using Go = import "go.capnp";

struct Authentication {
    key @0 :Text;
    email @1 :Text;
    originCAKey @2 :Text;

struct TunnelRegistration {
    err @0 :Text;
    # the url to access the tunnel
    url @1 :Text;
    # Used to inform the client of actions taken.
    logLines @2 :List(Text);
    # In case of error, whether the client should attempt to reconnect.
    permanentFailure @3 :Bool;
    # Displayed to user
    tunnelID @4 :Text;

struct RegistrationOptions {
    # The tunnel client's unique identifier, used to verify a reconnection.
    clientId @0 :Text;
    # Information about the running binary.
    version @1 :Text;
    os @2 :Text;
    # What to do with existing tunnels for the given hostname.
    existingTunnelPolicy @3 :ExistingTunnelPolicy;
    # If using the balancing policy, identifies the LB pool to use.
    poolName @4 :Text;
    # Client-defined tags to associate with the tunnel
    tags @5 :List(Tag);
    # A unique identifier for a high-availability connection made by a single client.
    connectionId @6 :UInt8;
    # origin LAN IP
    originLocalIp @7 :Text;
    # whether Argo Tunnel client has been autoupdated
    isAutoupdated @8 :Bool;
    # whether Argo Tunnel client is run from a terminal
    runFromTerminal @9 :Bool;
    # cross stream compression setting, 0 - off, 3 - high
    compressionQuality @10 :UInt64;
    uuid @11 :Text;

struct CapnpConnectParameters {
    # certificate and token to prove ownership of a zone
    originCert @0 :Data;
    # UUID assigned to this cloudflared obtained from Hello
    cloudflaredID @1 :Data;
    # number of previous attempts to send Connect
    numPreviousAttempts @2 :UInt8;
    # user defined labels for this cloudflared
    tags @3 :List(Tag);

struct ConnectResult {
    err @0 :ConnectError;
    # Information about the server this connection is established with
    serverInfo @1 :ServerInfo;

struct ConnectError {
    cause @0 :Text;
    # How long should this connection wait to retry in ns
    retryAfter @1 :Int64;
    shouldRetry @2 :Bool;

struct CloudflaredConfig {
    # Timestamp (in ns) of this configuration. Any configuration supplied to
    # useConfiguration() with an older timestamp should be ignored.
    timestamp @0 :Int64;
    # Frequency (in ns) to check Equinox for updates.
    # Zero means auto-update is disabled.
    # cloudflared CLI option: `autoupdate-freq`
    autoUpdateFrequency @1 :Int64;
    # Frequency (in ns) to update connection-based metrics.
    # cloudflared CLI option: `metrics-update-freq`
    metricsUpdateFrequency @2 :Int64;
    # interval (in ns) between heartbeats with the Cloudflare edge
    # cloudflared CLI option: `heartbeat-interval`
    heartbeatInterval @3 :Int64;
    # Minimum number of unacked heartbeats for cloudflared to send before
    # closing the connection to the edge.
    # cloudflared CLI option: `heartbeat-count`
    maxFailedHeartbeats @4 :UInt64;
    # Time (in ns) to continue serving requests after cloudflared receives its
    # first SIGINT/SIGTERM. A second SIGINT/SIGTERM will force cloudflared to
    # shutdown immediately. For example, this field can be used to gracefully
    # transition traffic to another cloudflared instance.
    # cloudflared CLI option: `grace-period`
    gracePeriod @5 :Int64;
    # Configuration for cloudflared to run as a DNS-over-HTTPS proxy.
    # cloudflared CLI option: `proxy-dns`
    dohProxyConfigs @6 :List(DoHProxyConfig);
    # Configuration for cloudflared to run as an HTTP reverse proxy.
    reverseProxyConfigs @7 :List(ReverseProxyConfig);

struct ReverseProxyConfig {
    tunnelID @0 :Text;
    origin :union {
        http @1 :HTTPOriginConfig;
        socket @2 :UnixSocketOriginConfig;
        websocket @3 :WebSocketOriginConfig;
        helloWorld @4 :HelloWorldOriginConfig;
    # Maximum number of retries for connection/protocol errors.
    # cloudflared CLI option: `retries`
    retries @5 :UInt64;
    # maximum time (in ns) for cloudflared to wait to establish a connection
    # to the origin. Zero means no timeout.
    # cloudflared CLI option: `proxy-connect-timeout`
    connectionTimeout @6 :Int64;
    # Whether cloudflared should allow chunked transfer encoding to the
    # origin. (This should be disabled for WSGI origins, for example.)
    # negation of cloudflared CLI option: `no-chunked-encoding`
    chunkedEncoding @7 :Bool;
    # (beta) Use cross-stream compression instead of HTTP compression.
    # 0=off, 1=low, 2=medium, 3=high.
    # For more context see the mapping here:
    # cloudflared CLI option: `compression-quality`
    compressionQuality @8 :UInt64;

