/* Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.

   Distributed under MIT license.
   See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

/* Write bits into a byte array. */


#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>  /* printf */

#include <brotli/types.h>
#include "./port.h"

#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
extern "C" {

/*#define BIT_WRITER_DEBUG */

/* This function writes bits into bytes in increasing addresses, and within
   a byte least-significant-bit first.

   The function can write up to 56 bits in one go with WriteBits
   Example: let's assume that 3 bits (Rs below) have been written already:

   BYTE-0     BYTE+1       BYTE+2

   0000 0RRR    0000 0000    0000 0000

   Now, we could write 5 or less bits in MSB by just sifting by 3
   and OR'ing to BYTE-0.

   For n bits, we take the last 5 bits, OR that with high bits in BYTE-0,
   and locate the rest in BYTE+1, BYTE+2, etc. */
static BROTLI_INLINE void BrotliWriteBits(size_t n_bits,
                                          uint64_t bits,
                                          size_t * BROTLI_RESTRICT pos,
                                          uint8_t * BROTLI_RESTRICT array) {
  /* This branch of the code can write up to 56 bits at a time,
     7 bits are lost by being perhaps already in *p and at least
     1 bit is needed to initialize the bit-stream ahead (i.e. if 7
     bits are in *p and we write 57 bits, then the next write will
     access a byte that was never initialized). */
  uint8_t *p = &array[*pos >> 3];
  uint64_t v = *p;
  printf("WriteBits  %2d  0x%016llx  %10d\n", n_bits, bits, *pos);
  assert((bits >> n_bits) == 0);
  assert(n_bits <= 56);
  v |= bits << (*pos & 7);
  BROTLI_UNALIGNED_STORE64(p, v);  /* Set some bits. */
  *pos += n_bits;
  /* implicit & 0xff is assumed for uint8_t arithmetics */
  uint8_t *array_pos = &array[*pos >> 3];
  const size_t bits_reserved_in_first_byte = (*pos & 7);
  size_t bits_left_to_write;
  bits <<= bits_reserved_in_first_byte;
  *array_pos++ |= (uint8_t)bits;
  for (bits_left_to_write = n_bits + bits_reserved_in_first_byte;
       bits_left_to_write >= 9;
       bits_left_to_write -= 8) {
    bits >>= 8;
    *array_pos++ = (uint8_t)bits;
  *array_pos = 0;
  *pos += n_bits;

static BROTLI_INLINE void BrotliWriteBitsPrepareStorage(
    size_t pos, uint8_t *array) {
  printf("WriteBitsPrepareStorage            %10d\n", pos);
  assert((pos & 7) == 0);
  array[pos >> 3] = 0;

#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
}  /* extern "C" */

#endif  /* BROTLI_ENC_WRITE_BITS_H_ */