Compare commits


No commits in common. "master" and "2022.3.2" have entirely different histories.

3018 changed files with 217981 additions and 324911 deletions

View File

@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
- name: cloudflared
dockerfile: Dockerfile.$ARCH
dockerfile: Dockerfile
context: .
version_file: versions
- name:
user: env:DOCKER_USER
password: env:DOCKER_PASSWORD
- amd64
- arm64

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
name: "\U0001F4DD Documentation"
about: Request new or updated documentation for cloudflared
title: "\U0001F4DD"
labels: 'Priority: Normal, Type: Documentation'
**Available Documentation**
A link to the documentation that is available today and the areas which could be improved.
**Suggested Documentation**
A clear and concise description of the documentation, tutorial, or guide that should be added.
**Additional context**
Add any other context or screenshots about the documentation request here.

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
name: "\U0001F41B Bug report"
name: "Bug report \U0001F41B"
about: Create a report to help us improve cloudflared
title: "\U0001F41B"
labels: 'Priority: Normal, Type: Bug'
title: ''
labels: awaiting reply, bug
assignees: ''
@ -15,10 +16,6 @@ Steps to reproduce the behavior:
2. Run '....'
3. See error
If it's an issue with Cloudflare Tunnel:
4. Tunnel ID :
5. cloudflared config:
**Expected behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
name: "\U0001F4A1 Feature request"
name: "Feature request \U0001F4A1"
about: Suggest a feature or enhancement for cloudflared
title: "\U0001F4A1"
labels: 'Priority: Normal, Type: Feature Request'
title: ''
labels: awaiting reply, feature-request
assignees: ''

View File

@ -4,15 +4,17 @@ jobs:
go-version: [1.22.x]
go-version: [1.17.x]
os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- name: Install Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v5
uses: actions/setup-go@v2
go-version: ${{ matrix.go-version }}
- name: Install go-sumtype
run: go get
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Test
run: make test

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
pull_request: {}
workflow_dispatch: {}
- main
- master
- cron: '0 0 * * *'
name: Semgrep config
name: semgrep/ci
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
image: returntocorp/semgrep
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- run: semgrep ci

View File

@ -1,23 +1,17 @@
set -exo pipefail
if [[ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ]] ; then
echo "This should be run on macOS"
exit 1
if [[ "amd64" != "${TARGET_ARCH}" && "arm64" != "${TARGET_ARCH}" ]]
echo "TARGET_ARCH must be amd64 or arm64"
exit 1
go version
export GO111MODULE=on
# build 'cloudflared-darwin-amd64.tgz'
mkdir -p artifacts
VERSION=$(git describe --tags --always --dirty="-dev")
@ -29,20 +23,17 @@ INSTALLER_CERT="installer.cer"
SEC_DUP_MSG="security: SecKeychainItemImport: The specified item already exists in the keychain."
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin"
mkdir -p ../src/
cp -r . ../src/
cd ../src/
GOCACHE="$PWD/../../../../" GOPATH="$PWD/../../../../" CGO_ENABLED=1 make cloudflared
# Add code signing private key to the key chain
if [[ ! -z "$CFD_CODE_SIGN_KEY" ]]; then
if [[ ! -z "$CFD_CODE_SIGN_PASS" ]]; then
# write private key to disk and then import it keychain
echo -n -e ${CFD_CODE_SIGN_KEY} | base64 -D > ${CODE_SIGN_PRIV}
# we set || true here and for every `security import invoke` because the "duplicate SecKeychainItemImport" error
# will cause set -e to exit 1. It is okay we do this because we deliberately handle this error in the lines below.
out=$(security import ${CODE_SIGN_PRIV} -A -P "${CFD_CODE_SIGN_PASS}" 2>&1) || true
out=$(security import ${CODE_SIGN_PRIV} -A -P "${CFD_CODE_SIGN_PASS}" 2>&1)
if [ -n "$out" ]; then
if [ $exitcode -eq 0 ]; then
@ -62,7 +53,7 @@ fi
if [[ ! -z "$CFD_CODE_SIGN_CERT" ]]; then
# write certificate to disk and then import it keychain
echo -n -e ${CFD_CODE_SIGN_CERT} | base64 -D > ${CODE_SIGN_CERT}
out1=$(security import ${CODE_SIGN_CERT} -A 2>&1) || true
out1=$(security import ${CODE_SIGN_CERT} -A 2>&1)
if [ -n "$out1" ]; then
if [ $exitcode1 -eq 0 ]; then
@ -84,7 +75,7 @@ if [[ ! -z "$CFD_INSTALLER_KEY" ]]; then
if [[ ! -z "$CFD_INSTALLER_PASS" ]]; then
# write private key to disk and then import it into the keychain
echo -n -e ${CFD_INSTALLER_KEY} | base64 -D > ${INSTALLER_PRIV}
out2=$(security import ${INSTALLER_PRIV} -A -P "${CFD_INSTALLER_PASS}" 2>&1) || true
out2=$(security import ${INSTALLER_PRIV} -A -P "${CFD_INSTALLER_PASS}" 2>&1)
if [ -n "$out2" ]; then
if [ $exitcode2 -eq 0 ]; then
@ -104,7 +95,7 @@ fi
if [[ ! -z "$CFD_INSTALLER_CERT" ]]; then
# write certificate to disk and then import it keychain
echo -n -e ${CFD_INSTALLER_CERT} | base64 -D > ${INSTALLER_CERT}
out3=$(security import ${INSTALLER_CERT} -A 2>&1) || true
out3=$(security import ${INSTALLER_CERT} -A 2>&1)
if [ -n "$out3" ]; then
if [ $exitcode3 -eq 0 ]; then
@ -143,28 +134,26 @@ else
# cleanup the build directory because the previous execution might have failed without cleaning up.
export TARGET_OS="darwin"
GOCACHE="$PWD/../../../../" GOPATH="$PWD/../../../../" CGO_ENABLED=1 make cloudflared
# sign the cloudflared binary
if [[ ! -z "$CODE_SIGN_NAME" ]]; then
codesign -s "${CODE_SIGN_NAME}" -f -v --timestamp --options runtime ${BINARY_NAME}
# notarize the binary
# TODO: TUN-5789
# notarize the binary
if [[ ! -z "$CFD_NOTE_PASSWORD" ]]; then
xcrun altool --notarize-app -f "${BINARY_NAME}.zip" -t osx -u ${CFD_NOTE_USERNAME} -p ${CFD_NOTE_PASSWORD} --primary-bundle-id ${BUNDLE_ID}
# creating build directory
mkdir -p "${ARCH_TARGET_DIRECTORY}/contents"
cp -r ".mac_resources/scripts" "${ARCH_TARGET_DIRECTORY}/scripts"
mkdir "${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/contents"
cp -r ".mac_resources/scripts" "${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/scripts"
# copy cloudflared into the build directory
# compress cloudflared into a tar and gzipped file
tar czf "$FILENAME" "${BINARY_NAME}"
@ -173,23 +162,26 @@ tar czf "$FILENAME" "${BINARY_NAME}"
if [[ ! -z "$PKG_SIGN_NAME" ]]; then
pkgbuild --identifier com.cloudflare.${PRODUCT} \
--version ${VERSION} \
--scripts ${ARCH_TARGET_DIRECTORY}/scripts \
--root ${ARCH_TARGET_DIRECTORY}/contents \
--scripts ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/scripts \
--root ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/contents \
--install-location /usr/local/bin \
--sign "${PKG_SIGN_NAME}" \
# notarize the package
# TODO: TUN-5789
if [[ ! -z "$CFD_NOTE_PASSWORD" ]]; then
xcrun altool --notarize-app -f ${PKGNAME} -t osx -u ${CFD_NOTE_USERNAME} -p ${CFD_NOTE_PASSWORD} --primary-bundle-id ${BUNDLE_ID}
xcrun stapler staple ${PKGNAME}
pkgbuild --identifier com.cloudflare.${PRODUCT} \
--version ${VERSION} \
--scripts ${ARCH_TARGET_DIRECTORY}/scripts \
--root ${ARCH_TARGET_DIRECTORY}/contents \
--scripts ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/scripts \
--root ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/contents \
--install-location /usr/local/bin \
# cleanup build directory because this script is not ran within containers,
# which might lead to future issues in subsequent runs.
# cleaning up the build directory

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
# !/usr/bin/env bash
cd /tmp
git clone -q
cd go/src
# is version go1.22.2-devel-cf
git checkout -q ec0a014545f180b0c74dfd687698657a9e86e310

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
rm -rf /tmp/go
export GOCACHE=/tmp/gocache
rm -rf $GOCACHE
export PATH="/tmp/go/bin:$PATH"
go version
which go
go env

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
VERSION=$(git describe --tags --always --match "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].*.*")
export TARGET_OS=windows
# This controls the directory the built artifacts go into
export BUILT_ARTIFACT_DIR=built_artifacts/
export FINAL_ARTIFACT_DIR=artifacts/
windowsArchs=("amd64" "386")
for arch in ${windowsArchs[@]}; do
export TARGET_ARCH=$arch
# Copy exe into final directory
cp $BUILT_ARTIFACT_DIR/cloudflared-windows-$arch.exe ./cloudflared.exe
make cloudflared-msi
# Copy msi into final directory
mv cloudflared-$VERSION-$arch.msi $FINAL_ARTIFACT_DIR/cloudflared-windows-$arch.msi
cp $BUILT_ARTIFACT_DIR/cloudflared-windows-$arch.exe $FINAL_ARTIFACT_DIR/cloudflared-windows-$arch.exe

.teamcity/ vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
set -euo pipefail
if ! VERSION="$(git describe --tags --exact-match 2>/dev/null)" ; then
echo "Skipping public release for an untagged commit."
echo "##teamcity[buildStatus status='SUCCESS' text='Skipped due to lack of tag']"
exit 0
if [[ ! -f "$FILENAME" ]] ; then
echo "Missing $FILENAME"
exit 1
if [[ "${GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY:-}" == "" ]] ; then
exit 1
# upload to s3 bucket for use by Homebrew formula
s3cmd \
--acl-public --signature-v2 --access_key="$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" --secret_key="$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" --host-bucket="%(bucket)" \
put "$FILENAME" "s3://cftunnel-docs/dl/cloudflared-$VERSION-darwin-amd64.tgz"
s3cmd \
--acl-public --signature-v2 --access_key="$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" --secret_key="$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" --host-bucket="%(bucket)" \
cp "s3://cftunnel-docs/dl/cloudflared-$VERSION-darwin-amd64.tgz" "s3://cftunnel-docs/dl/cloudflared-stable-darwin-amd64.tgz"
SHA256=$(sha256sum "$FILENAME" | cut -b1-64)
# set up git (note that UserKnownHostsFile is an absolute path so we can cd wherever)
mkdir -p tmp
ssh-keyscan -t rsa > tmp/github.txt
echo "$GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY" > tmp/private.key
chmod 0400 tmp/private.key
export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=$PWD/tmp/github.txt -i $PWD/tmp/private.key -o IdentitiesOnly=yes"
# clone Homebrew repo into tmp/homebrew-cloudflare
git clone tmp/homebrew-cloudflare
cd tmp/homebrew-cloudflare
git checkout -f master
git reset --hard origin/master
# modify cloudflared.rb
tee cloudflared.rb <<EOF
class Cloudflared < Formula
desc 'Cloudflare Tunnel'
homepage ''
url '$URL'
sha256 '$SHA256'
version '$VERSION'
def install
bin.install 'cloudflared'
# push cloudflared.rb
git add cloudflared.rb
git diff
git config "cloudflare-warp-bot"
git config ""
git commit -m "Release Cloudflare Tunnel $VERSION"
git push -v origin master

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
# Relative path to working directory
$CloudflaredDirectory = "go\src\\cloudflare\cloudflared"
cd $CloudflaredDirectory
Write-Output "Building for amd64"
$env:TARGET_OS = "windows"
$env:CGO_ENABLED = 1
$env:TARGET_ARCH = "amd64"
$env:Path = "$Env:Temp\go\bin;$($env:Path)"
go env
go version
& make cloudflared
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "Failed to build cloudflared for amd64" }
copy .\cloudflared.exe .\cloudflared-windows-amd64.exe
Write-Output "Building for 386"
$env:CGO_ENABLED = 0
$env:TARGET_ARCH = "386"
make cloudflared
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "Failed to build cloudflared for 386" }
copy .\cloudflared.exe .\cloudflared-windows-386.exe

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$WorkingDirectory = Get-Location
$CloudflaredDirectory = "$WorkingDirectory\go\src\\cloudflare\cloudflared"
go env
go version
$env:TARGET_OS = "windows"
$env:CGO_ENABLED = 1
$env:TARGET_ARCH = "amd64"
$env:Path = "$Env:Temp\go\bin;$($env:Path)"
python --version
python -m pip --version
cd $CloudflaredDirectory
go env
go version
Write-Output "Building cloudflared"
& make cloudflared
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "Failed to build cloudflared" }
Write-Output "Running unit tests"
# Not testing with race detector because of
# We already test it on other platforms
& go test -failfast -mod=vendor ./...
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "Failed unit tests" }
Write-Output "Running component tests"
python -m pip --disable-pip-version-check install --upgrade -r component-tests/requirements.txt
python component-tests/ --type create
python -m pytest component-tests -o log_cli=true --log-cli-level=INFO
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
python component-tests/ --type cleanup
throw "Failed component tests"
python component-tests/ --type cleanup

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Write-Output "Downloading cloudflare go..."
Set-Location "$Env:Temp"
git clone -q
Write-Output "Building go..."
cd go/src
# is version go1.22.2-devel-cf
git checkout -q ec0a014545f180b0c74dfd687698657a9e86e310
& ./make.bat
Write-Output "Installed"

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$GoMsiVersion = ""
Write-Output "Downloading go installer..."
Set-Location "$Env:Temp"
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(
Write-Output "Installing go..."
Install-Package "$Env:Temp\$GoMsiVersion" -Force
# Go installer updates global $PATH
go env
Write-Output "Installed"

View File

@ -1,85 +1,3 @@
## 2024.2.1
### Notices
- Starting from this version, tunnel diagnostics will be enabled by default. This will allow the engineering team to remotely get diagnostics from cloudflared during debug activities. Users still have the capability to opt-out of this feature by defining `--management-diagnostics=false` (or env `TUNNEL_MANAGEMENT_DIAGNOSTICS`).
## 2023.9.0
### Notices
- The `warp-routing` `enabled: boolean` flag is no longer supported in the configuration file. Warp Routing traffic (eg TCP, UDP, ICMP) traffic is proxied to cloudflared if routes to the target tunnel are configured. This change does not affect remotely managed tunnels, but for locally managed tunnels, users that might be relying on this feature flag to block traffic should instead guarantee that tunnel has no Private Routes configured for the tunnel.
## 2023.7.0
### New Features
- You can now enable additional diagnostics over the service for your active cloudflared connectors via a new runtime flag `--management-diagnostics` (or env `TUNNEL_MANAGEMENT_DIAGNOSTICS`). This feature is provided as opt-in and requires the flag to enable. Endpoints such as /metrics provides your prometheus metrics endpoint another mechanism to be reached. Additionally /debug/pprof/(goroutine|heap) are also introduced to allow for remotely retrieving active pprof information from a running cloudflared connector.
## 2023.4.1
### New Features
- You can now stream your logs from your remote cloudflared to your local terminal with `cloudflared tail <TUNNEL-ID>`. This new feature requires the remote cloudflared to be version 2023.4.1 or higher.
## 2023.3.2
### Notices
- Due to the nature of QuickTunnels ( and its intended usage for testing and experiment of Cloudflare Tunnels, starting from 2023.3.2, QuickTunnels only make a single connection to the edge. If users want to use Tunnels in a production environment, they should move to Named Tunnels instead. (
## 2023.3.1
### Breaking Change
- Running a tunnel without ingress rules defined in configuration file nor from the CLI flags will no longer provide a default ingress rule to localhost:8080 and instead will return HTTP response code 503 for all incoming HTTP requests.
### Security Fixes
- Windows 32 bit machines MSI now defaults to Program Files to install cloudflared. (See CVE-2023-1314). The cloudflared client itself is unaffected. This just changes how the installer works on 32 bit windows machines.
### Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that would cause running tunnel on Bastion mode and without ingress rules to crash.
## 2023.2.2
### Notices
- Legacy tunnels were officially deprecated on December 1, 2022. Starting with this version, cloudflared no longer supports connecting legacy tunnels.
- h2mux tunnel connection protocol is no longer supported. Any tunnels still configured to use this protocol will alert and use http2 tunnel protocol instead. We recommend using quic protocol for all tunnels going forward.
## 2023.2.1
### Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug in TCP connection proxy that could result in the connection being closed before all data was written.
- cloudflared now correctly aborts body write if connection to origin service fails after response headers were sent already.
- Fixed a bug introduced in the previous release where debug endpoints were removed.
## 2022.12.0
### Improvements
- cloudflared now attempts to try other edge addresses before falling back to a lower protocol.
- cloudflared tunnel no longer spins up a quick tunnel. The call has to be explicit and provide a --url flag.
- cloudflared will now randomly pick the first or second region to connect to instead of always connecting to region2 first.
## 2022.9.0
### New Features
- cloudflared now rejects ingress rules with invalid http status codes for http_status.
## 2022.8.1
### New Features
- cloudflared now remembers if it connected to a certain protocol successfully. If it did, it does not fall back to a lower
protocol on connection failures.
## 2022.7.1
### New Features
- It is now possible to connect cloudflared tunnel to Cloudflare Global Network with IPv6. See `cloudflared tunnel --help` and look for `edge-ip-version` for more information. For now, the default behavior is to still connect with IPv4 only.
### Bug Fixes
- Several bug fixes related with QUIC transport (used between cloudflared tunnel and Cloudflare Global Network). Updating to this version is highly recommended.
## 2022.4.0
### Bug Fixes
- `cloudflared tunnel run` no longer logs the Tunnel token or JSON credentials in clear text as those are the secret
that allows to run the Tunnel.
## 2022.3.4
### New Features
- It is now possible to retrieve the credentials that allow to run a Tunnel in case you forgot/lost them. This is
achievable with: `cloudflared tunnel token --cred-file /path/to/file.json TUNNEL`. This new feature only works for
Tunnels created with cloudflared version 2022.3.0 or more recent.
### Bug Fixes
- `cloudflared service install` now starts the underlying agent service on Linux operating system (similarly to the
behaviour in Windows and MacOS).
## 2022.3.3
### Bug Fixes
- `cloudflared service install` now starts the underlying agent service on Windows operating system (similarly to the
behaviour in MacOS).
## 2022.3.1
### Bug Fixes
- Various fixes to the reliability of `quic` protocol, including an edge case that could lead to cloudflared crashing.

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# use a builder image for building cloudflare
FROM golang:1.22.2 as builder
FROM golang:1.17.1 as builder
@ -12,15 +12,11 @@ WORKDIR /go/src/
# copy our sources into the builder image
COPY . .
RUN .teamcity/
# compile cloudflared
RUN PATH="/tmp/go/bin:$PATH" make cloudflared
RUN make cloudflared
# use a distroless base image with glibc
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=""
# copy our compiled binary
COPY --from=builder --chown=nonroot /go/src/ /usr/local/bin/

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
# use a builder image for building cloudflare
FROM golang:1.22.2 as builder
WORKDIR /go/src/
# copy our sources into the builder image
COPY . .
RUN .teamcity/
# compile cloudflared
RUN GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 PATH="/tmp/go/bin:$PATH" make cloudflared
# use a distroless base image with glibc
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=""
# copy our compiled binary
COPY --from=builder --chown=nonroot /go/src/ /usr/local/bin/
# run as non-privileged user
USER nonroot
# command / entrypoint of container
ENTRYPOINT ["cloudflared", "--no-autoupdate"]
CMD ["version"]

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
# use a builder image for building cloudflare
FROM golang:1.22.2 as builder
WORKDIR /go/src/
# copy our sources into the builder image
COPY . .
RUN .teamcity/
# compile cloudflared
RUN GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 PATH="/tmp/go/bin:$PATH" make cloudflared
# use a distroless base image with glibc
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=""
# copy our compiled binary
COPY --from=builder --chown=nonroot /go/src/ /usr/local/bin/
# run as non-privileged user
USER nonroot
# command / entrypoint of container
ENTRYPOINT ["cloudflared", "--no-autoupdate"]
CMD ["version"]

View File

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
# The targets cannot be run in parallel
VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags --always --match "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].*.*")
MSI_VERSION := $(shell git tag -l --sort=v:refname | grep "w" | tail -1 | cut -c2-)
#MSI_VERSION expects the format of the tag to be: (wX.X.X). Starts with the w character to not break cfsetup.
@ -43,17 +40,11 @@ ifneq ($(GO_BUILD_TAGS),)
ifeq ($(debug), 1)
GO_BUILD_TAGS += -gcflags="all=-N -l"
PACKAGE_DIR := $(CURDIR)/packaging
PREFIX := /usr
INSTALL_MANDIR := $(PREFIX)/share/man/man1/
CF_GO_PATH := /tmp/go
PATH := $(CF_GO_PATH)/bin:$(PATH)
LOCAL_ARCH ?= $(shell uname -m)
ifneq ($(GOARCH),)
@ -72,8 +63,6 @@ else ifeq ($(LOCAL_ARCH),arm64)
TARGET_ARCH ?= arm64
else ifeq ($(shell echo $(LOCAL_ARCH) | head -c 4),armv)
else ifeq ($(LOCAL_ARCH),s390x)
TARGET_ARCH ?= s390x
$(error This system's architecture $(LOCAL_ARCH) isn't supported)
@ -87,8 +76,6 @@ else ifeq ($(LOCAL_OS),windows)
TARGET_OS ?= windows
else ifeq ($(LOCAL_OS),freebsd)
TARGET_OS ?= freebsd
else ifeq ($(LOCAL_OS),openbsd)
TARGET_OS ?= openbsd
$(error This system's OS $(LOCAL_OS) isn't supported)
@ -105,19 +92,6 @@ else
ifneq ($(TARGET_ARM), )
ifeq ($(TARGET_ARM), 7)
#for FIPS compliance, FPM defaults to MD5.
RPM_DIGEST := --rpm-digest sha256
.PHONY: all
all: cloudflared test
@ -131,7 +105,7 @@ ifeq ($(FIPS), true)
$(info Building cloudflared with go-fips)
cp -f fips/fips.go.linux-amd64 cmd/cloudflared/fips.go
GOOS=$(TARGET_OS) GOARCH=$(TARGET_ARCH) $(ARM_COMMAND) go build -mod=vendor $(GO_BUILD_TAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(IMPORT_PATH)/cmd/cloudflared
GOOS=$(TARGET_OS) GOARCH=$(TARGET_ARCH) go build -v -mod=vendor $(GO_BUILD_TAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(IMPORT_PATH)/cmd/cloudflared
ifeq ($(FIPS), true)
rm -f cmd/cloudflared/fips.go
./ cloudflared
@ -141,11 +115,6 @@ endif
docker build --build-arg=TARGET_ARCH=$(TARGET_ARCH) --build-arg=TARGET_OS=$(TARGET_OS) -t cloudflare/cloudflared-$(TARGET_OS)-$(TARGET_ARCH):"$(VERSION)" .
.PHONY: generate-docker-version
echo latest $(VERSION) > versions
.PHONY: test
test: vet
ifndef CI
@ -153,35 +122,33 @@ ifndef CI
@mkdir -p .cover
go test -v -mod=vendor -race $(LDFLAGS) -coverprofile=".cover/c.out" ./...
go tool cover -html ".cover/c.out" -o .cover/all.html
.PHONY: cover
@echo ""
@echo "=====> Total test coverage: <====="
@echo ""
# Print the overall coverage here for quick access.
$Q go tool cover -func ".cover/c.out" | grep "total:" | awk '{print $$3}'
# Generate the HTML report that can be viewed from the browser in CI.
$Q go tool cover -html ".cover/c.out" -o .cover/all.html
.PHONY: test-ssh-server
docker-compose -f ssh_server_tests/docker-compose.yml up
.PHONY: install-go
rm -rf ${CF_GO_PATH}
define publish_package
chmod 664 $(BINARY_NAME)*.$(1); \
for HOST in $(CF_PKG_HOSTS); do \
ssh-keyscan -t ecdsa $$HOST >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts; \
scp -p -4 $(BINARY_NAME)*.$(1) cfsync@$$HOST:/state/cf-pkg/staging/$(2)/$(TARGET_PUBLIC_REPO)/$(BINARY_NAME)/; \
.PHONY: cleanup-go
rm -rf ${CF_GO_PATH}
.PHONY: publish-deb
publish-deb: cloudflared-deb
$(call publish_package,deb,apt)
.PHONY: publish-rpm
publish-rpm: cloudflared-rpm
$(call publish_package,rpm,yum)
cloudflared.1: cloudflared_man_template
sed -e 's/\$${VERSION}/$(VERSION)/; s/\$${DATE}/$(DATE)/' cloudflared_man_template > cloudflared.1
cat cloudflared_man_template | sed -e 's/\$${VERSION}/$(VERSION)/; s/\$${DATE}/$(DATE)/' > cloudflared.1
install: install-go cloudflared cloudflared.1 cleanup-go
install: cloudflared cloudflared.1
install -m755 cloudflared $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_BINDIR)/cloudflared
install -m644 cloudflared.1 $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_MANDIR)/cloudflared.1
@ -192,13 +159,13 @@ define build_package
mkdir -p $(PACKAGE_DIR)
cp cloudflared $(PACKAGE_DIR)/cloudflared
cp cloudflared.1 $(PACKAGE_DIR)/cloudflared.1
fpm -C $(PACKAGE_DIR) -s dir -t $(1) \
fakeroot fpm -C $(PACKAGE_DIR) -s dir -t $(1) \
--description 'Cloudflare Tunnel daemon' \
--vendor 'Cloudflare' \
--license 'Apache License Version 2.0' \
--url '' \
-m 'Cloudflare <>' \
-a $(PACKAGE_ARCH) -v $(VERSION) -n $(DEB_PACKAGE_NAME) $(RPM_DIGEST) $(NIGHTLY_FLAGS) --after-install --after-remove \
-a $(TARGET_ARCH) -v $(VERSION) -n $(DEB_PACKAGE_NAME) $(NIGHTLY_FLAGS) --after-install --after-remove \
cloudflared=$(INSTALL_BINDIR) cloudflared.1=$(INSTALL_MANDIR)
@ -215,32 +182,113 @@ cloudflared-pkg: cloudflared cloudflared.1
$(call build_package,osxpkg)
.PHONY: cloudflared-msi
cloudflared-msi: cloudflared
wixl --define Version=$(VERSION) --define Path=$(EXECUTABLE_PATH) --output cloudflared-$(VERSION)-$(TARGET_ARCH).msi cloudflared.wxs
.PHONY: github-release-dryrun
python3 --path $(PWD)/built_artifacts --release-version $(VERSION) --dry-run
.PHONY: cloudflared-darwin-amd64.tgz
cloudflared-darwin-amd64.tgz: cloudflared
tar czf cloudflared-darwin-amd64.tgz cloudflared
rm cloudflared
.PHONY: cloudflared-junos
cloudflared-junos: cloudflared jetez-certificate.pem jetez-key.pem
jetez --source . \
-j jet.yaml \
--key jetez-key.pem \
--cert jetez-certificate.pem \
--version $(VERSION)
rm jetez-*.pem
$(error JETEZ_CERT not defined)
@echo "Writing JetEZ certificate"
@echo "$$JETEZ_CERT" > jetez-certificate.pem
ifndef JETEZ_KEY
$(error JETEZ_KEY not defined)
@echo "Writing JetEZ key"
@echo "$$JETEZ_KEY" > jetez-key.pem
.PHONY: publish-cloudflared-junos
publish-cloudflared-junos: cloudflared-junos cloudflared-x86-64.latest.s3
ifndef S3_ENDPOINT
$(error S3_HOST not defined)
ifndef S3_URI
$(error S3_URI not defined)
ifndef S3_ACCESS_KEY
$(error S3_ACCESS_KEY not defined)
ifndef S3_SECRET_KEY
$(error S3_SECRET_KEY not defined)
sha256sum cloudflared-x86-64-$(VERSION).tgz | awk '{printf $$1}' > cloudflared-x86-64-$(VERSION).tgz.shasum
s4cmd --endpoint-url $(S3_ENDPOINT) --force --API-GrantRead=uri= \
put cloudflared-x86-64-$(VERSION).tgz $(S3_URI)/cloudflared-x86-64-$(VERSION).tgz
s4cmd --endpoint-url $(S3_ENDPOINT) --force --API-GrantRead=uri= \
put cloudflared-x86-64-$(VERSION).tgz.shasum $(S3_URI)/cloudflared-x86-64-$(VERSION).tgz.shasum
dpkg --compare-versions "$(VERSION)" gt "$(shell cat cloudflared-x86-64.latest.s3)" && \
echo -n "$(VERSION)" > cloudflared-x86-64.latest && \
s4cmd --endpoint-url $(S3_ENDPOINT) --force --API-GrantRead=uri= \
put cloudflared-x86-64.latest $(S3_URI)/cloudflared-x86-64.latest || \
echo "Latest version not updated"
s4cmd --endpoint-url $(S3_ENDPOINT) --force \
get $(S3_URI)/cloudflared-x86-64.latest cloudflared-x86-64.latest.s3
.PHONY: homebrew-upload
homebrew-upload: cloudflared-darwin-amd64.tgz
aws s3 --endpoint-url $(S3_ENDPOINT) cp --acl public-read $$^ $(S3_URI)/cloudflared-$$(VERSION)-$1.tgz
aws s3 --endpoint-url $(S3_ENDPOINT) cp --acl public-read $(S3_URI)/cloudflared-$$(VERSION)-$1.tgz $(S3_URI)/cloudflared-stable-$1.tgz
.PHONY: homebrew-release
homebrew-release: homebrew-upload
./ cloudflared-darwin-amd64.tgz $(VERSION) homebrew-cloudflare
.PHONY: github-release
github-release: cloudflared
python3 --path $(EXECUTABLE_PATH) --release-version $(VERSION)
.PHONY: github-release-built-pkgs
python3 --path $(PWD)/built_artifacts --release-version $(VERSION)
.PHONY: github-message
python3 --release-version $(VERSION)
.PHONY: r2-linux-release
python3 ./
.PHONY: github-mac-upload
python3 --path artifacts/cloudflared-darwin-amd64.tgz --release-version $(VERSION) --name cloudflared-darwin-amd64.tgz
python3 --path artifacts/cloudflared-amd64.pkg --release-version $(VERSION) --name cloudflared-amd64.pkg
.PHONY: capnp
.PHONY: tunnelrpc-deps
which capnp #
which capnpc-go # go install
capnp compile -ogo tunnelrpc/proto/tunnelrpc.capnp tunnelrpc/proto/quic_metadata_protocol.capnp
which capnpc-go # go get
capnp compile -ogo tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp
.PHONY: quic-deps
which capnp
which capnpc-go
capnp compile -ogo quic/schema/quic_metadata_protocol.capnp
.PHONY: vet
go vet -mod=vendor
go vet -mod=vendor ./...
# go get (don't do this in build directory or this will cause vendor issues)
# Note: If you have then you might have to use the repo above instead
# for now because it uses an older version of
which go-sumtype
go-sumtype $$(go list -mod=vendor ./...)
.PHONY: fmt
goimports -l -w -local $$(go list -mod=vendor -f '{{.Dir}}' -a ./... | fgrep -v tunnelrpc/proto)
.PHONY: goimports
for d in $$(go list -mod=readonly -f '{{.Dir}}' -a ./... | fgrep -v tunnelrpc) ; do goimports -format-only -local -w $$d ; done

