// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package trace // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/trace"

import (


const (
	defaultTracerName = "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/tracer"

// tracerProviderConfig.
type tracerProviderConfig struct {
	// processors contains collection of SpanProcessors that are processing pipeline
	// for spans in the trace signal.
	// SpanProcessors registered with a TracerProvider and are called at the start
	// and end of a Span's lifecycle, and are called in the order they are
	// registered.
	processors []SpanProcessor

	// sampler is the default sampler used when creating new spans.
	sampler Sampler

	// idGenerator is used to generate all Span and Trace IDs when needed.
	idGenerator IDGenerator

	// spanLimits defines the attribute, event, and link limits for spans.
	spanLimits SpanLimits

	// resource contains attributes representing an entity that produces telemetry.
	resource *resource.Resource

// MarshalLog is the marshaling function used by the logging system to represent this Provider.
func (cfg tracerProviderConfig) MarshalLog() interface{} {
	return struct {
		SpanProcessors  []SpanProcessor
		SamplerType     string
		IDGeneratorType string
		SpanLimits      SpanLimits
		Resource        *resource.Resource
		SpanProcessors:  cfg.processors,
		SamplerType:     fmt.Sprintf("%T", cfg.sampler),
		IDGeneratorType: fmt.Sprintf("%T", cfg.idGenerator),
		SpanLimits:      cfg.spanLimits,
		Resource:        cfg.resource,

// TracerProvider is an OpenTelemetry TracerProvider. It provides Tracers to
// instrumentation so it can trace operational flow through a system.
type TracerProvider struct {

	mu             sync.Mutex
	namedTracer    map[instrumentation.Scope]*tracer
	spanProcessors atomic.Pointer[spanProcessorStates]

	isShutdown atomic.Bool

	// These fields are not protected by the lock mu. They are assumed to be
	// immutable after creation of the TracerProvider.
	sampler     Sampler
	idGenerator IDGenerator
	spanLimits  SpanLimits
	resource    *resource.Resource

var _ trace.TracerProvider = &TracerProvider{}

// NewTracerProvider returns a new and configured TracerProvider.
// By default the returned TracerProvider is configured with:
//   - a ParentBased(AlwaysSample) Sampler
//   - a random number IDGenerator
//   - the resource.Default() Resource
//   - the default SpanLimits.
// The passed opts are used to override these default values and configure the
// returned TracerProvider appropriately.
func NewTracerProvider(opts ...TracerProviderOption) *TracerProvider {
	o := tracerProviderConfig{
		spanLimits: NewSpanLimits(),
	o = applyTracerProviderEnvConfigs(o)

	for _, opt := range opts {
		o = opt.apply(o)

	o = ensureValidTracerProviderConfig(o)

	tp := &TracerProvider{
		namedTracer: make(map[instrumentation.Scope]*tracer),
		sampler:     o.sampler,
		idGenerator: o.idGenerator,
		spanLimits:  o.spanLimits,
		resource:    o.resource,
	global.Info("TracerProvider created", "config", o)

	spss := make(spanProcessorStates, 0, len(o.processors))
	for _, sp := range o.processors {
		spss = append(spss, newSpanProcessorState(sp))

	return tp

// Tracer returns a Tracer with the given name and options. If a Tracer for
// the given name and options does not exist it is created, otherwise the
// existing Tracer is returned.
// If name is empty, DefaultTracerName is used instead.
// This method is safe to be called concurrently.
func (p *TracerProvider) Tracer(name string, opts ...trace.TracerOption) trace.Tracer {
	// This check happens before the mutex is acquired to avoid deadlocking if Tracer() is called from within Shutdown().
	if p.isShutdown.Load() {
		return noop.NewTracerProvider().Tracer(name, opts...)
	c := trace.NewTracerConfig(opts...)
	if name == "" {
		name = defaultTracerName
	is := instrumentation.Scope{
		Name:      name,
		Version:   c.InstrumentationVersion(),
		SchemaURL: c.SchemaURL(),

	t, ok := func() (trace.Tracer, bool) {
		defer p.mu.Unlock()
		// Must check the flag after acquiring the mutex to avoid returning a valid tracer if Shutdown() ran
		// after the first check above but before we acquired the mutex.
		if p.isShutdown.Load() {
			return noop.NewTracerProvider().Tracer(name, opts...), true
		t, ok := p.namedTracer[is]
		if !ok {
			t = &tracer{
				provider:             p,
				instrumentationScope: is,
			p.namedTracer[is] = t
		return t, ok
	if !ok {
		// This code is outside the mutex to not hold the lock while calling third party logging code:
		// - That code may do slow things like I/O, which would prolong the duration the lock is held,
		//   slowing down all tracing consumers.
		// - Logging code may be instrumented with tracing and deadlock because it could try
		//   acquiring the same non-reentrant mutex.
		global.Info("Tracer created", "name", name, "version", is.Version, "schemaURL", is.SchemaURL)
	return t

