package socks

import (

const (
	// version
	socks5Version = uint8(5)

	// commands
	connectCommand   = uint8(1)
	bindCommand      = uint8(2)
	associateCommand = uint8(3)

	// address types
	ipv4Address = uint8(1)
	fqdnAddress = uint8(3)
	ipv6Address = uint8(4)

const (
	successReply uint8 = iota

// AddrSpec is used to return the target IPv4, IPv6, or a FQDN
type AddrSpec struct {
	FQDN string
	IP   net.IP
	Port int

// String gives a host version of the Address
func (a *AddrSpec) String() string {
	if a.FQDN != "" {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s):%d", a.FQDN, a.IP, a.Port)
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", a.IP, a.Port)

// Address returns a string suitable to dial; prefer returning IP-based
// address, fallback to FQDN
func (a AddrSpec) Address() string {
	if len(a.IP) != 0 {
		return net.JoinHostPort(a.IP.String(), strconv.Itoa(a.Port))
	return net.JoinHostPort(a.FQDN, strconv.Itoa(a.Port))

// Request is a SOCKS5 command with supporting field of the connection
type Request struct {
	// Protocol version
	Version uint8
	// Requested command
	Command uint8
	// AddrSpec of the destination
	DestAddr *AddrSpec
	// reading from the connection
	bufConn io.Reader

// NewRequest creates a new request from the connection data stream
func NewRequest(bufConn io.Reader) (*Request, error) {
	// Read the version byte
	header := []byte{0, 0, 0}
	if _, err := io.ReadAtLeast(bufConn, header, 3); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to get command version: %v", err)

	// ensure compatibility
	if header[0] != socks5Version {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported command version: %v", header[0])

	// Read in the destination address
	dest, err := readAddrSpec(bufConn)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &Request{
		Version:  socks5Version,
		Command:  header[1],
		DestAddr: dest,
		bufConn:  bufConn,
	}, nil

func sendReply(w io.Writer, resp uint8, addr *AddrSpec) error {
	var addrType uint8
	var addrBody []byte
	var addrPort uint16
	switch {
	case addr == nil:
		addrType = ipv4Address
		addrBody = []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}
		addrPort = 0

	case addr.FQDN != "":
		addrType = fqdnAddress
		addrBody = append([]byte{byte(len(addr.FQDN))}, addr.FQDN...)
		addrPort = uint16(addr.Port)

	case addr.IP.To4() != nil:
		addrType = ipv4Address
		addrBody = []byte(addr.IP.To4())
		addrPort = uint16(addr.Port)

	case addr.IP.To16() != nil:
		addrType = ipv6Address
		addrBody = []byte(addr.IP.To16())
		addrPort = uint16(addr.Port)

		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to format address: %v", addr)

	// Format the message
	msg := make([]byte, 6+len(addrBody))
	msg[0] = socks5Version
	msg[1] = resp
	msg[2] = 0 // Reserved
	msg[3] = addrType
	copy(msg[4:], addrBody)
	msg[4+len(addrBody)] = byte(addrPort >> 8)
	msg[4+len(addrBody)+1] = byte(addrPort & 0xff)

	// Send the message
	_, err := w.Write(msg)
	return err

// readAddrSpec is used to read AddrSpec.
// Expects an address type byte, followed by the address and port
func readAddrSpec(r io.Reader) (*AddrSpec, error) {
	d := &AddrSpec{}

	// Get the address type
	addrType := []byte{0}
	if _, err := r.Read(addrType); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Handle on a per type basis
	switch addrType[0] {
	case ipv4Address:
		addr := make([]byte, 4)
		if _, err := io.ReadAtLeast(r, addr, len(addr)); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		d.IP = net.IP(addr)

	case ipv6Address:
		addr := make([]byte, 16)
		if _, err := io.ReadAtLeast(r, addr, len(addr)); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		d.IP = net.IP(addr)

	case fqdnAddress:
		if _, err := r.Read(addrType); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		addrLen := int(addrType[0])
		fqdn := make([]byte, addrLen)
		if _, err := io.ReadAtLeast(r, fqdn, addrLen); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		d.FQDN = string(fqdn)

		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized address type")

	// Read the port
	port := []byte{0, 0}
	if _, err := io.ReadAtLeast(r, port, 2); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	d.Port = (int(port[0]) << 8) | int(port[1])

	return d, nil