View File

@ -25,13 +25,12 @@ routing), but for legacy reasons this requirement is still necessary:
## Installing `cloudflared`
Downloads are available as standalone binaries, a Docker image, and Debian, RPM, and Homebrew packages. You can also find releases [here]( on the `cloudflared` GitHub repository.
Downloads are available as standalone binaries, a Docker image, and Debian, RPM, and Homebrew packages. You can also find releases here on the `cloudflared` GitHub repository.
* You can [install on macOS]( via Homebrew or by downloading the [latest Darwin amd64 release](
* Binaries, Debian, and RPM packages for Linux [can be found here](
* A Docker image of `cloudflared` is [available on DockerHub](
* You can install on Windows machines with the [steps here](
* To build from source, first you need to download the go toolchain by running `./.teamcity/` and follow the output. Then you can run `make cloudflared`
User documentation for Cloudflare Tunnel can be found at
@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ Once installed, you can authenticate `cloudflared` into your Cloudflare account
* Route traffic to that Tunnel:
* Via public [DNS records in Cloudflare](
* Or via a public hostname guided by a [Cloudflare Load Balancer](
* Or from [WARP client private traffic](
* Or from [WARP client private traffic](
## TryCloudflare
@ -53,6 +52,9 @@ Want to test Cloudflare Tunnel before adding a website to Cloudflare? You can do
## Deprecated versions
Cloudflare currently supports versions of cloudflared that are **within one year** of the most recent release. Breaking changes unrelated to feature availability may be introduced that will impact versions released more than one year ago. You can read more about upgrading cloudflared in our [developer documentation](
Cloudflare currently supports versions of `cloudflared` 2020.5.1 and later. Breaking changes unrelated to feature availability may be introduced that will impact versions released prior to 2020.5.1. You can read more about upgrading `cloudflared` in our [developer documentation](
For example, as of January 2023 Cloudflare will support cloudflared version 2023.1.1 to cloudflared 2022.1.1.
| Version(s) | Deprecation status |
| 2020.5.1 and later | Supported |
| Versions prior to 2020.5.1 | No longer supported |

View File

@ -1,586 +1,3 @@
- 2024-09-10 Revert Release 2024.9.0
- 2024-09-10 TUN-8621: Fix cloudflared version in change notes.
- 2024-09-06 PPIP-2310: Update quick tunnel disclaimer
- 2024-08-30 TUN-8621: Prevent QUIC connection from closing before grace period after unregistering
- 2024-08-09 TUN-8592: Use metadata from the edge to determine if request body is empty for QUIC transport
- 2024-06-26 TUN-8484: Print response when QuickTunnel can't be unmarshalled
- 2024-08-15 TUN-8591 login command without extra text
- 2024-03-25 remove code that will not be executed
- 2024-03-25 remove code that will not be executed
- 2024-08-05 TUN-8583: change final directory of artifacts
- 2024-08-05 TUN-8585: Avoid creating GH client when dry-run is true
- 2024-07-31 TUN-8546: Fix final artifacts paths
- 2024-07-17 TUN-8546: rework MacOS build script
- 2024-07-16 TUN-8543: use -p flag to create intermediate directories
- 2024-07-05 TUN-8520: add macos arm64 build
- 2024-07-05 TUN-8523: refactor makefile and cfsetup
- 2024-07-02 TUN-8504: Use pre-installed python version instead of downloading it on Windows builds
- 2024-06-26 TUN-8489: Add default noop logger for capnprpc
- 2024-06-25 TUN-8487: Add user-agent for quick-tunnel requests
- 2023-12-12 TUN-8057: cloudflared uses new PQ curve ID
- 2024-06-12 TUN-8461: Don't log Failed to send session payload if the error is EOF
- 2024-06-07 TUN-8456: Update quic-go to 0.45 and collect mtu and congestion control metrics
- 2024-06-06 TUN-8452: Add flag to control QUIC stream-level flow control limit
- 2024-06-06 TUN-8451: Log QUIC flow control frames and transport parameters received
- 2024-06-05 TUN-8449: Add flag to control QUIC connection-level flow control limit and increase default to 30MB
- 2024-05-30 TUN-8441: Correct UDP total sessions metric to a counter and add new ICMP metrics
- 2024-05-28 TUN-8422: Add metrics for capnp method calls
- 2024-05-24 TUN-8424: Refactor capnp registration server
- 2024-05-23 TUN-8427: Fix BackoffHandler's internally shared clock structure
- 2024-05-21 TUN-8425: Remove ICMP binding for quick tunnels
- 2024-05-20 TUN-8423: Deprecate older legacy tunnel capnp interfaces
- 2024-05-15 TUN-8419: Add capnp safe transport
- 2024-05-13 TUN-8415: Refactor capnp rpc into a single module
- 2024-05-07 TUN-8407: Upgrade go to version 1.22.2
- 2024-04-22 TUN-8380: Add sleep before requesting quick tunnel as temporary fix for component tests
- 2024-04-19 TUN-8374: Close UDP socket if registration fails
- 2024-04-18 TUN-8371: Bump quic-go to v0.42.0
- 2024-04-03 TUN-8333: Bump go-jose dependency to v4
- 2024-04-02 TUN-8331: Add unit testing for AccessJWTValidator middleware
- 2024-04-02 feat: provide short version (#1206)
- 2024-04-02 Format code
- 2024-01-18 feat: auto tls sni
- 2023-12-24 fix checkInPingGroup bugs
- 2023-12-15 Add environment variables for TCP tunnel hostname / destination / URL.
- 2024-03-14 TUN-8281: Run cloudflared query list tunnels/routes endpoint in a paginated way
- 2024-03-13 TUN-8297: Improve write timeout logging on safe_stream.go
- 2024-03-07 TUN-8290: Remove `|| true` from
- 2024-03-05 TUN-8275: Skip write timeout log on "no network activity"
- 2024-01-23 Update to fix incomplete uninstall
- 2024-01-05 fix typo in errcheck for response parsing logic in CreateTunnel routine
- 2023-12-23 Update linux_service.go
- 2023-12-07 ci: bump actions/checkout to v4
- 2023-12-07 ci/check: bump actions/setup-go to v5
- 2023-04-28 check.yaml: bump actions/setup-go to v4
- 2024-02-20 TUN-8242: Update file with new remote diagnostics behaviour
- 2024-02-19 TUN-8238: Fix type mismatch introduced by fast-forward
- 2024-02-16 TUN-8243: Collect metrics on the number of QUIC frames sent/received
- 2024-02-15 TUN-8238: Refactor proxy logging
- 2024-02-14 TUN-8242: Enable remote diagnostics by default
- 2024-02-12 TUN-8236: Add write timeout to quic and tcp connections
- 2024-02-09 TUN-8224: Fix safety of TCP stream logging, separate connect and ack log messages
- 2024-02-07 TUN-8224: Count and collect metrics on stream connect successes/errors
- 2024-01-22 TUN-8176: Support ARM platforms that don't have an FPU or have it enabled in kernel
- 2024-01-15 TUN-8158: Bring back commit e6537418859afcac29e56a39daa08bcabc09e048 and fixes infinite loop on linux when the socket is closed
- 2024-01-19 Revert "TUN-8158: Add logging to confirm when ICMP reply is returned to the edge"
- 2024-01-15 TUN-8161: Fix broken ARM build for armv6
- 2024-01-15 TUN-8158: Add logging to confirm when ICMP reply is returned to the edge
- 2024-01-11 TUN-8147: Disable ECN usage due to bugs in detecting if supported
- 2024-01-11 TUN-8146: Fix export path for install-go command
- 2024-01-11 TUN-8146: Fix Makefile targets should not be run in parallel and install-go script was missing shebang
- 2024-01-10 TUN-8140: Remove homebrew scripts
- 2024-01-10 TUN-8134: Revert installed prefix to /usr
- 2024-01-09 TUN-8130: Fix path to install go for mac build
- 2024-01-09 TUN-8129: Use the same build command between branch and release builds
- 2024-01-09 TUN-8130: Install go tool chain in /tmp on build agents
- 2024-01-09 TUN-8134: Install cloudflare go as part of make install
- 2024-01-08 TUN-8118: Disable FIPS module to build with go-boring without CGO_ENABLED
- 2024-01-01 TUN-7934: Update quic-go to a version that queues datagrams for better throughput and drops large datagram
- 2023-12-20 TUN-8072: Need to set GOCACHE in mac go installation script
- 2023-12-17 TUN-8072: Add script to download cloudflare go for Mac build agents
- 2023-12-15 Fix nil pointer dereference segfault when passing "null" config json to cloudflared tunnel ingress validate (#1070)
- 2023-12-15 configuration.go: fix developerPortal link (#960)
- 2023-12-14 tunnelrpc/pogs: fix dropped test errors (#1106)
- 2023-12-14 cmd/cloudflared/updater: fix dropped error (#1055)
- 2023-12-14 use os.Executable to discover the path to cloudflared (#1040)
- 2023-12-14 Remove extraneous `period` from Path Environment Variable (#1009)
- 2023-12-14 Use CLI context when running tunnel (#597)
- 2023-12-14 TUN-8066: Define scripts to build on Windows agents
- 2023-12-11 TUN-8052: Update go to 1.21.5
- 2023-12-07 TUN-7970: Default to enable post quantum encryption for quic transport
- 2023-12-04 TUN-8006: Update quic-go to latest upstream
- 2023-11-15 VULN-44842 Add a flag that allows users to not send the Access JWT to stdout
- 2023-11-13 TUN-7965: Remove legacy incident status page check
- 2023-11-13 AUTH-5682 Org token flow in Access logins should pass CF_AppSession cookie
- 2023-10-06 TUN-7864: Document cloudflared versions support
- 2023-10-03 CUSTESC-33731: Make rule match test report rule in 0-index base
- 2023-09-22 TUN-7824: Fix usage of systemctl status to detect which services are installed
- 2023-09-20 TUN-7813: Improve tunnel delete command to use cascade delete
- 2023-09-20 TUN-7787: cloudflared only list ip routes targeted for cfd_tunnel
- 2023-09-15 TUN-7787: Refactor cloudflared to use new route endpoints based on route IDs
- 2023-09-08 TUN-7776: Remove warp-routing flag from cloudflared
- 2023-09-05 TUN-7756: Clarify that QUIC is mandatory to support ICMP proxying
- 2023-08-25 TUN-7700: Implement feature selector to determine if connections will prefer post quantum cryptography
- 2023-08-22 TUN-7707: Use X25519Kyber768Draft00 curve when post-quantum feature is enabled
- 2023-08-23 TUN-7718: Update R2 Token to no longer encode secret
- 2023-07-26 TUN-7584: Bump go 1.20.6
- 2023-07-25 TUN-7628: Correct Host parsing for Access
- 2023-07-24 TUN-7624: Fix flaky TestBackoffGracePeriod test in cloudflared
- 2023-07-19 TUN-7599: Onboard cloudflared to Software Dashboard
- 2023-07-19 TUN-7587: Remove junos builds
- 2023-07-18 TUN-7597: Add flag to disable auto-update services to be installed
- 2023-07-17 TUN-7594: Add nightly arm64 cloudflared internal deb publishes
- 2023-07-14 TUN-7586: Upgrade go-jose/go-jose/v3 and core-os/go-oidc/v3
- 2023-07-14 TUN-7589: Remove legacy package usage
- 2023-07-14 TUN-7590: Remove usages of ioutil
- 2023-07-14 TUN-7585: Remove h2mux compression
- 2023-07-14 TUN-7588: Update package coreos/go-systemd
- 2023-07-13 TUN-7582: Correct changelog wording for --management-diagnostics
- 2023-07-12 TUN-7575: Add option to disable PTMU discovery over QUIC
- 2023-07-06 TUN-7558: Flush on Writes for StreamBasedOriginProxy
- 2023-07-05 TUN-7553: Add flag to enable management diagnostic services
- 2023-07-05 TUN-7564: Support cf-trace-id for cloudflared access
- 2023-07-05 TUN-7477: Decrement UDP sessions on shutdown
- 2023-07-03 TUN-7545: Add support for full bidirectionally streaming with close signal propagation
- 2023-06-30 TUN-7549: Add metrics route to management service
- 2023-06-30 TUN-7551: Complete removal of raven-go to sentry-go
- 2023-06-30 TUN-7550: Add pprof endpoint to management service
- 2023-06-29 TUN-7543: Add --debug-stream flag to cloudflared access ssh
- 2023-06-26 TUN-6011: Remove docker networks from ICMP Proxy test
- 2023-06-20 AUTH-5328 Pass cloudflared_token_check param when running cloudflared access login
- 2023-06-19 TUN-7480: Added a timeout for unregisterUDP.
- 2023-06-16 TUN-7477: Add UDP/TCP session metrics
- 2023-06-14 TUN-7468: Increase the limit of incoming streams
- 2023-06-15 TUN-7471: Fixes cloudflared not closing the quic stream on unregister UDP session
- 2023-06-09 TUN-7463: Add default ingress rule if no ingress rules are provided when updating the configuration
- 2023-05-31 TUN-7447: Add a cover build to report code coverage
- 2023-05-16 TUN-7424: Add CORS headers to host_details responses
- 2023-05-11 TUN-7421: Add * to permitted Origins for management WebSocket requests
- 2023-05-05 TUN-7404: Default configuration version set to -1
- 2023-05-05 TUN-7227: Migrate to devincarr/quic-go
- 2023-04-27 TUN-7398: Add support for quic safe stream to set deadline
- 2023-04-26 TUN-7394: Retry StartFirstTunnel on quic.ApplicationErrors
- 2023-04-26 TUN-7392: Ignore release checksum upload if asset already uploaded
- 2023-04-25 TUN-7392: Ignore duplicate artifact uploads for github release
- 2023-04-25 TUN-7393: Add json output for cloudflared tail
- 2023-04-24 TUN-7390: Remove Debian stretch builds
- 2023-04-24 TUN-7133: Add sampling support for streaming logs
- 2023-04-21 TUN-7141: Add component tests for streaming logs
- 2023-04-21 TUN-7373: Streaming logs override for same actor
- 2023-04-20 TUN-7383: Bump requirements.txt
- 2023-04-19 TUN-7361: Add a label to override hostname
- 2023-04-19 TUN-7378: Remove RPC debug logs
- 2023-04-18 TUN-7360: Add Get Host Details handler in management service
- 2023-04-17 AUTH-3122 Verify that Access tokens are still valid in curl command
- 2023-04-17 TUN-7129: Categorize TCP logs for streaming logs
- 2023-04-17 TUN-7130: Categorize UDP logs for streaming logs
- 2023-04-10 AUTH-4887 Add aud parameter to token transfer url
- 2023-04-13 TUN-7368: Report destination address for TCP requests in logs
- 2023-04-12 TUN-7134: Acquire token for cloudflared tail
- 2023-04-12 TUN-7131: Add cloudflared log event to connection messages and enable streaming logs
- 2023-04-11 TUN-7132 TUN-7136: Add filter support for streaming logs
- 2023-04-06 TUN-7354: Don't warn for empty ingress rules when using --token
- 2023-04-06 TUN-7128: Categorize logs from public hostname locations
- 2023-04-06 TUN-7351: Add streaming logs session ping and timeout
- 2023-04-06 TUN-7335: Fix cloudflared update not working in windows
- 2023-04-07 TUN-7356: Bump package to 0.7.0
- 2023-04-07 TUN-7357: Bump to go 1.19.6
- 2023-04-06 TUN-7127: Disconnect logger level requirement for management
- 2023-04-05 TUN-7332: Remove legacy tunnel force flag
- 2023-04-05 TUN-7135: Add cloudflared tail
- 2023-04-04 Add suport for OpenBSD (#916)
- 2023-04-04 Fix typo (#918)
- 2023-04-04 TUN-7125: Add management streaming logs WebSocket protocol
- 2023-03-30 TUN-9999: Remove classic tunnel component tests
- 2023-03-30 TUN-7126: Add Management logger io.Writer
- 2023-03-29 TUN-7324: Add http.Hijacker to connection.ResponseWriter
- 2023-03-29 TUN-7333: Default features checkable at runtime across all packages
- 2023-03-21 TUN-7124: Add intercept ingress rule for management requests
- 2023-03-13 TUN-7271: Return 503 status code when no ingress rules configured
- 2023-03-10 TUN-7272: Fix cloudflared returning non supported status service which breaks configuration migration
- 2023-03-09 TUN-7259: Add warning for missing ingress rules
- 2023-03-09 TUN-7268: Default to Program Files as location for win32
- 2023-03-07 TUN-7252: Remove h2mux connection
- 2023-03-07 TUN-7253: Adopt http.ResponseWriter for connection.ResponseWriter
- 2023-03-06 TUN-7245: Add bastion flag to origin service check
- 2023-03-06 EDGESTORE-108: Remove deprecated s3v2 signature
- 2023-03-02 TUN-7226: Fixed a missed rename
- 2023-03-01 GH-352: Add Tunnel CLI option "edge-bind-address" (#870)
- 2023-03-01 Fixed WIX template to allow MSI upgrades (#838)
- 2023-02-28 TUN-7213: Decode Base64 encoded key before writing it
- 2023-02-28 check.yaml: update actions to v3 (#876)
- 2023-02-27 TUN-7213: Debug homebrew-cloudflare build
- 2023-02-15 RTG-2476 Add qtls override for Go 1.20
- 2023-02-22 TUN-7197: Add connIndex tag to debug messages of incoming requests
- 2023-02-08 TUN-7167: Respect protocol overrides with --token
- 2023-02-06 TUN-7065: Remove classic tunnel creation
- 2023-02-06 TUN-6938: Force h2mux protocol to http2 for named tunnels
- 2023-02-06 TUN-6938: Provide QUIC as first in protocol list
- 2023-02-03 TUN-7158: Correct TCP tracing propagation
- 2023-02-01 TUN-7151: Update changes file with latest release notices
- 2023-02-01 TUN-7065: Revert Ingress Rule check for named tunnel configurations
- 2023-02-01 Revert "TUN-7065: Revert Ingress Rule check for named tunnel configurations"
- 2023-02-01 Revert "TUN-7065: Remove classic tunnel creation"
- 2023-01-10 TUN-7064: RPM digests are now sha256 instead of md5sum
- 2023-01-04 RTG-2418 Update qtls
- 2022-12-24 TUN-7057: Remove dependency
- 2022-12-24 TUN-6724: Migrate to sentry-go from raven-go
- 2022-12-20 TUN-7021: Fix proxy-dns not starting when cloudflared tunnel is run
- 2022-12-15 TUN-7010: Changelog for release 2022.12.0
- 2022-12-14 TUN-6999: cloudflared should attempt other edge addresses before falling back on protocol
- 2022-12-13 TUN-7004: Dont show local config dirs for remotely configured tuns
- 2022-12-12 TUN-7003: Tempoarily disable erroneous notarize-app
- 2022-12-12 TUN-7003: Add back a missing fi
- 2022-12-07 TUN-7000: Reduce metric cardinality of closedConnections metric by removing error as tag
- 2022-12-07 TUN-6994: Improve logging config file not found
- 2022-12-07 TUN-7002: Randomise first region selection
- 2022-12-07 TUN-6995: Disable quick-tunnels spin up by default
- 2022-12-05 TUN-6984: Add bash set x to improve visibility during builds
- 2022-12-05 TUN-6984: [CI] Ignore security import errors for code_sigining
- 2022-12-05 TUN-6984: [CI] Don't fail on unset.
- 2022-11-30 TUN-6984: Set euo pipefile for homebrew builds
- 2022-11-29 TUN-6981: We should close UDP socket if failed to connecto to edge
- 2022-11-25 CUSTESC-23757: Fix a bug where a wildcard ingress rule would match an host without starting with a dot
- 2022-11-24 TUN-6970: Print newline when printing tunnel token
- 2022-11-22 TUN-6963: Refactor Metrics service setup
- 2022-11-16 Revert "TUN-6935: Cloudflared should use APIToken instead of serviceKey"
- 2022-11-16 TUN-6929: Use same protocol for other connections as first one
- 2022-11-14 TUN-6941: Reduce log level to debug when failing to proxy ICMP reply
- 2022-11-14 TUN-6935: Cloudflared should use APIToken instead of serviceKey
- 2022-11-14 TUN-6935: Cloudflared should use APIToken instead of serviceKey
- 2022-11-11 TUN-6937: Bump* packages to new release tags
- 2022-11-10 ZTC-234: macOS tests
- 2022-11-09 TUN-6927: Refactor validate access configuration to allow empty audTags only
- 2022-11-08 ZTC-234: Replace ICMP funnels when ingress connection changes
- 2022-11-04 TUN-6917: Bump go to 1.19.3
- 2022-11-02 Issue #574: Better ssh config for short-lived cert (#763)
- 2022-10-28 TUN-6898: Fix bug handling IPv6 based ingresses with missing port
- 2022-10-28 TUN-6898: Refactor addPortIfMissing
- 2022-10-24 TUN-6871: Add default feature to cloudflared to support EOF on QUIC connections
- 2022-10-19 TUN-6876: Fix flaky TestTraceICMPRouterEcho by taking account request span can return before reply
- 2022-10-18 TUN-6867: Clear spans right after they are serialized to avoid returning duplicate spans
- 2022-10-18 TUN-6869: Fix Makefile complaining about missing GO packages
- 2022-10-18 TUN-6864: Don't reuse port in quic unit tests
- 2022-10-18 TUN-6868: Return left padded tracing ID when tracing identity is converted to string
- 2022-10-16 TUN-6861: Trace ICMP on Windows
- 2022-10-15 TUN-6860: Send access configuration keys to the edge
- 2022-10-14 TUN-6858: Trace ICMP reply
- 2022-10-13 TUN-6855: Add DatagramV2Type for IP packet with trace and tracing spans
- 2022-10-13 TUN-6856: Refactor to lay foundation for tracing ICMP
- 2022-10-13 TUN-6604: Trace icmp echo request on Linux and Darwin
- 2022-10-12 Fix log message (#591)
- 2022-10-12 TUN-6853: Reuse source port when connecting to the edge for quic connections
- 2022-10-11 TUN-6829: Allow user of datagramsession to control logging level of errors
- 2022-10-10 RTG-2276 Update qtls and go mod tidy
- 2022-10-05 Add post-quantum flag to quick tunnel
- 2022-10-05 TUN-6823: Update github release message to pull from KV
- 2022-10-04 TUN-6825: Fix cloudflared:version images require arch hyphens
- 2022-10-03 TUN-6806: Add ingress rule number to log when filtering due to middlware handler
- 2022-08-17 Label correct container
- 2022-08-16 Fix typo in help text for `cloudflared tunnel route lb`
- 2022-07-18 drop usage of cat when sed is invoked to generate the manpage
- 2021-03-15 update-build-readme
- 2021-03-15 fix link
- 2022-09-30 TUN-6755: Remove unused publish functions
- 2022-09-30 TUN-6813: Only proxy ICMP packets when warp-routing is enabled
- 2022-09-29 TUN-6811: Ping group range should be parsed as int32
- 2022-09-29 TUN-6812: Drop IP packets if ICMP proxy is not initialized
- 2022-09-28 TUN-6716: Document limitation of Windows ICMP proxy
- 2022-09-28 TUN-6810: Add component test for post-quantum
- 2022-09-27 TUN-6715: Provide suggestion to add cloudflared to ping_group_range if it failed to open ICMP socket
- 2022-09-22 TUN-6792: Fix brew core release by not auditing the formula
- 2022-09-22 TUN-6774: Validate OriginRequest.Access to add Ingress.Middleware
- 2022-09-22 TUN-6775: Add middleware.Handler verification to ProxyHTTP
- 2022-09-22 TUN-6791: Calculate ICMPv6 checksum
- 2022-09-22 TUN-6801: Add punycode alternatives for ingress rules
- 2022-09-21 TUN-6772: Add a JWT Validator as an ingress verifier
- 2022-09-21 TUN-6772: Add a JWT Validator as an ingress verifier
- 2022-09-21 TUN-6774: Validate OriginRequest.Access to add Ingress.Middleware
- 2022-09-21 TUN-6772: Add a JWT Validator as an ingress verifier
- 2022-09-20 TUN-6741: ICMP proxy tries to listen on specific IPv4 & IPv6 when possible
- 2022-09-20 TUN-6777: Fix race condition in TestFunnelIdleTimeout
- 2022-09-20 TUN-6595: Enable datagramv2 and icmp proxy by default
- 2022-09-20 TUN-6773: Add access based configuration to ingress.OriginRequestConfig
- 2022-09-19 TUN-6778: Cleanup logs about ICMP
- 2022-09-19 TUN-6779: cloudflared should also use the root CAs from system pool to validate edge certificate
- 2022-09-19 TUN-6780: Add support for certReload to also include support for client certificates
- 2022-09-16 TUN-6767: Build ICMP proxy for Windows only when CGO is enabled
- 2022-09-15 TUN-6590: Use Windows Teamcity agent to build binary
- 2022-09-13 TUN-6592: Decrement TTL and return ICMP time exceed if it's 0
- 2022-09-09 TUN-6749: Fix icmp_generic build
- 2022-09-09 TUN-6744: On posix platforms, assign unique echo ID per (src, dst, echo ID)
- 2022-09-08 TUN-6743: Support ICMPv6 echo on Windows
- 2022-09-08 TUN-6689: Utilize new RegisterUDPSession to begin tracing
- 2022-09-07 TUN-6688: Update RegisterUdpSession capnproto to include trace context
- 2022-09-06 TUN-6740: Detect no UDP packets allowed and fallback from QUIC in that case
- 2022-09-06 TUN-6654: Support ICMPv6 on Linux and Darwin
- 2022-09-02 TUN-6696: Refactor flow into funnel and close idle funnels
- 2022-09-02 TUN-6718: Bump go and go-boring 1.18.6
- 2022-08-29 TUN-6531: Implement ICMP proxy for Windows using IcmpSendEcho
- 2022-08-24 RTG-1339 Support post-quantum hybrid key exchange
- 2022-09-05 TUN-6737: Fix datagramV2Type should be declared in its own block so it starts at 0
- 2022-09-01 TUN-6725: Fix testProxySSEAllData
- 2022-09-01 TUN-6726: Fix maxDatagramPayloadSize for Windows QUIC datagrams
- 2022-09-01 TUN-6729: Fix flaky TestClosePreviousProxies
- 2022-09-01 TUN-6728: Verify http status code ingress rule
- 2022-08-25 TUN-6695: Implement ICMP proxy for linux
- 2022-08-31 TUN-6717: Update Github action to run with Go 1.19
- 2022-08-31 TUN-6720: Remove forcibly closing connection during reconnect signal
- 2022-08-29 Release 2022.8.3
- 2022-08-26 TUN-6708: Fix replace flow logic
- 2022-08-25 TUN-6705: Tunnel should retry connections forever
- 2022-08-25 TUN-6704: Honor protocol flag when edge discovery is unreachable
- 2022-08-25 TUN-6699: Add metric for packet too big dropped
- 2022-08-24 TUN-6691: Properly error check for net.ErrClosed
- 2022-08-22 TUN-6679: Allow client side of quic request to close body
- 2022-08-22 TUN-6586: Change ICMP proxy to only build for Darwin and use echo ID to track flows
- 2022-08-18 TUN-6530: Implement ICMPv4 proxy
- 2022-08-17 TUN-6666: Define packet package
- 2022-08-17 TUN-6667: DatagramMuxerV2 provides a method to receive RawPacket
- 2022-08-16 TUN-6657: Ask for Tunnel ID and Configuration on Bug Report
- 2022-08-16 TUN-6676: Add suport for trailers in http2 connections
- 2022-08-11 TUN-6575: Consume cf-trace-id from incoming http2 TCP requests
- 2022-08-16 TUN-6656: Docker for arm64 should not be deployed in an amd64 container
- 2022-08-15 TUN-6617: Updated for protocol stickiness
- 2022-08-12 EDGEPLAT-3918: bump go and go-boring to 1.18.5
- 2022-08-12 TUN-6652: Publish dockerfile for both amd64 and arm64
- 2022-08-11 TUN-6617: Dont fallback to http2 if QUIC conn was successful.
- 2022-08-11 TUN-6617: Dont fallback to http2 if QUIC conn was successful.
- 2022-08-11 Revert "TUN-6617: Dont fallback to http2 if QUIC conn was successful."
- 2022-08-11 TUN-6617: Dont fallback to http2 if QUIC conn was successful.
- 2022-08-01 TUN-6584: Define QUIC datagram v2 format to support proxying IP packets
- 2022-08-10 TUN-6637: Upgrade quic-go
- 2022-08-10 TUN-6646: Add support to SafeStreamCloser to close only write side of stream
- 2022-08-09 TUN-6642: Fix unexpected close of quic stream triggered by upstream origin close
- 2022-08-09 TUN-6639: Validate cyclic ingress configuration
- 2022-08-08 TUN-6637: Upgrade go version and quic-go
- 2022-08-08 TUN-6639: Validate cyclic ingress configuration
- 2022-08-04 EDGEPLAT-3918: build cloudflared for Bookworm
- 2022-08-02 Revert "TUN-6576: Consume cf-trace-id from incoming TCP requests to create root span"
- 2022-07-27 TUN-6601: Update references in modules
- 2022-07-26 TUN-6576: Consume cf-trace-id from incoming TCP requests to create root span
- 2022-07-26 TUN-6576: Consume cf-trace-id from incoming TCP requests to create root span
- 2022-07-25 TUN-6598: Remove auto assignees on github issues
- 2022-07-20 TUN-6583: Remove legacy --ui flag
- 2022-07-20 cURL supports stdin and uses os pipes directly without copying
- 2022-07-07 TUN-6517: Use QUIC stream context while proxying HTTP requests and TCP connections
- 2022-07-06 TUN-6503: Fix transport fallback from QUIC in face of dial error "no network activity"
- 2022-07-05 TUN-6499: Remove log that is per datagram
- 2022-06-24 TUN-6460: Rename metric label location to edge_location
- 2022-06-24 TUN-6459: Add cloudflared user-agent to access calls
- 2022-06-17 TUN-6427: Differentiate between upstream request closed/canceled and failed origin requests
- 2022-06-17 TUN-6388: Fix first tunnel connection not retrying
- 2022-06-13 TUN-6384: Correct duplicate connection error to fetch new IP first
- 2022-06-13 TUN-6373: Add edge-ip-version to remotely pushed configuration
- 2022-06-07 TUN-6010: Add component tests for --edge-ip-version
- 2022-05-20 TUN-6007: Implement new edge discovery algorithm
- 2022-02-18 Ensure service install directories are created before writing file
- 2022-06-20 TUN-6362: Add armhf support to cloudflare packaging
- 2022-06-13 TUN-6381: Write error data on QUIC stream when we fail to talk to the origin; separate logging for protocol errors vs. origin errors.
- 2022-06-17 TUN-6414: Remove go-sumtype from cloudflared build process
- 2022-06-01 Add Http2Origin option to force HTTP/2 origin connections
- 2022-06-02 fix ingress rules unit test
- 2022-06-09 Update remaining OriginRequestConfig functions for Http2Origins
- 2022-05-31 Add image source label to docker container.
- 2022-05-10 Warp Private Network link updated
- 2022-06-14 TUN-6395: Fix writing RPM repo data
- 2022-06-14 Revert "TUN-6010: Add component tests for --edge-ip-version"
- 2022-06-14 Revert "TUN-6373: Add edge-ip-version to remotely pushed configuration"
- 2022-06-14 Revert "TUN-6384: Correct duplicate connection error to fetch new IP first"
- 2022-06-14 Revert "TUN-6007: Implement new edge discovery algorithm"
- 2022-06-13 TUN-6385: Don't share err between acceptStream loop and per-stream goroutines
- 2022-06-13 TUN-6384: Correct duplicate connection error to fetch new IP first
- 2022-06-13 TUN-6373: Add edge-ip-version to remotely pushed configuration
- 2022-06-13 TUN-6380: Enforce connect and keep-alive timeouts for TCP connections in both WARP routing and websocket based TCP proxy.
- 2022-06-11 Update issue templates
- 2022-06-11 Amendment to previous PR
- 2022-06-09 TUN-6347: Add TCP stream logs with FlowID
- 2022-06-08 TUN-6361: Add cloudflared arm builds to pkging as well
- 2022-06-07 TUN-6357: Add connector id to ready check endpoint
- 2022-06-07 TUN-6010: Add component tests for --edge-ip-version
- 2022-06-06 TUN-6191: Update quic-go to v0.27.1 and with custom patch to allow keep alive period to be configurable
- 2022-06-03 TUN-6343: Fix QUIC->HTTP2 fallback
- 2022-06-02 TUN-6339: Add config for IPv6 support
- 2022-06-02 TUN-6341: Fix default config value for edge-ip-version
- 2022-06-01 TUN-6323: Add Xenial and Trusty for Ubuntu pkging
- 2022-05-31 TUN-6210: Add cloudflared.repo to make it easy for yum installs
- 2022-05-30 TUN-6293: Update yaml v3 to latest hotfix
- 2022-05-20 TUN-6007: Implement new edge discovery algorithm
- 2022-05-30 TUN-6308: Add debug logs to see if packets are sent/received from edge
- 2022-05-30 TUN-6301: Allow to update logger used by UDP session manager
- 2022-05-23 TUN-6270: Import gpg keys from environment variables
- 2022-05-24 TUN-6209: Improve feedback process if release_pkgs to deb and rpm fail
- 2022-05-24 TUN-6280: Don't wrap qlog connection tracer for gatethering QUIC metrics since we're not writing qlog files.
- 2022-05-25 TUN-6209: Sign RPM packages
- 2022-05-25 TUN-6285: Upload pkg assets to repos when cloudflared is released.
- 2022-05-24 TUN-6282: Upgrade golang to 1.17.10, go-boring to 1.17.9
- 2022-05-26 TUN-6292: Debug builds for cloudflared
- 2022-05-28 TUN-6304: Fixed some file permission issues
- 2022-05-11 TUN-6197: Publish to brew core should not try to open the browser
- 2022-05-12 TUN-5943: Add RPM support
- 2022-05-18 TUN-6248: Fix panic in cloudflared during tracing when origin doesn't provide header map
- 2022-05-18 TUN-6250: Add upstream response status code to tracing span attributes
- 2022-05-06 TUN-6146: Release_pkgs is now a generic command line script
- 2022-05-06 TUN-6185: Fix tcpOverWSOriginService not using original scheme for String representation
- 2022-05-05 TUN-6175: Simply debian packaging by structural upload
- 2022-05-05 TUN-5945: Added support for Ubuntu releases
- 2022-05-04 TUN-6054: Create and upload deb packages to R2
- 2022-05-03 TUN-6161: Set git user/email for brew core release
- 2022-05-03 TUN-6166: Fix mocked QUIC transport for UDP proxy manager to return expected error
- 2022-04-27 TUN-6016: Push local managed tunnels configuration to the edge
- 2022-05-02 TUN-6158: Update
- 2022-04-20 VULN-8383 Bump yaml.v2 to yaml.v3
- 2022-04-21 TUN-6123: For a given connection with edge, close all datagram sessions through this connection when it's closed
- 2022-04-20 TUN-6015: Add RPC method for pushing local config
- 2022-04-21 TUN-6130: Fix vendoring due to case sensitive typo in package
- 2022-04-27 TUN-6142: Add tunnel details support to RPC
- 2022-04-28 TUN-6014: Add remote config flag as default feature
- 2022-04-12 TUN-6000: Another fix for publishing to brew core
- 2022-04-11 TUN-5990: Add otlp span export to response header
- 2022-04-19 TUN-6070: First connection retries other edge IPs if the error is quic timeout(likely due to firewall blocking UDP)
- 2022-04-11 TUN-6030: Add ttfb span for origin http request
- 2022-04-11 TUN-6035: Reduce buffer size when proxying data
- 2022-04-11 TUN-6038: Reduce buffer size used for proxying data
- 2022-04-11 TUN-6043: Allow UI-managed Tunnels to fallback from QUIC but warn about that
- 2022-04-07 TUN-6000 add version argument to bump-formula-pr
- 2022-04-06 TUN-5989: Add in-memory otlp exporter
- 2022-04-01 TUN-5973: Add backoff for non-recoverable errors as well
- 2022-04-05 TUN-5992: Use QUIC protocol for remotely managed tunnels when protocol is unspecified
- 2022-04-06 Update Makefile
- 2022-04-06 TUN-5995: Update prometheus to 1.12.1 to avoid vulnerabilities
- 2022-04-07 TUN-5995: Force prometheus v1.12.1 usage
- 2022-04-07 TUN-4130: cloudflared docker images now have a latest tag
- 2022-03-30 TUN-5842: Fix flaky TestConcurrentUpdateAndRead by making sure resources are released
- 2022-03-30 carrier: fix dropped errors
- 2022-03-25 TUN-5959: tidy go.mod
- 2022-03-25 TUN-5958: Fix release to homebrew core
- 2022-03-28 TUN-5960: Do not log the tunnel token or json credentials
- 2022-03-28 TUN-5956: Add timeout to session manager APIs
- 2022-03-22 TUN-5918: Clean up text in cloudflared tunnel --help
- 2022-03-22 TUN-5895 run brew bump-formula-pr on release
- 2022-03-22 TUN-5915: New cloudflared command to allow to retrieve the token credentials for a Tunnel
- 2022-03-24 TUN-5933: Better messaging to help user when installing service if it is already installed
- 2022-03-25 TUN-5954: Start cloudflared service in Linux too similarly to other OSs
- 2022-03-14 TUN-5869: Add configuration endpoint in metrics server
- 2022-03-17 TUN-5893: Start windows service on install, stop on uninstall. Previously user had to manually start the service after running 'cloudflared tunnel install' and stop the service before running uninstall command.
- 2022-03-17 Revert "CC-796: Remove dependency on unsupported version of go-oidc"
- 2022-03-18 TUN-5881: Clarify success (or lack thereof) of (un)installing cloudflared service
- 2022-03-18 CC-796: Remove dependency on unsupported version of go-oidc
- 2022-03-18 TUN-5907: Change notes for 2022.3.3
- 2022-03-10 TUN-5833: Create constant for allow-remote-config
- 2022-03-15 TUN-5867: Return error if service was already installed