// RegisterSpanProcessor adds the given SpanProcessor to the list of SpanProcessors.
func (p *TracerProvider) RegisterSpanProcessor(sp SpanProcessor) {
	// This check prevents calls during a shutdown.
	if p.isShutdown.Load() {
	defer p.mu.Unlock()
	// This check prevents calls after a shutdown.
	if p.isShutdown.Load() {

	current := p.getSpanProcessors()
	newSPS := make(spanProcessorStates, 0, len(current)+1)
	newSPS = append(newSPS, current...)
	newSPS = append(newSPS, newSpanProcessorState(sp))

// UnregisterSpanProcessor removes the given SpanProcessor from the list of SpanProcessors.
func (p *TracerProvider) UnregisterSpanProcessor(sp SpanProcessor) {
	// This check prevents calls during a shutdown.
	if p.isShutdown.Load() {
	defer p.mu.Unlock()
	// This check prevents calls after a shutdown.
	if p.isShutdown.Load() {
	old := p.getSpanProcessors()
	if len(old) == 0 {
	spss := make(spanProcessorStates, len(old))
	copy(spss, old)

	// stop the span processor if it is started and remove it from the list
	var stopOnce *spanProcessorState
	var idx int
	for i, sps := range spss {
		if sps.sp == sp {
			stopOnce = sps
			idx = i
	if stopOnce != nil {
		stopOnce.state.Do(func() {
			if err := sp.Shutdown(context.Background()); err != nil {
	if len(spss) > 1 {
		copy(spss[idx:], spss[idx+1:])
	spss[len(spss)-1] = nil
	spss = spss[:len(spss)-1]


// ForceFlush immediately exports all spans that have not yet been exported for
// all the registered span processors.
func (p *TracerProvider) ForceFlush(ctx context.Context) error {
	spss := p.getSpanProcessors()
	if len(spss) == 0 {
		return nil

	for _, sps := range spss {
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return ctx.Err()

		if err := sps.sp.ForceFlush(ctx); err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

// Shutdown shuts down TracerProvider. All registered span processors are shut down
// in the order they were registered and any held computational resources are released.
// After Shutdown is called, all methods are no-ops.
func (p *TracerProvider) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error {
	// This check prevents deadlocks in case of recursive shutdown.
	if p.isShutdown.Load() {
		return nil
	defer p.mu.Unlock()
	// This check prevents calls after a shutdown has already been done concurrently.
	if !p.isShutdown.CompareAndSwap(false, true) { // did toggle?
		return nil

	var retErr error
	for _, sps := range p.getSpanProcessors() {
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return ctx.Err()

		var err error
		sps.state.Do(func() {
			err = sps.sp.Shutdown(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			if retErr == nil {
				retErr = err
			} else {
				// Poor man's list of errors
				retErr = fmt.Errorf("%v; %v", retErr, err)
	return retErr

func (p *TracerProvider) getSpanProcessors() spanProcessorStates {
	return *(p.spanProcessors.Load())

// TracerProviderOption configures a TracerProvider.
type TracerProviderOption interface {
	apply(tracerProviderConfig) tracerProviderConfig

type traceProviderOptionFunc func(tracerProviderConfig) tracerProviderConfig

func (fn traceProviderOptionFunc) apply(cfg tracerProviderConfig) tracerProviderConfig {
	return fn(cfg)

// WithSyncer registers the exporter with the TracerProvider using a
// SimpleSpanProcessor.
// This is not recommended for production use. The synchronous nature of the
// SimpleSpanProcessor that will wrap the exporter make it good for testing,
// debugging, or showing examples of other feature, but it will be slow and
// have a high computation resource usage overhead. The WithBatcher option is
// recommended for production use instead.
func WithSyncer(e SpanExporter) TracerProviderOption {
	return WithSpanProcessor(NewSimpleSpanProcessor(e))

// WithBatcher registers the exporter with the TracerProvider using a
// BatchSpanProcessor configured with the passed opts.
func WithBatcher(e SpanExporter, opts ...BatchSpanProcessorOption) TracerProviderOption {
	return WithSpanProcessor(NewBatchSpanProcessor(e, opts...))

// WithSpanProcessor registers the SpanProcessor with a TracerProvider.
func WithSpanProcessor(sp SpanProcessor) TracerProviderOption {
	return traceProviderOptionFunc(func(cfg tracerProviderConfig) tracerProviderConfig {
		cfg.processors = append(cfg.processors, sp)
		return cfg

// WithResource returns a TracerProviderOption that will configure the
// Resource r as a TracerProvider's Resource. The configured Resource is
// referenced by all the Tracers the TracerProvider creates. It represents the
// entity producing telemetry.
// If this option is not used, the TracerProvider will use the
// resource.Default() Resource by default.
func WithResource(r *resource.Resource) TracerProviderOption {
	return traceProviderOptionFunc(func(cfg tracerProviderConfig) tracerProviderConfig {
		var err error
		cfg.resource, err = resource.Merge(resource.Environment(), r)
		if err != nil {
		return cfg

