## Summary
This commit refactors some of the flags of cloudflared to their own module, so that they can be used across the code without requiring to literal strings which are much more error prone.
Closes TUN-8914
## Summary
This commit introduces a new command line flag, `--max-active-flows`, which allows overriding the remote configuration for the maximum number of active flows.
The flag can be used with the `run` command, like `cloudflared tunnel --no-autoupdate run --token <TUNNEL_TOKEN> --max-active-flows 50000`, or set via an environment variable `TUNNEL_MAX_ACTIVE_FLOWS`.
Note that locally-set values always take precedence over remote settings, even if the tunnel is remotely managed.
Closes TUN-8914
## Summary
Nowadays, Cloudflared only supports X25519Kyber768Draft00 (0x6399,25497) but older versions may use different preferences.
For FIPS compliance we are required to use P256Kyber768Draft00 (0xfe32,65074) which is supported in our internal fork of [Go-Boring-1.22.10](https://bitbucket.cfdata.org/projects/PLAT/repos/goboring/browse?at=refs/heads/go-boring/1.22.10 "Follow link").
In the near future, Go will support by default the X25519MLKEM768 (0x11ec,4588) given this we may drop the usage of our public fork of GO.
To summarise:
* Cloudflared non-FIPS: QUIC_CURVE_PREFERENCES=4588
Closes TUN-8855
## Summary
Adds a new CLI subcommand, under the tunnel command, the `diag`. This command has as function the automatic collection of different data points, such as, logs, metrics, network information, system information, tunnel state, and runtime information which will be written to a single zip file.
Closes TUN-8724
## Summary
Previously the force flag in the tunnel delete command was only explicitly deleting the
connections of a tunnel. Therefore, we are changing it to use the cascade query parameter
supported by the API. That parameter will delegate to the server the deletion of the tunnel
dependencies implicitly instead of the client doing it explicitly. This means that not only
the connections will get deleted, but also the tunnel routes, ensuring that no dependencies
are left without a non-deleted tunnel.
This addresses https://security.snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-GOLANG-GOPKGINYAMLV3-2841557
by updating yaml v3 to latest version.
It also stops using yaml v2 directly (we were using both v2 and v3 mixed).
We still rely on yaml v2 indirectly, via urfave cli, though.
Note that the security vulnerability does not affect v2.
* `max-fetch-size` can now be set up in the config YAML
* we no longer pass that to filter commands that filter by name
* flag changed to signed int since altsrc does not support UInt flags
* we now look up each non UUID (to convert it to a UUID) when needed, separately
This can be useful/important for accounts with many tunnels that exceed
the 1000 default page size.
There are various tunnel subcommands that use listing underneath, so we make
that flag a tunnel one, rather than adding it to each subcommand.