TUN-6720: Remove forcibly closing connection during reconnect signal

Previously allowing the reconnect signal forcibly close the connection
caused a race condition on which error was returned by the errgroup
in the tunnel connection. Allowing the signal to return and provide
a context cancel to the connection provides a safer shutdown of the
tunnel for this test-only scenario.
This commit is contained in:
Devin Carr 2022-08-31 12:52:44 -07:00
parent 8ec0f7746b
commit cfef0e737f
5 changed files with 22 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ func StartServer(
errC <- metrics.ServeMetrics(metricsListener, ctx.Done(), readinessServer, quickTunnelURL, orchestrator, log)
reconnectCh := make(chan supervisor.ReconnectSignal, 1)
reconnectCh := make(chan supervisor.ReconnectSignal, c.Int("ha-connections"))
if c.IsSet("stdin-control") {
log.Info().Msg("Enabling control through stdin")
go stdinControl(reconnectCh, log)

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@ -47,17 +47,12 @@ class TestReconnect:
def assert_reconnect(self, config, cloudflared, repeat):
wait_tunnel_ready(tunnel_url=config.get_url(), require_min_connections=self.default_ha_conns)
for _ in range(repeat):
for i in range(self.default_ha_conns):
for _ in range(self.default_ha_conns):
self.send_reconnect(cloudflared, self.default_reconnect_secs)
expect_connections = self.default_ha_conns-i-1
if expect_connections > 0:
# Don't check if tunnel returns 200 here because there is a race condition between wait_tunnel_ready
# retrying to get 200 response and reconnecting
sleep(self.default_reconnect_secs * 2)
wait_tunnel_ready(tunnel_url=config.get_url(), require_min_connections=self.default_ha_conns)

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from constants import METRICS_PORT, MAX_RETRIES, BACKOFF_SECS
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def select_platform(plat):
return pytest.mark.skipif(
platform.system() != plat, reason=f"Only runs on {plat}")
@ -108,13 +109,15 @@ def _log_cloudflared_logs(cfd_logs):
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=MAX_RETRIES * BACKOFF_SECS, wait_fixed=1000)
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=MAX_RETRIES, wait_fixed=BACKOFF_SECS * 1000)
def check_tunnel_not_connected():
url = f'http://localhost:{METRICS_PORT}/ready'
resp = requests.get(url, timeout=1)
resp = requests.get(url, timeout=BACKOFF_SECS)
assert resp.status_code == 503, f"Expect {url} returns 503, got {resp.status_code}"
assert resp.json()[
"readyConnections"] == 0, "Expected all connections to be terminated (pending reconnect)"
# cloudflared might already terminate
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
LOGGER.warning(f"Failed to connect to {url}, error: {e}")

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@ -295,8 +295,7 @@ func (s *Supervisor) initialize(
ch := signal.New(make(chan struct{}))
go s.startTunnel(ctx, i, ch)
go s.startTunnel(ctx, i, s.newConnectedTunnelSignal(i))
return nil

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@ -546,7 +546,13 @@ func (e *EdgeTunnelServer) serveH2mux(
errGroup.Go(func() error {
return listenReconnect(serveCtx, e.reconnectCh, e.gracefulShutdownC)
err := listenReconnect(serveCtx, e.reconnectCh, e.gracefulShutdownC)
if err != nil {
// forcefully break the connection (this is only used for testing)
// errgroup will return context canceled for the handler.ServeClassicTunnel
connLog.Logger().Debug().Msg("Forcefully breaking h2mux connection")
return err
return errGroup.Wait()
@ -580,8 +586,8 @@ func (e *EdgeTunnelServer) serveHTTP2(
err := listenReconnect(serveCtx, e.reconnectCh, e.gracefulShutdownC)
if err != nil {
// forcefully break the connection (this is only used for testing)
// errgroup will return context canceled for the h2conn.Serve
connLog.Logger().Debug().Msg("Forcefully breaking http2 connection")
_ = tlsServerConn.Close()
return err
@ -636,8 +642,8 @@ func (e *EdgeTunnelServer) serveQUIC(
err := listenReconnect(serveCtx, e.reconnectCh, e.gracefulShutdownC)
if err != nil {
// forcefully break the connection (this is only used for testing)
// errgroup will return context canceled for the quicConn.Serve
connLogger.Logger().Debug().Msg("Forcefully breaking quic connection")
return err