#!/bin/bash TARGET_DIRECTORY=".build" BINARY_NAME="cloudflared" VERSION=$(git describe --tags --always --dirty="-dev") PRODUCT="cloudflared" echo "building cloudflared" make cloudflared echo "creating build directory" mkdir ${TARGET_DIRECTORY} mkdir ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/contents cp -r .mac_resources/scripts ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/scripts echo "move cloudflared into the build directory" mv $BINARY_NAME {$TARGET_DIRECTORY}/contents/${PRODUCT} echo "build the installer package" pkgbuild --identifier com.cloudflare.${PRODUCT} \ --version ${VERSION} \ --scripts ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/scripts \ --root ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/contents \ --install-location /usr/local/bin \ ${PRODUCT}.pkg # TODO: our iOS/Mac account doesn't have this installer certificate type. # need to find how we can get it --sign "Developer ID Installer: Cloudflare" \ echo "cleaning up the build directory" rm -rf $TARGET_DIRECTORY