#!/usr/bin/python3 """ Creates Github Releases and uploads assets """ import argparse import logging import os import shutil import hashlib import requests import tarfile from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join import re from github import Github, GithubException, UnknownObjectException FORMAT = "%(levelname)s - %(asctime)s: %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(format=FORMAT) CLOUDFLARED_REPO = os.environ.get("GITHUB_REPO", "cloudflare/cloudflared") GITHUB_CONFLICT_CODE = "already_exists" BASE_KV_URL = 'https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/' UPDATER_PREFIX = 'update' def get_sha256(filename): """ get the sha256 of a file """ sha256_hash = hashlib.sha256() with open(filename,"rb") as f: for byte_block in iter(lambda: f.read(4096),b""): sha256_hash.update(byte_block) return sha256_hash.hexdigest() def send_hash(pkg_hash, name, version, account, namespace, api_token): """ send the checksum of a file to workers kv """ key = '{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(UPDATER_PREFIX, version, name) headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer " + api_token, } response = requests.put( BASE_KV_URL + account + "/storage/kv/namespaces/" + namespace + "/values/" + key, headers=headers, data=pkg_hash ) if response.status_code != 200: jsonResponse = response.json() errors = jsonResponse["errors"] if len(errors) > 0: raise Exception("failed to upload checksum: {0}", errors[0]) def assert_tag_exists(repo, version): """ Raise exception if repo does not contain a tag matching version """ tags = repo.get_tags() if not tags or tags[0].name != version: raise Exception("Tag {} not found".format(version)) def get_or_create_release(repo, version, dry_run=False): """ Get a Github Release matching the version tag or create a new one. If a conflict occurs on creation, attempt to fetch the Release on last time """ try: release = repo.get_release(version) logging.info("Release %s found", version) return release except UnknownObjectException: logging.info("Release %s not found", version) # We dont want to create a new release tag if one doesnt already exist assert_tag_exists(repo, version) if dry_run: logging.info("Skipping Release creation because of dry-run") return try: logging.info("Creating release %s", version) return repo.create_git_release(version, version, "") except GithubException as e: errors = e.data.get("errors", []) if e.status == 422 and any( [err.get("code") == GITHUB_CONFLICT_CODE for err in errors] ): logging.warning( "Conflict: Release was likely just made by a different build: %s", e.data, ) return repo.get_release(version) raise e def parse_args(): """ Parse and validate args """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Creates Github Releases and uploads assets." ) parser.add_argument( "--api-key", default=os.environ.get("API_KEY"), help="Github API key" ) parser.add_argument( "--release-version", metavar="version", default=os.environ.get("VERSION"), help="Release version", ) parser.add_argument( "--path", default=os.environ.get("ASSET_PATH"), help="Asset path" ) parser.add_argument( "--name", default=os.environ.get("ASSET_NAME"), help="Asset Name" ) parser.add_argument( "--namespace-id", default=os.environ.get("KV_NAMESPACE"), help="workersKV namespace id" ) parser.add_argument( "--kv-account-id", default=os.environ.get("KV_ACCOUNT"), help="workersKV account id" ) parser.add_argument( "--kv-api-token", default=os.environ.get("KV_API_TOKEN"), help="workersKV API Token" ) parser.add_argument( "--dry-run", action="store_true", help="Do not create release or upload asset" ) args = parser.parse_args() is_valid = True if not args.release_version: logging.error("Missing release version") is_valid = False if not args.path: logging.error("Missing asset path") is_valid = False if not args.name and not os.path.isdir(args.path): logging.error("Missing asset name") is_valid = False if not args.api_key: logging.error("Missing API key") is_valid = False if not args.namespace_id: logging.error("Missing KV namespace id") is_valid = False if not args.kv_account_id: logging.error("Missing KV account id") is_valid = False if not args.kv_api_token: logging.error("Missing KV API token") is_valid = False if is_valid: return args parser.print_usage() exit(1) def upload_asset(release, filepath, filename, release_version, kv_account_id, namespace_id, kv_api_token): logging.info(f"Uploading asset: {filename}") release.upload_asset(filepath, name=filename) # check and extract if the file is a tar and gzipped file (as is the case with the macos builds) binary_path = filepath if binary_path.endswith("tgz"): try: shutil.rmtree('cfd') except OSError: pass zipfile = tarfile.open(binary_path, "r:gz") zipfile.extractall('cfd') # specify which folder to extract to zipfile.close() binary_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'cfd', 'cloudflared') # send the sha256 (the checksum) to workers kv pkg_hash = get_sha256(binary_path) send_hash(pkg_hash, filename, release_version, kv_account_id, namespace_id, kv_api_token) # create the artifacts directory if it doesn't exist artifact_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'artifacts') if not os.path.isdir(artifact_path): os.mkdir(artifact_path) # copy the binary to the path copy_path = os.path.join(artifact_path, filename) try: shutil.copy(filepath, copy_path) except shutil.SameFileError: pass # the macOS release copy fails with being the same file (already in the artifacts directory) def compile_regex() : # The capture groups are: # 1: the text cloudflared # 2: compiled architecture # 3: possible extensions capture_string = r'(cloudflared).+(amd64|x86_64|386|arm)(\.msi|\.deb|\.rpm|\.exe)?' return re.compile(capture_string) def extract_filename(regex, filename): match_groups = regex.match(filename) os = "linux" name = match_groups.group(1) arch = match_groups.group(2) ext = match_groups.group(3) if ext in ['.msi', '.exe']: os = "windows" return "{}-{}-{}{}".format(name, os, arch, ext if ext is not None else "") def main(): """ Attempts to upload Asset to Github Release. Creates Release if it doesnt exist """ try: args = parse_args() client = Github(args.api_key) repo = client.get_repo(CLOUDFLARED_REPO) release = get_or_create_release(repo, args.release_version, args.dry_run) if args.dry_run: logging.info("Skipping asset upload because of dry-run") return if os.path.isdir(args.path): regexp = compile_regex() onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(args.path) if isfile(join(args.path, f))] for filename in onlyfiles: binary_path = os.path.join(args.path, filename) filename = extract_filename(regexp, filename) upload_asset(release, binary_path, filename, args.release_version, args.kv_account_id, args.namespace_id, args.kv_api_token) else: upload_asset(release, args.path, args.name, args.release_version, args.kv_account_id, args.namespace_id, args.kv_api_token) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) exit(1) main()