language: go go: - 1.11.x - 1.12.x - 1.13.x - master addons: apt: packages: libpcap-dev # use modules except for older versions (see below) install: true env: - GO111MODULE=on script: ./ matrix: fast_finish: true allow_failures: - go: master jobs: include: - go: 1.5.x install: ./ - go: 1.6.x install: ./ - go: 1.7.x install: ./ - go: 1.8.x install: ./ - go: 1.9.x install: ./ - go: 1.10.x install: ./ - os: osx go: 1.x # windows doesn't work on travis (package installation just hangs and then errors out) # - os: windows # go: 1.x # # We don't need nmap - but that's the only way to get npcap: # before_install: choco install npcap --version 0.86 -y - stage: style name: "fmt/vet/lint" go: 1.x script: - ./ - ./ - ./ stages: - style - test