package v3

import (


const (
	// A default is provided in the case that the client does not provide a close idle timeout.
	defaultCloseIdleAfter = 210 * time.Second

	// The maximum payload from the origin that we will be able to read. However, even though we will
	// read 1500 bytes from the origin, we limit the amount of bytes to be proxied to less than
	// this value (maxDatagramPayloadLen).
	maxOriginUDPPacketSize = 1500

	logFlowID        = "flowID"
	logPacketSizeKey = "packetSize"

// SessionCloseErr indicates that the session's Close method was called.
var SessionCloseErr error = errors.New("flow was closed directly")

// SessionIdleErr is returned when the session was closed because there was no communication
// in either direction over the session for the timeout period.
type SessionIdleErr struct {
	timeout time.Duration

func (e SessionIdleErr) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("flow was idle for %v", e.timeout)

func (e SessionIdleErr) Is(target error) bool {
	_, ok := target.(SessionIdleErr)
	return ok

func newSessionIdleErr(timeout time.Duration) error {
	return SessionIdleErr{timeout}

type Session interface {
	ID() RequestID
	ConnectionID() uint8
	RemoteAddr() net.Addr
	LocalAddr() net.Addr
	Migrate(eyeball DatagramConn, ctx context.Context, logger *zerolog.Logger)
	// Serve starts the event loop for processing UDP packets
	Serve(ctx context.Context) error

type session struct {
	id             RequestID
	closeAfterIdle time.Duration
	origin         io.ReadWriteCloser
	originAddr     net.Addr
	localAddr      net.Addr
	eyeball        atomic.Pointer[DatagramConn]
	// activeAtChan is used to communicate the last read/write time
	activeAtChan chan time.Time
	closeChan    chan error
	contextChan  chan context.Context
	metrics      Metrics
	log          *zerolog.Logger

	// A special close function that we wrap with sync.Once to make sure it is only called once
	closeFn func() error

func NewSession(
	id RequestID,
	closeAfterIdle time.Duration,
	origin io.ReadWriteCloser,
	originAddr net.Addr,
	localAddr net.Addr,
	eyeball DatagramConn,
	metrics Metrics,
	log *zerolog.Logger,
) Session {
	logger := log.With().Str(logFlowID, id.String()).Logger()
	// closeChan has two slots to allow for both writers (the closeFn and the Serve routine) to both be able to
	// write to the channel without blocking since there is only ever one value read from the closeChan by the
	// waitForCloseCondition.
	closeChan := make(chan error, 2)
	session := &session{
		id:             id,
		closeAfterIdle: closeAfterIdle,
		origin:         origin,
		originAddr:     originAddr,
		localAddr:      localAddr,
		eyeball:        atomic.Pointer[DatagramConn]{},
		// activeAtChan has low capacity. It can be full when there are many concurrent read/write. markActive() will
		// drop instead of blocking because last active time only needs to be an approximation
		activeAtChan: make(chan time.Time, 1),
		closeChan:    closeChan,
		// contextChan is an unbounded channel to help enforce one active migration of a session at a time.
		contextChan: make(chan context.Context),
		metrics:     metrics,
		log:         &logger,
		closeFn: sync.OnceValue(func() error {
			// We don't want to block on sending to the close channel if it is already full
			select {
			case closeChan <- SessionCloseErr:
			return origin.Close()
	return session

func (s *session) ID() RequestID {

func (s *session) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
	return s.originAddr

func (s *session) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
	return s.localAddr

func (s *session) ConnectionID() uint8 {
	eyeball := *(s.eyeball.Load())
	return eyeball.ID()

func (s *session) Migrate(eyeball DatagramConn, ctx context.Context, logger *zerolog.Logger) {
	current := *(s.eyeball.Load())
	// Only migrate if the connection ids are different.
	if current.ID() != eyeball.ID() {
		s.contextChan <- ctx
		log := logger.With().Str(logFlowID,
		s.log = &log
	// The session is already running so we want to restart the idle timeout since no proxied packets have come down yet.