// WithIDGenerator returns a TracerProviderOption that will configure the
// IDGenerator g as a TracerProvider's IDGenerator. The configured IDGenerator
// is used by the Tracers the TracerProvider creates to generate new Span and
// Trace IDs.
// If this option is not used, the TracerProvider will use a random number
// IDGenerator by default.
func WithIDGenerator(g IDGenerator) TracerProviderOption {
	return traceProviderOptionFunc(func(cfg tracerProviderConfig) tracerProviderConfig {
		if g != nil {
			cfg.idGenerator = g
		return cfg

// WithSampler returns a TracerProviderOption that will configure the Sampler
// s as a TracerProvider's Sampler. The configured Sampler is used by the
// Tracers the TracerProvider creates to make their sampling decisions for the
// Spans they create.
// This option overrides the Sampler configured through the OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER
// and OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_ARG environment variables. If this option is not used
// and the sampler is not configured through environment variables or the environment
// contains invalid/unsupported configuration, the TracerProvider will use a
// ParentBased(AlwaysSample) Sampler by default.
func WithSampler(s Sampler) TracerProviderOption {
	return traceProviderOptionFunc(func(cfg tracerProviderConfig) tracerProviderConfig {
		if s != nil {
			cfg.sampler = s
		return cfg

// WithSpanLimits returns a TracerProviderOption that configures a
// TracerProvider to use the SpanLimits sl. These SpanLimits bound any Span
// created by a Tracer from the TracerProvider.
// If any field of sl is zero or negative it will be replaced with the default
// value for that field.
// If this or WithRawSpanLimits are not provided, the TracerProvider will use
// the limits defined by environment variables, or the defaults if unset.
// Refer to the NewSpanLimits documentation for information about this
// relationship.
// Deprecated: Use WithRawSpanLimits instead which allows setting unlimited
// and zero limits. This option will be kept until the next major version
// incremented release.
func WithSpanLimits(sl SpanLimits) TracerProviderOption {
	if sl.AttributeValueLengthLimit <= 0 {
		sl.AttributeValueLengthLimit = DefaultAttributeValueLengthLimit
	if sl.AttributeCountLimit <= 0 {
		sl.AttributeCountLimit = DefaultAttributeCountLimit
	if sl.EventCountLimit <= 0 {
		sl.EventCountLimit = DefaultEventCountLimit
	if sl.AttributePerEventCountLimit <= 0 {
		sl.AttributePerEventCountLimit = DefaultAttributePerEventCountLimit
	if sl.LinkCountLimit <= 0 {
		sl.LinkCountLimit = DefaultLinkCountLimit
	if sl.AttributePerLinkCountLimit <= 0 {
		sl.AttributePerLinkCountLimit = DefaultAttributePerLinkCountLimit
	return traceProviderOptionFunc(func(cfg tracerProviderConfig) tracerProviderConfig {
		cfg.spanLimits = sl
		return cfg

// WithRawSpanLimits returns a TracerProviderOption that configures a
// TracerProvider to use these limits. These limits bound any Span created by
// a Tracer from the TracerProvider.
// The limits will be used as-is. Zero or negative values will not be changed
// to the default value like WithSpanLimits does. Setting a limit to zero will
// effectively disable the related resource it limits and setting to a
// negative value will mean that resource is unlimited. Consequentially, this
// means that the zero-value SpanLimits will disable all span resources.
// Because of this, limits should be constructed using NewSpanLimits and
// updated accordingly.
// If this or WithSpanLimits are not provided, the TracerProvider will use the
// limits defined by environment variables, or the defaults if unset. Refer to
// the NewSpanLimits documentation for information about this relationship.
func WithRawSpanLimits(limits SpanLimits) TracerProviderOption {
	return traceProviderOptionFunc(func(cfg tracerProviderConfig) tracerProviderConfig {
		cfg.spanLimits = limits
		return cfg

func applyTracerProviderEnvConfigs(cfg tracerProviderConfig) tracerProviderConfig {
	for _, opt := range tracerProviderOptionsFromEnv() {
		cfg = opt.apply(cfg)

	return cfg

func tracerProviderOptionsFromEnv() []TracerProviderOption {
	var opts []TracerProviderOption

	sampler, err := samplerFromEnv()
	if err != nil {

	if sampler != nil {
		opts = append(opts, WithSampler(sampler))

	return opts

// ensureValidTracerProviderConfig ensures that given TracerProviderConfig is valid.
func ensureValidTracerProviderConfig(cfg tracerProviderConfig) tracerProviderConfig {
	if cfg.sampler == nil {
		cfg.sampler = ParentBased(AlwaysSample())
	if cfg.idGenerator == nil {
		cfg.idGenerator = defaultIDGenerator()
	if cfg.resource == nil {
		cfg.resource = resource.Default()
	return cfg