# HTTP Server-Timing for Go

This is a library including middleware for using
[HTTP Server-Timing](https://www.w3.org/TR/server-timing) with Go. This header
allows a server to send timing information from the backend, such as database
access time, file reads, etc. The timing information can be then be inspected
in the standard browser developer tools:

![Server Timing Example](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitchellh/go-server-timing/master/example/screenshot.png)

## Features

  * Middleware for injecting the server timing struct into the request `Context`
    and writing the `Server-Timing` header.

  * Concurrency-safe structures for easily recording timings of multiple
    concurrency tasks.

  * Parse `Server-Timing` headers as a client.

  * Note: No browser properly supports sending the Server-Timing header as
    an [HTTP Trailer](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-4.4) so
	the Middleware only supports a normal header currently.

## Browser Support

Browser support is required to **view** server timings easily. Because server
timings are sent as an HTTP header, there is no negative impact to sending
the header to unsupported browsers.

  * **Chrome 65 or higher** is required to properly display server timings
    in the devtools.

  * **Firefox is pending** with an [open bug report (ID 1403051)](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1403051)

  * IE, Opera, and others are unknown at this time.

## Usage

Example usage is shown below. A fully runnable example is available in
the `example/` directory.

func main() {
	// Our handler. In a real application this might be your root router,
	// or some subset of your router. Wrapping this ensures that all routes
	// handled by this handler have access to the server timing header struct.
	var h http.Handler = http.HandlerFunc(handler)

	// Wrap our handler with the server timing middleware
	h = servertiming.Middleware(h, nil)

	// Start!
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", h)

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// Get our timing header builder from the context
	timing := servertiming.FromContext(r.Context())

	// Imagine your handler performs some tasks in a goroutine, such as
	// accessing some remote service. timing is concurrency safe so we can
	// record how long that takes. Let's simulate making 5 concurrent requests
	// to various servicse.
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		name := fmt.Sprintf("service-%d", i)
		go func(name string) {
			// This creats a new metric and starts the timer. The Stop is
			// deferred so when the function exits it'll record the duration.
			defer timing.NewMetric(name).Start().Stop()
			time.Sleep(random(25, 75))

	// Imagine this is just some blocking code in your main handler such
	// as a SQL query. Let's record that.
	m := timing.NewMetric("sql").WithDesc("SQL query").Start()
	time.Sleep(random(20, 50))

	// Wait for the goroutine to end

	// You could continue recording more metrics, but let's just return now
	w.Write([]byte("Done. Check your browser inspector timing details."))

func random(min, max int) time.Duration {
	return (time.Duration(rand.Intn(max-min) + min)) * time.Millisecond