View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
VERSION=$(git describe --tags --always --match "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].*.*")
# This controls the directory the built artifacts go into
export ARTIFACT_DIR=artifacts/
export ARTIFACT_DIR=built_artifacts/
mkdir -p $ARTIFACT_DIR
@ -23,4 +22,4 @@ make cloudflared-rpm
mv cloudflared-fips-$RPMVERSION-1.$RPMARCH.rpm $ARTIFACT_DIR/cloudflared-fips-linux-$RPMARCH.rpm
# finally move the linux binary as well.
mv ./cloudflared $ARTIFACT_DIR/cloudflared-fips-linux-$arch
mv ./cloudflared $ARTIFACT_DIR/cloudflared-fips-linux-$arch

View File

@ -1,33 +1,26 @@
VERSION=$(git describe --tags --always --match "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].*.*")
# Disable FIPS module in go-boring
export GOEXPERIMENT=noboringcrypto
# Avoid depending on C code since we don't need it.
export CGO_ENABLED=0
# This controls the directory the built artifacts go into
export ARTIFACT_DIR=artifacts/
export ARTIFACT_DIR=built_artifacts/
mkdir -p $ARTIFACT_DIR
windowsArchs=("amd64" "386")
export TARGET_OS=windows
for arch in ${windowsArchs[@]}; do
export TARGET_ARCH=$arch
make cloudflared-msi
mv ./cloudflared.exe $ARTIFACT_DIR/cloudflared-windows-$arch.exe
mv cloudflared-$VERSION-$arch.msi $ARTIFACT_DIR/cloudflared-windows-$arch.msi
linuxArchs=("386" "amd64" "arm" "armhf" "arm64")
linuxArchs=("386" "amd64" "arm" "arm64")
export TARGET_OS=linux
for arch in ${linuxArchs[@]}; do
export TARGET_ARCH=$arch
## Support for arm platforms without hardware FPU enabled
if [[ $arch == arm ]] ; then
export TARGET_ARCH=arm
export TARGET_ARM=5
## Support for armhf builds
if [[ $arch == armhf ]] ; then
export TARGET_ARCH=arm
export TARGET_ARM=7
make cloudflared-deb
mv cloudflared\_$VERSION\_$arch.deb $ARTIFACT_DIR/cloudflared-linux-$arch.deb

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Package carrier provides a WebSocket proxy to carry or proxy a connection
// from the local client to the edge. See it as a wrapper around any protocol
// that it packages up in a WebSocket connection to the edge.
//Package carrier provides a WebSocket proxy to carry or proxy a connection
//from the local client to the edge. See it as a wrapper around any protocol
//that it packages up in a WebSocket connection to the edge.
package carrier
import (

View File

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import (
cfwebsocket ""
@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ func (ws *Websocket) ServeStream(options *StartOptions, conn io.ReadWriter) erro
defer wsConn.Close()
stream.Pipe(wsConn, conn, ws.log)
cfwebsocket.Stream(wsConn, conn, ws.log)
return nil
@ -56,9 +55,6 @@ func createWebsocketStream(options *StartOptions, log *zerolog.Logger) (*cfwebso
dump, err := httputil.DumpRequest(req, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debug().Msgf("Websocket request: %s", string(dump))
dialer := &websocket.Dialer{
@ -186,9 +182,6 @@ func createAccessWebSocketStream(options *StartOptions, log *zerolog.Logger) (*w
dump, err := httputil.DumpRequest(req, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
log.Debug().Msgf("Access Websocket request: %s", string(dump))
conn, resp, err := clientConnect(req, nil)

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
kind: Component
name: cloudflared
description: Client for Cloudflare Tunnels
annotations: url: "true" "TUN" "Cloudflare Tunnel"
- internal
type: "service"
lifecycle: "Active"
owner: "teams/tunnel-teams-routing"

certutil/certutil.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
package certutil
import (
type namedTunnelToken struct {
ZoneID string `json:"zoneID"`
AccountID string `json:"accountID"`
ServiceKey string `json:"serviceKey"`
type OriginCert struct {
PrivateKey interface{}
Cert *x509.Certificate
ZoneID string
ServiceKey string
AccountID string
func DecodeOriginCert(blocks []byte) (*OriginCert, error) {
if len(blocks) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot decode empty certificate")
originCert := OriginCert{}
block, rest := pem.Decode(blocks)
for {
if block == nil {
switch block.Type {
if originCert.PrivateKey != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Found multiple private key in the certificate")
// RSA private key
privateKey, err := x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(block.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse private key")
originCert.PrivateKey = privateKey
if originCert.Cert != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Found multiple certificates in the certificate")
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificates(block.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse certificate")
} else if len(cert) > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Found multiple certificates in the certificate")
originCert.Cert = cert[0]
if originCert.ZoneID != "" || originCert.ServiceKey != "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Found multiple tokens in the certificate")
// The token is a string,
// Try the newer JSON format
ntt := namedTunnelToken{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(block.Bytes, &ntt); err == nil {
originCert.ZoneID = ntt.ZoneID
originCert.ServiceKey = ntt.ServiceKey
originCert.AccountID = ntt.AccountID
} else {
// Try the older format, where the zoneID and service key are separated by
// a new line character
token := string(block.Bytes)
s := strings.Split(token, "\n")
if len(s) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse token")
originCert.ZoneID = s[0]
originCert.ServiceKey = s[1]
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown block %s in the certificate", block.Type)
block, rest = pem.Decode(rest)
if originCert.PrivateKey == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Missing private key in the certificate")
} else if originCert.Cert == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Missing certificate in the certificate")
} else if originCert.ZoneID == "" || originCert.ServiceKey == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Missing token in the certificate")
return &originCert, nil

certutil/certutil_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
package certutil
import (
func TestLoadOriginCert(t *testing.T) {
cert, err := DecodeOriginCert([]byte{})
assert.Equal(t, fmt.Errorf("Cannot decode empty certificate"), err)
assert.Nil(t, cert)
blocks, err := ioutil.ReadFile("test-cert-no-key.pem")
assert.Nil(t, err)
cert, err = DecodeOriginCert(blocks)
assert.Equal(t, fmt.Errorf("Missing private key in the certificate"), err)
assert.Nil(t, cert)
blocks, err = ioutil.ReadFile("test-cert-two-certificates.pem")
assert.Nil(t, err)
cert, err = DecodeOriginCert(blocks)
assert.Equal(t, fmt.Errorf("Found multiple certificates in the certificate"), err)
assert.Nil(t, cert)
blocks, err = ioutil.ReadFile("test-cert-unknown-block.pem")
assert.Nil(t, err)
cert, err = DecodeOriginCert(blocks)
assert.Equal(t, fmt.Errorf("Unknown block RSA PRIVATE KEY in the certificate"), err)
assert.Nil(t, cert)
blocks, err = ioutil.ReadFile("test-cert.pem")
assert.Nil(t, err)
cert, err = DecodeOriginCert(blocks)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.NotNil(t, cert)
assert.Equal(t, "7b0a4d77dfb881c1a3b7d61ea9443e19", cert.ZoneID)
key := "v1.0-58bd4f9e28f7b3c28e05a35ff3e80ab4fd9644ef3fece537eb0d12e2e9258217-183442fbb0bbdb3e571558fec9b5589ebd77aafc87498ee3f09f64a4ad79ffe8791edbae08b36c1d8f1d70a8670de56922dff92b15d214a524f4ebfa1958859e-7ce80f79921312a6022c5d25e2d380f82ceaefe3fbdc43dd13b080e3ef1e26f7"
assert.Equal(t, key, cert.ServiceKey)
func TestNewlineArgoTunnelToken(t *testing.T) {
ArgoTunnelTokenTest(t, "test-argo-tunnel-cert.pem")
func TestJSONArgoTunnelToken(t *testing.T) {
// The given cert's Argo Tunnel Token was generated by base64 encoding this JSON:
// {
// "zoneID": "7b0a4d77dfb881c1a3b7d61ea9443e19",
// "serviceKey": "test-service-key",
// "accountID": "abcdabcdabcdabcd1234567890abcdef"
// }
ArgoTunnelTokenTest(t, "test-argo-tunnel-cert-json.pem")
func ArgoTunnelTokenTest(t *testing.T, path string) {
blocks, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
assert.Nil(t, err)
cert, err := DecodeOriginCert(blocks)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.NotNil(t, cert)
assert.Equal(t, "7b0a4d77dfb881c1a3b7d61ea9443e19", cert.ZoneID)
key := "test-service-key"
assert.Equal(t, key, cert.ServiceKey)

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ K5rShE/l+90YAOzHC89OH/wUz3I5KYOFuehoAiEA8e92aIf9XBkr0K6EvFCiSsD+

View File

@ -51,6 +51,6 @@ K5rShE/l+90YAOzHC89OH/wUz3I5KYOFuehoAiEA8e92aIf9XBkr0K6EvFCiSsD+

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
-----END WARP TOKEN-----

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
-----END WARP TOKEN-----

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ cmUuY29tL29yaWdpbl9lY2NfY2EuY3JsMAoGCCqGSM49BAMCA0gAMEUCIDV7HoMj
-----END WARP TOKEN-----

certutil/test-cert.pem Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
-----END WARP TOKEN-----

View File

@ -104,39 +104,25 @@ func (r *RESTClient) sendRequest(method string, url url.URL, body interface{}) (
if bodyReader != nil {
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", jsonContentType)
req.Header.Add("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", r.authToken))
req.Header.Add("X-Auth-User-Service-Key", r.authToken)
req.Header.Add("Accept", "application/json;version=1")
return r.client.Do(req)
func parseResponseEnvelope(reader io.Reader) (*response, error) {
func parseResponse(reader io.Reader, data interface{}) error {
// Schema for Tunnelstore responses in the v1 API.
// Roughly, it's a wrapper around a particular result that adds failures/errors/etc
var result response
// First, parse the wrapper and check the API call succeeded
if err := json.NewDecoder(reader).Decode(&result); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to decode response")
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to decode response")
if err := result.checkErrors(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if !result.Success {
return nil, ErrAPINoSuccess
return &result, nil
func parseResponse(reader io.Reader, data interface{}) error {
result, err := parseResponseEnvelope(reader)
if err != nil {
return err
return parseResponseBody(result, data)
func parseResponseBody(result *response, data interface{}) error {
if !result.Success {
return ErrAPINoSuccess
// At this point we know the API call succeeded, so, parse out the inner
// result into the datatype provided as a parameter.
if err := json.Unmarshal(result.Result, &data); err != nil {
@ -145,58 +131,11 @@ func parseResponseBody(result *response, data interface{}) error {
return nil
func fetchExhaustively[T any](requestFn func(int) (*http.Response, error)) ([]*T, error) {
page := 0
var fullResponse []*T
for {
page += 1
envelope, parsedBody, err := fetchPage[T](requestFn, page)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("Error Parsing page %d", page))
fullResponse = append(fullResponse, parsedBody...)
if envelope.Pagination.Count < envelope.Pagination.PerPage || len(fullResponse) >= envelope.Pagination.TotalCount {
return fullResponse, nil
func fetchPage[T any](requestFn func(int) (*http.Response, error), page int) (*response, []*T, error) {
pageResp, err := requestFn(page)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "REST request failed")
defer pageResp.Body.Close()
if pageResp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
envelope, err := parseResponseEnvelope(pageResp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var parsedRspBody []*T
return envelope, parsedRspBody, parseResponseBody(envelope, &parsedRspBody)
return nil, nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to fetch page. Server returned: %d", pageResp.StatusCode))
type response struct {
Success bool `json:"success,omitempty"`
Errors []apiErr `json:"errors,omitempty"`
Messages []string `json:"messages,omitempty"`
Result json.RawMessage `json:"result,omitempty"`
Pagination Pagination `json:"result_info,omitempty"`
type Pagination struct {
Count int `json:"count,omitempty"`
Page int `json:"page,omitempty"`
PerPage int `json:"per_page,omitempty"`
TotalCount int `json:"total_count,omitempty"`
Success bool `json:"success,omitempty"`
Errors []apiErr `json:"errors,omitempty"`
Messages []string `json:"messages,omitempty"`
Result json.RawMessage `json:"result,omitempty"`
func (r *response) checkErrors() error {

View File

@ -7,9 +7,7 @@ import (
type TunnelClient interface {
CreateTunnel(name string, tunnelSecret []byte) (*TunnelWithToken, error)
GetTunnel(tunnelID uuid.UUID) (*Tunnel, error)
GetTunnelToken(tunnelID uuid.UUID) (string, error)
GetManagementToken(tunnelID uuid.UUID) (string, error)
DeleteTunnel(tunnelID uuid.UUID, cascade bool) error
DeleteTunnel(tunnelID uuid.UUID) error
ListTunnels(filter *TunnelFilter) ([]*Tunnel, error)
ListActiveClients(tunnelID uuid.UUID) ([]*ActiveClient, error)
CleanupConnections(tunnelID uuid.UUID, params *CleanupParams) error
@ -22,14 +20,14 @@ type HostnameClient interface {
type IPRouteClient interface {
ListRoutes(filter *IpRouteFilter) ([]*DetailedRoute, error)
AddRoute(newRoute NewRoute) (Route, error)
DeleteRoute(id uuid.UUID) error
DeleteRoute(params DeleteRouteParams) error
GetByIP(params GetRouteByIpParams) (DetailedRoute, error)
type VnetClient interface {
CreateVirtualNetwork(newVnet NewVirtualNetwork) (VirtualNetwork, error)
ListVirtualNetworks(filter *VnetFilter) ([]*VirtualNetwork, error)
DeleteVirtualNetwork(id uuid.UUID, force bool) error
DeleteVirtualNetwork(id uuid.UUID) error
UpdateVirtualNetwork(id uuid.UUID, updates UpdateVirtualNetwork) error

View File

@ -75,12 +75,10 @@ type NewRoute struct {
// MarshalJSON handles fields with non-JSON types (e.g. net.IPNet).
func (r NewRoute) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(&struct {
Network string `json:"network"`
TunnelID uuid.UUID `json:"tunnel_id"`
Comment string `json:"comment"`
VNetID *uuid.UUID `json:"virtual_network_id,omitempty"`
Network: r.Network.String(),
TunnelID: r.TunnelID,
Comment: r.Comment,
VNetID: r.VNetID,
@ -89,7 +87,6 @@ func (r NewRoute) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
// DetailedRoute is just a Route with some extra fields, e.g. TunnelName.
type DetailedRoute struct {
ID uuid.UUID `json:"id"`
Network CIDR `json:"network"`
TunnelID uuid.UUID `json:"tunnel_id"`
// Optional field. When unset, it means the DetailedRoute belongs to the default virtual network.
@ -118,8 +115,7 @@ func (r DetailedRoute) TableString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
@ -130,6 +126,12 @@ func (r DetailedRoute) TableString() string {
type DeleteRouteParams struct {
Network net.IPNet
// Optional field. If unset, backend will assume the default vnet for the account.
VNetID *uuid.UUID
type GetRouteByIpParams struct {
Ip net.IP
// Optional field. If unset, backend will assume the default vnet for the account.
@ -137,30 +139,26 @@ type GetRouteByIpParams struct {
// ListRoutes calls the Tunnelstore GET endpoint for all routes under an account.
// Due to pagination on the server side it will call the endpoint multiple times if needed.
func (r *RESTClient) ListRoutes(filter *IpRouteFilter) ([]*DetailedRoute, error) {
fetchFn := func(page int) (*http.Response, error) {
endpoint := r.baseEndpoints.accountRoutes
endpoint.RawQuery = filter.Encode()
rsp, err := r.sendRequest("GET", endpoint, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "REST request failed")
if rsp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, r.statusCodeToError("list routes", rsp)
return rsp, nil
endpoint := r.baseEndpoints.accountRoutes
endpoint.RawQuery = filter.Encode()
resp, err := r.sendRequest("GET", endpoint, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "REST request failed")
return fetchExhaustively[DetailedRoute](fetchFn)
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
return parseListDetailedRoutes(resp.Body)
return nil, r.statusCodeToError("list routes", resp)
// AddRoute calls the Tunnelstore POST endpoint for a given route.
func (r *RESTClient) AddRoute(newRoute NewRoute) (Route, error) {
endpoint := r.baseEndpoints.accountRoutes
endpoint.Path = path.Join(endpoint.Path)
endpoint.Path = path.Join(endpoint.Path, "network", url.PathEscape(newRoute.Network.String()))
resp, err := r.sendRequest("POST", endpoint, newRoute)
if err != nil {
return Route{}, errors.Wrap(err, "REST request failed")
@ -175,9 +173,10 @@ func (r *RESTClient) AddRoute(newRoute NewRoute) (Route, error) {
// DeleteRoute calls the Tunnelstore DELETE endpoint for a given route.
func (r *RESTClient) DeleteRoute(id uuid.UUID) error {
func (r *RESTClient) DeleteRoute(params DeleteRouteParams) error {
endpoint := r.baseEndpoints.accountRoutes
endpoint.Path = path.Join(endpoint.Path, url.PathEscape(id.String()))
endpoint.Path = path.Join(endpoint.Path, "network", url.PathEscape(params.Network.String()))
setVnetParam(&endpoint, params.VNetID)
resp, err := r.sendRequest("DELETE", endpoint, nil)
if err != nil {
@ -212,6 +211,12 @@ func (r *RESTClient) GetByIP(params GetRouteByIpParams) (DetailedRoute, error) {
return DetailedRoute{}, r.statusCodeToError("get route by IP", resp)
func parseListDetailedRoutes(body io.ReadCloser) ([]*DetailedRoute, error) {
var routes []*DetailedRoute
err := parseResponse(body, &routes)
return routes, err
func parseRoute(body io.ReadCloser) (Route, error) {
var route Route
err := parseResponse(body, &route)

View File

@ -58,29 +58,31 @@ type IpRouteFilter struct {
// NewIpRouteFilterFromCLI parses CLI flags to discover which filters should get applied.
func NewIpRouteFilterFromCLI(c *cli.Context) (*IpRouteFilter, error) {
f := NewIPRouteFilter()
f := &IpRouteFilter{
queryParams: url.Values{},
// Set deletion filter
if flag := filterIpRouteDeleted.Name; c.IsSet(flag) && c.Bool(flag) {
} else {
if subset, err := cidrFromFlag(c, filterSubsetIpRoute); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if subset != nil {
if superset, err := cidrFromFlag(c, filterSupersetIpRoute); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if superset != nil {
if comment := c.String(filterIpRouteComment.Name); comment != "" {
if tunnelID := c.String(filterIpRouteTunnelID.Name); tunnelID != "" {
@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ func NewIpRouteFilterFromCLI(c *cli.Context) (*IpRouteFilter, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Couldn't parse UUID from %s", filterIpRouteTunnelID.Name)
if vnetId := c.String(filterIpRouteByVnet.Name); vnetId != "" {
@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ func NewIpRouteFilterFromCLI(c *cli.Context) (*IpRouteFilter, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Couldn't parse UUID from %s", filterIpRouteByVnet.Name)
if maxFetch := c.Int("max-fetch-size"); maxFetch > 0 {
@ -122,44 +124,35 @@ func cidrFromFlag(c *cli.Context, flag cli.StringFlag) (*net.IPNet, error) {
return subset, nil
func NewIPRouteFilter() *IpRouteFilter {
values := &IpRouteFilter{queryParams: url.Values{}}
// always list cfd_tunnel routes only
values.queryParams.Set("tun_types", "cfd_tunnel")
return values
func (f *IpRouteFilter) CommentIs(comment string) {
func (f *IpRouteFilter) commentIs(comment string) {
f.queryParams.Set("comment", comment)
func (f *IpRouteFilter) NotDeleted() {
func (f *IpRouteFilter) notDeleted() {
f.queryParams.Set("is_deleted", "false")
func (f *IpRouteFilter) Deleted() {
func (f *IpRouteFilter) deleted() {
f.queryParams.Set("is_deleted", "true")
func (f *IpRouteFilter) NetworkIsSubsetOf(superset net.IPNet) {
func (f *IpRouteFilter) networkIsSubsetOf(superset net.IPNet) {
f.queryParams.Set("network_subset", superset.String())
func (f *IpRouteFilter) NetworkIsSupersetOf(subset net.IPNet) {
func (f *IpRouteFilter) networkIsSupersetOf(subset net.IPNet) {
f.queryParams.Set("network_superset", subset.String())
func (f *IpRouteFilter) ExistedAt(existedAt time.Time) {
func (f *IpRouteFilter) existedAt(existedAt time.Time) {
f.queryParams.Set("existed_at", existedAt.Format(time.RFC3339))
func (f *IpRouteFilter) TunnelID(id uuid.UUID) {
func (f *IpRouteFilter) tunnelID(id uuid.UUID) {
f.queryParams.Set("tunnel_id", id.String())
func (f *IpRouteFilter) VNetID(id uuid.UUID) {
func (f *IpRouteFilter) vnetID(id uuid.UUID) {
f.queryParams.Set("virtual_network_id", id.String())
@ -167,10 +160,6 @@ func (f *IpRouteFilter) MaxFetchSize(max uint) {
f.queryParams.Set("per_page", strconv.Itoa(int(max)))
func (f *IpRouteFilter) Page(page int) {
f.queryParams.Set("page", strconv.Itoa(page))
func (f IpRouteFilter) Encode() string {
return f.queryParams.Encode()

View File

@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ func TestDetailedRouteJsonRoundtrip(t *testing.T) {
@ -81,7 +80,6 @@ func TestDetailedRouteJsonRoundtrip(t *testing.T) {
@ -169,10 +167,9 @@ func TestRouteTableString(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, network)
r := DetailedRoute{
ID: uuid.Nil,
Network: CIDR(*network),
row := r.TableString()
require.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(row, "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\t1.2.3.4/32"))
require.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(row, ""))

View File

@ -50,10 +50,6 @@ type newTunnel struct {
TunnelSecret []byte `json:"tunnel_secret"`
type managementRequest struct {
Resources []string `json:"resources"`
type CleanupParams struct {
queryParams url.Values
@ -93,7 +89,7 @@ func (r *RESTClient) CreateTunnel(name string, tunnelSecret []byte) (*TunnelWith
switch resp.StatusCode {
case http.StatusOK:
var tunnel TunnelWithToken
if serdeErr := parseResponse(resp.Body, &tunnel); serdeErr != nil {
if serdeErr := parseResponse(resp.Body, &tunnel); err != nil {
return nil, serdeErr
return &tunnel, nil
@ -120,53 +116,9 @@ func (r *RESTClient) GetTunnel(tunnelID uuid.UUID) (*Tunnel, error) {
return nil, r.statusCodeToError("get tunnel", resp)
func (r *RESTClient) GetTunnelToken(tunnelID uuid.UUID) (token string, err error) {
endpoint := r.baseEndpoints.accountLevel
endpoint.Path = path.Join(endpoint.Path, fmt.Sprintf("%v/token", tunnelID))
resp, err := r.sendRequest("GET", endpoint, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "REST request failed")
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
err = parseResponse(resp.Body, &token)
return token, err
return "", r.statusCodeToError("get tunnel token", resp)
func (r *RESTClient) GetManagementToken(tunnelID uuid.UUID) (token string, err error) {
endpoint := r.baseEndpoints.accountLevel
endpoint.Path = path.Join(endpoint.Path, fmt.Sprintf("%v/management", tunnelID))
body := &managementRequest{
Resources: []string{"logs"},
resp, err := r.sendRequest("POST", endpoint, body)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "REST request failed")
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
err = parseResponse(resp.Body, &token)
return token, err
return "", r.statusCodeToError("get tunnel token", resp)
func (r *RESTClient) DeleteTunnel(tunnelID uuid.UUID, cascade bool) error {
func (r *RESTClient) DeleteTunnel(tunnelID uuid.UUID) error {
endpoint := r.baseEndpoints.accountLevel
endpoint.Path = path.Join(endpoint.Path, fmt.Sprintf("%v", tunnelID))
// Cascade will delete all tunnel dependencies (connections, routes, etc.) that
// are linked to the deleted tunnel.
if cascade {
endpoint.RawQuery = "cascade=true"
resp, err := r.sendRequest("DELETE", endpoint, nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "REST request failed")
@ -177,22 +129,25 @@ func (r *RESTClient) DeleteTunnel(tunnelID uuid.UUID, cascade bool) error {
func (r *RESTClient) ListTunnels(filter *TunnelFilter) ([]*Tunnel, error) {
fetchFn := func(page int) (*http.Response, error) {
endpoint := r.baseEndpoints.accountLevel
endpoint.RawQuery = filter.encode()
rsp, err := r.sendRequest("GET", endpoint, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "REST request failed")
if rsp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, r.statusCodeToError("list tunnels", rsp)
return rsp, nil
endpoint := r.baseEndpoints.accountLevel
endpoint.RawQuery = filter.encode()
resp, err := r.sendRequest("GET", endpoint, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "REST request failed")
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
return parseListTunnels(resp.Body)
return fetchExhaustively[Tunnel](fetchFn)
return nil, r.statusCodeToError("list tunnels", resp)
func parseListTunnels(body io.ReadCloser) ([]*Tunnel, error) {
var tunnels []*Tunnel
err := parseResponse(body, &tunnels)
return tunnels, err
func (r *RESTClient) ListActiveClients(tunnelID uuid.UUID) ([]*ActiveClient, error) {

View File

@ -50,10 +50,6 @@ func (f *TunnelFilter) MaxFetchSize(max uint) {
f.queryParams.Set("per_page", strconv.Itoa(int(max)))
func (f *TunnelFilter) Page(page int) {
f.queryParams.Set("page", strconv.Itoa(page))
func (f TunnelFilter) encode() string {
return f.queryParams.Encode()

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package cfapi
import (
@ -15,6 +16,52 @@ import (
var loc, _ = time.LoadLocation("UTC")
func Test_parseListTunnels(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
body string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want []*Tunnel
wantErr bool
name: "empty list",
args: args{body: `{"success": true, "result": []}`},
want: []*Tunnel{},
name: "success is false",
args: args{body: `{"success": false, "result": []}`},
wantErr: true,
name: "errors are present",
args: args{body: `{"errors": [{"code": 1003, "message":"An A, AAAA or CNAME record already exists with that host"}], "result": []}`},
wantErr: true,
name: "invalid response",
args: args{body: `abc`},
wantErr: true,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
body := ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte(tt.args.body)))
got, err := parseListTunnels(body)
if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
t.Errorf("parseListTunnels() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
t.Errorf("parseListTunnels() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
func Test_unmarshalTunnel(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
body string

View File

@ -80,16 +80,9 @@ func (r *RESTClient) ListVirtualNetworks(filter *VnetFilter) ([]*VirtualNetwork,
return nil, r.statusCodeToError("list virtual networks", resp)
func (r *RESTClient) DeleteVirtualNetwork(id uuid.UUID, force bool) error {
func (r *RESTClient) DeleteVirtualNetwork(id uuid.UUID) error {
endpoint := r.baseEndpoints.accountVnets
endpoint.Path = path.Join(endpoint.Path, url.PathEscape(id.String()))
queryParams := url.Values{}
if force {
queryParams.Set("force", strconv.FormatBool(force))
endpoint.RawQuery = queryParams.Encode()
resp, err := r.sendRequest("DELETE", endpoint, nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "REST request failed")

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
package cfio
import (
const defaultBufferSize = 16 * 1024
var bufferPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return make([]byte, defaultBufferSize)
func Copy(dst io.Writer, src io.Reader) (written int64, err error) {
_, okWriteTo := src.(io.WriterTo)
_, okReadFrom := dst.(io.ReaderFrom)
var buffer []byte = nil
if !(okWriteTo || okReadFrom) {
buffer = bufferPool.Get().([]byte)
defer bufferPool.Put(buffer)
return io.CopyBuffer(dst, src, buffer)

