#!/usr/bin/python3 """ Creates Github Releases Notes with content hashes """ import argparse import logging import os import hashlib import glob from github import Github, GithubException, UnknownObjectException FORMAT = "%(levelname)s - %(asctime)s: %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(format=FORMAT) CLOUDFLARED_REPO = os.environ.get("GITHUB_REPO", "cloudflare/cloudflared") GITHUB_CONFLICT_CODE = "already_exists" def get_sha256(filename): """ get the sha256 of a file """ sha256_hash = hashlib.sha256() with open(filename,"rb") as f: for byte_block in iter(lambda: f.read(4096),b""): sha256_hash.update(byte_block) return sha256_hash.hexdigest() def update_or_add_message(msg, name, sha): """ updates or builds the github version message for each new asset's sha256. Searches the existing message string to update or create. """ new_text = '{0}: {1}\n'.format(name, sha) start = msg.find(name) if (start != -1): end = msg.find("\n", start) if (end != -1): return msg.replace(msg[start:end+1], new_text) back = msg.rfind("```") if (back != -1): return '{0}{1}```'.format(msg[:back], new_text) return '{0} \n### SHA256 Checksums:\n```\n{1}```'.format(msg, new_text) def get_release(repo, version): """ Get a Github Release matching the version tag. """ try: release = repo.get_release(version) logging.info("Release %s found", version) return release except UnknownObjectException: logging.info("Release %s not found", version) def parse_args(): """ Parse and validate args """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Creates Github Releases and uploads assets." ) parser.add_argument( "--api-key", default=os.environ.get("API_KEY"), help="Github API key" ) parser.add_argument( "--release-version", metavar="version", default=os.environ.get("VERSION"), help="Release version", ) parser.add_argument( "--dry-run", action="store_true", help="Do not modify the release message" ) args = parser.parse_args() is_valid = True if not args.release_version: logging.error("Missing release version") is_valid = False if not args.api_key: logging.error("Missing API key") is_valid = False if is_valid: return args parser.print_usage() exit(1) def main(): """ Attempts to update the Github Release message with the github asset's checksums """ try: args = parse_args() client = Github(args.api_key) repo = client.get_repo(CLOUDFLARED_REPO) release = get_release(repo, args.release_version) msg = release.body for filename in glob.glob(".artifacts/*.*"): pkg_hash = get_sha256(filename) # add the sha256 of the new artifact to the release message body msg = update_or_add_message(msg, filename, pkg_hash) if args.dry_run: logging.info("Skipping asset upload because of dry-run") return # update the release body text release.update_release(version, version, msg) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) exit(1) main()