#!/bin/bash set -exo pipefail if [[ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ]] ; then echo "This should be run on macOS" exit 1 fi if [[ "amd64" != "${TARGET_ARCH}" && "arm64" != "${TARGET_ARCH}" ]] then echo "TARGET_ARCH must be amd64 or arm64" exit 1 fi go version export GO111MODULE=on # build 'cloudflared-darwin-amd64.tgz' mkdir -p artifacts TARGET_DIRECTORY=".build" BINARY_NAME="cloudflared" VERSION=$(git describe --tags --always --dirty="-dev") PRODUCT="cloudflared" APPLE_CA_CERT="apple_dev_ca.cert" CODE_SIGN_PRIV="code_sign.p12" CODE_SIGN_CERT="code_sign.cer" INSTALLER_PRIV="installer.p12" INSTALLER_CERT="installer.cer" BUNDLE_ID="com.cloudflare.cloudflared" SEC_DUP_MSG="security: SecKeychainItemImport: The specified item already exists in the keychain." export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin" FILENAME="$(pwd)/artifacts/cloudflared-darwin-$TARGET_ARCH.tgz" PKGNAME="$(pwd)/artifacts/cloudflared-$TARGET_ARCH.pkg" mkdir -p ../src/github.com/cloudflare/ cp -r . ../src/github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared cd ../src/github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared # Imports certificates to the Apple KeyChain import_certificate() { local CERTIFICATE_NAME=$1 local CERTIFICATE_ENV_VAR=$2 local CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME=$3 echo "Importing $CERTIFICATE_NAME" if [[ ! -z "$CERTIFICATE_ENV_VAR" ]]; then # write certificate to disk and then import it keychain echo -n -e ${CERTIFICATE_ENV_VAR} | base64 -D > ${CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME} # we set || true here and for every `security import invoke` because the "duplicate SecKeychainItemImport" error # will cause set -e to exit 1. It is okay we do this because we deliberately handle this error in the lines below. local out=$(security import ${CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME} -A 2>&1) || true local exitcode=$? # delete the certificate from disk rm -rf ${CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME} if [ -n "$out" ]; then if [ $exitcode -eq 0 ]; then echo "$out" else if [ "$out" != "${SEC_DUP_MSG}" ]; then echo "$out" >&2 exit $exitcode else echo "already imported code signing certificate" fi fi fi fi } # Imports private keys to the Apple KeyChain import_private_keys() { local PRIVATE_KEY_NAME=$1 local PRIVATE_KEY_ENV_VAR=$2 local PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_NAME=$3 local PRIVATE_KEY_PASS=$4 echo "Importing $PRIVATE_KEY_NAME" if [[ ! -z "$PRIVATE_KEY_ENV_VAR" ]]; then if [[ ! -z "$PRIVATE_KEY_PASS" ]]; then # write private key to disk and then import it keychain echo -n -e ${PRIVATE_KEY_ENV_VAR} | base64 -D > ${PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_NAME} # we set || true here and for every `security import invoke` because the "duplicate SecKeychainItemImport" error # will cause set -e to exit 1. It is okay we do this because we deliberately handle this error in the lines below. local out=$(security import ${PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_NAME} -A -P "${PRIVATE_KEY_PASS}" 2>&1) || true local exitcode=$? rm -rf ${PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_NAME} if [ -n "$out" ]; then if [ $exitcode -eq 0 ]; then echo "$out" else if [ "$out" != "${SEC_DUP_MSG}" ]; then echo "$out" >&2 exit $exitcode fi fi fi fi fi } # Add Apple Root Developer certificate to the key chain import_certificate "Apple Developer CA" "${APPLE_DEV_CA_CERT}" "${APPLE_CA_CERT}" # Add code signing private key to the key chain import_private_keys "Developer ID Application" "${CFD_CODE_SIGN_KEY}" "${CODE_SIGN_PRIV}" "${CFD_CODE_SIGN_PASS}" # Add code signing certificate to the key chain import_certificate "Developer ID Application" "${CFD_CODE_SIGN_CERT}" "${CODE_SIGN_CERT}" # Add package signing private key to the key chain import_private_keys "Developer ID Installer" "${CFD_INSTALLER_KEY}" "${INSTALLER_PRIV}" "${CFD_INSTALLER_PASS}" # Add package signing certificate to the key chain import_certificate "Developer ID Installer" "${CFD_INSTALLER_CERT}" "${INSTALLER_CERT}" # get the code signing certificate name if [[ ! -z "$CFD_CODE_SIGN_NAME" ]]; then CODE_SIGN_NAME="${CFD_CODE_SIGN_NAME}" else if [[ -n "$(security find-certificate -c "Developer ID Application" | cut -d'"' -f 4 -s | grep "Developer ID Application:" | head -1)" ]]; then CODE_SIGN_NAME=$(security find-certificate -c "Developer ID Application" | cut -d'"' -f 4 -s | grep "Developer ID Application:" | head -1) else CODE_SIGN_NAME="" fi fi # get the package signing certificate name if [[ ! -z "$CFD_INSTALLER_NAME" ]]; then PKG_SIGN_NAME="${CFD_INSTALLER_NAME}" else if [[ -n "$(security find-certificate -c "Developer ID Installer" | cut -d'"' -f 4 -s | grep "Developer ID Installer:" | head -1)" ]]; then PKG_SIGN_NAME=$(security find-certificate -c "Developer ID Installer" | cut -d'"' -f 4 -s | grep "Developer ID Installer:" | head -1) else PKG_SIGN_NAME="" fi fi # cleanup the build directory because the previous execution might have failed without cleaning up. rm -rf "${TARGET_DIRECTORY}" export TARGET_OS="darwin" GOCACHE="$PWD/../../../../" GOPATH="$PWD/../../../../" CGO_ENABLED=1 make cloudflared # sign the cloudflared binary if [[ ! -z "$CODE_SIGN_NAME" ]]; then codesign -s "${CODE_SIGN_NAME}" -f -v --timestamp --options runtime ${BINARY_NAME} # notarize the binary # TODO: TUN-5789 fi ARCH_TARGET_DIRECTORY="${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/${TARGET_ARCH}-build" # creating build directory rm -rf $ARCH_TARGET_DIRECTORY mkdir -p "${ARCH_TARGET_DIRECTORY}" mkdir -p "${ARCH_TARGET_DIRECTORY}/contents" cp -r ".mac_resources/scripts" "${ARCH_TARGET_DIRECTORY}/scripts" # copy cloudflared into the build directory cp ${BINARY_NAME} "${ARCH_TARGET_DIRECTORY}/contents/${PRODUCT}" # compress cloudflared into a tar and gzipped file tar czf "$FILENAME" "${BINARY_NAME}" # build the installer package if [[ ! -z "$PKG_SIGN_NAME" ]]; then pkgbuild --identifier com.cloudflare.${PRODUCT} \ --version ${VERSION} \ --scripts ${ARCH_TARGET_DIRECTORY}/scripts \ --root ${ARCH_TARGET_DIRECTORY}/contents \ --install-location /usr/local/bin \ --sign "${PKG_SIGN_NAME}" \ ${PKGNAME} # notarize the package # TODO: TUN-5789 else pkgbuild --identifier com.cloudflare.${PRODUCT} \ --version ${VERSION} \ --scripts ${ARCH_TARGET_DIRECTORY}/scripts \ --root ${ARCH_TARGET_DIRECTORY}/contents \ --install-location /usr/local/bin \ ${PKGNAME} fi # cleanup build directory because this script is not ran within containers, # which might lead to future issues in subsequent runs. rm -rf "${TARGET_DIRECTORY}"