View File

@ -1,74 +1,77 @@
pinned_go: &pinned_go go-boring=1.22.2-1
pinned_go: &pinned_go go=1.17.5-1
pinned_go_fips: &pinned_go_fips go-boring=1.17.5-1
build_dir: &build_dir /cfsetup_build
default-flavor: bullseye
buster: &buster
build_dir: *build_dir
builddeps: &build_deps
- *pinned_go
- build-essential
- fakeroot
- rubygem-fpm
- rpm
- libffi-dev
pre-cache: &build_pre_cache
- export GOCACHE=/cfsetup_build/.cache/go-build
- go install
# Build binary for component test
- GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make cloudflared
build_dir: *build_dir
builddeps: *build_deps
pre-cache: *build_pre_cache
- export FIPS=true
# Build binary for component test
- GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make cloudflared
build_dir: *build_dir
builddeps: *build_deps
pre-cache: *build_pre_cache
- make cover
# except FIPS and macos
build_dir: *build_dir
builddeps: &build_deps_release
- *pinned_go
- build-essential
- fakeroot
- rubygem-fpm
- rpm
- libffi-dev
- python3-dev
- python3-pip
- python3-setuptools
- wget
pre-cache: &build_release_pre_cache
- pip3 install pynacl==1.4.0
- pip3 install pygithub==1.55
- pip3 install boto3==1.22.9
- pip3 install python-gnupg==0.4.9
# build all packages (except macos and FIPS) and move them to /cfsetup/built_artifacts
- ./
# handle FIPS separately so that we built with gofips compiler
build_dir: *build_dir
builddeps: *build_deps_release
pre-cache: *build_release_pre_cache
# same logic as above, but for FIPS packages only
- ./
default-flavor: buster
stretch: &stretch
build_dir: *build_dir
- *pinned_go
- build-essential
- make generate-docker-version
- export GOOS=linux
- export GOARCH=amd64
- make cloudflared
build_dir: *build_dir
- *pinned_go_fips
- build-essential
- export GOOS=linux
- export GOARCH=amd64
- export FIPS=true
- make cloudflared
# except FIPS (handled in github-fips-release-pkgs) and macos (handled in github-release-macos-amd64)
build_dir: *build_dir
- *pinned_go
- build-essential
- fakeroot
- rubygem-fpm
- rpm
- wget
# libmsi and libgcab are libraries the wixl binary depends on.
- libmsi-dev
- libgcab-dev
- python3-dev
- libffi-dev
- python3-setuptools
- python3-pip
pre-cache: &github_release_pkgs_pre_cache
- wget -P /usr/local/bin
- chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/wixl
- pip3 install pynacl==1.4.0
- pip3 install pygithub==1.55
# build all packages (except macos and FIPS) and move them to /cfsetup/built_artifacts
- ./
# release the packages built and moved to /cfsetup/built_artifacts
- make github-release-built-pkgs
# handle FIPS separately so that we built with gofips compiler
build_dir: *build_dir
- *pinned_go_fips
- build-essential
- fakeroot
- rubygem-fpm
- rpm
- wget
# libmsi and libgcab are libraries the wixl binary depends on.
- libmsi-dev
- libgcab-dev
- python3-dev
- libffi-dev
- python3-setuptools
- python3-pip
pre-cache: *github_release_pkgs_pre_cache
# same logic as above, but for FIPS packages only
- ./
- make github-release-built-pkgs
build_dir: *build_dir
builddeps: &build_deb_deps
@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ buster: &buster
build_dir: *build_dir
builddeps: &build_fips_deb_deps
- *pinned_go
- *pinned_go_fips
- build-essential
- fakeroot
- rubygem-fpm
@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ buster: &buster
- export FIPS=true
- export ORIGINAL_NAME=true
- make cloudflared-deb
build_dir: *build_dir
builddeps: *build_fips_deb_deps
@ -103,16 +106,6 @@ buster: &buster
- export FIPS=true
- export ORIGINAL_NAME=true
- make cloudflared-deb
build_dir: *build_dir
builddeps: *build_fips_deb_deps
- export GOOS=linux
- export GOARCH=arm64
- export NIGHTLY=true
#- export FIPS=true # TUN-7595
- export ORIGINAL_NAME=true
- make cloudflared-deb
build_dir: *build_dir
builddeps: *build_deb_deps
@ -120,7 +113,19 @@ buster: &buster
- export GOOS=linux
- export GOARCH=arm64
- make cloudflared-deb
build_dir: *build_dir
- *pinned_go
- build-essential
- fakeroot
- rubygem-fpm
- openssh-client
- export GOOS=linux
- export GOARCH=amd64
- make publish-deb
build_dir: *build_dir
- *pinned_go
@ -129,28 +134,20 @@ buster: &buster
- libffi-dev
- python3-setuptools
- python3-pip
- wget
# libmsi and libgcab are libraries the wixl binary depends on.
- libmsi-dev
- libgcab-dev
- wget -P /usr/local/bin
- chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/wixl
pre-cache: &install_pygithub
- pip3 install pynacl==1.4.0
- pip3 install pygithub==1.55
- .teamcity/
- make github-mac-upload
build_dir: *build_dir
builddeps: &build_deps_tests
- *pinned_go
- build-essential
- fakeroot
- rubygem-fpm
- rpm
- libffi-dev
- gotest-to-teamcity
pre-cache: *build_pre_cache
pre-cache: &test_pre_cache
- go get
- go get
- export GOOS=linux
- export GOARCH=amd64
@ -159,8 +156,11 @@ buster: &buster
- make test | gotest-to-teamcity
build_dir: *build_dir
builddeps: *build_deps_tests
pre-cache: *build_pre_cache
- *pinned_go_fips
- build-essential
- gotest-to-teamcity
pre-cache: *test_pre_cache
- export GOOS=linux
- export GOARCH=amd64
@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ buster: &buster
- make test | gotest-to-teamcity
build_dir: *build_dir
builddeps: &build_deps_component_test
- *pinned_go
- *pinned_go_fips
- python3.7
- python3-pip
- python3-setuptools
@ -180,22 +180,21 @@ buster: &buster
- procps
- component-tests/requirements.txt
pre-cache: &component_test_pre_cache
- sudo pip3 install --upgrade -r component-tests/requirements.txt
post-cache: &component_test_post_cache
# Creates and routes a Named Tunnel for this build. Also constructs config file from env vars.
- python3 component-tests/ --type create
- pytest component-tests -o log_cli=true --log-cli-level=INFO
# The Named Tunnel is deleted and its route unprovisioned here.
- python3 component-tests/ --type cleanup
build_dir: *build_dir
builddeps: *build_deps_component_test
- component-tests/requirements.txt
pre-cache: *component_test_pre_cache
post-cache: *component_test_post_cache
- openssh-client
- s3cmd
- .teamcity/
build_dir: *build_dir
- *pinned_go
@ -204,47 +203,53 @@ buster: &buster
- libffi-dev
- python3-setuptools
- python3-pip
- pip3 install pynacl==1.4.0
- pip3 install pygithub==1.55
pre-cache: *install_pygithub
- make github-release-dryrun
- make github-message
build_dir: *build_dir
- *pinned_go
- build-essential
- python3-dev
- libffi-dev
- python3-setuptools
- python3-pip
- python3
- genisoimage
- jetez
- pip3 install pynacl==1.4.0
- pip3 install pygithub==1.55
- ln -s /usr/bin/genisoimage /usr/bin/mkisofs
- make github-release
- export GOOS=freebsd
- export GOARCH=amd64
- make cloudflared-junos
build_dir: *build_dir
- *pinned_go
- build-essential
- fakeroot
- rubygem-fpm
- rpm
- wget
- python3-dev
- libffi-dev
- python3-setuptools
- python3-pip
- reprepro
- createrepo
- python3
- genisoimage
- jetez
- s4cmd
- pip3 install pynacl==1.4.0
- pip3 install pygithub==1.55
- pip3 install boto3==1.22.9
- pip3 install python-gnupg==0.4.9
- ln -s /usr/bin/genisoimage /usr/bin/mkisofs
- make r2-linux-release
- export GOOS=freebsd
- export GOARCH=amd64
- make publish-cloudflared-junos
bullseye: *buster
bookworm: *buster
buster: *stretch
bullseye: *stretch
build_dir: *build_dir
builddeps: &el7_builddeps
- yum install -y fakeroot
- yum upgrade -y binutils-2.27-44.base.el7.x86_64
- wget -P /tmp/
- tar -C /usr/local -xzf /tmp/go1.17.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
- export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
- export GOOS=linux
- export GOARCH=amd64
- make publish-rpm

View File

@ -1,64 +1,62 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?if $(var.Platform)="x64" ?>
<?define Program_Files="ProgramFiles64Folder"?>
<?else ?>
<?if $(var.Platform)="x86"?>
<?define Program_Files="ProgramFilesFolder"?>
<?endif ?>
<?define Program_Files="ProgramFiles64Folder"?>
<?ifndef var.Version?>
<?error Undefined Version variable?>
<?endif ?>
<?ifndef var.Path?>
<?error Undefined Path variable?>
<?endif ?>
<Wix xmlns="">
<Product Id="*"
<Product Id="35e5e858-9372-4449-bf73-1cd6f7267128"
<Package InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" Comments="Windows Installer Package" InstallScope="perMachine" />
<Package InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" Comments="Windows Installer Package" InstallScope="perMachine"/>
<Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes" />
<Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes"/>
<MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="A later version of [ProductName] is already installed. Setup will now exit." />
<Upgrade Id="23f90fdd-9328-47ea-ab52-5380855a4b12">
<UpgradeVersion Minimum="$(var.Version)" OnlyDetect="yes" Property="NEWERVERSIONDETECTED"/>
<UpgradeVersion Minimum="2020.8.0" Maximum="$(var.Version)" IncludeMinimum="yes" IncludeMaximum="no"
<Condition Message="A newer version of this software is already installed.">NOT NEWERVERSIONDETECTED</Condition>
<Upgrade Id="23f90fdd-9328-47ea-ab52-5380855a4b12">
<UpgradeVersion Minimum="$(var.Version)" OnlyDetect="yes" Property="NEWERVERSIONDETECTED" />
<UpgradeVersion Minimum="2020.8.0" Maximum="$(var.Version)" IncludeMinimum="yes" IncludeMaximum="no"
<Condition Message="A newer version of this software is already installed.">NOT NEWERVERSIONDETECTED</Condition>
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<!--This specifies where the cloudflared.exe is moved to in the windows Operation System-->
<Directory Id="$(var.Program_Files)">
<Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="cloudflared">
<Component Id="ApplicationFiles" Guid="35e5e858-9372-4449-bf73-1cd6f7267128">
<File Id="ApplicationFile0" Source="$(var.Path)" />
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<!--This specifies where the cloudflared.exe is moved to in the windows Operation System-->
<Directory Id="$(var.Program_Files)">
<Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="cloudflared">
<Component Id="ApplicationFiles" Guid="35e5e858-9372-4449-bf73-1cd6f7267128">
<File Id="ApplicationFile0" Source="$(var.Path)"/>
<Component Id="ENVS" Guid="6bb74449-d10d-4f4a-933e-6fc9fa006eae">
<!--Set the cloudflared bin location to the Path Environment Variable-->
<Environment Id="ENV0"
System="yes" />
<Component Id="ENVS" Guid="6bb74449-d10d-4f4a-933e-6fc9fa006eae">
<!--Set the cloudflared bin location to the Path Environment Variable-->
<Environment Id="ENV0"
System="yes" />
<Feature Id='Complete' Level='1'>
<ComponentRef Id="ENVS" />
<ComponentRef Id='ApplicationFiles' />
<Feature Id='Complete' Level='1'>
<ComponentRef Id="ENVS"/>
<ComponentRef Id='ApplicationFiles' />

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package access
import (
@ -14,7 +13,6 @@ import (
@ -40,7 +38,6 @@ func StartForwarder(forwarder config.Forwarder, shutdown <-chan struct{}, log *z
if forwarder.TokenSecret != "" {
headers.Set(cfAccessClientSecretHeader, forwarder.TokenSecret)
headers.Set("User-Agent", userAgent)
carrier.SetBastionDest(headers, forwarder.Destination)
@ -61,37 +58,31 @@ func StartForwarder(forwarder config.Forwarder, shutdown <-chan struct{}, log *z
// useful for proxying other protocols (like ssh) over websockets
// (which you can put Access in front of)
func ssh(c *cli.Context) error {
// If not running as a forwarder, disable terminal logs as it collides with the stdin/stdout of the parent process
outputTerminal := logger.DisableTerminalLog
if c.IsSet(sshURLFlag) {
outputTerminal = logger.EnableTerminalLog
log := logger.CreateSSHLoggerFromContext(c, outputTerminal)
log := logger.CreateSSHLoggerFromContext(c, logger.EnableTerminalLog)
// get the hostname from the cmdline and error out if its not provided
rawHostName := c.String(sshHostnameFlag)
url, err := parseURL(rawHostName)
if err != nil {
hostname, err := validation.ValidateHostname(rawHostName)
if err != nil || rawHostName == "" {
return cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, "ssh")
originURL := ensureURLScheme(hostname)
// get the headers from the cmdline and add them
headers := parseRequestHeaders(c.StringSlice(sshHeaderFlag))
headers := buildRequestHeaders(c.StringSlice(sshHeaderFlag))
if c.IsSet(sshTokenIDFlag) {
headers.Set(cfAccessClientIDHeader, c.String(sshTokenIDFlag))
if c.IsSet(sshTokenSecretFlag) {
headers.Set(cfAccessClientSecretHeader, c.String(sshTokenSecretFlag))
headers.Set("User-Agent", userAgent)
carrier.SetBastionDest(headers, c.String(sshDestinationFlag))
options := &carrier.StartOptions{
OriginURL: url.String(),
OriginURL: originURL,
Headers: headers,
Host: url.Host,
Host: hostname,
if connectTo := c.String(sshConnectTo); connectTo != "" {
@ -130,17 +121,16 @@ func ssh(c *cli.Context) error {
return err
var s io.ReadWriter
s = &carrier.StdinoutStream{}
if c.IsSet(sshDebugStream) {
maxMessages := c.Uint64(sshDebugStream)
if maxMessages == 0 {
// default to 10 if provided but unset
maxMessages = 10
logger := log.With().Str("host", url.Host).Logger()
s = stream.NewDebugStream(s, &logger, maxMessages)
carrier.StartClient(wsConn, s, options)
return nil
return carrier.StartClient(wsConn, &carrier.StdinoutStream{}, options)
func buildRequestHeaders(values []string) http.Header {
headers := make(http.Header)
for _, valuePair := range values {
split := strings.Split(valuePair, ":")
if len(split) > 1 {
headers.Add(strings.TrimSpace(split[0]), strings.TrimSpace(split[1]))
return headers

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package access
import (
func TestBuildRequestHeaders(t *testing.T) {
headers := make(http.Header)
headers.Add("client", "value")
headers.Add("secret", "safe-value")
values := buildRequestHeaders([]string{"client: value", "secret: safe-value", "trash"})
assert.Equal(t, headers.Get("client"), values.Get("client"))
assert.Equal(t, headers.Get("secret"), values.Get("secret"))

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ import (
const (
appURLFlag = "app"
loginQuietFlag = "quiet"
sshHostnameFlag = "hostname"
sshDestinationFlag = "destination"
sshURLFlag = "url"
@ -36,17 +34,19 @@ const (
sshTokenSecretFlag = "service-token-secret"
sshGenCertFlag = "short-lived-cert"
sshConnectTo = "connect-to"
sshDebugStream = "debug-stream"
sshConfigTemplate = `
Add to your {{.Home}}/.ssh/config:
{{- if .ShortLivedCerts}}
Match host {{.Hostname}} exec "{{.Cloudflared}} access ssh-gen --hostname %h"
ProxyCommand {{.Cloudflared}} access ssh --hostname %h
IdentityFile ~/.cloudflared/%h-cf_key
CertificateFile ~/.cloudflared/
{{- else}}
Host {{.Hostname}}
{{- if .ShortLivedCerts}}
ProxyCommand bash -c '{{.Cloudflared}} access ssh-gen --hostname %h; ssh -tt %r@cfpipe-{{.Hostname}} >&2 <&1'
Host cfpipe-{{.Hostname}}
HostName {{.Hostname}}
ProxyCommand {{.Cloudflared}} access ssh --hostname %h
IdentityFile ~/.cloudflared/{{.Hostname}}-cf_key
CertificateFile ~/.cloudflared/{{.Hostname}}
{{- else}}
ProxyCommand {{.Cloudflared}} access ssh --hostname %h
@ -56,13 +56,11 @@ const sentryDSN = ""
var (
shutdownC chan struct{}
userAgent = "DEV"
// Init will initialize and store vars from the main program
func Init(shutdown chan struct{}, version string) {
func Init(shutdown chan struct{}) {
shutdownC = shutdown
userAgent = fmt.Sprintf("cloudflared/%s", version)
// Flags return the global flags for Access related commands (hopefully none)
@ -84,29 +82,14 @@ func Commands() []*cli.Command {
applications from the command line.`,
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
Name: "login",
Action: cliutil.Action(login),
Usage: "login <url of access application>",
ArgsUsage: "url of Access application",
Name: "login",
Action: cliutil.Action(login),
Usage: "login <url of access application>",
Description: `The login subcommand initiates an authentication flow with your identity provider.
The subcommand will launch a browser. For headless systems, a url is provided.
Once authenticated with your identity provider, the login command will generate a JSON Web Token (JWT)
scoped to your identity, the application you intend to reach, and valid for a session duration set by your
administrator. cloudflared stores the token in local storage.`,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: loginQuietFlag,
Aliases: []string{"q"},
Usage: "do not print the jwt to the command line",
Name: "no-verbose",
Usage: "print only the jwt to stdout",
Name: appURLFlag,
Name: "curl",
@ -120,12 +103,12 @@ func Commands() []*cli.Command {
Name: "token",
Action: cliutil.Action(generateToken),
Usage: "token <url of access application>",
Usage: "token -app=<url of access application>",
ArgsUsage: "url of Access application",
Description: `The token subcommand produces a JWT which can be used to authenticate requests.`,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: appURLFlag,
Name: "app",
@ -141,18 +124,15 @@ func Commands() []*cli.Command {
Name: sshHostnameFlag,
Aliases: []string{"tunnel-host", "T"},
Usage: "specify the hostname of your application.",
Name: sshDestinationFlag,
Usage: "specify the destination address of your SSH server.",
Name: sshDestinationFlag,
Usage: "specify the destination address of your SSH server.",
Name: sshURLFlag,
Aliases: []string{"listener", "L"},
Usage: "specify the host:port to forward data to Cloudflare edge.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_SERVICE_URL"},
Name: sshHeaderFlag,
@ -172,12 +152,9 @@ func Commands() []*cli.Command {
Name: logger.LogFileFlag,
Usage: "Save application log to this file for reporting issues.",
Name: logger.LogSSHDirectoryFlag,
Usage: "Save application log to this directory for reporting issues.",
Name: logger.LogSSHDirectoryFlag,
Aliases: []string{"logfile"}, //added to match the tunnel side
Usage: "Save application log to this directory for reporting issues.",
Name: logger.LogSSHLevelFlag,
@ -189,11 +166,6 @@ func Commands() []*cli.Command {
Hidden: true,
Usage: "Connect to alternate location for testing, value is host, host:port, or sni:port:host",
Name: sshDebugStream,
Hidden: true,
Usage: "Writes up-to the max provided stream payloads to the logger as debug statements.",
@ -231,18 +203,16 @@ func Commands() []*cli.Command {
// login pops up the browser window to do the actual login and JWT generation
func login(c *cli.Context) error {
err := sentry.Init(sentry.ClientOptions{
Dsn: sentryDSN,
Release: c.App.Version,
if err != nil {
if err := raven.SetDSN(sentryDSN); err != nil {
return err
log := logger.CreateLoggerFromContext(c, logger.EnableTerminalLog)
appURL, err := getAppURLFromArgs(c)
if err != nil {
args := c.Args()
rawURL := ensureURLScheme(args.First())
appURL, err := url.Parse(rawURL)
if args.Len() < 1 || err != nil {
log.Error().Msg("Please provide the url of the Access application")
return err
@ -265,29 +235,24 @@ func login(c *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "token for provided application was empty.")
return errors.New("empty application token")
if c.Bool(loginQuietFlag) {
return nil
// Chatty by default for backward compat. The new --app flag
// is an implicit opt-out of the backwards-compatible chatty output.
if c.Bool("no-verbose") || c.IsSet(appURLFlag) {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stdout, cfdToken)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Successfully fetched your token:\n\n%s\n\n", cfdToken)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Successfully fetched your token:\n\n%s\n\n", cfdToken)
return nil
// ensureURLScheme prepends a URL with https:// if it doesn't have a scheme. http:// URLs will not be converted.
func ensureURLScheme(url string) string {
url = strings.Replace(strings.ToLower(url), "http://", "https://", 1)
if !strings.HasPrefix(url, "https://") {
url = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", url)
return url
// curl provides a wrapper around curl, passing Access JWT along in request
func curl(c *cli.Context) error {
err := sentry.Init(sentry.ClientOptions{
Dsn: sentryDSN,
Release: c.App.Version,
if err != nil {
if err := raven.SetDSN(sentryDSN); err != nil {
return err
log := logger.CreateLoggerFromContext(c, logger.EnableTerminalLog)
@ -308,13 +273,6 @@ func curl(c *cli.Context) error {
if err != nil {
return err
// Verify that the existing token is still good; if not fetch a new one
if err := verifyTokenAtEdge(appURL, appInfo, c, log); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Could not verify token")
return err
tok, err := token.GetAppTokenIfExists(appInfo)
if err != nil || tok == "" {
if allowRequest {
@ -336,7 +294,6 @@ func curl(c *cli.Context) error {
// run kicks off a shell task and pipe the results to the respective std pipes
func run(cmd string, args ...string) error {
c := exec.Command(cmd, args...)
c.Stdin = os.Stdin
stderr, err := c.StderrPipe()
if err != nil {
return err
@ -355,28 +312,13 @@ func run(cmd string, args ...string) error {
return c.Run()
func getAppURLFromArgs(c *cli.Context) (*url.URL, error) {
var appURLStr string
args := c.Args()
if args.Len() < 1 {
appURLStr = c.String(appURLFlag)
} else {
appURLStr = args.First()
return parseURL(appURLStr)
// token dumps provided token to stdout
func generateToken(c *cli.Context) error {
err := sentry.Init(sentry.ClientOptions{
Dsn: sentryDSN,
Release: c.App.Version,
if err != nil {
if err := raven.SetDSN(sentryDSN); err != nil {
return err
appURL, err := getAppURLFromArgs(c)
if err != nil {
appURL, err := url.Parse(ensureURLScheme(c.String("app")))
if err != nil || c.NumFlags() < 1 {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Please provide a url.")
return err
@ -428,7 +370,7 @@ func sshGen(c *cli.Context) error {
return cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, "ssh-gen")
originURL, err := parseURL(hostname)
originURL, err := url.Parse(ensureURLScheme(hostname))
if err != nil {
return err
@ -507,11 +449,6 @@ func processURL(s string) (*url.URL, error) {
// cloudflaredPath pulls the full path of cloudflared on disk
func cloudflaredPath() string {
path, err := os.Executable()
if err == nil && isFileThere(path) {
return path
for _, p := range strings.Split(os.Getenv("PATH"), ":") {
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", p, "cloudflared")
if isFileThere(path) {
@ -534,7 +471,7 @@ func isFileThere(candidate string) bool {
// Then makes a request to to the origin with the token to ensure it is valid.
// Returns nil if token is valid.
func verifyTokenAtEdge(appUrl *url.URL, appInfo *token.AppInfo, c *cli.Context, log *zerolog.Logger) error {
headers := parseRequestHeaders(c.StringSlice(sshHeaderFlag))
headers := buildRequestHeaders(c.StringSlice(sshHeaderFlag))
if c.IsSet(sshTokenIDFlag) {
headers.Add(cfAccessClientIDHeader, c.String(sshTokenIDFlag))
@ -568,11 +505,6 @@ func isTokenValid(options *carrier.StartOptions, log *zerolog.Logger) (bool, err
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrap(err, "Could not create access request")
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", userAgent)
query := req.URL.Query()
query.Set("cloudflared_token_check", "true")
req.URL.RawQuery = query.Encode()
// Do not follow redirects
client := &http.Client{

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package access
import "testing"
func Test_ensureURLScheme(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
url string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want string
{"no scheme", args{"localhost:123"}, "https://localhost:123"},
{"http scheme", args{"http://test"}, "https://test"},
{"https scheme", args{"https://test"}, "https://test"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := ensureURLScheme(tt.args.url); got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("ensureURLScheme() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
package access
import (
// parseRequestHeaders will take user-provided header values as strings "Content-Type: application/json" and create
// a http.Header object.
func parseRequestHeaders(values []string) http.Header {
headers := make(http.Header)
for _, valuePair := range values {
header, value, found := strings.Cut(valuePair, ":")
if found {
headers.Add(strings.TrimSpace(header), strings.TrimSpace(value))
return headers
// parseHostname will attempt to convert a user provided URL string into a string with some light error checking on
// certain expectations from the URL.
// Will convert all HTTP URLs to HTTPS
func parseURL(input string) (*url.URL, error) {
if input == "" {
return nil, errors.New("no input provided")
if !strings.HasPrefix(input, "https://") && !strings.HasPrefix(input, "http://") {
input = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", input)
url, err := url.ParseRequestURI(input)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse as URL: %w", err)
if url.Scheme != "https" {
url.Scheme = "https"
if url.Host == "" {
return nil, errors.New("failed to parse Host")
host, err := httpguts.PunycodeHostPort(url.Host)
if err != nil || host == "" {
return nil, err
if !httpguts.ValidHostHeader(host) {
return nil, errors.New("invalid Host provided")
url.Host = host
return url, nil

View File

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
package access
import (
func TestParseRequestHeaders(t *testing.T) {
values := parseRequestHeaders([]string{"client: value", "secret: safe-value", "trash", "cf-trace-id: 000:000:0:1:asd"})
assert.Len(t, values, 3)
assert.Equal(t, "value", values.Get("client"))
assert.Equal(t, "safe-value", values.Get("secret"))
assert.Equal(t, "000:000:0:1:asd", values.Get("cf-trace-id"))
func TestParseURL(t *testing.T) {
schemes := []string{
hosts := []struct {
input string
expected string
{"localhost", "localhost"},
{"", ""},
{"", ""},
{"::1", "::1"},
{"::1:8080", "::1:8080"},
{"[::1]", "[::1]"},
{"[::1]:8080", "[::1]:8080"},
{":8080", ":8080"},
{"", ""},
{"", ""},
{"bü", ""},
paths := []string{
for i, scheme := range schemes {
for j, host := range hosts {
for k, path := range paths {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d_%d_%d", i, j, k), func(t *testing.T) {
input := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", scheme, host.input, path)
expected := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", "https://", host.expected, path)
url, err := parseURL(input)
assert.NoError(t, err, "input: %s\texpected: %s", input, expected)
assert.Equal(t, expected, url.String())
assert.Equal(t, host.expected, url.Host)
assert.Equal(t, "https", url.Scheme)
t.Run("no input", func(t *testing.T) {
_, err := parseURL("")
assert.ErrorContains(t, err, "no input provided")
t.Run("missing host", func(t *testing.T) {
_, err := parseURL("https:///host")
assert.ErrorContains(t, err, "failed to parse Host")
t.Run("invalid path only", func(t *testing.T) {
_, err := parseURL("/host")
assert.ErrorContains(t, err, "failed to parse Host")
t.Run("invalid parse URL", func(t *testing.T) {
_, err := parseURL("https://host\\host")
assert.ErrorContains(t, err, "failed to parse as URL")

View File

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
package cliutil
import (
@ -16,7 +13,6 @@ type BuildInfo struct {
GoArch string `json:"go_arch"`
BuildType string `json:"build_type"`
CloudflaredVersion string `json:"cloudflared_version"`
Checksum string `json:"checksum"`
func GetBuildInfo(buildType, version string) *BuildInfo {
@ -26,12 +22,11 @@ func GetBuildInfo(buildType, version string) *BuildInfo {
GoArch: runtime.GOARCH,
BuildType: buildType,
CloudflaredVersion: version,
Checksum: currentBinaryChecksum(),
func (bi *BuildInfo) Log(log *zerolog.Logger) {
log.Info().Msgf("Version %s (Checksum %s)", bi.CloudflaredVersion, bi.Checksum)
log.Info().Msgf("Version %s", bi.CloudflaredVersion)
if bi.BuildType != "" {
log.Info().Msgf("Built%s", bi.GetBuildTypeMsg())
@ -52,32 +47,3 @@ func (bi *BuildInfo) GetBuildTypeMsg() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(" with %s", bi.BuildType)
func (bi *BuildInfo) UserAgent() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("cloudflared/%s", bi.CloudflaredVersion)
// FileChecksum opens a file and returns the SHA256 checksum.
func FileChecksum(filePath string) (string, error) {
f, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer f.Close()
h := sha256.New()
if _, err := io.Copy(h, f); err != nil {
return "", err
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil)), nil
func currentBinaryChecksum() string {
currentPath, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return ""
sum, _ := FileChecksum(currentPath)
return sum

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
package cliutil
import (
var (
debugLevelWarning = "At debug level cloudflared will log request URL, method, protocol, content length, as well as, all request and response headers. " +
"This can expose sensitive information in your logs."
func ConfigureLoggingFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: logger.LogLevelFlag,
Value: "info",
Usage: "Application logging level {debug, info, warn, error, fatal}. " + debugLevelWarning,
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_LOGLEVEL"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: logger.LogTransportLevelFlag,
Aliases: []string{"proto-loglevel"}, // This flag used to be called proto-loglevel
Value: "info",
Usage: "Transport logging level(previously called protocol logging level) {debug, info, warn, error, fatal}",
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: logger.LogFileFlag,
Usage: "Save application log to this file for reporting issues.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_LOGFILE"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: logger.LogDirectoryFlag,
Usage: "Save application log to this directory for reporting issues.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_LOGDIRECTORY"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "trace-output",
Usage: "Name of trace output file, generated when cloudflared stops.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_TRACE_OUTPUT"},
Hidden: shouldHide,

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
//go:build !windows && !darwin && !linux
// +build !windows,!darwin,!linux
package main

