy(w connection.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, sourceConn
func getDestFromRule(rule *ingress.Rule, req *http.Request) (string, error) {
switch rule.Service.String() {
case ingress.ServiceBastion:
return carrier.ResolveBastionDest(req)
return rule.Service.String(), nil
// ProxyTCP proxies to a TCP connection between the origin service and cloudflared.
func (p *Proxy) ProxyTCP(
ctx context.Context,
rwa connection.ReadWriteAcker,
req *connection.TCPRequest,
) error {
defer decrementConcurrentRequests()
// getRequestHost returns the host of the http.Request.
func getRequestHost(r *http.Request) (string, error) {
if r.Host != "" {
return r.Host, nil
if p.warpRouting == nil {
err := errors.New(`cloudflared received a request from WARP client, but your configuration has disabled ingress from WARP clients. To enable this, set "warp-routing:\n\t enabled: true" in your config.yaml`)
return err
if r.URL != nil {
return r.URL.Host, nil
serveCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
logFields := logFields{
cfRay: req.CFRay,
lbProbe: req.LBProbe,
rule: ingress.ServiceWarpRouting,
return "", errors.New("host not set in incoming request")
if err := p.proxyStream(serveCtx, rwa, req.Dest, p.warpRouting.Proxy, logFields); err != nil {
p.logRequestError(err, req.CFRay, "", ingress.ServiceWarpRouting)
return err
return nil
func ruleField(ing ingress.Ingress, ruleNum int) (ruleID string, srv string) {
@ -149,13 +146,15 @@ func ruleField(ing ingress.Ingress, ruleNum int) (ruleID string, srv string) {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", ruleNum), srv
func (p *proxy) proxyHTTPRequest(
// ProxyHTTPRequest proxies requests of underlying type http and websocket to the origin service.
func (p *Proxy) proxyHTTPRequest(
w connection.ResponseWriter,
req *http.Request,
httpService ingress.HTTPOriginProxy,
isWebsocket bool,
disableChunkedEncoding bool,
fields logFields) error {
fields logFields,
) error {
roundTripReq := req
if isWebsocket {
roundTripReq = req.Clone(req.Context())
@ -214,17 +213,17 @@ func (p *proxy) proxyHTTPRequest(
defer p.bufferPool.Put(buf)
_, _ = io.CopyBuffer(w, resp.Body, buf)
p.logOriginResponse(resp, fields)
return nil
// proxyStreamRequest first establish a connection with origin, then it writes the status code and headers, and finally it streams data between
// eyeball and origin.
func (p *proxy) proxyStreamRequest(
serveCtx context.Context,
w connection.ResponseWriter,
// proxyStream proxies type TCP and other underlying types if the connection is defined as a stream oriented
// ingress rule.
func (p *Proxy) proxyStream(
ctx context.Context,
rwa connection.ReadWriteAcker,
dest string,
req *http.Request,
connectionProxy ingress.StreamBasedOriginProxy,
fields logFields,
) error {
@ -233,21 +232,11 @@ func (p *proxy) proxyStreamRequest(
return err
resp := &http.Response{
Status: switchingProtocolText,
StatusCode: http.StatusSwitchingProtocols,
ContentLength: -1,
if secWebsocketKey := req.Header.Get("Sec-WebSocket-Key"); secWebsocketKey != "" {
resp.Header = websocket.NewResponseHeader(req)
if err = w.WriteRespHeaders(resp.StatusCode, resp.Header); err != nil {
if err := rwa.AckConnection(); err != nil {
return err
streamCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(serveCtx)
streamCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
go func() {
@ -256,12 +245,7 @@ func (p *proxy) proxyStreamRequest(
eyeballStream := &bidirectionalStream{
writer: w,
reader: req.Body,
originConn.Stream(serveCtx, eyeballStream, p.log)
p.logOriginResponse(resp, fields)
originConn.Stream(ctx, rwa, p.log)
return nil
@ -278,7 +262,7 @@ func (wr *bidirectionalStream) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return wr.writer.Write(p)
func (p *proxy) writeEventStream(w connection.ResponseWriter, respBody io.ReadCloser) {
func (p *Proxy) writeEventStream(w connection.ResponseWriter, respBody io.ReadCloser) {
reader := bufio.NewReader(respBody)
for {
line, err := reader.ReadBytes('\n')
@ -289,7 +273,7 @@ func (p *proxy) writeEventStream(w connection.ResponseWriter, respBody io.ReadCl
func (p *proxy) appendTagHeaders(r *http.Request) {
func (p *Proxy) appendTagHeaders(r *http.Request) {
for _, tag := range p.tags {
r.Header.Add(TagHeaderNamePrefix+tag.Name, tag.Value)
@ -301,7 +285,7 @@ type logFields struct {
rule interface{}
func (p *proxy) logRequest(r *http.Request, fields logFields) {
func (p *Proxy) logRequest(r *http.Request, fields logFields) {
if fields.cfRay != "" {
p.log.Debug().Msgf("CF-RAY: %s %s %s %s", fields.cfRay, r.Method, r.URL, r.Proto)
} else if fields.lbProbe {
@ -324,7 +308,7 @@ func (p *proxy) logRequest(r *http.Request, fields logFields) {
func (p *proxy) logOriginResponse(resp *http.Response, fields logFields) {
func (p *Proxy) logOriginResponse(resp *http.Response, fields logFields) {
if fields.cfRay != "" {
p.log.Debug().Msgf("CF-RAY: %s Status: %s served by ingress %d", fields.cfRay, resp.Status, fields.rule)
@ -342,7 +326,7 @@ func (p *proxy) logOriginResponse(resp *http.Response, fields logFields) {
func (p *proxy) logRequestError(err error, cfRay string, rule, service string) {
func (p *Proxy) logRequestError(err error, cfRay string, rule, service string) {
log := p.log.Error().Err(err)
if cfRay != "" {
@ -357,10 +341,11 @@ func (p *proxy) logRequestError(err error, cfRay string, rule, service string) {
func findCfRayHeader(req *http.Request) string {
return req.Header.Get("Cf-Ray")
func isLBProbeRequest(req *http.Request) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(req.UserAgent(), lbProbeUserAgentPrefix)
func getDestFromRule(rule *ingress.Rule, req *http.Request) (string, error) {
switch rule.Service.String() {
case ingress.ServiceBastion:
return carrier.ResolveBastionDest(req)
return rule.Service.String(), nil

