// +build linux,!appengine package dns // See: // * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3062205/setting-the-source-ip-for-a-udp-socket and // * http://blog.powerdns.com/2012/10/08/on-binding-datagram-udp-sockets-to-the-any-addresses/ // // Why do we need this: When listening on with UDP so kernel decides what is the outgoing // interface, this might not always be the correct one. This code will make sure the egress // packet's interface matched the ingress' one. import ( "net" "syscall" "unsafe" "github.com/miekg/dns/internal/socket" ) const ( sizeofInet6Pktinfo = 0x14 sizeofInetPktinfo = 0xc protocolIP = 0 protocolIPv6 = 41 ) type inetPktinfo struct { Ifindex int32 Spec_dst [4]byte /* in_addr */ Addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ } type inet6Pktinfo struct { Addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ Ifindex int32 } type inetControlMessage struct { Src net.IP // source address, specifying only Dst net.IP // destination address, receiving only } // setUDPSocketOptions sets the UDP socket options. // This function is implemented on a per platform basis. See udp_*.go for more details func setUDPSocketOptions(conn *net.UDPConn) error { sa, err := getUDPSocketName(conn) if err != nil { return err } switch sa.(type) { case *syscall.SockaddrInet6: v6only, err := getUDPSocketOptions6Only(conn) if err != nil { return err } setUDPSocketOptions6(conn) if !v6only { setUDPSocketOptions4(conn) } case *syscall.SockaddrInet4: setUDPSocketOptions4(conn) } return nil } // setUDPSocketOptions4 prepares the v4 socket for sessions. func setUDPSocketOptions4(conn *net.UDPConn) error { file, err := conn.File() if err != nil { return err } if err := syscall.SetsockoptInt(int(file.Fd()), syscall.IPPROTO_IP, syscall.IP_PKTINFO, 1); err != nil { file.Close() return err } // Calling File() above results in the connection becoming blocking, we must fix that. // See https://github.com/miekg/dns/issues/279 err = syscall.SetNonblock(int(file.Fd()), true) if err != nil { file.Close() return err } file.Close() return nil } // setUDPSocketOptions6 prepares the v6 socket for sessions. func setUDPSocketOptions6(conn *net.UDPConn) error { file, err := conn.File() if err != nil { return err } if err := syscall.SetsockoptInt(int(file.Fd()), syscall.IPPROTO_IPV6, syscall.IPV6_RECVPKTINFO, 1); err != nil { file.Close() return err } err = syscall.SetNonblock(int(file.Fd()), true) if err != nil { file.Close() return err } file.Close() return nil } // getUDPSocketOption6Only return true if the socket is v6 only and false when it is v4/v6 combined // (dualstack). func getUDPSocketOptions6Only(conn *net.UDPConn) (bool, error) { file, err := conn.File() if err != nil { return false, err } // dual stack. See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1618240/how-to-support-both-ipv4-and-ipv6-connections v6only, err := syscall.GetsockoptInt(int(file.Fd()), syscall.IPPROTO_IPV6, syscall.IPV6_V6ONLY) if err != nil { file.Close() return false, err } file.Close() return v6only == 1, nil } func getUDPSocketName(conn *net.UDPConn) (syscall.Sockaddr, error) { file, err := conn.File() if err != nil { return nil, err } defer file.Close() return syscall.Getsockname(int(file.Fd())) } // marshalInetPacketInfo marshals a ipv4 control message, returning // the byte slice for the next marshal, if any func marshalInetPacketInfo(b []byte, cm *inetControlMessage) []byte { m := socket.ControlMessage(b) m.MarshalHeader(protocolIP, syscall.IP_PKTINFO, sizeofInetPktinfo) if cm != nil { pi := (*inetPktinfo)(unsafe.Pointer(&m.Data(sizeofInetPktinfo)[0])) if ip := cm.Src.To4(); ip != nil { copy(pi.Spec_dst[:], ip) } } return m.Next(sizeofInetPktinfo) } // marshalInet6PacketInfo marshals a ipv6 control message, returning // the byte slice for the next marshal, if any func marshalInet6PacketInfo(b []byte, cm *inetControlMessage) []byte { m := socket.ControlMessage(b) m.MarshalHeader(protocolIPv6, syscall.IPV6_PKTINFO, sizeofInet6Pktinfo) if cm != nil { pi := (*inet6Pktinfo)(unsafe.Pointer(&m.Data(sizeofInet6Pktinfo)[0])) if ip := cm.Src.To16(); ip != nil && ip.To4() == nil { copy(pi.Addr[:], ip) } } return m.Next(sizeofInet6Pktinfo) } func parseInetPacketInfo(cm *inetControlMessage, b []byte) { pi := (*inetPktinfo)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])) if len(cm.Dst) < net.IPv4len { cm.Dst = make(net.IP, net.IPv4len) } copy(cm.Dst, pi.Addr[:]) } func parseInet6PacketInfo(cm *inetControlMessage, b []byte) { pi := (*inet6Pktinfo)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])) if len(cm.Dst) < net.IPv6len { cm.Dst = make(net.IP, net.IPv6len) } copy(cm.Dst, pi.Addr[:]) } // parseUDPSocketDst takes out-of-band data from ReadMsgUDP and parses it for // the Dst address func parseUDPSocketDst(oob []byte) (net.IP, error) { cm := new(inetControlMessage) ms, err := socket.ControlMessage(oob).Parse() if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, m := range ms { lvl, typ, l, err := m.ParseHeader() if err != nil { return nil, err } if lvl == protocolIPv6 { // IPv6 if typ == syscall.IPV6_PKTINFO && l >= sizeofInet6Pktinfo { parseInet6PacketInfo(cm, m.Data(l)) } } else if lvl == protocolIP { // IPv4 if typ == syscall.IP_PKTINFO && l >= sizeofInetPktinfo { parseInetPacketInfo(cm, m.Data(l)) } } } return cm.Dst, nil } // marshalUDPSocketSrc takes the given src address and returns out-of-band data // to give to WriteMsgUDP func marshalUDPSocketSrc(src net.IP) []byte { var oob []byte // If the dst is definitely an ipv6, then use ipv6 control to respond // otherwise use ipv4 because the ipv6 marshal ignores ipv4 messages. // See marshalInet6PacketInfo cm := new(inetControlMessage) cm.Src = src if src.To4() == nil { oob = make([]byte, socket.ControlMessageSpace(sizeofInet6Pktinfo)) marshalInet6PacketInfo(oob, cm) } else { oob = make([]byte, socket.ControlMessageSpace(sizeofInetPktinfo)) marshalInetPacketInfo(oob, cm) } return oob }