/* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distributed under MIT license. See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ /* Algorithms for distributing the literals and commands of a metablock between block types and contexts. */ #include "./enc/memory.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* exit, free, malloc */ #include <string.h> /* memcpy */ #include <brotli/types.h> #include "./enc/port.h" #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) extern "C" { #endif #define MAX_PERM_ALLOCATED 128 #define MAX_NEW_ALLOCATED 64 #define MAX_NEW_FREED 64 #define PERM_ALLOCATED_OFFSET 0 #define NEW_ALLOCATED_OFFSET MAX_PERM_ALLOCATED #define NEW_FREED_OFFSET (MAX_PERM_ALLOCATED + MAX_NEW_ALLOCATED) static void* DefaultAllocFunc(void* opaque, size_t size) { BROTLI_UNUSED(opaque); return malloc(size); } static void DefaultFreeFunc(void* opaque, void* address) { BROTLI_UNUSED(opaque); free(address); } void BrotliInitMemoryManager( MemoryManager* m, brotli_alloc_func alloc_func, brotli_free_func free_func, void* opaque) { if (!alloc_func) { m->alloc_func = DefaultAllocFunc; m->free_func = DefaultFreeFunc; m->opaque = 0; } else { m->alloc_func = alloc_func; m->free_func = free_func; m->opaque = opaque; } #if !defined(BROTLI_ENCODER_EXIT_ON_OOM) m->is_oom = BROTLI_FALSE; m->perm_allocated = 0; m->new_allocated = 0; m->new_freed = 0; #endif /* BROTLI_ENCODER_EXIT_ON_OOM */ } #if defined(BROTLI_ENCODER_EXIT_ON_OOM) void* BrotliAllocate(MemoryManager* m, size_t n) { void* result = m->alloc_func(m->opaque, n); if (!result) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); return result; } void BrotliFree(MemoryManager* m, void* p) { m->free_func(m->opaque, p); } void BrotliWipeOutMemoryManager(MemoryManager* m) { BROTLI_UNUSED(m); } #else /* BROTLI_ENCODER_EXIT_ON_OOM */ static void SortPointers(void** items, const size_t n) { /* Shell sort. */ static const size_t gaps[] = {23, 10, 4, 1}; int g = 0; for (; g < 4; ++g) { size_t gap = gaps[g]; size_t i; for (i = gap; i < n; ++i) { size_t j = i; void* tmp = items[i]; for (; j >= gap && tmp < items[j - gap]; j -= gap) { items[j] = items[j - gap]; } items[j] = tmp; } } } static size_t Annihilate(void** a, size_t a_len, void** b, size_t b_len) { size_t a_read_index = 0; size_t b_read_index = 0; size_t a_write_index = 0; size_t b_write_index = 0; size_t annihilated = 0; while (a_read_index < a_len && b_read_index < b_len) { if (a[a_read_index] == b[b_read_index]) { a_read_index++; b_read_index++; annihilated++; } else if (a[a_read_index] < b[b_read_index]) { a[a_write_index++] = a[a_read_index++]; } else { b[b_write_index++] = b[b_read_index++]; } } while (a_read_index < a_len) a[a_write_index++] = a[a_read_index++]; while (b_read_index < b_len) b[b_write_index++] = b[b_read_index++]; return annihilated; } static void CollectGarbagePointers(MemoryManager* m) { size_t annihilated; SortPointers(m->pointers + NEW_ALLOCATED_OFFSET, m->new_allocated); SortPointers(m->pointers + NEW_FREED_OFFSET, m->new_freed); annihilated = Annihilate( m->pointers + NEW_ALLOCATED_OFFSET, m->new_allocated, m->pointers + NEW_FREED_OFFSET, m->new_freed); m->new_allocated -= annihilated; m->new_freed -= annihilated; if (m->new_freed != 0) { annihilated = Annihilate( m->pointers + PERM_ALLOCATED_OFFSET, m->perm_allocated, m->pointers + NEW_FREED_OFFSET, m->new_freed); m->perm_allocated -= annihilated; m->new_freed -= annihilated; assert(m->new_freed == 0); } if (m->new_allocated != 0) { assert(m->perm_allocated + m->new_allocated <= MAX_PERM_ALLOCATED); memcpy(m->pointers + PERM_ALLOCATED_OFFSET + m->perm_allocated, m->pointers + NEW_ALLOCATED_OFFSET, sizeof(void*) * m->new_allocated); m->perm_allocated += m->new_allocated; m->new_allocated = 0; SortPointers(m->pointers + PERM_ALLOCATED_OFFSET, m->perm_allocated); } } void* BrotliAllocate(MemoryManager* m, size_t n) { void* result = m->alloc_func(m->opaque, n); if (!result) { m->is_oom = BROTLI_TRUE; return NULL; } if (m->new_allocated == MAX_NEW_ALLOCATED) CollectGarbagePointers(m); m->pointers[NEW_ALLOCATED_OFFSET + (m->new_allocated++)] = result; return result; } void BrotliFree(MemoryManager* m, void* p) { if (!p) return; m->free_func(m->opaque, p); if (m->new_freed == MAX_NEW_FREED) CollectGarbagePointers(m); m->pointers[NEW_FREED_OFFSET + (m->new_freed++)] = p; } void BrotliWipeOutMemoryManager(MemoryManager* m) { size_t i; CollectGarbagePointers(m); /* Now all unfreed pointers are in perm-allocated list. */ for (i = 0; i < m->perm_allocated; ++i) { m->free_func(m->opaque, m->pointers[PERM_ALLOCATED_OFFSET + i]); } m->perm_allocated = 0; } #endif /* BROTLI_ENCODER_EXIT_ON_OOM */ #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) } /* extern "C" */ #endif