func (s *session) Serve(ctx context.Context) error {
	go func() {
		// QUIC implementation copies data to another buffer before returning
		// This makes it safe to share readBuffer between iterations
		readBuffer := [maxOriginUDPPacketSize + DatagramPayloadHeaderLen]byte{}
		// To perform a zero copy write when passing the datagram to the connection, we prepare the buffer with
		// the required datagram header information. We can reuse this buffer for this session since the header is the
		// same for the each read.
		MarshalPayloadHeaderTo(, readBuffer[:DatagramPayloadHeaderLen])
		for {
			// Read from the origin UDP socket
			n, err := s.origin.Read(readBuffer[DatagramPayloadHeaderLen:])
			if err != nil {
				if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) ||
					errors.Is(err, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) {
					s.log.Debug().Msgf("flow (origin) connection closed: %v", err)
				s.closeChan <- err
			if n < 0 {
				s.log.Warn().Int(logPacketSizeKey, n).Msg("flow (origin) packet read was negative and was dropped")
			if n > maxDatagramPayloadLen {
				s.log.Error().Int(logPacketSizeKey, n).Msg("flow (origin) packet read was too large and was dropped")
			// We need to synchronize on the eyeball in-case that the connection was migrated. This should be rarely a point
			// of lock contention, as a migration can only happen during startup of a session before traffic flow.
			eyeball := *(s.eyeball.Load())
			// Sending a packet to the session does block on the [quic.Connection], however, this is okay because it
			// will cause back-pressure to the kernel buffer if the writes are not fast enough to the edge.
			err = eyeball.SendUDPSessionDatagram(readBuffer[:DatagramPayloadHeaderLen+n])
			if err != nil {
				s.closeChan <- err
			// Mark the session as active since we proxied a valid packet from the origin.
	return s.waitForCloseCondition(ctx, s.closeAfterIdle)

func (s *session) Write(payload []byte) (n int, err error) {
	n, err = s.origin.Write(payload)
	if err != nil {
		s.log.Err(err).Msg("failed to write payload to flow (remote)")
		return n, err
	// Write must return a non-nil error if it returns n < len(p).
	if n < len(payload) {
		s.log.Err(io.ErrShortWrite).Msg("failed to write the full payload to flow (remote)")
		return n, io.ErrShortWrite
	// Mark the session as active since we proxied a packet to the origin.
	return n, err

// ResetIdleTimer will restart the current idle timer.
// This public method is used to allow operators of sessions the ability to extend the session using information that is
// known external to the session itself.
func (s *session) ResetIdleTimer() {

// Sends the last active time to the idle checker loop without blocking. activeAtChan will only be full when there
// are many concurrent read/write. It is fine to lose some precision
func (s *session) markActive() {
	select {
	case s.activeAtChan <- time.Now():

func (s *session) Close() error {
	// Make sure that we only close the origin connection once
	return s.closeFn()

func (s *session) waitForCloseCondition(ctx context.Context, closeAfterIdle time.Duration) error {
	connCtx := ctx
	// Closing the session at the end cancels read so Serve() can return
	defer s.Close()
	if closeAfterIdle == 0 {
		// provide deafult is caller doesn't specify one
		closeAfterIdle = defaultCloseIdleAfter

	checkIdleTimer := time.NewTimer(closeAfterIdle)
	defer checkIdleTimer.Stop()

	for {
		select {
		case <-connCtx.Done():
			return connCtx.Err()
		case newContext := <-s.contextChan:
			// During migration of a session, we need to make sure that the context of the new connection is used instead
			// of the old connection context. This will ensure that when the old connection goes away, this session will
			// still be active on the existing connection.
			connCtx = newContext
		case reason := <-s.closeChan:
			return reason
		case <-checkIdleTimer.C:
			// The check idle timer will only return after an idle period since the last active
			// operation (read or write).
			return newSessionIdleErr(closeAfterIdle)
		case <-s.activeAtChan:
			// The session is still active, we want to reset the timer. First we have to stop the timer, drain the
			// current value and then reset. It's okay if we lose some time on this operation as we don't need to
			// close an idle session directly on-time.
			if !checkIdleTimer.Stop() {