/* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distributed under MIT license. See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ /* Function for fast encoding of an input fragment, independently from the input history. This function uses one-pass processing: when we find a backward match, we immediately emit the corresponding command and literal codes to the bit stream. */ #ifndef BROTLI_ENC_COMPRESS_FRAGMENT_H_ #define BROTLI_ENC_COMPRESS_FRAGMENT_H_ #include <brotli/types.h> #include "./memory.h" #include "./port.h" #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) extern "C" { #endif /* Compresses "input" string to the "*storage" buffer as one or more complete meta-blocks, and updates the "*storage_ix" bit position. If "is_last" is 1, emits an additional empty last meta-block. "cmd_depth" and "cmd_bits" contain the command and distance prefix codes (see comment in encode.h) used for the encoding of this input fragment. If "is_last" is 0, they are updated to reflect the statistics of this input fragment, to be used for the encoding of the next fragment. "*cmd_code_numbits" is the number of bits of the compressed representation of the command and distance prefix codes, and "cmd_code" is an array of at least "(*cmd_code_numbits + 7) >> 3" size that contains the compressed command and distance prefix codes. If "is_last" is 0, these are also updated to represent the updated "cmd_depth" and "cmd_bits". REQUIRES: "input_size" is greater than zero, or "is_last" is 1. REQUIRES: "input_size" is less or equal to maximal metablock size (1 << 24). REQUIRES: All elements in "table[0..table_size-1]" are initialized to zero. REQUIRES: "table_size" is an odd (9, 11, 13, 15) power of two OUTPUT: maximal copy distance <= |input_size| OUTPUT: maximal copy distance <= BROTLI_MAX_BACKWARD_LIMIT(18) */ BROTLI_INTERNAL void BrotliCompressFragmentFast(MemoryManager* m, const uint8_t* input, size_t input_size, BROTLI_BOOL is_last, int* table, size_t table_size, uint8_t cmd_depth[128], uint16_t cmd_bits[128], size_t* cmd_code_numbits, uint8_t* cmd_code, size_t* storage_ix, uint8_t* storage); #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) } /* extern "C" */ #endif #endif /* BROTLI_ENC_COMPRESS_FRAGMENT_H_ */