package dns import ( "encoding/base32" "encoding/base64" "encoding/binary" "encoding/hex" "net" "strings" ) // helper functions called from the generated zmsg.go // These function are named after the tag to help pack/unpack, if there is no tag it is the name // of the type they pack/unpack (string, int, etc). We prefix all with unpackData or packData, so packDataA or // packDataDomainName. func unpackDataA(msg []byte, off int) (net.IP, int, error) { if off+net.IPv4len > len(msg) { return nil, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking a"} } a := append(make(net.IP, 0, net.IPv4len), msg[off:off+net.IPv4len]...) off += net.IPv4len return a, off, nil } func packDataA(a net.IP, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) { switch len(a) { case net.IPv4len, net.IPv6len: // It must be a slice of 4, even if it is 16, we encode only the first 4 if off+net.IPv4len > len(msg) { return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing a"} } copy(msg[off:], a.To4()) off += net.IPv4len case 0: // Allowed, for dynamic updates. default: return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing a"} } return off, nil } func unpackDataAAAA(msg []byte, off int) (net.IP, int, error) { if off+net.IPv6len > len(msg) { return nil, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking aaaa"} } aaaa := append(make(net.IP, 0, net.IPv6len), msg[off:off+net.IPv6len]...) off += net.IPv6len return aaaa, off, nil } func packDataAAAA(aaaa net.IP, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) { switch len(aaaa) { case net.IPv6len: if off+net.IPv6len > len(msg) { return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing aaaa"} } copy(msg[off:], aaaa) off += net.IPv6len case 0: // Allowed, dynamic updates. default: return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing aaaa"} } return off, nil } // unpackHeader unpacks an RR header, returning the offset to the end of the header and a // re-sliced msg according to the expected length of the RR. func unpackHeader(msg []byte, off int) (rr RR_Header, off1 int, truncmsg []byte, err error) { hdr := RR_Header{} if off == len(msg) { return hdr, off, msg, nil } hdr.Name, off, err = UnpackDomainName(msg, off) if err != nil { return hdr, len(msg), msg, err } hdr.Rrtype, off, err = unpackUint16(msg, off) if err != nil { return hdr, len(msg), msg, err } hdr.Class, off, err = unpackUint16(msg, off) if err != nil { return hdr, len(msg), msg, err } hdr.Ttl, off, err = unpackUint32(msg, off) if err != nil { return hdr, len(msg), msg, err } hdr.Rdlength, off, err = unpackUint16(msg, off) if err != nil { return hdr, len(msg), msg, err } msg, err = truncateMsgFromRdlength(msg, off, hdr.Rdlength) return hdr, off, msg, err } // packHeader packs an RR header, returning the offset to the end of the header. // See PackDomainName for documentation about the compression. func (hdr RR_Header) packHeader(msg []byte, off int, compression compressionMap, compress bool) (int, error) { if off == len(msg) { return off, nil } off, err := packDomainName(hdr.Name, msg, off, compression, compress) if err != nil { return len(msg), err } off, err = packUint16(hdr.Rrtype, msg, off) if err != nil { return len(msg), err } off, err = packUint16(hdr.Class, msg, off) if err != nil { return len(msg), err } off, err = packUint32(hdr.Ttl, msg, off) if err != nil { return len(msg), err } off, err = packUint16(0, msg, off) // The RDLENGTH field will be set later in packRR. if err != nil { return len(msg), err } return off, nil } // helper helper functions. // truncateMsgFromRdLength truncates msg to match the expected length of the RR. // Returns an error if msg is smaller than the expected size. func truncateMsgFromRdlength(msg []byte, off int, rdlength uint16) (truncmsg []byte, err error) { lenrd := off + int(rdlength) if lenrd > len(msg) { return msg, &Error{err: "overflowing header size"} } return msg[:lenrd], nil } var base32HexNoPadEncoding = base32.HexEncoding.WithPadding(base32.NoPadding) func fromBase32(s []byte) (buf []byte, err error) { for i, b := range s { if b >= 'a' && b <= 'z' { s[i] = b - 32 } } buflen := base32HexNoPadEncoding.DecodedLen(len(s)) buf = make([]byte, buflen) n, err := base32HexNoPadEncoding.Decode(buf, s) buf = buf[:n] return } func toBase32(b []byte) string { return base32HexNoPadEncoding.EncodeToString(b) } func fromBase64(s []byte) (buf []byte, err error) { buflen := base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(s)) buf = make([]byte, buflen) n, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(buf, s) buf = buf[:n] return } func toBase64(b []byte) string { return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(b) } // dynamicUpdate returns true if the Rdlength is zero. func noRdata(h RR_Header) bool { return h.Rdlength == 0 } func unpackUint8(msg []byte, off int) (i uint8, off1 int, err error) { if off+1 > len(msg) { return 0, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking uint8"} } return msg[off], off + 1, nil } func packUint8(i uint8, msg []byte, off int) (off1 int, err error) { if off+1 > len(msg) { return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing uint8"} } msg[off] = i return off + 1, nil } func unpackUint16(msg []byte, off int) (i uint16, off1 int, err error) { if off+2 > len(msg) { return 0, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking uint16"} } return binary.BigEndian.Uint16(msg[off:]), off + 2, nil } func packUint16(i uint16, msg []byte, off int) (off1 int, err error) { if off+2 > len(msg) { return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing uint16"} } binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(msg[off:], i) return off + 2, nil } func unpackUint32(msg []byte, off int) (i uint32, off1 int, err error) { if off+4 > len(msg) { return 0, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking uint32"} } return binary.BigEndian.Uint32(msg[off:]), off + 4, nil } func packUint32(i uint32, msg []byte, off int) (off1 int, err error) { if off+4 > len(msg) { return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing uint32"} } binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(msg[off:], i) return off + 4, nil } func unpackUint48(msg []byte, off int) (i uint64, off1 int, err error) { if off+6 > len(msg) { return 0, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking uint64 as uint48"} } // Used in TSIG where the last 48 bits are occupied, so for now, assume a uint48 (6 bytes) i = uint64(msg[off])<<40 | uint64(msg[off+1])<<32 | uint64(msg[off+2])<<24 | uint64(msg[off+3])<<16 | uint64(msg[off+4])<<8 | uint64(msg[off+5]) off += 6 return i, off, nil } func packUint48(i uint64, msg []byte, off int) (off1 int, err error) { if off+6 > len(msg) { return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing uint64 as uint48"} } msg[off] = byte(i >> 40) msg[off+1] = byte(i >> 32) msg[off+2] = byte(i >> 24) msg[off+3] = byte(i >> 16) msg[off+4] = byte(i >> 8) msg[off+5] = byte(i) off += 6 return off, nil } func unpackUint64(msg []byte, off int) (i uint64, off1 int, err error) { if off+8 > len(msg) { return 0, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking uint64"} } return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(msg[off:]), off + 8, nil } func packUint64(i uint64, msg []byte, off int) (off1 int, err error) { if off+8 > len(msg) { return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing uint64"} } binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(msg[off:], i) off += 8 return off, nil } func unpackString(msg []byte, off int) (string, int, error) { if off+1 > len(msg) { return "", off, &Error{err: "overflow unpacking txt"} } l := int(msg[off]) if off+l+1 > len(msg) { return "", off, &Error{err: "overflow unpacking txt"} } var s strings.Builder s.Grow(l) for _, b := range msg[off+1 : off+1+l] { switch { case b == '"' || b == '\\': s.WriteByte('\\') s.WriteByte(b) case b < ' ' || b > '~': // unprintable s.WriteString(escapeByte(b)) default: s.WriteByte(b) } } off += 1 + l return s.String(), off, nil } func packString(s string, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) { txtTmp := make([]byte, 256*4+1) off, err := packTxtString(s, msg, off, txtTmp) if err != nil { return len(msg), err } return off, nil } func unpackStringBase32(msg []byte, off, end int) (string, int, error) { if end > len(msg) { return "", len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking base32"} } s := toBase32(msg[off:end]) return s, end, nil } func packStringBase32(s string, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) { b32, err := fromBase32([]byte(s)) if err != nil { return len(msg), err } if off+len(b32) > len(msg) { return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing base32"} } copy(msg[off:off+len(b32)], b32) off += len(b32) return off, nil } func unpackStringBase64(msg []byte, off, end int) (string, int, error) { // Rest of the RR is base64 encoded value, so we don't need an explicit length // to be set. Thus far all RR's that have base64 encoded fields have those as their // last one. What we do need is the end of the RR! if end > len(msg) { return "", len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking base64"} } s := toBase64(msg[off:end]) return s, end, nil } func packStringBase64(s string, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) { b64, err := fromBase64([]byte(s)) if err != nil { return len(msg), err } if off+len(b64) > len(msg) { return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing base64"} } copy(msg[off:off+len(b64)], b64) off += len(b64) return off, nil } func unpackStringHex(msg []byte, off, end int) (string, int, error) { // Rest of the RR is hex encoded value, so we don't need an explicit length // to be set. NSEC and TSIG have hex fields with a length field. // What we do need is the end of the RR! if end > len(msg) { return "", len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking hex"} } s := hex.EncodeToString(msg[off:end]) return s, end, nil } func packStringHex(s string, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) { h, err := hex.DecodeString(s) if err != nil { return len(msg), err } if off+len(h) > len(msg) { return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing hex"} } copy(msg[off:off+len(h)], h) off += len(h) return off, nil } func unpackStringAny(msg []byte, off, end int) (string, int, error) { if end > len(msg) { return "", len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking anything"} } return string(msg[off:end]), end, nil } func packStringAny(s string, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) { if off+len(s) > len(msg) { return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing anything"} } copy(msg[off:off+len(s)], s) off += len(s) return off, nil } func unpackStringTxt(msg []byte, off int) ([]string, int, error) { txt, off, err := unpackTxt(msg, off) if err != nil { return nil, len(msg), err } return txt, off, nil } func packStringTxt(s []string, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) { txtTmp := make([]byte, 256*4+1) // If the whole string consists out of \DDD we need this many. off, err := packTxt(s, msg, off, txtTmp) if err != nil { return len(msg), err } return off, nil } func unpackDataOpt(msg []byte, off int) ([]EDNS0, int, error) { var edns []EDNS0 Option: var code uint16 if off+4 > len(msg) { return nil, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking opt"} } code = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(msg[off:]) off += 2 optlen := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(msg[off:]) off += 2 if off+int(optlen) > len(msg) { return nil, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking opt"} } switch code { case EDNS0NSID: e := new(EDNS0_NSID) if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil { return nil, len(msg), err } edns = append(edns, e) off += int(optlen) case EDNS0SUBNET: e := new(EDNS0_SUBNET) if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil { return nil, len(msg), err } edns = append(edns, e) off += int(optlen) case EDNS0COOKIE: e := new(EDNS0_COOKIE) if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil { return nil, len(msg), err } edns = append(edns, e) off += int(optlen) case EDNS0UL: e := new(EDNS0_UL) if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil { return nil, len(msg), err } edns = append(edns, e) off += int(optlen) case EDNS0LLQ: e := new(EDNS0_LLQ) if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil { return nil, len(msg), err } edns = append(edns, e) off += int(optlen) case EDNS0DAU: e := new(EDNS0_DAU) if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil { return nil, len(msg), err } edns = append(edns, e) off += int(optlen) case EDNS0DHU: e := new(EDNS0_DHU) if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil { return nil, len(msg), err } edns = append(edns, e) off += int(optlen) case EDNS0N3U: e := new(EDNS0_N3U) if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil { return nil, len(msg), err } edns = append(edns, e) off += int(optlen) case EDNS0PADDING: e := new(EDNS0_PADDING) if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil { return nil, len(msg), err } edns = append(edns, e) off += int(optlen) default: e := new(EDNS0_LOCAL) e.Code = code if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil { return nil, len(msg), err } edns = append(edns, e) off += int(optlen) } if off < len(msg) { goto Option } return edns, off, nil } func packDataOpt(options []EDNS0, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) { for _, el := range options { b, err := el.pack() if err != nil || off+3 > len(msg) { return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing opt"} } binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(msg[off:], el.Option()) // Option code binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(msg[off+2:], uint16(len(b))) // Length off += 4 if off+len(b) > len(msg) { copy(msg[off:], b) off = len(msg) continue } // Actual data copy(msg[off:off+len(b)], b) off += len(b) } return off, nil } func unpackStringOctet(msg []byte, off int) (string, int, error) { s := string(msg[off:]) return s, len(msg), nil } func packStringOctet(s string, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) { txtTmp := make([]byte, 256*4+1) off, err := packOctetString(s, msg, off, txtTmp) if err != nil { return len(msg), err } return off, nil } func unpackDataNsec(msg []byte, off int) ([]uint16, int, error) { var nsec []uint16 length, window, lastwindow := 0, 0, -1 for off < len(msg) { if off+2 > len(msg) { return nsec, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking nsecx"} } window = int(msg[off]) length = int(msg[off+1]) off += 2 if window <= lastwindow { // RFC 4034: Blocks are present in the NSEC RR RDATA in // increasing numerical order. return nsec, len(msg), &Error{err: "out of order NSEC block"} } if length == 0 { // RFC 4034: Blocks with no types present MUST NOT be included. return nsec, len(msg), &Error{err: "empty NSEC block"} } if length > 32 { return nsec, len(msg), &Error{err: "NSEC block too long"} } if off+length > len(msg) { return nsec, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflowing NSEC block"} } // Walk the bytes in the window and extract the type bits for j, b := range msg[off : off+length] { // Check the bits one by one, and set the type if b&0x80 == 0x80 { nsec = append(nsec, uint16(window*256+j*8+0)) } if b&0x40 == 0x40 { nsec = append(nsec, uint16(window*256+j*8+1)) } if b&0x20 == 0x20 { nsec = append(nsec, uint16(window*256+j*8+2)) } if b&0x10 == 0x10 { nsec = append(nsec, uint16(window*256+j*8+3)) } if b&0x8 == 0x8 { nsec = append(nsec, uint16(window*256+j*8+4)) } if b&0x4 == 0x4 { nsec = append(nsec, uint16(window*256+j*8+5)) } if b&0x2 == 0x2 { nsec = append(nsec, uint16(window*256+j*8+6)) } if b&0x1 == 0x1 { nsec = append(nsec, uint16(window*256+j*8+7)) } } off += length lastwindow = window } return nsec, off, nil } func packDataNsec(bitmap []uint16, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) { if len(bitmap) == 0 { return off, nil } var lastwindow, lastlength uint16 for _, t := range bitmap { window := t / 256 length := (t-window*256)/8 + 1 if window > lastwindow && lastlength != 0 { // New window, jump to the new offset off += int(lastlength) + 2 lastlength = 0 } if window < lastwindow || length < lastlength { return len(msg), &Error{err: "nsec bits out of order"} } if off+2+int(length) > len(msg) { return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing nsec"} } // Setting the window # msg[off] = byte(window) // Setting the octets length msg[off+1] = byte(length) // Setting the bit value for the type in the right octet msg[off+1+int(length)] |= byte(1 << (7 - t%8)) lastwindow, lastlength = window, length } off += int(lastlength) + 2 return off, nil } func unpackDataDomainNames(msg []byte, off, end int) ([]string, int, error) { var ( servers []string s string err error ) if end > len(msg) { return nil, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking domain names"} } for off < end { s, off, err = UnpackDomainName(msg, off) if err != nil { return servers, len(msg), err } servers = append(servers, s) } return servers, off, nil } func packDataDomainNames(names []string, msg []byte, off int, compression compressionMap, compress bool) (int, error) { var err error for _, name := range names { off, err = packDomainName(name, msg, off, compression, compress) if err != nil { return len(msg), err } } return off, nil }