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
//go:build linux
// +build linux
package main
@ -18,19 +19,16 @@ import (
func runApp(app *cli.App, graceShutdownC chan struct{}) {
app.Commands = append(app.Commands, &cli.Command{
Name: "service",
Usage: "Manages the cloudflared system service",
Usage: "Manages the Cloudflare Tunnel system service",
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
Name: "install",
Usage: "Install cloudflared as a system service",
Usage: "Install Cloudflare Tunnel as a system service",
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(installLinuxService),
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "uninstall",
Usage: "Uninstall the cloudflared service",
Usage: "Uninstall the Cloudflare Tunnel service",
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(uninstallLinuxService),
@ -41,22 +39,18 @@ func runApp(app *cli.App, graceShutdownC chan struct{}) {
// The directory and files that are used by the service.
// These are hard-coded in the templates below.
const (
serviceConfigDir = "/etc/cloudflared"
serviceConfigFile = "config.yml"
serviceCredentialFile = "cert.pem"
serviceConfigPath = serviceConfigDir + "/" + serviceConfigFile
cloudflaredService = "cloudflared.service"
cloudflaredUpdateService = "cloudflared-update.service"
cloudflaredUpdateTimer = "cloudflared-update.timer"
serviceConfigDir = "/etc/cloudflared"
serviceConfigFile = "config.yml"
serviceCredentialFile = "cert.pem"
serviceConfigPath = serviceConfigDir + "/" + serviceConfigFile
var systemdAllTemplates = map[string]ServiceTemplate{
cloudflaredService: {
Path: fmt.Sprintf("/etc/systemd/system/%s", cloudflaredService),
var systemdTemplates = []ServiceTemplate{
Path: "/etc/systemd/system/cloudflared.service",
Content: `[Unit]
Description=Cloudflare Tunnel
@ -69,21 +63,20 @@ RestartSec=5s
cloudflaredUpdateService: {
Path: fmt.Sprintf("/etc/systemd/system/%s", cloudflaredUpdateService),
Path: "/etc/systemd/system/cloudflared-update.service",
Content: `[Unit]
Description=Update cloudflared
Description=Update Cloudflare Tunnel
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '{{ .Path }} update; code=$?; if [ $code -eq 11 ]; then systemctl restart cloudflared; exit 0; fi; exit $code'
cloudflaredUpdateTimer: {
Path: fmt.Sprintf("/etc/systemd/system/%s", cloudflaredUpdateTimer),
Path: "/etc/systemd/system/cloudflared-update.timer",
Content: `[Unit]
Description=Update cloudflared
Description=Update Cloudflare Tunnel
@ -100,7 +93,7 @@ var sysvTemplate = ServiceTemplate{
Content: `#!/bin/sh
# For RedHat and cousins:
# chkconfig: 2345 99 01
# description: cloudflared
# description: Cloudflare Tunnel agent
# processname: {{.Path}}
# Provides: {{.Path}}
@ -108,11 +101,11 @@ var sysvTemplate = ServiceTemplate{
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: cloudflared
# Description: cloudflared agent
# Short-Description: Cloudflare Tunnel
# Description: Cloudflare Tunnel agent
name=$(basename $(readlink -f $0))
cmd="{{.Path}} --pidfile /var/run/$ {{ range .ExtraArgs }} {{ . }}{{ end }}"
cmd="{{.Path}} --pidfile /var/run/$ --autoupdate-freq 24h0m0s{{ range .ExtraArgs }} {{ . }}{{ end }}"
@ -184,14 +177,6 @@ exit 0
var (
noUpdateServiceFlag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "no-update-service",
Usage: "Disable auto-update of the cloudflared linux service, which restarts the server to upgrade for new versions.",
Value: false,
func isSystemd() bool {
if _, err := os.Stat("/run/systemd/system"); err == nil {
return true
@ -210,9 +195,6 @@ func installLinuxService(c *cli.Context) error {
Path: etPath,
// Check if the "no update flag" is set
autoUpdate := !c.IsSet(noUpdateServiceFlag.Name)
var extraArgsFunc func(c *cli.Context, log *zerolog.Logger) ([]string, error)
if c.NArg() == 0 {
extraArgsFunc = buildArgsForConfig
@ -230,16 +212,11 @@ func installLinuxService(c *cli.Context) error {
switch {
case isSystemd():
log.Info().Msgf("Using Systemd")
err = installSystemd(&templateArgs, autoUpdate, log)
return installSystemd(&templateArgs, log)
log.Info().Msgf("Using SysV")
err = installSysv(&templateArgs, autoUpdate, log)
return installSysv(&templateArgs, log)
if err == nil {
log.Info().Msg("Linux service for cloudflared installed successfully")
return err
func buildArgsForConfig(c *cli.Context, log *zerolog.Logger) ([]string, error) {
@ -278,20 +255,7 @@ credentials-file: CREDENTIALS-FILE
}, nil
func installSystemd(templateArgs *ServiceTemplateArgs, autoUpdate bool, log *zerolog.Logger) error {
var systemdTemplates []ServiceTemplate
if autoUpdate {
systemdTemplates = []ServiceTemplate{
} else {
systemdTemplates = []ServiceTemplate{
func installSystemd(templateArgs *ServiceTemplateArgs, log *zerolog.Logger) error {
for _, serviceTemplate := range systemdTemplates {
err := serviceTemplate.Generate(templateArgs)
if err != nil {
@ -299,38 +263,24 @@ func installSystemd(templateArgs *ServiceTemplateArgs, autoUpdate bool, log *zer
return err
if err := runCommand("systemctl", "enable", cloudflaredService); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msgf("systemctl enable %s error", cloudflaredService)
if err := runCommand("systemctl", "enable", "cloudflared.service"); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("systemctl enable cloudflared.service error")
return err
if autoUpdate {
if err := runCommand("systemctl", "start", cloudflaredUpdateTimer); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msgf("systemctl start %s error", cloudflaredUpdateTimer)
return err
if err := runCommand("systemctl", "daemon-reload"); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("systemctl daemon-reload error")
if err := runCommand("systemctl", "start", "cloudflared-update.timer"); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("systemctl start cloudflared-update.timer error")
return err
return runCommand("systemctl", "start", cloudflaredService)
log.Info().Msg("systemctl daemon-reload")
return runCommand("systemctl", "daemon-reload")
func installSysv(templateArgs *ServiceTemplateArgs, autoUpdate bool, log *zerolog.Logger) error {
func installSysv(templateArgs *ServiceTemplateArgs, log *zerolog.Logger) error {
confPath, err := sysvTemplate.ResolvePath()
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("error resolving system path")
return err
if autoUpdate {
templateArgs.ExtraArgs = append([]string{"--autoupdate-freq 24h0m0s"}, templateArgs.ExtraArgs...)
} else {
templateArgs.ExtraArgs = append([]string{"--no-autoupdate"}, templateArgs.ExtraArgs...)
if err := sysvTemplate.Generate(templateArgs); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("error generating system template")
return err
@ -345,75 +295,42 @@ func installSysv(templateArgs *ServiceTemplateArgs, autoUpdate bool, log *zerolo
return runCommand("service", "cloudflared", "start")
return nil
func uninstallLinuxService(c *cli.Context) error {
log := logger.CreateLoggerFromContext(c, logger.EnableTerminalLog)
var err error
switch {
case isSystemd():
log.Info().Msg("Using Systemd")
err = uninstallSystemd(log)
return uninstallSystemd(log)
log.Info().Msg("Using SysV")
err = uninstallSysv(log)
return uninstallSysv(log)
if err == nil {
log.Info().Msg("Linux service for cloudflared uninstalled successfully")
return err
func uninstallSystemd(log *zerolog.Logger) error {
// Get only the installed services
installedServices := make(map[string]ServiceTemplate)
for serviceName, serviceTemplate := range systemdAllTemplates {
if err := runCommand("systemctl", "list-units", "--all", "|", "grep", serviceName); err == nil {
installedServices[serviceName] = serviceTemplate
} else {
log.Info().Msgf("Service '%s' not installed, skipping its uninstall", serviceName)
if err := runCommand("systemctl", "disable", "cloudflared.service"); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("systemctl disable cloudflared.service error")
return err
if _, exists := installedServices[cloudflaredService]; exists {
if err := runCommand("systemctl", "disable", cloudflaredService); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msgf("systemctl disable %s error", cloudflaredService)
return err
if err := runCommand("systemctl", "stop", cloudflaredService); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msgf("systemctl stop %s error", cloudflaredService)
return err
if err := runCommand("systemctl", "stop", "cloudflared-update.timer"); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("systemctl stop cloudflared-update.timer error")
return err
if _, exists := installedServices[cloudflaredUpdateTimer]; exists {
if err := runCommand("systemctl", "stop", cloudflaredUpdateTimer); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msgf("systemctl stop %s error", cloudflaredUpdateTimer)
return err
for _, serviceTemplate := range installedServices {
for _, serviceTemplate := range systemdTemplates {
if err := serviceTemplate.Remove(); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("error removing service template")
return err
if err := runCommand("systemctl", "daemon-reload"); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("systemctl daemon-reload error")
return err
log.Info().Msgf("Successfully uninstalled cloudflared service from systemd")
return nil
func uninstallSysv(log *zerolog.Logger) error {
if err := runCommand("service", "cloudflared", "stop"); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("service cloudflared stop error")
return err
if err := sysvTemplate.Remove(); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("error removing service template")
return err
@ -428,5 +345,6 @@ func uninstallSysv(log *zerolog.Logger) error {
log.Info().Msgf("Successfully uninstalled cloudflared service from sysv")
return nil

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
//go:build darwin
// +build darwin
package main
@ -20,16 +21,16 @@ const (
func runApp(app *cli.App, graceShutdownC chan struct{}) {
app.Commands = append(app.Commands, &cli.Command{
Name: "service",
Usage: "Manages the cloudflared launch agent",
Usage: "Manages the Cloudflare Tunnel launch agent",
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
Name: "install",
Usage: "Install cloudflared as an user launch agent",
Usage: "Install Cloudflare Tunnel as an user launch agent",
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(installLaunchd),
Name: "uninstall",
Usage: "Uninstall the cloudflared launch agent",
Usage: "Uninstall the Cloudflare Tunnel launch agent",
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(uninstallLaunchd),
@ -113,12 +114,12 @@ func installLaunchd(c *cli.Context) error {
log := logger.CreateLoggerFromContext(c, logger.EnableTerminalLog)
if isRootUser() {
log.Info().Msg("Installing cloudflared client as a system launch daemon. " +
"cloudflared client will run at boot")
log.Info().Msg("Installing Cloudflare Tunnel client as a system launch daemon. " +
"Cloudflare Tunnel client will run at boot")
} else {
log.Info().Msg("Installing cloudflared client as an user launch agent. " +
"Note that cloudflared client will only run when the user is logged in. " +
"If you want to run cloudflared client at boot, install with root permission. " +
log.Info().Msg("Installing Cloudflare Tunnel client as an user launch agent. " +
"Note that Cloudflare Tunnel client will only run when the user is logged in. " +
"If you want to run Cloudflare Tunnel client at boot, install with root permission. " +
"For more information, visit")
etPath, err := os.Executable()
@ -162,20 +163,16 @@ func installLaunchd(c *cli.Context) error {
log.Info().Msgf("Outputs are logged to %s and %s", stderrPath, stdoutPath)
err = runCommand("launchctl", "load", plistPath)
if err == nil {
log.Info().Msg("MacOS service for cloudflared installed successfully")
return err
return runCommand("launchctl", "load", plistPath)
func uninstallLaunchd(c *cli.Context) error {
log := logger.CreateLoggerFromContext(c, logger.EnableTerminalLog)
if isRootUser() {
log.Info().Msg("Uninstalling cloudflared as a system launch daemon")
log.Info().Msg("Uninstalling Cloudflare Tunnel as a system launch daemon")
} else {
log.Info().Msg("Uninstalling cloudflared as a user launch agent")
log.Info().Msg("Uninstalling Cloudflare Tunnel as an user launch agent")
installPath, err := installPath()
if err != nil {
@ -197,13 +194,10 @@ func uninstallLaunchd(c *cli.Context) error {
err = runCommand("launchctl", "unload", plistPath)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("error unloading launchd")
log.Err(err).Msg("error unloading")
return err
err = launchdTemplate.Remove()
if err == nil {
log.Info().Msg("Launchd for cloudflared was uninstalled successfully")
return err
log.Info().Msgf("Outputs are logged to %s and %s", stderrPath, stdoutPath)
return launchdTemplate.Remove()

View File

@ -3,11 +3,10 @@ package main
import (
homedir ""
@ -16,15 +15,12 @@ import (
@ -50,11 +46,9 @@ var (
func main() {
// FIXME: TUN-8148: Disable QUIC_GO ECN due to bugs in proper detection if supported
os.Setenv("QUIC_GO_DISABLE_ECN", "1")
metrics.RegisterBuildInfo(BuildType, BuildTime, Version)
bInfo := cliutil.GetBuildInfo(BuildType, Version)
@ -90,11 +84,8 @@ func main() {
app.Commands = commands(cli.ShowVersion)
tunnel.Init(bInfo, graceShutdownC) // we need this to support the tunnel sub command...
access.Init(graceShutdownC, Version)
runApp(app, graceShutdownC)
@ -134,28 +125,16 @@ To determine if an update happened in a script, check for error code 11.`,
Name: "version",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) (err error) {
if c.Bool("short") {
fmt.Println(strings.Split(c.App.Version, " ")[0])
return nil
return nil
Usage: versionText,
Description: versionText,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "short",
Aliases: []string{"s"},
Usage: "print just the version number",
cmds = append(cmds, tunnel.Commands()...)
cmds = append(cmds, proxydns.Command(false))
cmds = append(cmds, access.Commands()...)
cmds = append(cmds, tail.Command())
return cmds
@ -173,10 +152,10 @@ func action(graceShutdownC chan struct{}) cli.ActionFunc {
if isEmptyInvocation(c) {
return handleServiceMode(c, graceShutdownC)
func() {
defer sentry.Recover()
err = tunnel.TunnelCommand(c)
tags := make(map[string]string)
tags["hostname"] = c.String("hostname")
raven.CapturePanic(func() { err = tunnel.TunnelCommand(c) }, nil)
if err != nil {
@ -204,7 +183,7 @@ func captureError(err error) {
raven.CaptureError(err, nil)
// cloudflared was started without any flags

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package proxydns
import (
@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ func Run(c *cli.Context) error {
log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("Failed to open the metrics listener")
go metrics.ServeMetrics(metricsListener, context.Background(), metrics.Config{}, log)
go metrics.ServeMetrics(metricsListener, nil, nil, "", log)
listener, err := tunneldns.CreateListener(

View File

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import (
homedir ""
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func (st *ServiceTemplate) Generate(args *ServiceTemplateArgs) error {
return err
if _, err = os.Stat(resolvedPath); err == nil {
return fmt.Errorf(serviceAlreadyExistsWarn(resolvedPath))
return fmt.Errorf("cloudflared service is already installed at %s", resolvedPath)
var buffer bytes.Buffer
@ -52,18 +52,11 @@ func (st *ServiceTemplate) Generate(args *ServiceTemplateArgs) error {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error generating %s: %v", st.Path, err)
fileMode := os.FileMode(0o644)
fileMode := os.FileMode(0644)
if st.FileMode != 0 {
fileMode = st.FileMode
plistFolder := path.Dir(resolvedPath)
err = os.MkdirAll(plistFolder, 0o755)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating %s: %v", plistFolder, err)
err = os.WriteFile(resolvedPath, buffer.Bytes(), fileMode)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(resolvedPath, buffer.Bytes(), fileMode)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error writing %s: %v", resolvedPath, err)
@ -82,15 +75,6 @@ func (st *ServiceTemplate) Remove() error {
return nil
func serviceAlreadyExistsWarn(service string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("cloudflared service is already installed at %s; if you are running a cloudflared tunnel, you "+
"can point it to multiple origins, avoiding the need to run more than one cloudflared service in the "+
"same machine; otherwise if you are really sure, you can do `cloudflared service uninstall` to clean "+
"up the existing service and then try again this command",
func runCommand(command string, args ...string) error {
cmd := exec.Command(command, args...)
stderr, err := cmd.StderrPipe()
@ -102,10 +86,10 @@ func runCommand(command string, args ...string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("error starting %s: %v", command, err)
output, _ := io.ReadAll(stderr)
_, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(stderr)
err = cmd.Wait()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s %v returned with error code %v due to: %v", command, args, err, string(output))
return fmt.Errorf("%s returned with error: %v", command, err)
return nil

View File

@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
package tail
import (
var (
buildInfo *cliutil.BuildInfo
func Init(bi *cliutil.BuildInfo) {
buildInfo = bi
func Command() *cli.Command {
subcommands := []*cli.Command{
return buildTailCommand(subcommands)
func buildTailManagementTokenSubcommand() *cli.Command {
return &cli.Command{
Name: "token",
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(managementTokenCommand),
Usage: "Get management access jwt",
UsageText: "cloudflared tail token TUNNEL_ID",
Description: `Get management access jwt for a tunnel`,
Hidden: true,
func managementTokenCommand(c *cli.Context) error {
log := createLogger(c)
token, err := getManagementToken(c, log)
if err != nil {
return err
var tokenResponse = struct {
Token string `json:"token"`
}{Token: token}
return json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout).Encode(tokenResponse)
func buildTailCommand(subcommands []*cli.Command) *cli.Command {
return &cli.Command{
Name: "tail",
Action: Run,
Usage: "Stream logs from a remote cloudflared",
UsageText: "cloudflared tail [tail command options] [TUNNEL-ID]",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "connector-id",
Usage: "Access a specific cloudflared instance by connector id (for when a tunnel has multiple cloudflared's)",
Value: "",
Name: "event",
Usage: "Filter by specific Events (cloudflared, http, tcp, udp) otherwise, defaults to send all events",
Name: "level",
Usage: "Filter by specific log levels (debug, info, warn, error). Filters by debug log level by default.",
Value: "debug",
Name: "sample",
Usage: "Sample log events by percentage (0.0 .. 1.0). No sampling by default.",
Value: 1.0,
Name: "token",
Usage: "Access token for a specific tunnel",
Value: "",
Name: "output",
Usage: "Output format for the logs (default, json)",
Value: "default",
Name: "management-hostname",
Usage: "Management hostname to signify incoming management requests",
Hidden: true,
Value: "",
Name: "trace",
Usage: "Set a cf-trace-id for the request",
Hidden: true,
Value: "",
Name: logger.LogLevelFlag,
Value: "info",
Usage: "Application logging level {debug, info, warn, error, fatal}",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_LOGLEVEL"},
Name: credentials.OriginCertFlag,
Usage: "Path to the certificate generated for your origin when you run cloudflared login.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_ORIGIN_CERT"},
Value: credentials.FindDefaultOriginCertPath(),
Subcommands: subcommands,
// Middleware validation error struct for returning to the eyeball
type managementError struct {
Code int `json:"code,omitempty"`
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
// Middleware validation error HTTP response JSON for returning to the eyeball
type managementErrorResponse struct {
Success bool `json:"success,omitempty"`
Errors []managementError `json:"errors,omitempty"`
func handleValidationError(resp *http.Response, log *zerolog.Logger) {
if resp.StatusCode == 530 {
log.Error().Msgf("no cloudflared connector available or reachable via management request (a recent version of cloudflared is required to use streaming logs)")
var managementErr managementErrorResponse
err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&managementErr)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Msgf("unable to start management log streaming session: http response code returned %d", resp.StatusCode)
if managementErr.Success || len(managementErr.Errors) == 0 {
log.Error().Msgf("management tunnel validation returned success with invalid HTTP response code to convert to a WebSocket request")
for _, e := range managementErr.Errors {
log.Error().Msgf("management request failed validation: (%d) %s", e.Code, e.Message)
// logger will be created to emit only against the os.Stderr as to not obstruct with normal output from
// management requests
func createLogger(c *cli.Context) *zerolog.Logger {
level, levelErr := zerolog.ParseLevel(c.String(logger.LogLevelFlag))
if levelErr != nil {
level = zerolog.InfoLevel
log := zerolog.New(zerolog.ConsoleWriter{
Out: colorable.NewColorable(os.Stderr),
TimeFormat: time.RFC3339,
return &log
// parseFilters will attempt to parse provided filters to send to with the EventStartStreaming
func parseFilters(c *cli.Context) (*management.StreamingFilters, error) {
var level *management.LogLevel
var events []management.LogEventType
var sample float64
argLevel := c.String("level")
argEvents := c.StringSlice("event")
argSample := c.Float64("sample")
if argLevel != "" {
l, ok := management.ParseLogLevel(argLevel)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid --level filter provided, please use one of the following Log Levels: debug, info, warn, error")
level = &l
for _, v := range argEvents {
t, ok := management.ParseLogEventType(v)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid --event filter provided, please use one of the following EventTypes: cloudflared, http, tcp, udp")
events = append(events, t)
if argSample <= 0.0 || argSample > 1.0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid --sample value provided, please make sure it is in the range (0.0 .. 1.0)")
sample = argSample
if level == nil && len(events) == 0 && argSample != 1.0 {
// When no filters are provided, do not return a StreamingFilters struct
return nil, nil
return &management.StreamingFilters{
Level: level,
Events: events,
Sampling: sample,
}, nil
// getManagementToken will make a call to the Cloudflare API to acquire a management token for the requested tunnel.
func getManagementToken(c *cli.Context, log *zerolog.Logger) (string, error) {
userCreds, err := credentials.Read(c.String(credentials.OriginCertFlag), log)
if err != nil {
return "", err
client, err := userCreds.Client(c.String("api-url"), buildInfo.UserAgent(), log)
if err != nil {
return "", err
tunnelIDString := c.Args().First()
if tunnelIDString == "" {
return "", errors.New("no tunnel ID provided")
tunnelID, err := uuid.Parse(tunnelIDString)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.New("unable to parse provided tunnel id as a valid UUID")
token, err := client.GetManagementToken(tunnelID)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return token, nil
// buildURL will build the management url to contain the required query parameters to authenticate the request.
func buildURL(c *cli.Context, log *zerolog.Logger) (url.URL, error) {
var err error
managementHostname := c.String("management-hostname")
token := c.String("token")
if token == "" {
token, err = getManagementToken(c, log)
if err != nil {
return url.URL{}, fmt.Errorf("unable to acquire management token for requested tunnel id: %w", err)
query := url.Values{}
query.Add("access_token", token)
connector := c.String("connector-id")
if connector != "" {
connectorID, err := uuid.Parse(connector)
if err != nil {
return url.URL{}, fmt.Errorf("unabled to parse 'connector-id' flag into a valid UUID: %w", err)
query.Add("connector_id", connectorID.String())
return url.URL{Scheme: "wss", Host: managementHostname, Path: "/logs", RawQuery: query.Encode()}, nil
func printLine(log *management.Log, logger *zerolog.Logger) {
fields, err := json.Marshal(log.Fields)
if err != nil {
fields = []byte("unable to parse fields")
logger.Debug().Msgf("unable to parse fields from event %+v", log)
fmt.Printf("%s %s %s %s %s\n", log.Time, log.Level, log.Event, log.Message, fields)
func printJSON(log *management.Log, logger *zerolog.Logger) {
output, err := json.Marshal(log)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug().Msgf("unable to parse event to json %+v", log)
} else {
// Run implements a foreground runner
func Run(c *cli.Context) error {
log := createLogger(c)
signals := make(chan os.Signal, 10)
signal.Notify(signals, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGINT)
defer signal.Stop(signals)
output := "default"
switch c.String("output") {
case "default", "":
output = "default"
case "json":
output = "json"
log.Err(errors.New("invalid --output value provided, please make sure it is one of: default, json")).Send()
filters, err := parseFilters(c)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("invalid filters provided")
return nil
u, err := buildURL(c, log)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("unable to construct management request URL")
return nil
header := make(http.Header)
header.Add("User-Agent", buildInfo.UserAgent())
trace := c.String("trace")
if trace != "" {
header["cf-trace-id"] = []string{trace}
ctx := c.Context
conn, resp, err := websocket.Dial(ctx, u.String(), &websocket.DialOptions{
HTTPHeader: header,
if err != nil {
if resp != nil && resp.StatusCode != http.StatusSwitchingProtocols {
handleValidationError(resp, log)
return nil
log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("unable to start management log streaming session")
return nil
defer conn.Close(websocket.StatusInternalError, "management connection was closed abruptly")
// Once connection is established, send start_streaming event to begin receiving logs
err = management.WriteEvent(conn, ctx, &management.EventStartStreaming{
ClientEvent: management.ClientEvent{Type: management.StartStreaming},
Filters: filters,
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("unable to request logs from management tunnel")
return nil
Str("tunnel-id", c.Args().First()).
Str("connector-id", c.String("connector-id")).
Interface("filters", filters).
readerDone := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(readerDone)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
event, err := management.ReadServerEvent(conn, ctx)
if err != nil {
if closeErr := management.AsClosed(err); closeErr != nil {
// If the client (or the server) already closed the connection, don't continue to
// attempt to read from the client.
if closeErr.Code == websocket.StatusNormalClosure {
// Only log abnormal closures
log.Error().Msgf("received remote closure: (%d) %s", closeErr.Code, closeErr.Reason)
log.Err(err).Msg("unable to read event from server")
switch event.Type {
case management.Logs:
logs, ok := management.IntoServerEvent(event, management.Logs)
if !ok {
log.Error().Msgf("invalid logs event")
// Output all the logs received to stdout
for _, l := range logs.Logs {
if output == "json" {
printJSON(l, log)
} else {
printLine(l, log)
case management.UnknownServerEventType:
log.Debug().Msgf("unexpected log event type: %s", event.Type)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
case <-readerDone:
return nil
case <-signals:
log.Debug().Msg("closing management connection")
// Cleanly close the connection by sending a close message and then
// waiting (with timeout) for the server to close the connection.
conn.Close(websocket.StatusNormalClosure, "")
select {
case <-readerDone:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
return nil

