Package sentry is the official Sentry SDK for Go.

Use it to report errors and track application performance through distributed

For more information about Sentry and SDK features please have a look at the
documentation site https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/go/.

# Basic Usage

The first step is to initialize the SDK, providing at a minimum the DSN of your
Sentry project. This step is accomplished through a call to sentry.Init.

	func main() {
		err := sentry.Init(...)

A more detailed yet simple example is available at

# Error Reporting

The Capture* functions report messages and errors to Sentry.


Use similarly named functions in the Hub for concurrent programs like web

# Performance Monitoring

You can use Sentry to monitor your application's performance. More information
on the product page https://docs.sentry.io/product/performance/.

The StartSpan function creates new spans.

	span := sentry.StartSpan(ctx, "operation")

# Integrations

The SDK has support for several Go frameworks, available as subpackages.

# Getting Support

For paid Sentry.io accounts, head out to https://sentry.io/support.

For all users, support channels include:

	Forum: https://forum.sentry.io
	Discord: https://discord.gg/Ww9hbqr (#go channel)

If you found an issue with the SDK, please report through

For responsibly disclosing a security issue, please follow the steps in
package sentry