package pogs import ( "fmt" "reflect" "strings" "" ) type fieldProps struct { schemaName string // empty if doesn't map to schema typ fieldType fixedWhich string tagged bool } type fieldType int const ( mappedField fieldType = iota whichField embedField ) func parseField(f reflect.StructField, hasDiscrim bool) fieldProps { var p fieldProps tag := f.Tag.Get("capnp") p.tagged = tag != "" tname, opts := nextOpt(tag) switch tname { case "-": // omitted field case "": if f.Anonymous && isStructOrStructPtr(f.Type) { p.typ = embedField return p } if hasDiscrim && f.Name == "Which" { p.typ = whichField for len(opts) > 0 { var curr string curr, opts = nextOpt(opts) if strings.HasPrefix(curr, "which=") { p.fixedWhich = strings.TrimPrefix(curr, "which=") break } } return p } // TODO(light): check it's uppercase. x := f.Name[0] - 'A' + 'a' p.schemaName = string(x) + f.Name[1:] default: p.schemaName = tname } return p } func nextOpt(opts string) (head, tail string) { i := strings.Index(opts, ",") if i == -1 { return opts, "" } return opts[:i], opts[i+1:] } type fieldLoc struct { i int path []int } func (loc fieldLoc) depth() int { if len(loc.path) > 0 { return len(loc.path) } return 1 } func (loc fieldLoc) sub(i int) fieldLoc { n := len(loc.path) switch { case !loc.isValid(): return fieldLoc{i: i} case n > 0: p := make([]int, n+1) copy(p, loc.path) p[n] = i return fieldLoc{path: p} default: return fieldLoc{path: []int{loc.i, i}} } } func (loc fieldLoc) isValid() bool { return loc.i >= 0 } type structProps struct { fields []fieldLoc whichLoc fieldLoc // i == -1: none; i == -2: fixed fixedWhich uint16 } func mapStruct(t reflect.Type, n schema.Node) (structProps, error) { fields, err := n.StructNode().Fields() if err != nil { return structProps{}, err } sp := structProps{ fields: make([]fieldLoc, fields.Len()), whichLoc: fieldLoc{i: -1}, } for i := range sp.fields { sp.fields[i] = fieldLoc{i: -1} } sm := structMapper{ sp: &sp, t: t, hasDiscrim: hasDiscriminant(n), fields: fields, } if err := sm.visit(fieldLoc{i: -1}); err != nil { return structProps{}, err } for len(sm.embedQueue) > 0 { loc := sm.embedQueue[0] copy(sm.embedQueue, sm.embedQueue[1:]) sm.embedQueue = sm.embedQueue[:len(sm.embedQueue)-1] if err := sm.visit(loc); err != nil { return structProps{}, err } } return sp, nil } type structMapper struct { sp *structProps t reflect.Type hasDiscrim bool fields schema.Field_List embedQueue []fieldLoc } func (sm *structMapper) visit(base fieldLoc) error { t := sm.t if base.isValid() { t = typeFieldByLoc(t, base).Type if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { t = t.Elem() } } for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { f := t.Field(i) if f.PkgPath != "" && !f.Anonymous { // unexported field continue } loc := base.sub(i) p := parseField(f, sm.hasDiscrim) if p.typ == embedField { sm.embedQueue = append(sm.embedQueue, loc) continue } if err := sm.visitField(loc, f, p); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (sm *structMapper) visitField(loc fieldLoc, f reflect.StructField, p fieldProps) error { switch p.typ { case mappedField: if p.schemaName == "" { return nil } fi := fieldIndex(sm.fields, p.schemaName) if fi < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("%v has unknown field %s, maps to %s", sm.t, f.Name, p.schemaName) } switch oldloc := sm.sp.fields[fi]; { case oldloc.i == -2: // Prior tag collision, do nothing. case oldloc.i == -3 && p.tagged && loc.depth() == len(oldloc.path): // A tagged field wins over untagged fields. sm.sp.fields[fi] = loc case oldloc.isValid() && oldloc.depth() < loc.depth(): // This is deeper, don't override. case oldloc.isValid() && oldloc.depth() == loc.depth(): oldp := parseField(typeFieldByLoc(sm.t, oldloc), sm.hasDiscrim) if oldp.tagged && p.tagged { // Tag collision sm.sp.fields[fi] = fieldLoc{i: -2} } else