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
@ -11,10 +12,9 @@ import (
homedir ""
@ -24,30 +24,23 @@ import (
const (
sentryDSN = ""
// ha-Connections specifies how many connections to make to the edge
haConnectionsFlag = "ha-connections"
// sshPortFlag is the port on localhost the cloudflared ssh server will run on
sshPortFlag = "local-ssh-port"
@ -78,43 +71,17 @@ const (
// hostKeyPath is the path of the dir to save SSH host keys too
hostKeyPath = "host-key-path"
// rpcTimeout is how long to wait for a Capnp RPC request to the edge
rpcTimeout = "rpc-timeout"
// writeStreamTimeout sets if we should have a timeout when writing data to a stream towards the destination (edge/origin).
writeStreamTimeout = "write-stream-timeout"
// quicDisablePathMTUDiscovery sets if QUIC should not perform PTMU discovery and use a smaller (safe) packet size.
// Packets will then be at most 1252 (IPv4) / 1232 (IPv6) bytes in size.
// Note that this may result in packet drops for UDP proxying, since we expect being able to send at least 1280 bytes of inner packets.
quicDisablePathMTUDiscovery = "quic-disable-pmtu-discovery"
// quicConnLevelFlowControlLimit controls the max flow control limit allocated for a QUIC connection. This controls how much data is the
// receiver willing to buffer. Once the limit is reached, the sender will send a DATA_BLOCKED frame to indicate it has more data to write,
// but it's blocked by flow control
quicConnLevelFlowControlLimit = "quic-connection-level-flow-control-limit"
// quicStreamLevelFlowControlLimit is similar to quicConnLevelFlowControlLimit but for each QUIC stream. When the sender is blocked,
// it will send a STREAM_DATA_BLOCKED frame
quicStreamLevelFlowControlLimit = "quic-stream-level-flow-control-limit"
// uiFlag is to enable launching cloudflared in interactive UI mode
uiFlag = "ui"
debugLevelWarning = "At debug level cloudflared will log request URL, method, protocol, content length, as well as, all request and response headers. " +
"This can expose sensitive information in your logs."
LogFieldCommand = "command"
LogFieldExpandedPath = "expandedPath"
LogFieldPIDPathname = "pidPathname"
LogFieldTmpTraceFilename = "tmpTraceFilename"
LogFieldTraceOutputFilepath = "traceOutputFilepath"
tunnelCmdErrorMessage = `You did not specify any valid additional argument to the cloudflared tunnel command.
If you are trying to run a Quick Tunnel then you need to explicitly pass the --url flag.
Eg. cloudflared tunnel --url localhost:8080/.
Please note that Quick Tunnels are meant to be ephemeral and should only be used for testing purposes.
For production usage, we recommend creating Named Tunnels. (
connectorLabelFlag = "label"
var (
@ -124,7 +91,6 @@ var (
routeFailMsg = fmt.Sprintf("failed to provision routing, please create it manually via Cloudflare dashboard or UI; "+
"most likely you already have a conflicting record there. You can also rerun this command with --%s to overwrite "+
"any existing DNS records for this hostname.", overwriteDNSFlag)
deprecatedClassicTunnelErr = fmt.Errorf("Classic tunnels have been deprecated, please use Named Tunnels. (")
func Flags() []cli.Flag {
@ -143,7 +109,6 @@ func Commands() []*cli.Command {
// for compatibility, allow following as tunnel subcommands
@ -162,34 +127,26 @@ func buildTunnelCommand(subcommands []*cli.Command) *cli.Command {
Name: "tunnel",
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(TunnelCommand),
Category: "Tunnel",
Usage: "Use Cloudflare Tunnel to expose private services to the Internet or to Cloudflare connected private users.",
Usage: "Make a locally-running web service accessible over the internet using Cloudflare Tunnel.",
ArgsUsage: " ",
Description: ` Cloudflare Tunnel allows to expose private services without opening any ingress port on this machine. It can expose:
A) Locally reachable HTTP-based private services to the Internet on DNS with Cloudflare as authority (which you can
then protect with Cloudflare Access).
B) Locally reachable TCP/UDP-based private services to Cloudflare connected private users in the same account, e.g.,
those enrolled to a Zero Trust WARP Client.
Description: `Cloudflare Tunnel asks you to specify a hostname on a Cloudflare-powered
domain you control and a local address. Traffic from that hostname is routed
(optionally via a Cloudflare Load Balancer) to this machine and appears on the
specified port where it can be served.
You can manage your Tunnels via This approach will only require you to run a single command
later in each machine where you wish to run a Tunnel.
This feature requires your Cloudflare account be subscribed to the Cloudflare Smart Routing feature.
Alternatively, you can manage your Tunnels via the command line. Begin by obtaining a certificate to be able to do so:
To use, begin by calling login to download a certificate:
$ cloudflared tunnel login
$ cloudflared tunnel login
With your certificate installed you can then get started with Tunnels:
With your certificate installed you can then launch your first tunnel,
replacing with a subdomain of your site:
$ cloudflared tunnel create my-first-tunnel
$ cloudflared tunnel route dns my-first-tunnel
$ cloudflared tunnel run --hello-world my-first-tunnel
$ cloudflared tunnel --hostname --url http://localhost:8080
You can now access and be served an example page by your local cloudflared process.
For exposing local TCP/UDP services by IP to your privately connected users, check out:
$ cloudflared tunnel route ip --help
See for more info.`,
If you have a web server running on port 8080 (in this example), it will be available on
the internet!`,
Subcommands: subcommands,
Flags: tunnelFlags(false),
@ -200,54 +157,21 @@ func TunnelCommand(c *cli.Context) error {
if err != nil {
return err
// Run a adhoc named tunnel
// Allows for the creation, routing (optional), and startup of a tunnel in one command
// --name required
// --url or --hello-world required
// --hostname optional
if name := c.String("name"); name != "" {
hostname, err := validation.ValidateHostname(c.String("hostname"))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Invalid hostname provided")
url := c.String("url")
if url == hostname && url != "" && hostname != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("hostname and url shouldn't match. See --help for more information")
if name := c.String("name"); name != "" { // Start a named tunnel
return runAdhocNamedTunnel(sc, name, c.String(CredFileFlag))
// Run a quick tunnel
// A unauthenticated named tunnel hosted on <random>.<quick-tunnels-service>.com
// We don't support running proxy-dns and a quick tunnel at the same time as the same process
shouldRunQuickTunnel := c.IsSet("url") || c.IsSet(ingress.HelloWorldFlag)
if !c.IsSet("proxy-dns") && c.String("quick-service") != "" && shouldRunQuickTunnel {
return RunQuickTunnel(sc)
// If user provides a config, check to see if they meant to use `tunnel run` instead
if ref := config.GetConfiguration().TunnelID; ref != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Use `cloudflared tunnel run` to start tunnel %s", ref)
// Classic tunnel usage is no longer supported
if c.String("hostname") != "" {
return deprecatedClassicTunnelErr
// Unauthenticated named tunnel on <random>.<quick-tunnels-service>.com
// For now, default to legacy setup unless quick-service is specified
if !dnsProxyStandAlone(c, nil) && c.String("hostname") == "" && c.String("quick-service") != "" {
return RunQuickTunnel(sc)
if c.IsSet("proxy-dns") {
if shouldRunQuickTunnel {
return fmt.Errorf("running a quick tunnel with `proxy-dns` is not supported")
// NamedTunnelProperties are nil since proxy dns server does not need it.
// This is supported for legacy reasons: dns proxy server is not a tunnel and ideally should
// not run as part of cloudflared tunnel.
return StartServer(sc.c, buildInfo, nil, sc.log)
return errors.New(tunnelCmdErrorMessage)
// Start a classic tunnel
return runClassicTunnel(sc)
func Init(info *cliutil.BuildInfo, gracefulShutdown chan struct{}) {
@ -282,6 +206,11 @@ func runAdhocNamedTunnel(sc *subcommandContext, name, credentialsOutputPath stri
return nil
// runClassicTunnel creates a "classic" non-named tunnel
func runClassicTunnel(sc *subcommandContext) error {
return StartServer(sc.c, buildInfo, nil, sc.log, sc.isUIEnabled)
func routeFromFlag(c *cli.Context) (route cfapi.HostnameRoute, ok bool) {
if hostname := c.String("hostname"); hostname != "" {
if lbPool := c.String("lb-pool"); lbPool != "" {
@ -295,27 +224,21 @@ func routeFromFlag(c *cli.Context) (route cfapi.HostnameRoute, ok bool) {
func StartServer(
c *cli.Context,
info *cliutil.BuildInfo,
namedTunnel *connection.TunnelProperties,
namedTunnel *connection.NamedTunnelProperties,
log *zerolog.Logger,
isUIEnabled bool,
) error {
err := sentry.Init(sentry.ClientOptions{
Dsn: sentryDSN,
Release: c.App.Version,
if err != nil {
return err
_ = raven.SetDSN(sentryDSN)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
listeners := gracenet.Net{}
errC := make(chan error)
// Only log for locally configured tunnels (Token is blank).
if config.GetConfiguration().Source() == "" && c.String(TunnelTokenFlag) == "" {
if config.GetConfiguration().Source() == "" {
if c.IsSet("trace-output") {
tmpTraceFile, err := os.CreateTemp("", "trace")
tmpTraceFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "trace")
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to create new temporary file to save trace output")
@ -351,7 +274,7 @@ func StartServer(
logClientOptions(c, log)
// this context drives the server, when it's cancelled tunnel and all other components (origins, dns, etc...) should stop
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(c.Context)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
go waitForSignal(graceShutdownC, log)
@ -383,16 +306,24 @@ func StartServer(
errC <- autoupdater.Run(ctx)
// Serve DNS proxy stand-alone if no tunnel type (quick, adhoc, named) is going to run
// Serve DNS proxy stand-alone if no hostname or tag or app is going to run
if dnsProxyStandAlone(c, namedTunnel) {
// no grace period, handle SIGINT/SIGTERM immediately
return waitToShutdown(&wg, cancel, errC, graceShutdownC, 0, log)
logTransport := logger.CreateTransportLoggerFromContext(c, logger.EnableTerminalLog)
url := c.String("url")
hostname := c.String("hostname")
if url == hostname && url != "" && hostname != "" {
errText := "hostname and url shouldn't match. See --help for more information"
return fmt.Errorf(errText)
observer := connection.NewObserver(log, logTransport)
logTransport := logger.CreateTransportLoggerFromContext(c, isUIEnabled)
observer := connection.NewObserver(log, logTransport, isUIEnabled)
// Send Quick Tunnel URL to UI if applicable
var quickTunnelURL string
@ -403,49 +334,11 @@ func StartServer(
tunnelConfig, orchestratorConfig, err := prepareTunnelConfig(ctx, c, info, log, logTransport, observer, namedTunnel)
tunnelConfig, dynamicConfig, err := prepareTunnelConfig(c, info, log, logTransport, observer, namedTunnel)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Couldn't start tunnel")
return err
var clientID uuid.UUID
if tunnelConfig.NamedTunnel != nil {
clientID, err = uuid.FromBytes(tunnelConfig.NamedTunnel.Client.ClientID)
if err != nil {
// set to nil for classic tunnels
clientID = uuid.Nil
// Disable ICMP packet routing for quick tunnels
if quickTunnelURL != "" {
tunnelConfig.PacketConfig = nil
internalRules := []ingress.Rule{}
if features.Contains(features.FeatureManagementLogs) {
serviceIP := c.String("service-op-ip")
if edgeAddrs, err := edgediscovery.ResolveEdge(log, tunnelConfig.Region, tunnelConfig.EdgeIPVersion); err == nil {
if serviceAddr, err := edgeAddrs.GetAddrForRPC(); err == nil {
serviceIP = serviceAddr.TCP.String()
mgmt := management.New(
internalRules = []ingress.Rule{ingress.NewManagementRule(mgmt)}
orchestrator, err := orchestration.NewOrchestrator(ctx, orchestratorConfig, tunnelConfig.Tags, internalRules, tunnelConfig.Log)
if err != nil {
return err
metricsListener, err := listeners.Listen("tcp", c.String("metrics"))
if err != nil {
@ -456,17 +349,17 @@ func StartServer(
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
readinessServer := metrics.NewReadyServer(log, clientID)
readinessServer := metrics.NewReadyServer(log)
metricsConfig := metrics.Config{
ReadyServer: readinessServer,
QuickTunnelHostname: quickTunnelURL,
Orchestrator: orchestrator,
errC <- metrics.ServeMetrics(metricsListener, ctx, metricsConfig, log)
errC <- metrics.ServeMetrics(metricsListener, ctx.Done(), readinessServer, quickTunnelURL, log)
reconnectCh := make(chan supervisor.ReconnectSignal, c.Int(haConnectionsFlag))
orchestrator, err := orchestration.NewOrchestrator(ctx, dynamicConfig, tunnelConfig.Tags, tunnelConfig.Log)
if err != nil {
return err
reconnectCh := make(chan supervisor.ReconnectSignal, 1)
if c.IsSet("stdin-control") {
log.Info().Msg("Enabling control through stdin")
go stdinControl(reconnectCh, log)
@ -481,6 +374,18 @@ func StartServer(
errC <- supervisor.StartTunnelDaemon(ctx, tunnelConfig, orchestrator, connectedSignal, reconnectCh, graceShutdownC)
if isUIEnabled {
tunnelUI := ui.NewUIModel(
app := tunnelUI.Launch(ctx, log, logTransport)
gracePeriod, err := gracePeriod(c)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -579,7 +484,7 @@ func addPortIfMissing(uri *url.URL, port int) string {
func tunnelFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
flags := configureCloudflaredFlags(shouldHide)
flags = append(flags, configureProxyFlags(shouldHide)...)
flags = append(flags, cliutil.ConfigureLoggingFlags(shouldHide)...)
flags = append(flags, configureLoggingFlags(shouldHide)...)
flags = append(flags, configureProxyDNSFlags(shouldHide)...)
flags = append(flags, []cli.Flag{
@ -600,19 +505,6 @@ func tunnelFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
Usage: "Cloudflare Edge region to connect to. Omit or set to empty to connect to the global region.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_REGION"},
Name: "edge-ip-version",
Usage: "Cloudflare Edge IP address version to connect with. {4, 6, auto}",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_EDGE_IP_VERSION"},
Value: "4",
Hidden: false,
Name: "edge-bind-address",
Usage: "Bind to IP address for outgoing connections to Cloudflare Edge.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_EDGE_BIND_ADDRESS"},
Hidden: false,
Name: tlsconfig.CaCertFlag,
Usage: "Certificate Authority authenticating connections with Cloudflare's edge network.",
@ -671,9 +563,9 @@ func tunnelFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
Name: "tag",
Usage: "Custom tags used to identify this tunnel via added HTTP request headers to the origin, in format `KEY=VALUE`. Multiple tags may be specified.",
Usage: "Custom tags used to identify this tunnel, in format `KEY=VALUE`. Multiple tags may be specified",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_TAG"},
Hidden: true,
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "heartbeat-interval",
@ -688,12 +580,6 @@ func tunnelFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
Value: 5,
Hidden: true,
Name: "max-edge-addr-retries",
Usage: "Maximum number of times to retry on edge addrs before falling back to a lower protocol",
Value: 8,
Hidden: true,
// Note TUN-3758 , we use Int because UInt is not supported with altsrc
Name: "retries",
@ -703,48 +589,10 @@ func tunnelFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: haConnectionsFlag,
Name: "ha-connections",
Value: 4,
Hidden: true,
Name: rpcTimeout,
Value: 5 * time.Second,
Hidden: true,
Name: writeStreamTimeout,
Usage: "Use this option to add a stream write timeout for connections when writing towards the origin or edge. Default is 0 which disables the write timeout.",
Value: 0 * time.Second,
Hidden: true,
Name: quicDisablePathMTUDiscovery,
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_DISABLE_QUIC_PMTU"},
Usage: "Use this option to disable PTMU discovery for QUIC connections. This will result in lower packet sizes. Not however, that this may cause instability for UDP proxying.",
Value: false,
Hidden: true,
Name: quicConnLevelFlowControlLimit,
Usage: "Use this option to change the connection-level flow control limit for QUIC transport.",
Value: 30 * (1 << 20), // 30 MB
Hidden: true,
Name: quicStreamLevelFlowControlLimit,
Usage: "Use this option to change the connection-level flow control limit for QUIC transport.",
Value: 6 * (1 << 20), // 6 MB
Hidden: true,
Name: connectorLabelFlag,
Usage: "Use this option to give a meaningful label to a specific connector. When a tunnel starts up, a connector id unique to the tunnel is generated. This is a uuid. To make it easier to identify a connector, we will use the hostname of the machine the tunnel is running on along with the connector ID. This option exists if one wants to have more control over what their individual connectors are called.",
Value: "",
Name: "grace-period",
Usage: "When cloudflared receives SIGINT/SIGTERM it will stop accepting new requests, wait for in-progress requests to terminate, then shutdown. Waiting for in-progress requests will timeout after this grace period, or when a second SIGTERM/SIGINT is received.",
@ -790,9 +638,9 @@ func tunnelFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
Name: uiFlag,
Usage: "(depreciated) Launch tunnel UI. Tunnel logs are scrollable via 'j', 'k', or arrow keys.",
Usage: "Launch tunnel UI. Tunnel logs are scrollable via 'j', 'k', or arrow keys.",
Value: false,
Hidden: true,
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "quick-service",
@ -806,19 +654,6 @@ func tunnelFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_MAX_FETCH_SIZE"},
Hidden: true,
Name: "post-quantum",
Usage: "When given creates an experimental post-quantum secure tunnel",
Aliases: []string{"pq"},
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_POST_QUANTUM"},
Hidden: FipsEnabled,
Name: "management-diagnostics",
Usage: "Enables the in-depth diagnostic routes to be made available over the management service (/debug/pprof, /metrics, etc.)",
Value: true,
@ -836,10 +671,10 @@ func configureCloudflaredFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: credentials.OriginCertFlag,
Name: "origincert",
Usage: "Path to the certificate generated for your origin when you run cloudflared login.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_ORIGIN_CERT"},
Value: credentials.FindDefaultOriginCertPath(),
Value: findDefaultOriginCertPath(),
Hidden: shouldHide,
@ -881,7 +716,7 @@ func configureProxyFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: ingress.HelloWorldFlag,
Name: "hello-world",
Value: false,
Usage: "Run Hello World Server",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_HELLO_WORLD"},
@ -977,27 +812,6 @@ func configureProxyFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: ingress.Http2OriginFlag,
Usage: "Enables HTTP/2 origin servers.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_ORIGIN_ENABLE_HTTP2"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Value: false,
Name: "management-hostname",
Usage: "Management hostname to signify incoming management requests",
Hidden: true,
Value: "",
Name: "service-op-ip",
Usage: "Fallback IP for service operations run by the management service.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_SERVICE_OP_IP"},
Hidden: true,
Value: "",
return append(flags, sshFlags(shouldHide)...)
@ -1106,6 +920,44 @@ func sshFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
func configureLoggingFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: logger.LogLevelFlag,
Value: "info",
Usage: "Application logging level {debug, info, warn, error, fatal}. " + debugLevelWarning,
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_LOGLEVEL"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: logger.LogTransportLevelFlag,
Aliases: []string{"proto-loglevel"}, // This flag used to be called proto-loglevel
Value: "info",
Usage: "Transport logging level(previously called protocol logging level) {debug, info, warn, error, fatal}",
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: logger.LogFileFlag,
Usage: "Save application log to this file for reporting issues.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_LOGFILE"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: logger.LogDirectoryFlag,
Usage: "Save application log to this directory for reporting issues.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_LOGDIRECTORY"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "trace-output",
Usage: "Name of trace output file, generated when cloudflared stops.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_TRACE_OUTPUT"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
func configureProxyDNSFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{

View File

@ -4,12 +4,10 @@ import (
func TestDedup(t *testing.T) {
expected := []string{"a", "b"}
actual := features.Dedup([]string{"a", "b", "a"})
actual := dedup([]string{"a", "b", "a"})
require.ElementsMatch(t, expected, actual)

View File

@ -1,50 +1,58 @@
package tunnel
import (
homedir ""
tunnelpogs ""
const (
secretValue = "*****"
icmpFunnelTimeout = time.Second * 10
const LogFieldOriginCertPath = "originCertPath"
var (
developerPortal = ""
serviceUrl = developerPortal + "/tunnel-guide/local/as-a-service/"
argumentsUrl = developerPortal + "/tunnel-guide/local/local-management/arguments/"
developerPortal = ""
quickStartUrl = developerPortal + "/quickstart/quickstart/"
serviceUrl = developerPortal + "/reference/service/"
argumentsUrl = developerPortal + "/reference/arguments/"
secretFlags = [2]*altsrc.StringFlag{credentialsContentsFlag, tunnelTokenFlag}
configFlags = []string{"autoupdate-freq", "no-autoupdate", "retries", "protocol", "loglevel", "transport-loglevel", "origincert", "metrics", "metrics-update-freq", "edge-ip-version", "edge-bind-address"}
LogFieldHostname = "hostname"
// returns the first path that contains a cert.pem file. If none of the DefaultConfigSearchDirectories
// contains a cert.pem file, return empty string
func findDefaultOriginCertPath() string {
for _, defaultConfigDir := range config.DefaultConfigSearchDirectories() {
originCertPath, _ := homedir.Expand(filepath.Join(defaultConfigDir, config.DefaultCredentialFile))
if ok, _ := config.FileExists(originCertPath); ok {
return originCertPath
return ""
func generateRandomClientID(log *zerolog.Logger) (string, error) {
u, err := uuid.NewRandom()
if err != nil {
@ -57,11 +65,7 @@ func generateRandomClientID(log *zerolog.Logger) (string, error) {
func logClientOptions(c *cli.Context, log *zerolog.Logger) {
flags := make(map[string]interface{})
for _, flag := range c.FlagNames() {
if isSecretFlag(flag) {
flags[flag] = secretValue
} else {
flags[flag] = c.Generic(flag)
flags[flag] = c.Generic(flag)
if len(flags) > 0 {
@ -75,11 +79,7 @@ func logClientOptions(c *cli.Context, log *zerolog.Logger) {
if strings.Contains(env, "TUNNEL_") {
vars := strings.Split(env, "=")
if len(vars) == 2 {
if isSecretEnvVar(vars[0]) {
envs[vars[0]] = secretValue
} else {
envs[vars[0]] = vars[1]
envs[vars[0]] = vars[1]
@ -88,97 +88,156 @@ func logClientOptions(c *cli.Context, log *zerolog.Logger) {
func isSecretFlag(key string) bool {
for _, flag := range secretFlags {
if flag.Name == key {
return true
return false
func dnsProxyStandAlone(c *cli.Context, namedTunnel *connection.NamedTunnelProperties) bool {
return c.IsSet("proxy-dns") && (!c.IsSet("hostname") && !c.IsSet("tag") && !c.IsSet("hello-world") && namedTunnel == nil)
func isSecretEnvVar(key string) bool {
for _, flag := range secretFlags {
for _, secretEnvVar := range flag.EnvVars {
if secretEnvVar == key {
return true
func findOriginCert(originCertPath string, log *zerolog.Logger) (string, error) {
if originCertPath == "" {
log.Info().Msgf("Cannot determine default origin certificate path. No file %s in %v", config.DefaultCredentialFile, config.DefaultConfigSearchDirectories())
if isRunningFromTerminal() {
log.Error().Msgf("You need to specify the origin certificate path with --origincert option, or set TUNNEL_ORIGIN_CERT environment variable. See %s for more information.", argumentsUrl)
return "", fmt.Errorf("client didn't specify origincert path when running from terminal")
} else {
log.Error().Msgf("You need to specify the origin certificate path by specifying the origincert option in the configuration file, or set TUNNEL_ORIGIN_CERT environment variable. See %s for more information.", serviceUrl)
return "", fmt.Errorf("client didn't specify origincert path")
return false
var err error
originCertPath, err = homedir.Expand(originCertPath)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msgf("Cannot resolve origin certificate path")
return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot resolve path %s", originCertPath)
// Check that the user has acquired a certificate using the login command
ok, err := config.FileExists(originCertPath)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("Cannot check if origin cert exists at path %s", originCertPath)
return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot check if origin cert exists at path %s", originCertPath)
if !ok {
log.Error().Msgf(`Cannot find a valid certificate for your origin at the path:
If the path above is wrong, specify the path with the -origincert option.
If you don't have a certificate signed by Cloudflare, run the command:
%s login
`, originCertPath, os.Args[0])
return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot find a valid certificate at the path %s", originCertPath)
return originCertPath, nil
func dnsProxyStandAlone(c *cli.Context, namedTunnel *connection.TunnelProperties) bool {
return c.IsSet("proxy-dns") &&
!(c.IsSet("name") || // adhoc-named tunnel
c.IsSet(ingress.HelloWorldFlag) || // quick or named tunnel
namedTunnel != nil) // named tunnel
func readOriginCert(originCertPath string) ([]byte, error) {
// Easier to send the certificate as []byte via RPC than decoding it at this point
originCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(originCertPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot read %s to load origin certificate", originCertPath)
return originCert, nil
func getOriginCert(originCertPath string, log *zerolog.Logger) ([]byte, error) {
if originCertPath, err := findOriginCert(originCertPath, log); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
return readOriginCert(originCertPath)
func prepareTunnelConfig(
ctx context.Context,
c *cli.Context,
info *cliutil.BuildInfo,
log, logTransport *zerolog.Logger,
observer *connection.Observer,
namedTunnel *connection.TunnelProperties,
namedTunnel *connection.NamedTunnelProperties,
) (*supervisor.TunnelConfig, *orchestration.Config, error) {
clientID, err := uuid.NewRandom()
isNamedTunnel := namedTunnel != nil
configHostname := c.String("hostname")
hostname, err := validation.ValidateHostname(configHostname)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "can't generate connector UUID")
log.Err(err).Str(LogFieldHostname, configHostname).Msg("Invalid hostname")
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Invalid hostname")
log.Info().Msgf("Generated Connector ID: %s", clientID)
clientID := c.String("id")
if !c.IsSet("id") {
clientID, err = generateRandomClientID(log)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
tags, err := NewTagSliceFromCLI(c.StringSlice("tag"))
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Tag parse failure")
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Tag parse failure")
tags = append(tags, pogs.Tag{Name: "ID", Value: clientID.String()})
transportProtocol := c.String("protocol")
tags = append(tags, tunnelpogs.Tag{Name: "ID", Value: clientID})
clientFeatures := features.Dedup(append(c.StringSlice("features"), features.DefaultFeatures...))
staticFeatures := features.StaticFeatures{}
if c.Bool("post-quantum") {
if FipsEnabled {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("post-quantum not supported in FIPS mode")
pqMode := features.PostQuantumStrict
staticFeatures.PostQuantumMode = &pqMode
featureSelector, err := features.NewFeatureSelector(ctx, namedTunnel.Credentials.AccountTag, staticFeatures, log)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to create feature selector")
pqMode := featureSelector.PostQuantumMode()
if pqMode == features.PostQuantumStrict {
// Error if the user tries to force a non-quic transport protocol
if transportProtocol != connection.AutoSelectFlag && transportProtocol != connection.QUIC.String() {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("post-quantum is only supported with the quic transport")
transportProtocol = connection.QUIC.String()
clientFeatures = append(clientFeatures, features.FeaturePostQuantum)
"Using hybrid post-quantum key agreement %s",
namedTunnel.Client = pogs.ClientInfo{
ClientID: clientID[:],
Features: clientFeatures,
Version: info.Version(),
Arch: info.OSArch(),
var (
ingressRules ingress.Ingress
classicTunnel *connection.ClassicTunnelProperties
cfg := config.GetConfiguration()
ingressRules, err := ingress.ParseIngressFromConfigAndCLI(cfg, c, log)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if isNamedTunnel {
clientUUID, err := uuid.NewRandom()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "can't generate connector UUID")
log.Info().Msgf("Generated Connector ID: %s", clientUUID)
features := append(c.StringSlice("features"), supervisor.FeatureSerializedHeaders)
if c.IsSet(TunnelTokenFlag) {
features = append(features, supervisor.FeatureAllowRemoteConfig)
log.Info().Msg("Will be fetching remotely managed configuration from Cloudflare API")
namedTunnel.Client = tunnelpogs.ClientInfo{
ClientID: clientUUID[:],
Features: dedup(features),
Version: info.Version(),
Arch: info.OSArch(),
ingressRules, err = ingress.ParseIngress(cfg)
if err != nil && err != ingress.ErrNoIngressRules {
return nil, nil, err
if !ingressRules.IsEmpty() && c.IsSet("url") {
return nil, nil, ingress.ErrURLIncompatibleWithIngress
} else {
originCertPath := c.String("origincert")
originCertLog := log.With().
Str(LogFieldOriginCertPath, originCertPath).
originCert, err := getOriginCert(originCertPath, &originCertLog)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error getting origin cert")
classicTunnel = &connection.ClassicTunnelProperties{
Hostname: hostname,
OriginCert: originCert,
// turn off use of reconnect token and auth refresh when using named tunnels
UseReconnectToken: !isNamedTunnel && c.Bool("use-reconnect-token"),
protocolSelector, err := connection.NewProtocolSelector(transportProtocol, namedTunnel.Credentials.AccountTag, c.IsSet(TunnelTokenFlag), c.Bool("post-quantum"), edgediscovery.ProtocolPercentage, connection.ResolveTTL, log)
// Convert single-origin configuration into multi-origin configuration.
if ingressRules.IsEmpty() {
ingressRules, err = ingress.NewSingleOrigin(c, !isNamedTunnel)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
warpRoutingEnabled := isWarpRoutingEnabled(cfg.WarpRouting, isNamedTunnel)
protocolSelector, err := connection.NewProtocolSelector(c.String("protocol"), warpRoutingEnabled, namedTunnel, edgediscovery.ProtocolPercentage, supervisor.ResolveTTL, log)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
@ -204,33 +263,24 @@ func prepareTunnelConfig(
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
edgeIPVersion, err := parseConfigIPVersion(c.String("edge-ip-version"))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
edgeBindAddr, err := parseConfigBindAddress(c.String("edge-bind-address"))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if err := testIPBindable(edgeBindAddr); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid edge-bind-address %s: %v", edgeBindAddr, err)
edgeIPVersion, err = adjustIPVersionByBindAddress(edgeIPVersion, edgeBindAddr)
if err != nil {
// This is not a fatal error, we just overrode edgeIPVersion
log.Warn().Str("edgeIPVersion", edgeIPVersion.String()).Err(err).Msg("Overriding edge-ip-version")
muxerConfig := &connection.MuxerConfig{
HeartbeatInterval: c.Duration("heartbeat-interval"),
// Note TUN-3758 , we use Int because UInt is not supported with altsrc
MaxHeartbeats: uint64(c.Int("heartbeat-count")),
// Note TUN-3758 , we use Int because UInt is not supported with altsrc
CompressionSetting: h2mux.CompressionSetting(uint64(c.Int("compression-quality"))),
MetricsUpdateFreq: c.Duration("metrics-update-freq"),
tunnelConfig := &supervisor.TunnelConfig{
GracePeriod: gracePeriod,
ReplaceExisting: c.Bool("force"),
OSArch: info.OSArch(),
ClientID: clientID.String(),
ClientID: clientID,
EdgeAddrs: c.StringSlice("edge"),
Region: c.String("region"),
EdgeIPVersion: edgeIPVersion,
EdgeBindAddr: edgeBindAddr,
HAConnections: c.Int(haConnectionsFlag),
HAConnections: c.Int("ha-connections"),
IncidentLookup: supervisor.NewIncidentLookup(),
IsAutoupdated: c.Bool("is-autoupdated"),
LBPool: c.String("lb-pool"),
Tags: tags,
@ -239,44 +289,19 @@ func prepareTunnelConfig(
Observer: observer,
ReportedVersion: info.Version(),
// Note TUN-3758 , we use Int because UInt is not supported with altsrc
Retries: uint(c.Int("retries")),
RunFromTerminal: isRunningFromTerminal(),
NamedTunnel: namedTunnel,
ProtocolSelector: protocolSelector,
EdgeTLSConfigs: edgeTLSConfigs,
FeatureSelector: featureSelector,
MaxEdgeAddrRetries: uint8(c.Int("max-edge-addr-retries")),
RPCTimeout: c.Duration(rpcTimeout),
WriteStreamTimeout: c.Duration(writeStreamTimeout),
DisableQUICPathMTUDiscovery: c.Bool(quicDisablePathMTUDiscovery),
QUICConnectionLevelFlowControlLimit: c.Uint64(quicConnLevelFlowControlLimit),
QUICStreamLevelFlowControlLimit: c.Uint64(quicStreamLevelFlowControlLimit),
Retries: uint(c.Int("retries")),
RunFromTerminal: isRunningFromTerminal(),
NamedTunnel: namedTunnel,
ClassicTunnel: classicTunnel,
MuxerConfig: muxerConfig,
ProtocolSelector: protocolSelector,
EdgeTLSConfigs: edgeTLSConfigs,
packetConfig, err := newPacketConfig(c, log)
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("ICMP proxy feature is disabled")
} else {
tunnelConfig.PacketConfig = packetConfig
orchestratorConfig := &orchestration.Config{
dynamicConfig := &orchestration.Config{
Ingress: &ingressRules,
WarpRouting: ingress.NewWarpRoutingConfig(&cfg.WarpRouting),
ConfigurationFlags: parseConfigFlags(c),
WriteTimeout: c.Duration(writeStreamTimeout),
WarpRoutingEnabled: warpRoutingEnabled,
return tunnelConfig, orchestratorConfig, nil
func parseConfigFlags(c *cli.Context) map[string]string {
result := make(map[string]string)
for _, flag := range configFlags {
if v := c.String(flag); c.IsSet(flag) && v != "" {
result[flag] = v
return result
return tunnelConfig, dynamicConfig, nil
func gracePeriod(c *cli.Context) (time.Duration, error) {
@ -287,210 +312,29 @@ func gracePeriod(c *cli.Context) (time.Duration, error) {
return period, nil
func isWarpRoutingEnabled(warpConfig config.WarpRoutingConfig, isNamedTunnel bool) bool {
return warpConfig.Enabled && isNamedTunnel
func isRunningFromTerminal() bool {
return term.IsTerminal(int(os.Stdout.Fd()))
return terminal.IsTerminal(int(os.Stdout.Fd()))
// ParseConfigIPVersion returns the IP version from possible expected values from config
func parseConfigIPVersion(version string) (v allregions.ConfigIPVersion, err error) {
switch version {
case "4":
v = allregions.IPv4Only
case "6":
v = allregions.IPv6Only
case "auto":
v = allregions.Auto
default: // unspecified or invalid
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid value for edge-ip-version: %s", version)
// Remove any duplicates from the slice
func dedup(slice []string) []string {
// Convert the slice into a set
set := make(map[string]bool, 0)
for _, str := range slice {
set[str] = true
func parseConfigBindAddress(ipstr string) (net.IP, error) {
// Unspecified - it's fine
if ipstr == "" {
return nil, nil
ip := net.ParseIP(ipstr)
if ip == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid value for edge-bind-address: %s", ipstr)
return ip, nil
func testIPBindable(ip net.IP) error {
// "Unspecified" = let OS choose, so always bindable
if ip == nil {
return nil
addr := &net.UDPAddr{IP: ip, Port: 0}
listener, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", addr)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func adjustIPVersionByBindAddress(ipVersion allregions.ConfigIPVersion, ip net.IP) (allregions.ConfigIPVersion, error) {
if ip == nil {
return ipVersion, nil
// "If ip is not an IPv4 address, To4 returns nil."
if ip.To4() != nil {
if ipVersion == allregions.IPv6Only {
return allregions.IPv4Only, fmt.Errorf("IPv4 bind address is specified, but edge-ip-version is IPv6")
return allregions.IPv4Only, nil
} else {
if ipVersion == allregions.IPv4Only {
return allregions.IPv6Only, fmt.Errorf("IPv6 bind address is specified, but edge-ip-version is IPv4")
return allregions.IPv6Only, nil
func newPacketConfig(c *cli.Context, logger *zerolog.Logger) (*ingress.GlobalRouterConfig, error) {
ipv4Src, err := determineICMPv4Src(c.String("icmpv4-src"), logger)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to determine IPv4 source address for ICMP proxy")
logger.Info().Msgf("ICMP proxy will use %s as source for IPv4", ipv4Src)
ipv6Src, zone, err := determineICMPv6Src(c.String("icmpv6-src"), logger, ipv4Src)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to determine IPv6 source address for ICMP proxy")
if zone != "" {
logger.Info().Msgf("ICMP proxy will use %s in zone %s as source for IPv6", ipv6Src, zone)
} else {
logger.Info().Msgf("ICMP proxy will use %s as source for IPv6", ipv6Src)
icmpRouter, err := ingress.NewICMPRouter(ipv4Src, ipv6Src, zone, logger, icmpFunnelTimeout)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ingress.GlobalRouterConfig{
ICMPRouter: icmpRouter,
IPv4Src: ipv4Src,
IPv6Src: ipv6Src,
Zone: zone,
}, nil
func determineICMPv4Src(userDefinedSrc string, logger *zerolog.Logger) (netip.Addr, error) {
if userDefinedSrc != "" {
addr, err := netip.ParseAddr(userDefinedSrc)
if err != nil {
return netip.Addr{}, err
if addr.Is4() {
return addr, nil
return netip.Addr{}, fmt.Errorf("expect IPv4, but %s is IPv6", userDefinedSrc)
addr, err := findLocalAddr(net.ParseIP(""), 53)
if err != nil {
addr = netip.IPv4Unspecified()
logger.Debug().Err(err).Msgf("Failed to determine the IPv4 for this machine. It will use %s to send/listen for ICMPv4 echo", addr)
return addr, nil
type interfaceIP struct {
name string
ip net.IP
func determineICMPv6Src(userDefinedSrc string, logger *zerolog.Logger, ipv4Src netip.Addr) (addr netip.Addr, zone string, err error) {
if userDefinedSrc != "" {
userDefinedIP, zone, _ := strings.Cut(userDefinedSrc, "%")
addr, err := netip.ParseAddr(userDefinedIP)
if err != nil {
return netip.Addr{}, "", err
if addr.Is6() {
return addr, zone, nil
return netip.Addr{}, "", fmt.Errorf("expect IPv6, but %s is IPv4", userDefinedSrc)
// Loop through all the interfaces, the preference is
// 1. The interface where ipv4Src is in
// 2. Interface with IPv6 address
// 3. Unspecified interface
interfaces, err := net.Interfaces()
if err != nil {
return netip.IPv6Unspecified(), "", nil
interfacesWithIPv6 := make([]interfaceIP, 0)
for _, interf := range interfaces {
interfaceAddrs, err := interf.Addrs()
if err != nil {
foundIPv4SrcInterface := false
for _, interfaceAddr := range interfaceAddrs {
if ipnet, ok := interfaceAddr.(*net.IPNet); ok {
ip := ipnet.IP
if ip.Equal(ipv4Src.AsSlice()) {
foundIPv4SrcInterface = true
if ip.To4() == nil {
interfacesWithIPv6 = append(interfacesWithIPv6, interfaceIP{
name: interf.Name,
ip: ip,
// Found the interface of ipv4Src. Loop through the addresses to see if there is an IPv6
if foundIPv4SrcInterface {
for _, interfaceAddr := range interfaceAddrs {
if ipnet, ok := interfaceAddr.(*net.IPNet); ok {
ip := ipnet.IP
if ip.To4() == nil {
addr, err := netip.ParseAddr(ip.String())
if err == nil {
return addr, interf.Name, nil
for _, interf := range interfacesWithIPv6 {
addr, err := netip.ParseAddr(interf.ip.String())
if err == nil {
return addr,, nil
logger.Debug().Err(err).Msgf("Failed to determine the IPv6 for this machine. It will use %s to send/listen for ICMPv6 echo", netip.IPv6Unspecified())
return netip.IPv6Unspecified(), "", nil
// FindLocalAddr tries to dial UDP and returns the local address picked by the OS
func findLocalAddr(dst net.IP, port int) (netip.Addr, error) {
udpConn, err := net.DialUDP("udp", nil, &net.UDPAddr{
IP: dst,
Port: port,
if err != nil {
return netip.Addr{}, err
defer udpConn.Close()
localAddrPort, err := netip.ParseAddrPort(udpConn.LocalAddr().String())
if err != nil {
return netip.Addr{}, err
localAddr := localAddrPort.Addr()
return localAddr, nil
// Convert the set back into a slice
keys := make([]string, len(set))
i := 0
for str := range set {
keys[i] = str
return keys

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
//go:build ignore
// +build ignore
// TODO: Remove the above build tag and include this test when we start compiling with Golang 1.10.0+
@ -8,7 +9,6 @@ import (
@ -214,23 +214,3 @@ func getCertPoolSubjects(certPool *x509.CertPool) ([]*pkix.Name, error) {
func isUnrecoverableError(err error) bool {
return err != nil && err.Error() != "crypto/x509: system root pool is not available on Windows"
func TestTestIPBindable(t *testing.T) {
assert.Nil(t, testIPBindable(nil))
// Public services - if one of these IPs is on the machine, the test environment is too weird
assert.NotNil(t, testIPBindable(net.ParseIP("")))
assert.NotNil(t, testIPBindable(net.ParseIP("")))
addrs, err := net.InterfaceAddrs()
if err != nil {
for i, addr := range addrs {
if i >= 3 {
ip := addr.(*net.IPNet).IP
assert.Nil(t, testIPBindable(ip))

