package ingress import ( "encoding/json" "io" "net/http/httptest" "net/url" "regexp" "testing" "" "" ) func Test_rule_matches(t *testing.T) { type fields struct { Hostname string Path *Regexp Service OriginService } type args struct { requestURL *url.URL } tests := []struct { name string fields fields args args want bool }{ { name: "Just hostname, pass", fields: fields{ Hostname: "", }, args: args{ requestURL: MustParseURL(t, ""), }, want: true, }, { name: "Entire hostname is wildcard, should match everything", fields: fields{ Hostname: "*", }, args: args{ requestURL: MustParseURL(t, ""), }, want: true, }, { name: "Just hostname, fail", fields: fields{ Hostname: "", }, args: args{ requestURL: MustParseURL(t, ""), }, want: false, }, { name: "Just wildcard hostname, pass", fields: fields{ Hostname: "*", }, args: args{ requestURL: MustParseURL(t, ""), }, want: true, }, { name: "Just wildcard hostname, fail", fields: fields{ Hostname: "*", }, args: args{ requestURL: MustParseURL(t, ""), }, want: false, }, { name: "Just wildcard outside of subdomain in hostname, fail", fields: fields{ Hostname: "*", }, args: args{ requestURL: MustParseURL(t, ""), }, want: false, }, { name: "Wildcard over multiple subdomains", fields: fields{ Hostname: "*", }, args: args{ requestURL: MustParseURL(t, ""), }, want: true, }, { name: "Hostname and path", fields: fields{ Hostname: "*", Path: &Regexp{Regexp: regexp.MustCompile("/static/.*\\.html")}, }, args: args{ requestURL: MustParseURL(t, ""), }, want: true, }, { name: "Hostname and empty Regex", fields: fields{ Hostname: "", Path: &Regexp{}, }, args: args{ requestURL: MustParseURL(t, ""), }, want: true, }, { name: "Hostname and nil path", fields: fields{ Hostname: "", Path: nil, }, args: args{ requestURL: MustParseURL(t, ""), }, want: true, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { r := Rule{ Hostname: tt.fields.Hostname, Path: tt.fields.Path, Service: tt.fields.Service, } u := tt.args.requestURL if got := r.Matches(u.Hostname(), u.Path); got != tt.want { t.Errorf("rule.matches() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want) } }) } } func TestStaticHTTPStatus(t *testing.T) { o := newStatusCode(404) buf := make([]byte, 100) sendReq := func() { resp, err := o.RoundTrip(nil) require.NoError(t, err) _, err = resp.Body.Read(buf) require.Equal(t, io.EOF, err) require.NoError(t, resp.Body.Close()) require.Equal(t, 404, resp.StatusCode) resp, err = o.RoundTrip(nil) require.NoError(t, err) w := httptest.NewRecorder() n, err := io.Copy(w, resp.Body) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, int64(0), n) } sendReq() sendReq() } func TestMarshalJSON(t *testing.T) { localhost8000 := MustParseURL(t, "https://localhost:8000") defaultConfig := setConfig(originRequestFromConfig(config.OriginRequestConfig{}), config.OriginRequestConfig{}) tests := []struct { name string path *Regexp expected string want bool }{ { name: "Nil", path: nil, expected: `{"hostname":"","path":null,"service":"https://localhost:8000","originRequest":{"connectTimeout":30,"tlsTimeout":10,"tcpKeepAlive":30,"noHappyEyeballs":false,"keepAliveTimeout":90,"keepAliveConnections":100,"httpHostHeader":"","originServerName":"","caPool":"","noTLSVerify":false,"disableChunkedEncoding":false,"bastionMode":false,"proxyAddress":"","proxyPort":0,"proxyType":"","ipRules":null,"http2Origin":false}}`, want: true, }, { name: "Nil regex", path: &Regexp{Regexp: nil}, expected: `{"hostname":"","path":null,"service":"https://localhost:8000","originRequest":{"connectTimeout":30,"tlsTimeout":10,"tcpKeepAlive":30,"noHappyEyeballs":false,"keepAliveTimeout":90,"keepAliveConnections":100,"httpHostHeader":"","originServerName":"","caPool":"","noTLSVerify":false,"disableChunkedEncoding":false,"bastionMode":false,"proxyAddress":"","proxyPort":0,"proxyType":"","ipRules":null,"http2Origin":false}}`, want: true, }, { name: "Empty", path: &Regexp{Regexp: regexp.MustCompile("")}, expected: `{"hostname":"","path":"","service":"https://localhost:8000","originRequest":{"connectTimeout":30,"tlsTimeout":10,"tcpKeepAlive":30,"noHappyEyeballs":false,"keepAliveTimeout":90,"keepAliveConnections":100,"httpHostHeader":"","originServerName":"","caPool":"","noTLSVerify":false,"disableChunkedEncoding":false,"bastionMode":false,"proxyAddress":"","proxyPort":0,"proxyType":"","ipRules":null,"http2Origin":false}}`, want: true, }, { name: "Basic", path: &Regexp{Regexp: regexp.MustCompile("/echo")}, expected: `{"hostname":"","path":"/echo","service":"https://localhost:8000","originRequest":{"connectTimeout":30,"tlsTimeout":10,"tcpKeepAlive":30,"noHappyEyeballs":false,"keepAliveTimeout":90,"keepAliveConnections":100,"httpHostHeader":"","originServerName":"","caPool":"","noTLSVerify":false,"disableChunkedEncoding":false,"bastionMode":false,"proxyAddress":"","proxyPort":0,"proxyType":"","ipRules":null,"http2Origin":false}}`, want: true, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { r := Rule{ Hostname: "", Service: &httpService{url: localhost8000}, Path: tt.path, Config: defaultConfig, } bytes, err := json.Marshal(r) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, tt.expected, string(bytes)) }) } }