#!/bin/bash DEST=$2 PACKAGE=$3 TMPFILE="mockgen_tmp.go" # uppercase the name of the interface ORIG_INTERFACE_NAME=$4 INTERFACE_NAME="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< ${ORIG_INTERFACE_NAME:0:1})${ORIG_INTERFACE_NAME:1}" # Gather all files that contain interface definitions. # These interfaces might be used as embedded interfaces, # so we need to pass them to mockgen as aux_files. AUX=() for f in *.go; do if [[ -z ${f##*_test.go} ]]; then # skip test files continue; fi if $(egrep -qe "type (.*) interface" $f); then AUX+=("github.com/lucas-clemente/quic-go=$f") fi done # Find the file that defines the interface we're mocking. for f in *.go; do if [[ -z ${f##*_test.go} ]]; then # skip test files continue; fi INTERFACE=$(sed -n "/^type $ORIG_INTERFACE_NAME interface/,/^}/p" $f) if [[ -n "$INTERFACE" ]]; then SRC=$f break fi done if [[ -z "$INTERFACE" ]]; then echo "Interface $ORIG_INTERFACE_NAME not found." exit 1 fi AUX_FILES=$(IFS=, ; echo "${AUX[*]}") ## create a public alias for the interface, so that mockgen can process it echo -e "package $1\n" > $TMPFILE echo "$INTERFACE" | sed "s/$ORIG_INTERFACE_NAME/$INTERFACE_NAME/" >> $TMPFILE goimports -w $TMPFILE mockgen -package $1 -self_package $3 -destination $DEST -source=$TMPFILE -aux_files $AUX_FILES goimports -w $DEST sed "s/$TMPFILE/$SRC/" "$DEST" > "$DEST.new" && mv "$DEST.new" "$DEST" rm "$TMPFILE"