struct UnixSocketOriginConfig {
    # path to the socket file.
    # cloudflared will send data to this socket via a Unix socket connection.
    # cloudflared CLI option: `unix-socket`
    path @0 :Text;

struct WebSocketOriginConfig {
    # URI of the origin service.
    # cloudflared will start a websocket server that forwards data to this URI
    # cloudflared CLI option: `url`
    # cloudflared logic:
    url @0 :Text;

struct HTTPOriginConfig {
    # HTTP(S) URL of the origin service.
    # cloudflared CLI option: `url`
    url @0 :Text;
    # the TCP keep-alive period (in ns) for an active network connection.
    # Zero means keep-alives are not enabled.
    # cloudflared CLI option: `proxy-tcp-keepalive`
    tcpKeepAlive @1 :Int64;
    # whether cloudflared should use a "happy eyeballs"-compliant procedure
    # to connect to origins that resolve to both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
    # negation of cloudflared CLI option: `proxy-no-happy-eyeballs`
    dialDualStack @2 :Bool;
    # maximum time (in ns) for cloudflared to wait for a TLS handshake
    # with the origin. Zero means no timeout.
    # cloudflared CLI option: `proxy-tls-timeout`
    tlsHandshakeTimeout @3 :Int64;
    # Whether cloudflared should verify TLS connections to the origin.
    # negation of cloudflared CLI option: `no-tls-verify`
    tlsVerify @4 :Bool;
    # originCAPool specifies the root CA that cloudflared should use when
    # verifying TLS connections to the origin.
    #   - if tlsVerify is false, originCAPool will be ignored.
    #   - if tlsVerify is true and originCAPool is empty, the system CA pool
    #     will be loaded if possible.
    #   - if tlsVerify is true and originCAPool is non-empty, cloudflared will
    #     treat it as the filepath to the root CA.
    # cloudflared CLI option: `origin-ca-pool`
    originCAPool @5 :Text;
    # Hostname to use when verifying TLS connections to the origin.
    # cloudflared CLI option: `origin-server-name`
    originServerName @6 :Text;
    # maximum number of idle (keep-alive) connections for cloudflared to
    # keep open with the origin. Zero means no limit.
    # cloudflared CLI option: `proxy-keepalive-connections`
    maxIdleConnections @7 :UInt64;
    # maximum time (in ns) for an idle (keep-alive) connection to remain
    # idle before closing itself. Zero means no timeout.
    # cloudflared CLI option: `proxy-keepalive-timeout`
    idleConnectionTimeout @8 :Int64;

# configuration for cloudflared to provide a DNS over HTTPS proxy server
struct DoHProxyConfig {
    # The hostname for the DoH proxy server to listen on.
    # cloudflared CLI option: `proxy-dns-address`
    listenHost @0 :Text;
    # The port for the DoH proxy server to listen on.
    # cloudflared CLI option: `proxy-dns-port`
    listenPort @1 :UInt16;
    # Upstream endpoint URLs for the DoH proxy server.
    # cloudflared CLI option: `proxy-dns-upstream`
    upstreams @2 :List(Text);

struct HelloWorldOriginConfig {
    # nothing to configure

struct Tag {
    name @0 :Text;
    value @1 :Text;

enum ExistingTunnelPolicy {
    ignore @0;
    disconnect @1;
    balance @2;

struct ServerInfo {
    locationName @0 :Text;

struct UseConfigurationResult {
    success @0 :Bool;
    errorMessage @1 :Text;

interface TunnelServer {
    registerTunnel @0 (originCert :Data, hostname :Text, options :RegistrationOptions) -> (result :TunnelRegistration);
    getServerInfo @1 () -> (result :ServerInfo);
    unregisterTunnel @2 (gracePeriodNanoSec :Int64) -> ();
    connect @3 (parameters :CapnpConnectParameters) -> (result :ConnectResult);

interface CloudflaredServer {
    useConfiguration @0 (cloudflaredConfig :CloudflaredConfig) -> (result :UseConfigurationResult);