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import (
@ -57,13 +56,13 @@ func newSearchByID(id uuid.UUID, c *cli.Context, log *zerolog.Logger, fs fileSys
func (s searchByID) Path() (string, error) {
originCertPath := s.c.String(credentials.OriginCertFlag)
originCertPath := s.c.String("origincert")
originCertLog := s.log.With().
Str("originCertPath", originCertPath).
Str(LogFieldOriginCertPath, originCertPath).
// Fallback to look for tunnel credentials in the origin cert directory
if originCertPath, err := credentials.FindOriginCert(originCertPath, &originCertLog); err == nil {
if originCertPath, err := findOriginCert(originCertPath, &originCertLog); err == nil {
originCertDir := filepath.Dir(originCertPath)
if filePath, err := tunnelFilePath(, originCertDir); err == nil {
if s.fs.validFilePath(filePath) {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package tunnel
import (
@ -22,5 +23,5 @@ func (fs realFileSystem) validFilePath(path string) bool {
func (fs realFileSystem) readFile(filePath string) ([]byte, error) {
return os.ReadFile(filePath)
return ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
package tunnel
var FipsEnabled bool

View File

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ func testURLCommand(c *cli.Context) error {
_, i := ing.FindMatchingRule(requestURL.Hostname(), requestURL.Path)
fmt.Printf("Matched rule #%d\n", i)
fmt.Printf("Matched rule #%d\n", i+1)
return nil

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package tunnel
import (
@ -13,7 +14,6 @@ import (
@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ func login(c *cli.Context) error {
resourceData, err := token.RunTransfer(
@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ func login(c *cli.Context) error {
return err
if err := os.WriteFile(path, resourceData, 0600); err != nil {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, resourceData, 0600); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("error writing cert to %s", path))
@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ func checkForExistingCert() (string, bool, error) {
if err != nil {
return "", false, err
path := filepath.Join(configPath, credentials.DefaultCredentialFile)
path := filepath.Join(configPath, config.DefaultCredentialFile)
fileInfo, err := os.Stat(path)
if err == nil && fileInfo.Size() > 0 {
return path, true, nil

View File

@ -35,13 +35,7 @@ func RunQuickTunnel(sc *subcommandContext) error {
Timeout: httpTimeout,
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, fmt.Sprintf("%s/tunnel", sc.c.String("quick-service")), nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to build quick tunnel request")
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
req.Header.Add("User-Agent", buildInfo.UserAgent())
resp, err := client.Do(req)
resp, err := client.Post(fmt.Sprintf("%s/tunnel", sc.c.String("quick-service")), "application/json", nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to request quick Tunnel")
@ -79,14 +73,12 @@ func RunQuickTunnel(sc *subcommandContext) error {
sc.c.Set("protocol", "quic")
// Override the number of connections used. Quick tunnels shouldn't be used for production usage,
// so, use a single connection instead.
sc.c.Set(haConnectionsFlag, "1")
return StartServer(
&connection.TunnelProperties{Credentials: credentials, QuickTunnelUrl: data.Result.Hostname},
&connection.NamedTunnelProperties{Credentials: credentials, QuickTunnelUrl: data.Result.Hostname},

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
//go:build !windows
// +build !windows
package tunnel

View File

@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ import (
@ -31,20 +31,27 @@ func (e errInvalidJSONCredential) Error() string {
// subcommandContext carries structs shared between subcommands, to reduce number of arguments needed to
// pass between subcommands, and make sure they are only initialized once
type subcommandContext struct {
c *cli.Context
log *zerolog.Logger
fs fileSystem
c *cli.Context
log *zerolog.Logger
isUIEnabled bool
fs fileSystem
// These fields should be accessed using their respective Getter
tunnelstoreClient cfapi.Client
userCredential *credentials.User
userCredential *userCredential
func newSubcommandContext(c *cli.Context) (*subcommandContext, error) {
isUIEnabled := c.IsSet(uiFlag) && c.String("name") != ""
// If UI is enabled, terminal log output should be disabled -- log should be written into a UI log window instead
log := logger.CreateLoggerFromContext(c, isUIEnabled)
return &subcommandContext{
c: c,
log: logger.CreateLoggerFromContext(c, logger.EnableTerminalLog),
fs: realFileSystem{},
c: c,
log: log,
isUIEnabled: isUIEnabled,
fs: realFileSystem{},
}, nil
@ -56,28 +63,65 @@ func (sc *subcommandContext) credentialFinder(tunnelID uuid.UUID) CredFinder {
return newSearchByID(tunnelID, sc.c, sc.log, sc.fs)
type userCredential struct {
cert *certutil.OriginCert
certPath string
func (sc *subcommandContext) client() (cfapi.Client, error) {
if sc.tunnelstoreClient != nil {
return sc.tunnelstoreClient, nil
cred, err := sc.credential()
credential, err := sc.credential()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sc.tunnelstoreClient, err = cred.Client(sc.c.String("api-url"), buildInfo.UserAgent(), sc.log)
userAgent := fmt.Sprintf("cloudflared/%s", buildInfo.Version())
client, err := cfapi.NewRESTClient(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return sc.tunnelstoreClient, nil
sc.tunnelstoreClient = client
return client, nil
func (sc *subcommandContext) credential() (*credentials.User, error) {
func (sc *subcommandContext) credential() (*userCredential, error) {
if sc.userCredential == nil {
uc, err := credentials.Read(sc.c.String(credentials.OriginCertFlag), sc.log)
originCertPath := sc.c.String("origincert")
originCertLog := sc.log.With().
Str(LogFieldOriginCertPath, originCertPath).
originCertPath, err := findOriginCert(originCertPath, &originCertLog)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error locating origin cert")
blocks, err := readOriginCert(originCertPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Can't read origin cert from %s", originCertPath)
cert, err := certutil.DecodeOriginCert(blocks)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error decoding origin cert")
if cert.AccountID == "" {
return nil, errors.Errorf(`Origin certificate needs to be refreshed before creating new tunnels.\nDelete %s and run "cloudflared login" to obtain a new cert.`, originCertPath)
sc.userCredential = &userCredential{
cert: cert,
certPath: originCertPath,
sc.userCredential = uc
return sc.userCredential, nil
@ -138,13 +182,13 @@ func (sc *subcommandContext) create(name string, credentialsFilePath string, sec
return nil, err
tunnelCredentials := connection.Credentials{
AccountTag: credential.AccountID(),
AccountTag: credential.cert.AccountID,
TunnelSecret: tunnelSecret,
TunnelID: tunnel.ID,
usedCertPath := false
if credentialsFilePath == "" {
originCertDir := filepath.Dir(credential.CertPath())
originCertDir := filepath.Dir(credential.certPath)
credentialsFilePath, err = tunnelFilePath(tunnelCredentials.TunnelID, originCertDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -156,7 +200,7 @@ func (sc *subcommandContext) create(name string, credentialsFilePath string, sec
var errorLines []string
errorLines = append(errorLines, fmt.Sprintf("Your tunnel '%v' was created with ID %v. However, cloudflared couldn't write tunnel credentials to %s.", tunnel.Name, tunnel.ID, credentialsFilePath))
errorLines = append(errorLines, fmt.Sprintf("The file-writing error is: %v", writeFileErr))
if deleteErr := client.DeleteTunnel(tunnel.ID, true); deleteErr != nil {
if deleteErr := client.DeleteTunnel(tunnel.ID); deleteErr != nil {
errorLines = append(errorLines, fmt.Sprintf("Cloudflared tried to delete the tunnel for you, but encountered an error. You should use `cloudflared tunnel delete %v` to delete the tunnel yourself, because the tunnel can't be run without the tunnelfile.", tunnel.ID))
errorLines = append(errorLines, fmt.Sprintf("The delete tunnel error is: %v", deleteErr))
} else {
@ -206,8 +250,13 @@ func (sc *subcommandContext) delete(tunnelIDs []uuid.UUID) error {
if !tunnel.DeletedAt.IsZero() {
return fmt.Errorf("Tunnel %s has already been deleted", tunnel.ID)
if forceFlagSet {
if err := client.CleanupConnections(tunnel.ID, cfapi.NewCleanupParams()); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Error cleaning up connections for tunnel %s", tunnel.ID)
if err := client.DeleteTunnel(tunnel.ID, forceFlagSet); err != nil {
if err := client.DeleteTunnel(tunnel.ID); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Error deleting tunnel %s", tunnel.ID)
@ -261,8 +310,9 @@ func (sc *subcommandContext) runWithCredentials(credentials connection.Credentia
return StartServer(
&connection.TunnelProperties{Credentials: credentials},
&connection.NamedTunnelProperties{Credentials: credentials},
@ -291,21 +341,6 @@ func (sc *subcommandContext) cleanupConnections(tunnelIDs []uuid.UUID) error {
return nil
func (sc *subcommandContext) getTunnelTokenCredentials(tunnelID uuid.UUID) (*connection.TunnelToken, error) {
client, err := sc.client()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
token, err := client.GetTunnelToken(tunnelID)
if err != nil {
sc.log.Err(err).Msgf("Could not get the Token for the given Tunnel %v", tunnelID)
return nil, err
return ParseToken(token)
func (sc *subcommandContext) route(tunnelID uuid.UUID, r cfapi.HostnameRoute) (cfapi.HostnameRouteResult, error) {
client, err := sc.client()
if err != nil {

View File

@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
package tunnel
import (
@ -27,12 +24,12 @@ func (sc *subcommandContext) addRoute(newRoute cfapi.NewRoute) (cfapi.Route, err
return client.AddRoute(newRoute)
func (sc *subcommandContext) deleteRoute(id uuid.UUID) error {
func (sc *subcommandContext) deleteRoute(params cfapi.DeleteRouteParams) error {
client, err := sc.client()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, noClientMsg)
return client.DeleteRoute(id)
return client.DeleteRoute(params)
func (sc *subcommandContext) getRouteByIP(params cfapi.GetRouteByIpParams) (cfapi.DetailedRoute, error) {
@ -42,25 +39,3 @@ func (sc *subcommandContext) getRouteByIP(params cfapi.GetRouteByIpParams) (cfap
return client.GetByIP(params)
func (sc *subcommandContext) getRouteId(network net.IPNet, vnetId *uuid.UUID) (uuid.UUID, error) {
filters := cfapi.NewIPRouteFilter()
if vnetId != nil {
result, err := sc.listRoutes(filters)
if err != nil {
return uuid.Nil, err
if len(result) != 1 {
return uuid.Nil, errors.New("unable to find route for provided network and vnet")
return result[0].ID, nil

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import (
type mockFileSystem struct {
@ -36,9 +35,10 @@ func Test_subcommandContext_findCredentials(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
c *cli.Context
log *zerolog.Logger
isUIEnabled bool
fs fileSystem
tunnelstoreClient cfapi.Client
userCredential *credentials.User
userCredential *userCredential
type args struct {
tunnelID uuid.UUID
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ func Test_subcommandContext_findCredentials(t *testing.T) {
sc := &subcommandContext{
c: tt.fields.c,
log: tt.fields.log,
isUIEnabled: tt.fields.isUIEnabled,
fs: tt.fields.fs,
tunnelstoreClient: tt.fields.tunnelstoreClient,
userCredential: tt.fields.userCredential,
@ -215,11 +216,7 @@ func (d *deleteMockTunnelStore) GetTunnel(tunnelID uuid.UUID) (*cfapi.Tunnel, er
return &tunnel.tunnel, nil
func (d *deleteMockTunnelStore) GetTunnelToken(tunnelID uuid.UUID) (string, error) {
return "token", nil
func (d *deleteMockTunnelStore) DeleteTunnel(tunnelID uuid.UUID, cascade bool) error {
func (d *deleteMockTunnelStore) DeleteTunnel(tunnelID uuid.UUID) error {
tunnel, ok := d.mockTunnels[tunnelID]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't find tunnel: %v", tunnelID)
@ -250,7 +247,7 @@ func Test_subcommandContext_Delete(t *testing.T) {
isUIEnabled bool
fs fileSystem
tunnelstoreClient *deleteMockTunnelStore
userCredential *credentials.User
userCredential *userCredential
type args struct {
tunnelIDs []uuid.UUID
@ -306,6 +303,7 @@ func Test_subcommandContext_Delete(t *testing.T) {
sc := &subcommandContext{
c: tt.fields.c,
log: tt.fields.log,
isUIEnabled: tt.fields.isUIEnabled,
fs: tt.fields.fs,
tunnelstoreClient: tt.fields.tunnelstoreClient,
userCredential: tt.fields.userCredential,

View File

@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ func (sc *subcommandContext) listVirtualNetworks(filter *cfapi.VnetFilter) ([]*c
return client.ListVirtualNetworks(filter)
func (sc *subcommandContext) deleteVirtualNetwork(vnetId uuid.UUID, force bool) error {
func (sc *subcommandContext) deleteVirtualNetwork(vnetId uuid.UUID) error {
client, err := sc.client()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, noClientMsg)
return client.DeleteVirtualNetwork(vnetId, force)
return client.DeleteVirtualNetwork(vnetId)
func (sc *subcommandContext) updateVirtualNetwork(vnetId uuid.UUID, updates cfapi.UpdateVirtualNetwork) error {

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ import (
yaml ""
yaml ""
@ -94,6 +95,14 @@ var (
Usage: "Inverts the sort order of the tunnel list.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_LIST_INVERT_SORT"},
forceFlag = altsrc.NewBoolFlag(&cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "force",
Aliases: []string{"f"},
Usage: "By default, if a tunnel is currently being run from a cloudflared, you can't " +
"simultaneously rerun it again from a second cloudflared. The --force flag lets you " +
"overwrite the previous tunnel. If you want to use a single hostname with multiple " +
"tunnels, you can do so with Cloudflare's Load Balancer product.",
featuresFlag = altsrc.NewStringSliceFlag(&cli.StringSliceFlag{
Name: "features",
Aliases: []string{"F"},
@ -119,25 +128,18 @@ var (
forceDeleteFlag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "force",
Aliases: []string{"f"},
Usage: "Deletes a tunnel even if tunnel is connected and it has dependencies associated to it. (eg. IP routes)." +
" It is not possible to delete tunnels that have connections or non-deleted dependencies, without this flag.",
Usage: "Cleans up any stale connections before the tunnel is deleted. cloudflared will not " +
"delete a tunnel with connections without this flag.",
selectProtocolFlag = altsrc.NewStringFlag(&cli.StringFlag{
Name: "protocol",
Value: connection.AutoSelectFlag,
Value: "auto",
Aliases: []string{"p"},
Usage: fmt.Sprintf("Protocol implementation to connect with Cloudflare's edge network. %s", connection.AvailableProtocolFlagMessage),
Hidden: true,
postQuantumFlag = altsrc.NewBoolFlag(&cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "post-quantum",
Usage: "When given creates an experimental post-quantum secure tunnel",
Aliases: []string{"pq"},
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_POST_QUANTUM"},
Hidden: FipsEnabled,
sortInfoByFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "sort-by",
Value: "createdAt",
@ -167,16 +169,6 @@ var (
Usage: "Base64 encoded secret to set for the tunnel. The decoded secret must be at least 32 bytes long. If not specified, a random 32-byte secret will be generated.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_CREATE_SECRET"},
icmpv4SrcFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "icmpv4-src",
Usage: "Source address to send/receive ICMPv4 messages. If not provided cloudflared will dial a local address to determine the source IP or fallback to",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_ICMPV4_SRC"},
icmpv6SrcFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "icmpv6-src",
Usage: "Source address and the interface name to send/receive ICMPv6 messages. If not provided cloudflared will dial a local address to determine the source IP or fallback to ::.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_ICMPV6_SRC"},
func buildCreateCommand() *cli.Command {
@ -240,7 +232,7 @@ func writeTunnelCredentials(filePath string, credentials *connection.Credentials
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to marshal tunnel credentials to JSON")
return os.WriteFile(filePath, body, 0400)
return ioutil.WriteFile(filePath, body, 400)
func buildListCommand() *cli.Command {
@ -607,14 +599,12 @@ func renderOutput(format string, v interface{}) error {
func buildRunCommand() *cli.Command {
flags := []cli.Flag{
flags = append(flags, configureProxyFlags(false)...)
return &cli.Command{
@ -622,7 +612,7 @@ func buildRunCommand() *cli.Command {
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(runCommand),
Usage: "Proxy a local web server by running the given tunnel",
UsageText: "cloudflared tunnel [tunnel command options] run [subcommand options] [TUNNEL]",
Description: `Runs the tunnel identified by name or UUID, creating highly available connections
Description: `Runs the tunnel identified by name or UUUD, creating highly available connections
between your server and the Cloudflare edge. You can provide name or UUID of tunnel to run either as the
last command line argument or in the configuration file using "tunnel: TUNNEL".
@ -724,59 +714,6 @@ func cleanupCommand(c *cli.Context) error {
return sc.cleanupConnections(tunnelIDs)
func buildTokenCommand() *cli.Command {
return &cli.Command{
Name: "token",
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(tokenCommand),
Usage: "Fetch the credentials token for an existing tunnel (by name or UUID) that allows to run it",
UsageText: "cloudflared tunnel [tunnel command options] token [subcommand options] TUNNEL",
Description: "cloudflared tunnel token will fetch the credentials token for a given tunnel (by its name or UUID), which is then used to run the tunnel. This command fails if the tunnel does not exist or has been deleted. Use the flag `cloudflared tunnel token --cred-file /my/path/file.json TUNNEL` to output the token to the credentials JSON file. Note: this command only works for Tunnels created since cloudflared version 2022.3.0",
Flags: []cli.Flag{credentialsFileFlagCLIOnly},
CustomHelpTemplate: commandHelpTemplate(),
func tokenCommand(c *cli.Context) error {
sc, err := newSubcommandContext(c)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error setting up logger")
warningChecker := updater.StartWarningCheck(c)
defer warningChecker.LogWarningIfAny(sc.log)
if c.NArg() != 1 {
return cliutil.UsageError(`"cloudflared tunnel token" requires exactly 1 argument, the name or UUID of tunnel to fetch the credentials token for.`)
tunnelID, err := sc.findID(c.Args().First())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error parsing tunnel ID")
token, err := sc.getTunnelTokenCredentials(tunnelID)
if err != nil {
return err
if path := c.String(CredFileFlag); path != "" {
credentials := token.Credentials()
err := writeTunnelCredentials(path, &credentials)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error writing token credentials to JSON file in path %s", path)
return nil
encodedToken, err := token.Encode()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func buildRouteCommand() *cli.Command {
return &cli.Command{
Name: "route",
@ -811,7 +748,7 @@ Further information about managing Cloudflare WARP traffic to your tunnel is ava
Name: "lb",
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(routeLbCommand),
Usage: "Use this tunnel as a load balancer origin, creating pool and load balancer if necessary",
UsageText: "cloudflared tunnel route lb [TUNNEL] [HOSTNAME] [LB-POOL-NAME]",
UsageText: "cloudflared tunnel route dns [TUNNEL] [HOSTNAME] [LB-POOL]",
Description: `Creates Load Balancer with an origin pool that points to the tunnel.`,
@ -931,7 +868,7 @@ func commandHelpTemplate() string {
for _, f := range configureCloudflaredFlags(false) {
parentFlagsHelp += fmt.Sprintf(" %s\n\t", f)
for _, f := range cliutil.ConfigureLoggingFlags(false) {
for _, f := range configureLoggingFlags(false) {
parentFlagsHelp += fmt.Sprintf(" %s\n\t", f)
const template = `NAME:

View File

@ -4,23 +4,23 @@ import (
tunnelpogs ""
// Restrict key names to characters allowed in an HTTP header name.
// Restrict key values to printable characters (what is recognised as data in an HTTP header value).
var tagRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^([a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+\\-.^_`|~]+)=([[:print:]]+)$")
func NewTagFromCLI(compoundTag string) (pogs.Tag, bool) {
func NewTagFromCLI(compoundTag string) (tunnelpogs.Tag, bool) {
matches := tagRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(compoundTag)
if len(matches) == 0 {
return pogs.Tag{}, false
return tunnelpogs.Tag{}, false
return pogs.Tag{Name: matches[1], Value: matches[2]}, true
return tunnelpogs.Tag{Name: matches[1], Value: matches[2]}, true
func NewTagSliceFromCLI(tags []string) ([]pogs.Tag, error) {
var tagSlice []pogs.Tag
func NewTagSliceFromCLI(tags []string) ([]tunnelpogs.Tag, error) {
var tagSlice []tunnelpogs.Tag
for _, compoundTag := range tags {
if tag, ok := NewTagFromCLI(compoundTag); ok {
tagSlice = append(tagSlice, tag)

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package tunnel
import (
tunnelpogs ""
@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ import (
func TestSingleTag(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
Input string
Output pogs.Tag
Output tunnelpogs.Tag
Fail bool
{Input: "x=y", Output: pogs.Tag{Name: "x", Value: "y"}},
{Input: "More-Complex=Tag Values", Output: pogs.Tag{Name: "More-Complex", Value: "Tag Values"}},
{Input: "First=Equals=Wins", Output: pogs.Tag{Name: "First", Value: "Equals=Wins"}},
{Input: "x=y", Output: tunnelpogs.Tag{Name: "x", Value: "y"}},
{Input: "More-Complex=Tag Values", Output: tunnelpogs.Tag{Name: "More-Complex", Value: "Tag Values"}},
{Input: "First=Equals=Wins", Output: tunnelpogs.Tag{Name: "First", Value: "Equals=Wins"}},
{Input: "x=", Fail: true},
{Input: "=y", Fail: true},
{Input: "=", Fail: true},

View File

@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ var (
Aliases: []string{"vn"},
Usage: "The ID or name of the virtual network to which the route is associated to.",
routeAddError = errors.New("You must supply exactly one argument, the ID or CIDR of the route you want to delete")
func buildRouteIPSubcommand() *cli.Command {
@ -70,9 +68,11 @@ which virtual network's routing table you want to add the route to with:
Name: "delete",
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(deleteRouteCommand),
Usage: "Delete a row from your organization's private routing table",
UsageText: "cloudflared tunnel [--config FILEPATH] route ip delete [flags] [Route ID or CIDR]",
Description: `Deletes the row for the given route ID from your routing table. That portion of your network
will no longer be reachable.`,
UsageText: "cloudflared tunnel [--config FILEPATH] route ip delete [flags] [CIDR]",
Description: `Deletes the row for a given CIDR from your routing table. That portion of your network
will no longer be reachable by the WARP clients. Note that if you use virtual
networks, then you have to tell which virtual network whose routing table you
have a row deleted from.`,
Flags: []cli.Flag{vnetFlag},
@ -187,36 +187,33 @@ func deleteRouteCommand(c *cli.Context) error {
if c.NArg() != 1 {
return routeAddError
return errors.New("You must supply exactly one argument, the network whose route you want to delete (in CIDR form e.g.")
var routeId uuid.UUID
routeId, err = uuid.Parse(c.Args().First())
_, network, err := net.ParseCIDR(c.Args().First())
if err != nil {
_, network, err := net.ParseCIDR(c.Args().First())
if err != nil || network == nil {
return routeAddError
return errors.Wrap(err, "Invalid network CIDR")
if network == nil {
return errors.New("Invalid network CIDR")
var vnetId *uuid.UUID
if c.IsSet(vnetFlag.Name) {
id, err := getVnetId(sc, c.String(vnetFlag.Name))
if err != nil {
return err
vnetId = &id
params := cfapi.DeleteRouteParams{
Network: *network,
routeId, err = sc.getRouteId(*network, vnetId)
if c.IsSet(vnetFlag.Name) {
vnetId, err := getVnetId(sc, c.String(vnetFlag.Name))
if err != nil {
return err
params.VNetID = &vnetId
if err := sc.deleteRoute(routeId); err != nil {
if err := sc.deleteRoute(params); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "API error")
fmt.Printf("Successfully deleted route with ID %s\n", routeId)
fmt.Printf("Successfully deleted route for %s\n", network)
return nil
@ -272,7 +269,7 @@ func formatAndPrintRouteList(routes []*cfapi.DetailedRoute) {
defer writer.Flush()
// Print column headers with tabbed columns
// Loop through routes, create formatted string for each, and print using tabwriter
for _, route := range routes {

View File

@ -33,12 +33,6 @@ var (
Aliases: []string{"c"},
Usage: "A new comment describing the purpose of the virtual network.",
vnetForceDeleteFlag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "force",
Aliases: []string{"f"},
Usage: "Force the deletion of the virtual network even if it is being relied upon by other resources. Those" +
"resources will either be deleted (e.g. IP Routes) or moved to the current default virutal network.",
func buildVirtualNetworkSubcommand(hidden bool) *cli.Command {
@ -88,7 +82,6 @@ be the current default.`,
UsageText: "cloudflared tunnel [--config FILEPATH] network delete VIRTUAL_NETWORK",
Description: `Deletes the virtual network (given its ID or name). This is only possible if that virtual network is unused.
A virtual network may be used by IP routes or by WARP devices.`,
Flags: []cli.Flag{vnetForceDeleteFlag},
Hidden: hidden,
@ -195,7 +188,7 @@ func deleteVirtualNetworkCommand(c *cli.Context) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if c.NArg() < 1 {
if c.NArg() != 1 {
return errors.New("You must supply exactly one argument, either the ID or name of the virtual network to delete")
@ -205,12 +198,7 @@ func deleteVirtualNetworkCommand(c *cli.Context) error {
return err
forceDelete := false
if c.IsSet(vnetForceDeleteFlag.Name) {
forceDelete = c.Bool(vnetForceDeleteFlag.Name)
if err := sc.deleteVirtualNetwork(vnetId, forceDelete); err != nil {
if err := sc.deleteVirtualNetwork(vnetId); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "API error")
fmt.Printf("Successfully deleted virtual network '%s'\n", input)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
package ui
import (
type connState struct {
location string
type uiModel struct {
version string
edgeURL string
metricsURL string
localServices []string
connections []connState
type palette struct {
url string
connected string
defaultText string
disconnected string
reconnecting string
unregistered string
func NewUIModel(version, hostname, metricsURL string, ing *ingress.Ingress, haConnections int) *uiModel {
localServices := make([]string, len(ing.Rules))
for i, rule := range ing.Rules {
localServices[i] = rule.Service.String()
return &uiModel{
version: version,
edgeURL: hostname,
metricsURL: metricsURL,
localServices: localServices,
connections: make([]connState, haConnections),
func (data *uiModel) Launch(
ctx context.Context,
log, transportLog *zerolog.Logger,
) connection.EventSink {
// Configure the logger to stream logs into the textview
// Add TextView as a group to write output to
logTextView := NewDynamicColorTextView()
// TODO: Format log for UI
//log.Add(logTextView, logger.NewUIFormatter(time.RFC3339), logLevels...)
//transportLog.Add(logTextView, logger.NewUIFormatter(time.RFC3339), logLevels...)
// Construct the UI
palette := palette{
url: "lightblue",
connected: "lime",
defaultText: "white",
disconnected: "red",
reconnecting: "orange",
unregistered: "orange",
app := tview.NewApplication()
grid := tview.NewGrid().SetGap(1, 0)
frame := tview.NewFrame(grid)
header := fmt.Sprintf("cloudflared [::b]%s", data.version)
frame.AddText(header, true, tview.AlignLeft, tcell.ColorWhite)
// Create table to store connection info and status
connTable := tview.NewTable()
// SetColumns takes a value for each column, representing the size of the column
// Numbers <= 0 represent proportional widths and positive numbers represent absolute widths
grid.SetColumns(20, 0)
// SetRows takes a value for each row, representing the size of the row
grid.SetRows(1, 1, len(data.connections), 1, 0)
// AddItem takes a primitive tview type, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan, minGridHeight, minGridWidth, and focus
grid.AddItem(tview.NewTextView().SetText("Tunnel:"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, false)
grid.AddItem(tview.NewTextView().SetText("Status:"), 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, false)
grid.AddItem(tview.NewTextView().SetText("Connections:"), 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, false)
grid.AddItem(tview.NewTextView().SetText("Metrics:"), 3, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, false)
tunnelHostText := tview.NewTextView().SetText(data.edgeURL)
grid.AddItem(tunnelHostText, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, false)
status := fmt.Sprintf("[%s]\u2022[%s] Proxying to [%s::b]%s", palette.connected, palette.defaultText, palette.url, strings.Join(data.localServices, ", "))
grid.AddItem(NewDynamicColorTextView().SetText(status), 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, false)
grid.AddItem(connTable, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, false)
grid.AddItem(NewDynamicColorTextView().SetText(fmt.Sprintf("Metrics at [%s::b]http://%s/metrics", palette.url, data.metricsURL)), 3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, false)
// Add TextView to stream logs
// Logs are displayed in a new grid so a border can be set around them
logGrid := tview.NewGrid().SetBorders(true).AddItem(logTextView.SetChangedFunc(handleNewText(app, logTextView)), 0, 0, 5, 2, 0, 0, false)
// LogFrame holds the Logs header as well as the grid with the textView for streamed logs
logFrame := tview.NewFrame(logGrid).AddText("[::b]Logs:[::-]", true, tview.AlignLeft, tcell.ColorWhite).SetBorders(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
// Footer for log frame
logFrame.AddText("[::d]Use Ctrl+C to exit[::-]", false, tview.AlignRight, tcell.ColorWhite)
grid.AddItem(logFrame, 4, 0, 5, 2, 0, 0, false)
go func() {
go func() {
if err := app.SetRoot(frame, true).Run(); err != nil {
log.Error().Msgf("Error launching UI: %s", err)
return connection.EventSinkFunc(func(event connection.Event) {
switch event.EventType {
case connection.Connected:
data.setConnTableCell(event, connTable, palette)
case connection.Disconnected, connection.Reconnecting, connection.Unregistering:
data.changeConnStatus(event, connTable, log, palette)
case connection.SetURL:
data.edgeURL = event.URL
case connection.RegisteringTunnel:
if data.edgeURL == "" {
tunnelHostText.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("Registering tunnel connection %d...", event.Index))
func NewDynamicColorTextView() *tview.TextView {
return tview.NewTextView().SetDynamicColors(true)
// Re-draws application when new logs are streamed to UI
func handleNewText(app *tview.Application, logTextView *tview.TextView) func() {
return func() {
// SetFocus to enable scrolling in textview
func (data *uiModel) changeConnStatus(event connection.Event, table *tview.Table, log *zerolog.Logger, palette palette) {
index := int(event.Index)
// Get connection location and state
connState := data.getConnState(index)
// Check if connection is already displayed in UI
if connState == nil {
log.Info().Msg("Connection is not in the UI table")
locationState := event.Location
if event.EventType == connection.Reconnecting {
locationState = "Reconnecting..."
connectionNum := index + 1
// Get table cell
cell := table.GetCell(index, 0)
// Change dot color in front of text as well as location state
text := newCellText(palette, connectionNum, locationState, event.EventType)
// Return connection location and row in UI table
func (data *uiModel) getConnState(connID int) *connState {
if connID < len(data.connections) {
return &data.connections[connID]
return nil
func (data *uiModel) setConnTableCell(event connection.Event, table *tview.Table, palette palette) {
index := int(event.Index)
connectionNum := index + 1
// Update slice to keep track of connection location and state in UI table
data.connections[index].location = event.Location
// Update text in table cell to show disconnected state
text := newCellText(palette, connectionNum, event.Location, event.EventType)
cell := tview.NewTableCell(text)
table.SetCell(index, 0, cell)
func newCellText(palette palette, connectionNum int, location string, connectedStatus connection.Status) string {
// HA connection indicator formatted as: "• #<CONNECTION_INDEX>: <COLO>",
// where the left middle dot's color depends on the status of the connection
const connFmtString = "[%s]\u2022[%s] #%d: %s"
var dotColor string
switch connectedStatus {
case connection.Connected:
dotColor = palette.connected
case connection.Disconnected:
dotColor = palette.disconnected
case connection.Reconnecting:
dotColor = palette.reconnecting
case connection.Unregistering:
dotColor = palette.unregistered
return fmt.Sprintf(connFmtString, dotColor, palette.defaultText, connectionNum, location)

View File

@ -6,15 +6,13 @@ import (
@ -32,7 +30,7 @@ const (
var (
buildInfo *cliutil.BuildInfo
version string
BuiltForPackageManager = ""
@ -82,8 +80,8 @@ func (uo *UpdateOutcome) noUpdate() bool {
return uo.Error == nil && uo.Updated == false
func Init(info *cliutil.BuildInfo) {
buildInfo = info
func Init(v string) {
version = v
func CheckForUpdate(options updateOptions) (CheckResult, error) {
@ -97,26 +95,12 @@ func CheckForUpdate(options updateOptions) (CheckResult, error) {
url = StagingUpdateURL
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
cfdPath = encodeWindowsPath(cfdPath)
s := NewWorkersService(buildInfo.CloudflaredVersion, url, cfdPath, Options{IsBeta: options.isBeta,
s := NewWorkersService(version, url, cfdPath, Options{IsBeta: options.isBeta,
IsForced: options.isForced, RequestedVersion: options.intendedVersion})
return s.Check()
func encodeWindowsPath(path string) string {
// We do this because Windows allows spaces in directories such as
// Program Files but does not allow these directories to be spaced in batch files.
targetPath := strings.Replace(path, "Program Files (x86)", "PROGRA~2", -1)
// This is to do the same in 32 bit systems. We do this second so that the first
// replace is for x86 dirs.
targetPath = strings.Replace(targetPath, "Program Files", "PROGRA~1", -1)
return targetPath
func applyUpdate(options updateOptions, update CheckResult) UpdateOutcome {
if update.Version() == "" || options.updateDisabled {
return UpdateOutcome{UserMessage: update.UserMessage()}
@ -198,9 +182,10 @@ func loggedUpdate(log *zerolog.Logger, options updateOptions) UpdateOutcome {
// AutoUpdater periodically checks for new version of cloudflared.
type AutoUpdater struct {
configurable *configurable
listeners *gracenet.Net
log *zerolog.Logger
configurable *configurable
listeners *gracenet.Net
updateConfigChan chan *configurable
log *zerolog.Logger
// AutoUpdaterConfigurable is the attributes of AutoUpdater that can be reconfigured during runtime
@ -211,9 +196,10 @@ type configurable struct {
func NewAutoUpdater(updateDisabled bool, freq time.Duration, listeners *gracenet.Net, log *zerolog.Logger) *AutoUpdater {
return &AutoUpdater{
configurable: createUpdateConfig(updateDisabled, freq, log),
listeners: listeners,
log: log,
configurable: createUpdateConfig(updateDisabled, freq, log),
listeners: listeners,
updateConfigChan: make(chan *configurable),
log: log,
@ -232,20 +218,12 @@ func createUpdateConfig(updateDisabled bool, freq time.Duration, log *zerolog.Lo
// Run will perodically check for cloudflared updates, download them, and then restart the current cloudflared process
// to use the new version. It delays the first update check by the configured frequency as to not attempt a
// download immediately and restart after starting (in the case that there is an upgrade available).
func (a *AutoUpdater) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
ticker := time.NewTicker(a.configurable.freq)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case <-ticker.C:
updateOutcome := loggedUpdate(a.log, updateOptions{updateDisabled: !a.configurable.enabled})
if updateOutcome.Updated {
buildInfo.CloudflaredVersion = updateOutcome.Version
if IsSysV() {
// SysV doesn't have a mechanism to keep service alive, we have to restart the process
a.log.Info().Msg("Restarting service managed by SysV...")
@ -262,9 +240,25 @@ func (a *AutoUpdater) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
} else if updateOutcome.UserMessage != "" {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case newConfigurable := <-a.updateConfigChan:
a.configurable = newConfigurable
ticker = time.NewTicker(a.configurable.freq)
// Check if there is new version of cloudflared after receiving new AutoUpdaterConfigurable
case <-ticker.C:
// Update is the method to pass new AutoUpdaterConfigurable to a running AutoUpdater. It is safe to be called concurrently
func (a *AutoUpdater) Update(updateDisabled bool, newFreq time.Duration) {
a.updateConfigChan <- createUpdateConfig(updateDisabled, newFreq, a.log)
func isAutoupdateEnabled(log *zerolog.Logger, updateDisabled bool, updateFreq time.Duration) bool {
if !supportAutoUpdate(log) {
return false
@ -296,7 +290,7 @@ func wasInstalledFromPackageManager() bool {
func isRunningFromTerminal() bool {
return term.IsTerminal(int(os.Stdout.Fd()))
return terminal.IsTerminal(int(os.Stdout.Fd()))
func IsSysV() bool {

View File

@ -9,14 +9,8 @@ import (
func init() {
Init(cliutil.GetBuildInfo("TEST", "TEST"))
func TestDisabledAutoUpdater(t *testing.T) {
listeners := &gracenet.Net{}
log := zerolog.Nop()

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package updater
import (
@ -57,9 +56,6 @@ func (s *WorkersService) Check() (CheckResult, error) {
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, s.url, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
q := req.URL.Query()
q.Add(OSKeyName, runtime.GOOS)
q.Add(ArchitectureKeyName, runtime.GOARCH)
@ -80,10 +76,6 @@ func (s *WorkersService) Check() (CheckResult, error) {
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to check for update: %d", resp.StatusCode)
var v VersionResponse
if err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&v); err != nil {
return nil, err

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
//go:build !windows
// +build !windows
package updater
@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ import (
@ -222,7 +224,7 @@ func TestUpdateService(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, v.Version(), mostRecentVersion)
require.NoError(t, v.Apply())
dat, err := os.ReadFile(testFilePath)
dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile(testFilePath)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, string(dat), mostRecentVersion)
@ -241,7 +243,7 @@ func TestBetaUpdateService(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, v.Version(), mostRecentBetaVersion)
require.NoError(t, v.Apply())
dat, err := os.ReadFile(testFilePath)
dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile(testFilePath)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, string(dat), mostRecentBetaVersion)
@ -287,7 +289,7 @@ func TestForcedUpdateService(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, v.Version(), mostRecentVersion)
require.NoError(t, v.Apply())
dat, err := os.ReadFile(testFilePath)
dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile(testFilePath)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, string(dat), mostRecentVersion)
@ -307,7 +309,7 @@ func TestUpdateSpecificVersionService(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, reqVersion, v.Version())
require.NoError(t, v.Apply())
dat, err := os.ReadFile(testFilePath)
dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile(testFilePath)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, reqVersion, string(dat))
@ -326,7 +328,7 @@ func TestCompressedUpdateService(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, "2020.09.02", v.Version())
require.NoError(t, v.Apply())
dat, err := os.ReadFile(testFilePath)
dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile(testFilePath)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "2020.09.02", string(dat))

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package updater
import (
@ -15,10 +16,6 @@ import (
const (
@ -28,13 +25,14 @@ const (
// rename to cloudflared.exe
// delete cloudflared.exe.old
// start the service
// exit with code 0 if we've reached this point indicating success.
windowsUpdateCommandTemplate = `sc stop cloudflared >nul 2>&1
del "{{.OldPath}}"
// delete the batch file
windowsUpdateCommandTemplate = `@echo off
sc stop cloudflared >nul 2>&1
rename "{{.TargetPath}}" {{.OldName}}
rename "{{.NewPath}}" {{.BinaryName}}
del "{{.OldPath}}"
sc start cloudflared >nul 2>&1
exit /b 0`
del {{.BatchName}}`
batchFileName = "cfd_update.bat"
@ -89,25 +87,8 @@ func (v *WorkersVersion) Apply() error {
return err
downloadSum, err := cliutil.FileChecksum(newFilePath)
if err != nil {
return err
// Check that the file downloaded matches what is expected.
if v.checksum != downloadSum {
return errors.New("checksum validation failed")
// Check if the currently running version has the same checksum
if downloadSum == buildInfo.Checksum {
// Currently running binary matches the downloaded binary so we have no reason to update. This is
// typically unexpected, as such we emit a sentry event.
localHub := sentry.CurrentHub().Clone()
err := errors.New("checksum validation matches currently running process")
// Make sure to cleanup the new downloaded file since we aren't upgrading versions.
// check that the file is what is expected
if err := isValidChecksum(v.checksum, newFilePath); err != nil {
return err
@ -209,12 +190,32 @@ func isCompressedFile(urlstring string) bool {
return strings.HasSuffix(u.Path, ".tgz")
// checks if the checksum in the json response matches the checksum of the file download
func isValidChecksum(checksum, filePath string) error {
f, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
h := sha256.New()
if _, err := io.Copy(h, f); err != nil {
return err
hash := fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil))
if checksum != hash {
return errors.New("checksum validation failed")
return nil
// writeBatchFile writes a batch file out to disk
// see the dicussion on why it has to be done this way
func writeBatchFile(targetPath string, newPath string, oldPath string) error {
batchFilePath := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(targetPath), batchFileName)
os.Remove(batchFilePath) //remove any failed updates before download
f, err := os.Create(batchFilePath)
os.Remove(batchFileName) //remove any failed updates before download
f, err := os.Create(batchFileName)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -240,16 +241,6 @@ func writeBatchFile(targetPath string, newPath string, oldPath string) error {
// run each OS command for windows
func runWindowsBatch(batchFile string) error {
defer os.Remove(batchFile)
cmd := exec.Command("cmd", "/C", batchFile)
_, err := cmd.Output()
// Remove the batch file we created. Don't let this interfere with the error
// we report.
if err != nil {
if exitError, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Error during update : %s;", string(exitError.Stderr))
return err
cmd := exec.Command("cmd", "/c", batchFile)
return cmd.Start()

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
//go:build windows
// +build windows
package main
@ -25,8 +26,8 @@ import (
const (
windowsServiceName = "Cloudflared"
windowsServiceDescription = "Cloudflared agent"
windowsServiceUrl = ""
windowsServiceDescription = "Cloudflare Tunnel agent"
windowsServiceUrl = ""
recoverActionDelay = time.Second * 20
failureCountResetPeriod = time.Hour * 24
@ -45,16 +46,16 @@ const (
func runApp(app *cli.App, graceShutdownC chan struct{}) {
app.Commands = append(app.Commands, &cli.Command{
Name: "service",
Usage: "Manages the cloudflared Windows service",
Usage: "Manages the Cloudflare Tunnel Windows service",
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
Name: "install",
Usage: "Install cloudflared as a Windows service",
Usage: "Install Cloudflare Tunnel as a Windows service",
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(installWindowsService),
Name: "uninstall",
Usage: "Uninstall the cloudflared service",
Usage: "Uninstall the Cloudflare Tunnel service",
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(uninstallWindowsService),
@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ func (s *windowsService) Execute(serviceArgs []string, r <-chan svc.ChangeReques
func installWindowsService(c *cli.Context) error {
zeroLogger := logger.CreateLoggerFromContext(c, logger.EnableTerminalLog)
zeroLogger.Info().Msg("Installing cloudflared Windows service")
zeroLogger.Info().Msg("Installing Cloudflare Tunnel Windows service")
exepath, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot find path name that start the process")
@ -190,7 +191,7 @@ func installWindowsService(c *cli.Context) error {
log := zeroLogger.With().Str(LogFieldWindowsServiceName, windowsServiceName).Logger()
if err == nil {
return fmt.Errorf(serviceAlreadyExistsWarn(windowsServiceName))
return fmt.Errorf("Service %s already exists", windowsServiceName)
extraArgs, err := getServiceExtraArgsFromCliArgs(c, &log)
if err != nil {
@ -205,24 +206,18 @@ func installWindowsService(c *cli.Context) error {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot install service")
defer s.Close()
log.Info().Msg("cloudflared agent service is installed")
log.Info().Msg("Cloudflare Tunnel agent service is installed")
err = eventlog.InstallAsEventCreate(windowsServiceName, eventlog.Error|eventlog.Warning|eventlog.Info)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot install event logger")
err = configRecoveryOption(s.Handle)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Cannot set service recovery actions")
log.Info().Msgf("See %s to manually configure service recovery actions", windowsServiceUrl)
err = s.Start()
if err == nil {
log.Info().Msg("Agent service for cloudflared installed successfully")
return err
return nil
func uninstallWindowsService(c *cli.Context) error {
@ -230,7 +225,7 @@ func uninstallWindowsService(c *cli.Context) error {
Str(LogFieldWindowsServiceName, windowsServiceName).Logger()
log.Info().Msg("Uninstalling cloudflared agent service")
log.Info().Msg("Uninstalling Cloudflare Tunnel Windows Service")
m, err := mgr.Connect()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot establish a connection to the service control manager")
@ -238,22 +233,14 @@ func uninstallWindowsService(c *cli.Context) error {
defer m.Disconnect()
s, err := m.OpenService(windowsServiceName)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Agent service %s is not installed, so it could not be uninstalled", windowsServiceName)
return fmt.Errorf("Service %s is not installed", windowsServiceName)
defer s.Close()
if status, err := s.Query(); err == nil && status.State == svc.Running {
log.Info().Msg("Stopping cloudflared agent service")
if _, err := s.Control(svc.Stop); err != nil {
log.Info().Err(err).Msg("Failed to stop cloudflared agent service, you may need to stop it manually to complete uninstall.")
err = s.Delete()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot delete agent service")
return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot delete service")
log.Info().Msg("Agent service for cloudflared was uninstalled successfully")
log.Info().Msg("Cloudflare Tunnel agent service is uninstalled")
err = eventlog.Remove(windowsServiceName)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot remove event logger")

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
cloudflared_binary: "cloudflared"
tunnel: "3d539f97-cd3a-4d8e-c33b-65e9099c7a8d"
credentials_file: "/Users/tunnel/.cloudflared/3d539f97-cd3a-4d8e-c33b-65e9099c7a8d.json"
classic_hostname: ""
origincert: "/Users/tunnel/.cloudflared/cert.pem"
- hostname:

View File

@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
import json
import subprocess
from time import sleep
from constants import MANAGEMENT_HOST_NAME
from setup import get_config_from_file
from util import get_tunnel_connector_id
class CloudflaredCli:
def __init__(self, config, config_path, logger):
self.basecmd = [config.cloudflared_binary, "tunnel"]
if config_path is not None:
self.basecmd += ["--config", str(config_path)]
origincert = get_config_from_file()["origincert"]
if origincert:
self.basecmd += ["--origincert", origincert]
self.logger = logger
def _run_command(self, subcmd, subcmd_name, needs_to_pass=True):
cmd = self.basecmd + subcmd
# timeout limits the time a subprocess can run. This is useful to guard against running a tunnel when
# command/args are in wrong order.
result = run_subprocess(cmd, subcmd_name, self.logger, check=needs_to_pass, capture_output=True, timeout=15)
return result
def list_tunnels(self):
cmd_args = ["list", "--output", "json"]
listed = self._run_command(cmd_args, "list")
return json.loads(listed.stdout)
def get_management_token(self, config, config_path):
basecmd = [config.cloudflared_binary]
if config_path is not None:
basecmd += ["--config", str(config_path)]
origincert = get_config_from_file()["origincert"]
if origincert:
basecmd += ["--origincert", origincert]
cmd_args = ["tail", "token", config.get_tunnel_id()]
cmd = basecmd + cmd_args
result = run_subprocess(cmd, "token", self.logger, check=True, capture_output=True, timeout=15)
return json.loads(result.stdout.decode("utf-8").strip())["token"]
def get_management_url(self, path, config, config_path):
access_jwt = self.get_management_token(config, config_path)
connector_id = get_tunnel_connector_id()
return f"https://{MANAGEMENT_HOST_NAME}/{path}?connector_id={connector_id}&access_token={access_jwt}"
def get_management_wsurl(self, path, config, config_path):
access_jwt = self.get_management_token(config, config_path)
connector_id = get_tunnel_connector_id()
return f"wss://{MANAGEMENT_HOST_NAME}/{path}?connector_id={connector_id}&access_token={access_jwt}"
def get_connector_id(self, config):
op = self.get_tunnel_info(config.get_tunnel_id())
connectors = []
for conn in op["conns"]:
return connectors
def get_tunnel_info(self, tunnel_id):
info = self._run_command(["info", "--output", "json", tunnel_id], "info")
return json.loads(info.stdout)
def __enter__(self):
self.basecmd += ["run"]
self.process = subprocess.Popen(self.basecmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)"Run cmd {self.basecmd}")
return self.process
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
terminate_gracefully(self.process, self.logger, self.basecmd)
self.logger.debug(f"{self.basecmd} logs: {}")
def terminate_gracefully(process, logger, cmd):
process_terminated = wait_for_terminate(process)
if not process_terminated:
logger.warning(f"{cmd}: cloudflared did not terminate within wait period. Killing process. logs: \
stdout: {}, stderr: {}")
def wait_for_terminate(opened_subprocess, attempts=10, poll_interval=1):
wait_for_terminate polls the opened_subprocess every x seconds for a given number of attempts.
It returns true if the subprocess was terminated and false if it didn't.
for _ in range(attempts):
if _is_process_stopped(opened_subprocess):
return True
return False
def _is_process_stopped(process):
return process.poll() is not None
def cert_path():
return get_config_from_file()["origincert"]
class SubprocessError(Exception):
def __init__(self, program, exit_code, cause):
self.program = program
self.exit_code = exit_code
self.cause = cause
def run_subprocess(cmd, cmd_name, logger, timeout=SINGLE_CASE_TIMEOUT, **kargs):
kargs["timeout"] = timeout
result =, **kargs)
logger.debug(f"{cmd} log: {result.stdout}", extra={"cmd": cmd_name})
return result
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
err = f"{cmd} return exit code {e.returncode}, stderr" + e.stderr.decode("utf-8")
logger.error(err, extra={"cmd": cmd_name, "return_code": e.returncode})
raise SubprocessError(cmd[0], e.returncode, e)
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
err = f"{cmd} timeout after {e.timeout} seconds, stdout: {e.stdout}, stderr: {e.stderr}"
logger.error(err, extra={"cmd": cmd_name, "return_code": "timeout"})
raise e

View File

@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ class NamedTunnelBaseConfig(BaseConfig):
tunnel: str = None
credentials_file: str = None
ingress: list = None
hostname: str = None
def __post_init__(self):
if self.tunnel is None:
@ -42,10 +41,8 @@ class NamedTunnelBaseConfig(BaseConfig):
def merge_config(self, additional):
config = super(NamedTunnelBaseConfig, self).merge_config(additional)
if 'tunnel' not in config:
config['tunnel'] = self.tunnel
if 'credentials-file' not in config:
config['credentials-file'] = self.credentials_file
config['tunnel'] = self.tunnel
config['credentials-file'] = self.credentials_file
# In some cases we want to override default ingress, such as in config tests
if 'ingress' not in config:
config['ingress'] = self.ingress
@ -64,7 +61,7 @@ class NamedTunnelConfig(NamedTunnelBaseConfig):
def get_url(self):
return "https://" + self.hostname
return "https://" + self.ingress[0]['hostname']
def base_config(self):
config = self.full_config.copy()
@ -75,21 +72,35 @@ class NamedTunnelConfig(NamedTunnelBaseConfig):
return config
def get_tunnel_id(self):
return self.full_config["tunnel"]
def get_token(self):
creds = self.get_credentials_json()
token_dict = {"a": creds["AccountTag"], "t": creds["TunnelID"], "s": creds["TunnelSecret"]}
token_json_str = json.dumps(token_dict)
return base64.b64encode(token_json_str.encode('utf-8'))
def get_credentials_json(self):
with open(self.credentials_file) as json_file:
return json.load(json_file)
creds = json.load(json_file)
token_dict = {"a": creds["AccountTag"], "t": creds["TunnelID"], "s": creds["TunnelSecret"]}
token_json_str = json.dumps(token_dict)
return base64.b64encode(token_json_str.encode('utf-8'))
class QuickTunnelConfig(BaseConfig):
class ClassicTunnelBaseConfig(BaseConfig):
hostname: str = None
origincert: str = None
def __post_init__(self):
if self.hostname is None:
raise TypeError("Field tunnel is not set")
if self.origincert is None:
raise TypeError("Field credentials_file is not set")
def merge_config(self, additional):
config = super(ClassicTunnelBaseConfig, self).merge_config(additional)
config['hostname'] = self.hostname
config['origincert'] = self.origincert
return config
class ClassicTunnelConfig(ClassicTunnelBaseConfig):
full_config: dict = None
additional_config: InitVar[dict] = {}
@ -99,6 +110,10 @@ class QuickTunnelConfig(BaseConfig):
object.__setattr__(self, 'full_config',
def get_url(self):
return "https://" + self.hostname
class ProxyDnsConfig(BaseConfig):
full_config = {

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
cloudflared_binary: "cloudflared"
tunnel: "ae21a96c-24d1-4ce8-a6ba-962cba5976d3"
credentials_file: "/Users/sudarsan/.cloudflared/ae21a96c-24d1-4ce8-a6ba-962cba5976d3.json"
origincert: "/Users/sudarsan/.cloudflared/cert.pem"
- hostname:
service: hello_world
- service: http_status:404

View File

@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ from time import sleep
import pytest
import yaml
from config import NamedTunnelConfig, ProxyDnsConfig, QuickTunnelConfig
from config import NamedTunnelConfig, ClassicTunnelConfig, ProxyDnsConfig
from constants import BACKOFF_SECS, PROXY_DNS_PORT
from util import LOGGER
class CfdModes(Enum):
NAMED = auto()
QUICK = auto()
CLASSIC = auto()
PROXY_DNS = auto()
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def component_tests_config():
config = yaml.safe_load(stream)"component tests base config {config}")
def _component_tests_config(additional_config={}, cfd_mode=CfdModes.NAMED, run_proxy_dns=True, provide_ingress=True):
def _component_tests_config(additional_config={}, cfd_mode=CfdModes.NAMED, run_proxy_dns=True):
if run_proxy_dns:
# Regression test for TUN-4177, running with proxy-dns should not prevent tunnels from running.
# So we run all tests with it.
@ -36,25 +36,18 @@ def component_tests_config():
additional_config.pop("proxy-dns", None)
additional_config.pop("proxy-dns-port", None)
# Allows the ingress rules to be omitted from the provided config
ingress = []
if provide_ingress:
ingress = config['ingress']
# Provide the hostname to allow routing to the tunnel even if the ingress rule isn't defined in the config
hostname = config['ingress'][0]['hostname']
if cfd_mode is CfdModes.NAMED:
return NamedTunnelConfig(additional_config=additional_config,
elif cfd_mode is CfdModes.CLASSIC:
return ClassicTunnelConfig(
additional_config=additional_config, cloudflared_binary=config['cloudflared_binary'],
hostname=config['classic_hostname'], origincert=config['origincert'])
elif cfd_mode is CfdModes.PROXY_DNS:
return ProxyDnsConfig(cloudflared_binary=config['cloudflared_binary'])
elif cfd_mode is CfdModes.QUICK:
return QuickTunnelConfig(additional_config=additional_config, cloudflared_binary=config['cloudflared_binary'])
raise Exception(f"Unknown cloudflared mode {cfd_mode}")

View File

@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
def protocols():
return ["http2", "quic"]
return ["h2mux", "http2", "quic"]

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@

View File

@ -74,13 +74,19 @@ def delete_tunnel(config):
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=MAX_RETRIES, wait_fixed=BACKOFF_SECS * 1000)
def create_dns(config, hostname, type, content):
cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare(debug=False, token=get_env("DNS_API_TOKEN"))
cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare(debug=True, token=get_env("DNS_API_TOKEN"))
data={'name': hostname, 'type': type, 'content': content, 'proxied': True}
def create_classic_dns(config, random_uuid):
classic_hostname = "classic-" + random_uuid + "." + config["zone_domain"]
create_dns(config, classic_hostname, "AAAA", "fd10:aec2:5dae::")
return classic_hostname
def create_named_dns(config, random_uuid):
hostname = "named-" + random_uuid + "." + config["zone_domain"]
create_dns(config, hostname, "CNAME", config["tunnel"] + "")
@ -89,7 +95,7 @@ def create_named_dns(config, random_uuid):
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=MAX_RETRIES, wait_fixed=BACKOFF_SECS * 1000)
def delete_dns(config, hostname):
cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare(debug=False, token=get_env("DNS_API_TOKEN"))
cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare(debug=True, token=get_env("DNS_API_TOKEN"))
zone_tag = config["zone_tag"]
dns_records = cf.zones.dns_records.get(zone_tag, params={'name': hostname})
if len(dns_records) > 0:
@ -113,6 +119,7 @@ def create():
Creates the necessary resources for the components test to run.
- Creates a named tunnel with a random name.
- Creates a random CNAME DNS entry for that tunnel.
- Creates a random AAAA DNS entry for a classic tunnel.
Those created resources are added to the config (obtained from an environment variable).
The resulting configuration is persisted for the tests to use.
@ -122,6 +129,7 @@ def create():
random_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
config["tunnel"] = create_tunnel(config, origincert_path, random_uuid)
config["classic_hostname"] = create_classic_dns(config, random_uuid)
config["ingress"] = [
"hostname": create_named_dns(config, random_uuid),
@ -142,6 +150,7 @@ def cleanup():
config = get_config_from_file()
delete_dns(config, config["classic_hostname"])
delete_dns(config, config["ingress"][0]["hostname"])

View File

@ -36,17 +36,17 @@ class TestConfig:
_ = start_cloudflared(tmp_path, config, validate_args)
self.match_rule(tmp_path, config,
"", 0)
"", 1)
self.match_rule(tmp_path, config,
"", 0)
"", 1)
self.match_rule(tmp_path, config,
"", 1)
"", 2)
self.match_rule(tmp_path, config,
"", 2)
"", 3)
self.match_rule(tmp_path, config,
"", 3)
"", 4)
self.match_rule(tmp_path, config,
"", 4)
"", 5)
# This is used to check that the command tunnel ingress url <url> matches rule number <rule_num>. Note that rule number uses 1-based indexing

View File

@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
import ipaddress
import socket
import pytest
from constants import protocols
from cli import CloudflaredCli
from util import get_tunnel_connector_id, LOGGER, wait_tunnel_ready, write_config
class TestEdgeDiscovery:
def _extra_config(self, protocol, edge_ip_version):
config = {
"protocol": protocol,
if edge_ip_version:
config["edge-ip-version"] = edge_ip_version
return config
@pytest.mark.parametrize("protocol", protocols())
def test_default_only(self, tmp_path, component_tests_config, protocol):
This test runs a tunnel to connect via IPv4-only edge addresses (default is unset "--edge-ip-version 4")
if self.has_ipv6_only():
pytest.skip("Host has IPv6 only support and current default is IPv4 only")
tmp_path, component_tests_config, protocol, None, self.expect_ipv4_address)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("protocol", protocols())
def test_ipv4_only(self, tmp_path, component_tests_config, protocol):
This test runs a tunnel to connect via IPv4-only edge addresses
if self.has_ipv6_only():
pytest.skip("Host has IPv6 only support")
tmp_path, component_tests_config, protocol, "4", self.expect_ipv4_address)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("protocol", protocols())
def test_ipv6_only(self, tmp_path, component_tests_config, protocol):
This test runs a tunnel to connect via IPv6-only edge addresses
if self.has_ipv4_only():
pytest.skip("Host has IPv4 only support")
tmp_path, component_tests_config, protocol, "6", self.expect_ipv6_address)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("protocol", protocols())
def test_auto_ip64(self, tmp_path, component_tests_config, protocol):
This test runs a tunnel to connect via auto with a preference of IPv6 then IPv4 addresses for a dual stack host
This test also assumes that the host has IPv6 preference.
if not self.has_dual_stack(address_family_preference=socket.AddressFamily.AF_INET6):
pytest.skip("Host does not support dual stack with IPv6 preference")
tmp_path, component_tests_config, protocol, "auto", self.expect_ipv6_address)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("protocol", protocols())
def test_auto_ip46(self, tmp_path, component_tests_config, protocol):
This test runs a tunnel to connect via auto with a preference of IPv4 then IPv6 addresses for a dual stack host
This test also assumes that the host has IPv4 preference.
if not self.has_dual_stack(address_family_preference=socket.AddressFamily.AF_INET):
pytest.skip("Host does not support dual stack with IPv4 preference")
tmp_path, component_tests_config, protocol, "auto", self.expect_ipv4_address)
def expect_address_connections(self, tmp_path, component_tests_config, protocol, edge_ip_version, assert_address_type):
config = component_tests_config(
self._extra_config(protocol, edge_ip_version))
config_path = write_config(tmp_path, config.full_config)
with CloudflaredCli(config, config_path, LOGGER):
cfd_cli = CloudflaredCli(config, config_path, LOGGER)
tunnel_id = config.get_tunnel_id()
info = cfd_cli.get_tunnel_info(tunnel_id)
connector_id = get_tunnel_connector_id()
connector = next(
(c for c in info["conns"] if c["id"] == connector_id), None)
assert connector, f"Expected connection info from get tunnel info for the connected instance: {info}"
conns = connector["conns"]
assert conns == None or len(
conns) == 4, f"There should be 4 connections registered: {conns}"
for conn in conns:
origin_ip = conn["origin_ip"]
assert origin_ip, f"No available origin_ip for this connection: {conn}"
def expect_ipv4_address(self, address):
assert type(ipaddress.ip_address(
address)) is ipaddress.IPv4Address, f"Expected connection from origin to be a valid IPv4 address: {address}"
def expect_ipv6_address(self, address):
assert type(ipaddress.ip_address(
address)) is ipaddress.IPv6Address, f"Expected connection from origin to be a valid IPv6 address: {address}"
def get_addresses(self):
Returns a list of addresses for the host.
host_addresses = socket.getaddrinfo(
"", 7844, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
assert len(
host_addresses) > 0, "No addresses returned from getaddrinfo"
return host_addresses
def has_dual_stack(self, address_family_preference=None):
Returns true if the host has dual stack support and can optionally check
the provided IP family preference.
dual_stack = not self.has_ipv6_only() and not self.has_ipv4_only()
if address_family_preference:
address = self.get_addresses()[0]
return dual_stack and address[0] == address_family_preference
return dual_stack
def has_ipv6_only(self):
Returns True if the host has only IPv6 address support.
return self.attempt_connection(socket.AddressFamily.AF_INET6) and not self.attempt_connection(socket.AddressFamily.AF_INET)
def has_ipv4_only(self):
Returns True if the host has only IPv4 address support.
return self.attempt_connection(socket.AddressFamily.AF_INET) and not self.attempt_connection(socket.AddressFamily.AF_INET6)
def attempt_connection(self, address_family):
Returns True if a successful socket connection can be made to the
remote host with the provided address family to validate host support
for the provided address family.
address = None
for a in self.get_addresses():
if a[0] == address_family:
address = a
if address is None:
# Couldn't even lookup the address family so we can't connect
return False
af, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr = address
s = None
s = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto)
except OSError:
return False
except OSError:
return False
return True

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@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
import json
import os
from constants import MAX_LOG_LINES
from util import start_cloudflared, wait_tunnel_ready, send_requests
# Rolling logger rotate log files after 1 MB
@ -12,24 +11,14 @@ expect_message = "Starting Hello"
def assert_log_to_terminal(cloudflared):
for _ in range(0, MAX_LOG_LINES):
line = cloudflared.stderr.readline()
if not line:
if expect_message.encode() in line:
raise Exception(f"terminal log doesn't contain {expect_message}")
stderr =
assert expect_message.encode() in stderr, f"{stderr} doesn't contain {expect_message}"
def assert_log_in_file(file):
with open(file, "r") as f:
for _ in range(0, MAX_LOG_LINES):
line = f.readline()
if not line:
if expect_message in line:
raise Exception(f"log file doesn't contain {expect_message}")
log =
assert expect_message in log, f"{log} doesn't contain {expect_message}"
def assert_json_log(file):
@ -74,7 +63,7 @@ def assert_log_to_dir(config, log_dir):
class TestLogging:
def test_logging_to_terminal(self, tmp_path, component_tests_config):
config = component_tests_config()
with start_cloudflared(tmp_path, config, cfd_pre_args=["tunnel", "--ha-connections", "1"], new_process=True) as cloudflared:
with start_cloudflared(tmp_path, config, new_process=True) as cloudflared:
@ -85,7 +74,7 @@ class TestLogging:
"logfile": str(log_file),
config = component_tests_config(extra_config)
with start_cloudflared(tmp_path, config, cfd_pre_args=["tunnel", "--ha-connections", "1"], new_process=True, capture_output=False):
with start_cloudflared(tmp_path, config, new_process=True, capture_output=False):
wait_tunnel_ready(tunnel_url=config.get_url(), cfd_logs=str(log_file))
@ -98,6 +87,6 @@ class TestLogging:
"log-directory": str(log_dir),
config = component_tests_config(extra_config)
with start_cloudflared(tmp_path, config, cfd_pre_args=["tunnel", "--ha-connections", "1"], new_process=True, capture_output=False):
with start_cloudflared(tmp_path, config, new_process=True, capture_output=False):
wait_tunnel_ready(tunnel_url=config.get_url(), cfd_logs=str(log_dir))
assert_log_to_dir(config, log_dir)

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