Living In A Multi-Cloud World

Published on by Sergi Isasi.

A few months ago at Cloudflare’s Internet Summit, we hosted a discussion on A Cloud Without Handcuffs with Joe Beda, one of the creators of Kubernetes, and Brandon Phillips, the co-founder of CoreOS. The conversation touched on multiple areas, but it’s clear that more and more companies are recognizing the need to have some strategy around hosting their applications on multiple cloud providers. Earlier this year,…

The Supreme Court Wanders into the Patent Troll Fight

Published on by Edo Royker.

Next Monday, the US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Oil States Energy Services, LLC vs. Greene’s Energy Group, LLC, which is a case to determine whether the Inter Partes Review (IPR) administrative process at the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) used to determine the validity of patents is constitutional. The constitutionality of the IPR process is one of the biggest legal issues facing innovative…

7 Cloudflare Apps Which Increase User Engagement on Your Site

Published on by Andrew Fitch.

Cloudflare Apps now lists 95 apps from apps which grow email lists to apps which acquire new customers to apps which help site owners make more money. The great thing about these apps is that users don't have to have any coding or development skills. They can just sign up for the app and start using it on their sites. Let’s take a moment to highlight some…

The Super Secret Cloudflare Master Plan, or why we acquired Neumob

Published on by John Graham-Cumming.

We announced today that Cloudflare has acquired Neumob. Neumob’s team built exceptional technology to speed up mobile apps, reduce errors on challenging mobile networks, and increase conversions. Cloudflare will integrate the Neumob technology with our global network to give Neumob truly global reach. It’s tempting to think of the Neumob acquisition as a point product added to the Cloudflare portfolio. But it actually represents a key…

Thwarting the Tactics of the Equifax Attackers

Published on by Alex Cruz Farmer.

We are now 3 months on from one of the biggest, most significant data breaches in history, but has it redefined people's awareness on security? The answer to that is absolutely yes, awareness is at an all-time high. Awareness, however, does not always result in positive action. The fallacy which is often assumed is "surely, if I keep my software up to date with all the patches, that's…

Go, don't collect my garbage

Published on by Vlad Krasnov.

Not long ago I needed to benchmark the performance of Golang on a many-core machine. I took several of the benchmarks that are bundled with the Go source code, copied them, and modified them to run on all available threads. In that case the machine has 24 cores and 48 threads. CC BY-SA 2.0 image by sponki25 I started with ECDSA P256 Sign, probably because I have…

Cloudflare Wants to Buy Your Meetup Group Pizza

Published on by Andrew Fitch.

If you’re a web dev / devops / etc. meetup group that also works toward building a faster, safer Internet, I want to support your awesome group by buying you pizza. If your group’s focus falls within one of the subject categories below and you’re willing to give us a 30 second shout out and tweet a photo of your group and @Cloudflare, your meetup’s pizza…

On the dangers of Intel's frequency scaling

Published on by Vlad Krasnov.

While I was writing the post comparing the new Qualcomm server chip, Centriq, to our current stock of Intel Skylake-based Xeons, I noticed a disturbing phenomena. When benchmarking OpenSSL 1.1.1dev, I discovered that the performance of the cipher ChaCha20-Poly1305 does not scale very well. On a single thread, it performed at the speed of approximately 2.89GB/s, whereas on 24 cores, and 48 threads it…