View File

@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ func newMockHTTPRespWriter() *mockHTTPRespWriter {
func (w *mockHTTPRespWriter) WriteResponse() error {
return nil
func (w *mockHTTPRespWriter) WriteRespHeaders(status int, header http.Header) error {
for header, val := range header {
@ -146,7 +150,7 @@ func testProxyHTTP(proxy connection.OriginProxy) func(t *testing.T) {
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "http://localhost:8080", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = proxy.Proxy(responseWriter, req, connection.TypeHTTP)
err = proxy.ProxyHTTP(responseWriter, req, false)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, responseWriter.Code)
@ -170,7 +174,7 @@ func testProxyWebsocket(proxy connection.OriginProxy) func(t *testing.T) {
errGroup, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
errGroup.Go(func() error {
err = proxy.Proxy(responseWriter, req, connection.TypeWebsocket)
err = proxy.ProxyHTTP(responseWriter, req, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, http.StatusSwitchingProtocols, responseWriter.Code)
@ -231,7 +235,7 @@ func testProxySSE(proxy connection.OriginProxy) func(t *testing.T) {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
err = proxy.Proxy(responseWriter, req, connection.TypeHTTP)
err = proxy.ProxyHTTP(responseWriter, req, false)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, responseWriter.Code)
@ -330,7 +334,7 @@ func runIngressTestScenarios(t *testing.T, unvalidatedIngress []config.Unvalidat
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, test.url, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = proxy.Proxy(responseWriter, req, connection.TypeHTTP)
err = proxy.ProxyHTTP(responseWriter, req, false)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, test.expectedStatus, responseWriter.Code)
@ -358,7 +362,7 @@ func (errorOriginTransport) RoundTrip(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
func TestProxyError(t *testing.T) {
ingress := ingress.Ingress{
ing := ingress.Ingress{
Rules: []ingress.Rule{
Hostname: "*",
@ -372,13 +376,13 @@ func TestProxyError(t *testing.T) {
log := zerolog.Nop()
proxy := NewOriginProxy(ingress, unusedWarpRoutingService, testTags, &log)
proxy := NewOriginProxy(ing, unusedWarpRoutingService, testTags, &log)
responseWriter := newMockHTTPRespWriter()
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "", nil)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Error(t, proxy.Proxy(responseWriter, req, connection.TypeHTTP))
assert.Error(t, proxy.ProxyHTTP(responseWriter, req, false))
type replayer struct {
@ -617,6 +621,7 @@ func TestConnections(t *testing.T) {
ingressRule.StartOrigins(&wg, logger, ctx.Done(), errC)
proxy := NewOriginProxy(ingressRule, test.args.warpRoutingService, testTags, logger)
dest := ln.Addr().String()
req, err := http.NewRequest(
@ -634,8 +639,12 @@ func TestConnections(t *testing.T) {
err = proxy.Proxy(respWriter, req, test.args.connectionType)
if test.args.connectionType == connection.TypeTCP {
rws := connection.NewHTTPResponseReadWriterAcker(respWriter, req)
err = proxy.ProxyTCP(ctx, rws, &connection.TCPRequest{Dest: dest})
} else {
err = proxy.ProxyHTTP(respWriter, req, test.args.connectionType == connection.TypeWebsocket)
assert.Equal(t, test.want.err, err != nil)
@ -829,6 +838,10 @@ func newTCPRespWriter(w io.Writer) *mockTCPRespWriter {
func (m *mockTCPRespWriter) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return len(p), nil
func (m *mockTCPRespWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return m.w.Write(p)

View File

@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import (
const (
dialTimeout = 15 * time.Second
lbProbeUserAgentPrefix = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Cloudflare-Traffic-Manager/1.0; +https://www.cloudflare.com/traffic-manager/;"
FeatureSerializedHeaders = "serialized_headers"
FeatureQuickReconnects = "quick_reconnects"
@ -417,6 +416,7 @@ func ServeHTTP2(