if p.tagged { sm.sp.fields[fi] = loc } else if !oldp.tagged { // Multiple untagged fields. Keep path, because we need it for depth. sm.sp.fields[fi].i = -3 } default: sm.sp.fields[fi] = loc } case whichField: if sm.sp.whichLoc.i != -1 { return fmt.Errorf("%v embeds multiple Which fields", sm.t) } switch { case p.fixedWhich != "": fi := fieldIndex(sm.fields, p.fixedWhich) if fi < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("%v.Which is tagged with unknown field %s", sm.t, p.fixedWhich) } dv := sm.fields.At(fi).DiscriminantValue() if dv == schema.Field_noDiscriminant { return fmt.Errorf("%v.Which is tagged with non-union field %s", sm.t, p.fixedWhich) } sm.sp.whichLoc = fieldLoc{i: -2} sm.sp.fixedWhich = dv case f.Type.Kind() != reflect.Uint16: return fmt.Errorf("%v.Which is type %v, not uint16", sm.t, f.Type) default: sm.sp.whichLoc = loc } } return nil } // fieldBySchemaName returns the field for the given name. // Returns an invalid value if the field was not found or it is // contained inside a nil anonymous struct pointer. func (sp structProps) fieldByOrdinal(val reflect.Value, i int) reflect.Value { return fieldByLoc(val, sp.fields[i], false) } // makeFieldBySchemaName returns the field for the given name, creating // its parent anonymous structs if necessary. Returns an invalid value // if the field was not found. func (sp structProps) makeFieldByOrdinal(val reflect.Value, i int) reflect.Value { return fieldByLoc(val, sp.fields[i], true) } // which returns the value of the discriminator field. func (sp structProps) which(val reflect.Value) (discrim uint16, ok bool) { if sp.whichLoc.i == -2 { return sp.fixedWhich, true } f := fieldByLoc(val, sp.whichLoc, false) if !f.IsValid() { return 0, false } return uint16(f.Uint()), true } // setWhich sets the value of the discriminator field, creating its // parent anonymous structs if necessary. Returns whether the struct // had a field to set. func (sp structProps) setWhich(val reflect.Value, discrim uint16) error { if sp.whichLoc.i == -2 { if discrim != sp.fixedWhich { return fmt.Errorf("extract union field @%d into %v; expected @%d", discrim, val.Type(), sp.fixedWhich) } return nil } f := fieldByLoc(val, sp.whichLoc, true) if !f.IsValid() { return noWhichError{val.Type()} } f.SetUint(uint64(discrim)) return nil } type noWhichError struct { t reflect.Type } func (e noWhichError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v has no field Which", e.t) } func isNoWhichError(e error) bool { _, ok := e.(noWhichError) return ok } func fieldByLoc(val reflect.Value, loc fieldLoc, mkparents bool) reflect.Value { if !loc.isValid() { return reflect.Value{} } if len(loc.path) > 0 { for i, x := range loc.path { if i > 0 { if val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { if val.IsNil() { if !mkparents { return reflect.Value{} } val.Set(reflect.New(val.Type().Elem())) } val = val.Elem() } } val = val.Field(x) } return val } return val.Field(loc.i) } func typeFieldByLoc(t reflect.Type, loc fieldLoc) reflect.StructField { if len(loc.path) > 0 { return t.FieldByIndex(loc.path) } return t.Field(loc.i) } func hasDiscriminant(n schema.Node) bool { return n.Which() == schema.Node_Which_structNode && n.StructNode().DiscriminantCount() > 0 } func shortDisplayName(n schema.Node) []byte { dn, _ := n.DisplayNameBytes() return dn[n.DisplayNamePrefixLength():] } func fieldIndex(fields schema.Field_List, name string) int { for i := 0; i < fields.Len(); i++ { b, _ := fields.At(i).NameBytes() if bytesStrEqual(b, name) { return i } } return -1 } func bytesStrEqual(b []byte, s string) bool { if len(b) != len(s) { return false } for i := range b { if b[i] != s[i] { return false } } return true } func isStructOrStructPtr(t reflect.Type) bool { return t.Kind() == reflect.Struct || t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct }