// Code generated by capnpc-go. DO NOT EDIT. package tunnelrpc import ( context "golang.org/x/net/context" capnp "zombiezen.com/go/capnproto2" text "zombiezen.com/go/capnproto2/encoding/text" schemas "zombiezen.com/go/capnproto2/schemas" server "zombiezen.com/go/capnproto2/server" ) type Authentication struct{ capnp.Struct } // Authentication_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type Authentication. const Authentication_TypeID = 0xc082ef6e0d42ed1d func NewAuthentication(s *capnp.Segment) (Authentication, error) { st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3}) return Authentication{st}, err } func NewRootAuthentication(s *capnp.Segment) (Authentication, error) { st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3}) return Authentication{st}, err } func ReadRootAuthentication(msg *capnp.Message) (Authentication, error) { root, err := msg.RootPtr() return Authentication{root.Struct()}, err } func (s Authentication) String() string { str, _ := text.Marshal(0xc082ef6e0d42ed1d, s.Struct) return str } func (s Authentication) Key() (string, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return p.Text(), err } func (s Authentication) HasKey() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s Authentication) KeyBytes() ([]byte, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return p.TextBytes(), err } func (s Authentication) SetKey(v string) error { return s.Struct.SetText(0, v) } func (s Authentication) Email() (string, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1) return p.Text(), err } func (s Authentication) HasEmail() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s Authentication) EmailBytes() ([]byte, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1) return p.TextBytes(), err } func (s Authentication) SetEmail(v string) error { return s.Struct.SetText(1, v) } func (s Authentication) OriginCAKey() (string, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2) return p.Text(), err } func (s Authentication) HasOriginCAKey() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s Authentication) OriginCAKeyBytes() ([]byte, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2) return p.TextBytes(), err } func (s Authentication) SetOriginCAKey(v string) error { return s.Struct.SetText(2, v) } // Authentication_List is a list of Authentication. type Authentication_List struct{ capnp.List } // NewAuthentication creates a new list of Authentication. func NewAuthentication_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (Authentication_List, error) { l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3}, sz) return Authentication_List{l}, err } func (s Authentication_List) At(i int) Authentication { return Authentication{s.List.Struct(i)} } func (s Authentication_List) Set(i int, v Authentication) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) } // Authentication_Promise is a wrapper for a Authentication promised by a client call. type Authentication_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline } func (p Authentication_Promise) Struct() (Authentication, error) { s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct() return Authentication{s}, err } type TunnelRegistration struct{ capnp.Struct } // TunnelRegistration_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelRegistration. const TunnelRegistration_TypeID = 0xf41a0f001ad49e46 func NewTunnelRegistration(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelRegistration, error) { st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 3}) return TunnelRegistration{st}, err } func NewRootTunnelRegistration(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelRegistration, error) { st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 3}) return TunnelRegistration{st}, err } func ReadRootTunnelRegistration(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelRegistration, error) { root, err := msg.RootPtr() return TunnelRegistration{root.Struct()}, err } func (s TunnelRegistration) String() string { str, _ := text.Marshal(0xf41a0f001ad49e46, s.Struct) return str } func (s TunnelRegistration) Err() (string, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return p.Text(), err } func (s TunnelRegistration) HasErr() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s TunnelRegistration) ErrBytes() ([]byte, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return p.TextBytes(), err } func (s TunnelRegistration) SetErr(v string) error { return s.Struct.SetText(0, v) } func (s TunnelRegistration) Url() (string, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1) return p.Text(), err } func (s TunnelRegistration) HasUrl() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s TunnelRegistration) UrlBytes() ([]byte, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1) return p.TextBytes(), err } func (s TunnelRegistration) SetUrl(v string) error { return s.Struct.SetText(1, v) } func (s TunnelRegistration) LogLines() (capnp.TextList, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2) return capnp.TextList{List: p.List()}, err } func (s TunnelRegistration) HasLogLines() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s TunnelRegistration) SetLogLines(v capnp.TextList) error { return s.Struct.SetPtr(2, v.List.ToPtr()) } // NewLogLines sets the logLines field to a newly // allocated capnp.TextList, preferring placement in s's segment. func (s TunnelRegistration) NewLogLines(n int32) (capnp.TextList, error) { l, err := capnp.NewTextList(s.Struct.Segment(), n) if err != nil { return capnp.TextList{}, err } err = s.Struct.SetPtr(2, l.List.ToPtr()) return l, err } func (s TunnelRegistration) PermanentFailure() bool { return s.Struct.Bit(0) } func (s TunnelRegistration) SetPermanentFailure(v bool) { s.Struct.SetBit(0, v) } // TunnelRegistration_List is a list of TunnelRegistration. type TunnelRegistration_List struct{ capnp.List } // NewTunnelRegistration creates a new list of TunnelRegistration. func NewTunnelRegistration_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelRegistration_List, error) { l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 3}, sz) return TunnelRegistration_List{l}, err } func (s TunnelRegistration_List) At(i int) TunnelRegistration { return TunnelRegistration{s.List.Struct(i)} } func (s TunnelRegistration_List) Set(i int, v TunnelRegistration) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) } // TunnelRegistration_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelRegistration promised by a client call. type TunnelRegistration_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline } func (p TunnelRegistration_Promise) Struct() (TunnelRegistration, error) { s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct() return TunnelRegistration{s}, err } type RegistrationOptions struct{ capnp.Struct } // RegistrationOptions_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type RegistrationOptions. const RegistrationOptions_TypeID = 0xc793e50592935b4a func NewRegistrationOptions(s *capnp.Segment) (RegistrationOptions, error) { st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 6}) return RegistrationOptions{st}, err } func NewRootRegistrationOptions(s *capnp.Segment) (RegistrationOptions, error) { st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 6}) return RegistrationOptions{st}, err } func ReadRootRegistrationOptions(msg *capnp.Message) (RegistrationOptions, error) { root, err := msg.RootPtr() return RegistrationOptions{root.Struct()}, err } func (s RegistrationOptions) String() string { str, _ := text.Marshal(0xc793e50592935b4a, s.Struct) return str } func (s RegistrationOptions) ClientId() (string, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return p.Text(), err } func (s RegistrationOptions) HasClientId() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s RegistrationOptions) ClientIdBytes() ([]byte, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return p.TextBytes(), err } func (s RegistrationOptions) SetClientId(v string) error { return s.Struct.SetText(0, v) } func (s RegistrationOptions) Version() (string, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1) return p.Text(), err } func (s RegistrationOptions) HasVersion() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s RegistrationOptions) VersionBytes() ([]byte, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1) return p.TextBytes(), err } func (s RegistrationOptions) SetVersion(v string) error { return s.Struct.SetText(1, v) } func (s RegistrationOptions) Os() (string, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2) return p.Text(), err } func (s RegistrationOptions) HasOs() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s RegistrationOptions) OsBytes() ([]byte, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2) return p.TextBytes(), err } func (s RegistrationOptions) SetOs(v string) error { return s.Struct.SetText(2, v) } func (s RegistrationOptions) ExistingTunnelPolicy() ExistingTunnelPolicy { return ExistingTunnelPolicy(s.Struct.Uint16(0)) } func (s RegistrationOptions) SetExistingTunnelPolicy(v ExistingTunnelPolicy) { s.Struct.SetUint16(0, uint16(v)) } func (s RegistrationOptions) PoolName() (string, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(3) return p.Text(), err } func (s RegistrationOptions) HasPoolName() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(3) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s RegistrationOptions) PoolNameBytes() ([]byte, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(3) return p.TextBytes(), err } func (s RegistrationOptions) SetPoolName(v string) error { return s.Struct.SetText(3, v) } func (s RegistrationOptions) Tags() (Tag_List, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(4) return Tag_List{List: p.List()}, err } func (s RegistrationOptions) HasTags() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(4) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s RegistrationOptions) SetTags(v Tag_List) error { return s.Struct.SetPtr(4, v.List.ToPtr()) } // NewTags sets the tags field to a newly // allocated Tag_List, preferring placement in s's segment. func (s RegistrationOptions) NewTags(n int32) (Tag_List, error) { l, err := NewTag_List(s.Struct.Segment(), n) if err != nil { return Tag_List{}, err } err = s.Struct.SetPtr(4, l.List.ToPtr()) return l, err } func (s RegistrationOptions) ConnectionId() uint8 { return s.Struct.Uint8(2) } func (s RegistrationOptions) SetConnectionId(v uint8) { s.Struct.SetUint8(2, v) } func (s RegistrationOptions) OriginLocalIp() (string, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(5) return p.Text(), err } func (s RegistrationOptions) HasOriginLocalIp() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(5) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s RegistrationOptions) OriginLocalIpBytes() ([]byte, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(5) return p.TextBytes(), err } func (s RegistrationOptions) SetOriginLocalIp(v string) error { return s.Struct.SetText(5, v) } func (s RegistrationOptions) IsAutoupdated() bool { return s.Struct.Bit(24) } func (s RegistrationOptions) SetIsAutoupdated(v bool) { s.Struct.SetBit(24, v) } func (s RegistrationOptions) RunFromTerminal() bool { return s.Struct.Bit(25) } func (s RegistrationOptions) SetRunFromTerminal(v bool) { s.Struct.SetBit(25, v) } // RegistrationOptions_List is a list of RegistrationOptions. type RegistrationOptions_List struct{ capnp.List } // NewRegistrationOptions creates a new list of RegistrationOptions. func NewRegistrationOptions_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (RegistrationOptions_List, error) { l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 6}, sz) return RegistrationOptions_List{l}, err } func (s RegistrationOptions_List) At(i int) RegistrationOptions { return RegistrationOptions{s.List.Struct(i)} } func (s RegistrationOptions_List) Set(i int, v RegistrationOptions) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) } // RegistrationOptions_Promise is a wrapper for a RegistrationOptions promised by a client call. type RegistrationOptions_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline } func (p RegistrationOptions_Promise) Struct() (RegistrationOptions, error) { s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct() return RegistrationOptions{s}, err } type Tag struct{ capnp.Struct } // Tag_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type Tag. const Tag_TypeID = 0xcbd96442ae3bb01a func NewTag(s *capnp.Segment) (Tag, error) { st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 2}) return Tag{st}, err } func NewRootTag(s *capnp.Segment) (Tag, error) { st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 2}) return Tag{st}, err } func ReadRootTag(msg *capnp.Message) (Tag, error) { root, err := msg.RootPtr() return Tag{root.Struct()}, err } func (s Tag) String() string { str, _ := text.Marshal(0xcbd96442ae3bb01a, s.Struct) return str } func (s Tag) Name() (string, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return p.Text(), err } func (s Tag) HasName() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s Tag) NameBytes() ([]byte, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return p.TextBytes(), err } func (s Tag) SetName(v string) error { return s.Struct.SetText(0, v) } func (s Tag) Value() (string, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1) return p.Text(), err } func (s Tag) HasValue() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s Tag) ValueBytes() ([]byte, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1) return p.TextBytes(), err } func (s Tag) SetValue(v string) error { return s.Struct.SetText(1, v) } // Tag_List is a list of Tag. type Tag_List struct{ capnp.List } // NewTag creates a new list of Tag. func NewTag_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (Tag_List, error) { l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 2}, sz) return Tag_List{l}, err } func (s Tag_List) At(i int) Tag { return Tag{s.List.Struct(i)} } func (s Tag_List) Set(i int, v Tag) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) } // Tag_Promise is a wrapper for a Tag promised by a client call. type Tag_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline } func (p Tag_Promise) Struct() (Tag, error) { s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct() return Tag{s}, err } type ExistingTunnelPolicy uint16 // ExistingTunnelPolicy_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type ExistingTunnelPolicy. const ExistingTunnelPolicy_TypeID = 0x84cb9536a2cf6d3c // Values of ExistingTunnelPolicy. const ( ExistingTunnelPolicy_ignore ExistingTunnelPolicy = 0 ExistingTunnelPolicy_disconnect ExistingTunnelPolicy = 1 ExistingTunnelPolicy_balance ExistingTunnelPolicy = 2 ) // String returns the enum's constant name. func (c ExistingTunnelPolicy) String() string { switch c { case ExistingTunnelPolicy_ignore: return "ignore" case ExistingTunnelPolicy_disconnect: return "disconnect" case ExistingTunnelPolicy_balance: return "balance" default: return "" } } // ExistingTunnelPolicyFromString returns the enum value with a name, // or the zero value if there's no such value. func ExistingTunnelPolicyFromString(c string) ExistingTunnelPolicy { switch c { case "ignore": return ExistingTunnelPolicy_ignore case "disconnect": return ExistingTunnelPolicy_disconnect case "balance": return ExistingTunnelPolicy_balance default: return 0 } } type ExistingTunnelPolicy_List struct{ capnp.List } func NewExistingTunnelPolicy_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (ExistingTunnelPolicy_List, error) { l, err := capnp.NewUInt16List(s, sz) return ExistingTunnelPolicy_List{l.List}, err } func (l ExistingTunnelPolicy_List) At(i int) ExistingTunnelPolicy { ul := capnp.UInt16List{List: l.List} return ExistingTunnelPolicy(ul.At(i)) } func (l ExistingTunnelPolicy_List) Set(i int, v ExistingTunnelPolicy) { ul := capnp.UInt16List{List: l.List} ul.Set(i, uint16(v)) } type ServerInfo struct{ capnp.Struct } // ServerInfo_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type ServerInfo. const ServerInfo_TypeID = 0xf2c68e2547ec3866 func NewServerInfo(s *capnp.Segment) (ServerInfo, error) { st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}) return ServerInfo{st}, err } func NewRootServerInfo(s *capnp.Segment) (ServerInfo, error) { st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}) return ServerInfo{st}, err } func ReadRootServerInfo(msg *capnp.Message) (ServerInfo, error) { root, err := msg.RootPtr() return ServerInfo{root.Struct()}, err } func (s ServerInfo) String() string { str, _ := text.Marshal(0xf2c68e2547ec3866, s.Struct) return str } func (s ServerInfo) LocationName() (string, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return p.Text(), err } func (s ServerInfo) HasLocationName() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s ServerInfo) LocationNameBytes() ([]byte, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return p.TextBytes(), err } func (s ServerInfo) SetLocationName(v string) error { return s.Struct.SetText(0, v) } // ServerInfo_List is a list of ServerInfo. type ServerInfo_List struct{ capnp.List } // NewServerInfo creates a new list of ServerInfo. func NewServerInfo_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (ServerInfo_List, error) { l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}, sz) return ServerInfo_List{l}, err } func (s ServerInfo_List) At(i int) ServerInfo { return ServerInfo{s.List.Struct(i)} } func (s ServerInfo_List) Set(i int, v ServerInfo) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) } // ServerInfo_Promise is a wrapper for a ServerInfo promised by a client call. type ServerInfo_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline } func (p ServerInfo_Promise) Struct() (ServerInfo, error) { s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct() return ServerInfo{s}, err } type TunnelServer struct{ Client capnp.Client } // TunnelServer_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer. const TunnelServer_TypeID = 0xea58385c65416035 func (c TunnelServer) RegisterTunnel(ctx context.Context, params func(TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) error, opts ...capnp.CallOption) TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_Promise { if c.Client == nil { return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(capnp.ErrorAnswer(capnp.ErrNullClient))} } call := &capnp.Call{ Ctx: ctx, Method: capnp.Method{ InterfaceID: 0xea58385c65416035, MethodID: 0, InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:TunnelServer", MethodName: "registerTunnel", }, Options: capnp.NewCallOptions(opts), } if params != nil { call.ParamsSize = capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3} call.ParamsFunc = func(s capnp.Struct) error { return params(TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params{Struct: s}) } } return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(c.Client.Call(call))} } func (c TunnelServer) GetServerInfo(ctx context.Context, params func(TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params) error, opts ...capnp.CallOption) TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_Promise { if c.Client == nil { return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(capnp.ErrorAnswer(capnp.ErrNullClient))} } call := &capnp.Call{ Ctx: ctx, Method: capnp.Method{ InterfaceID: 0xea58385c65416035, MethodID: 1, InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:TunnelServer", MethodName: "getServerInfo", }, Options: capnp.NewCallOptions(opts), } if params != nil { call.ParamsSize = capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0} call.ParamsFunc = func(s capnp.Struct) error { return params(TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params{Struct: s}) } } return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(c.Client.Call(call))} } func (c TunnelServer) UnregisterTunnel(ctx context.Context, params func(TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params) error, opts ...capnp.CallOption) TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_Promise { if c.Client == nil { return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(capnp.ErrorAnswer(capnp.ErrNullClient))} } call := &capnp.Call{ Ctx: ctx, Method: capnp.Method{ InterfaceID: 0xea58385c65416035, MethodID: 2, InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:TunnelServer", MethodName: "unregisterTunnel", }, Options: capnp.NewCallOptions(opts), } if params != nil { call.ParamsSize = capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 0} call.ParamsFunc = func(s capnp.Struct) error { return params(TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params{Struct: s}) } } return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(c.Client.Call(call))} } type TunnelServer_Server interface { RegisterTunnel(TunnelServer_registerTunnel) error GetServerInfo(TunnelServer_getServerInfo) error UnregisterTunnel(TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel) error } func TunnelServer_ServerToClient(s TunnelServer_Server) TunnelServer { c, _ := s.(server.Closer) return TunnelServer{Client: server.New(TunnelServer_Methods(nil, s), c)} } func TunnelServer_Methods(methods []server.Method, s TunnelServer_Server) []server.Method { if cap(methods) == 0 { methods = make([]server.Method, 0, 3) } methods = append(methods, server.Method{ Method: capnp.Method{ InterfaceID: 0xea58385c65416035, MethodID: 0, InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:TunnelServer", MethodName: "registerTunnel", }, Impl: func(c context.Context, opts capnp.CallOptions, p, r capnp.Struct) error { call := TunnelServer_registerTunnel{c, opts, TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params{Struct: p}, TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results{Struct: r}} return s.RegisterTunnel(call) }, ResultsSize: capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}, }) methods = append(methods, server.Method{ Method: capnp.Method{ InterfaceID: 0xea58385c65416035, MethodID: 1, InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:TunnelServer", MethodName: "getServerInfo", }, Impl: func(c context.Context, opts capnp.CallOptions, p, r capnp.Struct) error { call := TunnelServer_getServerInfo{c, opts, TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params{Struct: p}, TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results{Struct: r}} return s.GetServerInfo(call) }, ResultsSize: capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}, }) methods = append(methods, server.Method{ Method: capnp.Method{ InterfaceID: 0xea58385c65416035, MethodID: 2, InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:TunnelServer", MethodName: "unregisterTunnel", }, Impl: func(c context.Context, opts capnp.CallOptions, p, r capnp.Struct) error { call := TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel{c, opts, TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params{Struct: p}, TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results{Struct: r}} return s.UnregisterTunnel(call) }, ResultsSize: capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0}, }) return methods } // TunnelServer_registerTunnel holds the arguments for a server call to TunnelServer.registerTunnel. type TunnelServer_registerTunnel struct { Ctx context.Context Options capnp.CallOptions Params TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params Results TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results } // TunnelServer_getServerInfo holds the arguments for a server call to TunnelServer.getServerInfo. type TunnelServer_getServerInfo struct { Ctx context.Context Options capnp.CallOptions Params TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params Results TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results } // TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel holds the arguments for a server call to TunnelServer.unregisterTunnel. type TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel struct { Ctx context.Context Options capnp.CallOptions Params TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params Results TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results } type TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params struct{ capnp.Struct } // TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params. const TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_TypeID = 0xb70431c0dc014915 func NewTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params, error) { st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3}) return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params{st}, err } func NewRootTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params, error) { st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3}) return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params{st}, err } func ReadRootTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params, error) { root, err := msg.RootPtr() return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params{root.Struct()}, err } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) String() string { str, _ := text.Marshal(0xb70431c0dc014915, s.Struct) return str } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) OriginCert() ([]byte, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return []byte(p.Data()), err } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) HasOriginCert() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) SetOriginCert(v []byte) error { return s.Struct.SetData(0, v) } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) Hostname() (string, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1) return p.Text(), err } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) HasHostname() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) HostnameBytes() ([]byte, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1) return p.TextBytes(), err } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) SetHostname(v string) error { return s.Struct.SetText(1, v) } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) Options() (RegistrationOptions, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2) return RegistrationOptions{Struct: p.Struct()}, err } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) HasOptions() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) SetOptions(v RegistrationOptions) error { return s.Struct.SetPtr(2, v.Struct.ToPtr()) } // NewOptions sets the options field to a newly // allocated RegistrationOptions struct, preferring placement in s's segment. func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) NewOptions() (RegistrationOptions, error) { ss, err := NewRegistrationOptions(s.Struct.Segment()) if err != nil { return RegistrationOptions{}, err } err = s.Struct.SetPtr(2, ss.Struct.ToPtr()) return ss, err } // TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_List is a list of TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params. type TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_List struct{ capnp.List } // NewTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params creates a new list of TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params. func NewTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_List, error) { l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3}, sz) return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_List{l}, err } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_List) At(i int) TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params { return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params{s.List.Struct(i)} } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_List) Set(i int, v TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) } // TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params promised by a client call. type TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline } func (p TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_Promise) Struct() (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params, error) { s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct() return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params{s}, err } func (p TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_Promise) Options() RegistrationOptions_Promise { return RegistrationOptions_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(2)} } type TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results struct{ capnp.Struct } // TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results. const TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_TypeID = 0xf2c122394f447e8e func NewTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results, error) { st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}) return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results{st}, err } func NewRootTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results, error) { st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}) return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results{st}, err } func ReadRootTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results, error) { root, err := msg.RootPtr() return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results{root.Struct()}, err } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results) String() string { str, _ := text.Marshal(0xf2c122394f447e8e, s.Struct) return str } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results) Result() (TunnelRegistration, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return TunnelRegistration{Struct: p.Struct()}, err } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results) HasResult() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results) SetResult(v TunnelRegistration) error { return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr()) } // NewResult sets the result field to a newly // allocated TunnelRegistration struct, preferring placement in s's segment. func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results) NewResult() (TunnelRegistration, error) { ss, err := NewTunnelRegistration(s.Struct.Segment()) if err != nil { return TunnelRegistration{}, err } err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr()) return ss, err } // TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_List is a list of TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results. type TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_List struct{ capnp.List } // NewTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results creates a new list of TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results. func NewTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_List, error) { l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}, sz) return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_List{l}, err } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_List) At(i int) TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results { return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results{s.List.Struct(i)} } func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_List) Set(i int, v TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) } // TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results promised by a client call. type TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline } func (p TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_Promise) Struct() (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results, error) { s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct() return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results{s}, err } func (p TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_Promise) Result() TunnelRegistration_Promise { return TunnelRegistration_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)} } type TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params struct{ capnp.Struct } // TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params. const TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_TypeID = 0xdc3ed6801961e502 func NewTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params, error) { st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0}) return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params{st}, err } func NewRootTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params, error) { st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0}) return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params{st}, err } func ReadRootTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params, error) { root, err := msg.RootPtr() return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params{root.Struct()}, err } func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params) String() string { str, _ := text.Marshal(0xdc3ed6801961e502, s.Struct) return str } // TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_List is a list of TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params. type TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_List struct{ capnp.List } // NewTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params creates a new list of TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params. func NewTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_List, error) { l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0}, sz) return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_List{l}, err } func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_List) At(i int) TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params { return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params{s.List.Struct(i)} } func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_List) Set(i int, v TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) } // TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params promised by a client call. type TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline } func (p TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_Promise) Struct() (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params, error) { s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct() return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params{s}, err } type TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results struct{ capnp.Struct } // TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results. const TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_TypeID = 0xe3e37d096a5b564e func NewTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results, error) { st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}) return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results{st}, err } func NewRootTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results, error) { st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}) return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results{st}, err } func ReadRootTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results, error) { root, err := msg.RootPtr() return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results{root.Struct()}, err } func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results) String() string { str, _ := text.Marshal(0xe3e37d096a5b564e, s.Struct) return str } func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results) Result() (ServerInfo, error) { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return ServerInfo{Struct: p.Struct()}, err } func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results) HasResult() bool { p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0) return p.IsValid() || err != nil } func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results) SetResult(v ServerInfo) error { return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr()) } // NewResult sets the result field to a newly // allocated ServerInfo struct, preferring placement in s's segment. func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results) NewResult() (ServerInfo, error) { ss, err := NewServerInfo(s.Struct.Segment()) if err != nil { return ServerInfo{}, err } err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr()) return ss, err } // TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_List is a list of TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results. type TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_List struct{ capnp.List } // NewTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results creates a new list of TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results. func NewTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_List, error) { l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}, sz) return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_List{l}, err } func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_List) At(i int) TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results { return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results{s.List.Struct(i)} } func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_List) Set(i int, v TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) } // TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results promised by a client call. type TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline } func (p TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_Promise) Struct() (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results, error) { s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct() return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results{s}, err } func (p TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_Promise) Result() ServerInfo_Promise { return ServerInfo_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)} } type TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params struct{ capnp.Struct } // TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params. const TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_TypeID = 0x9b87b390babc2ccf func NewTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params, error) { st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 0}) return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params{st}, err } func NewRootTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params, error) { st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 0}) return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params{st}, err } func ReadRootTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params, error) { root, err := msg.RootPtr() return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params{root.Struct()}, err } func (s TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params) String() string { str, _ := text.Marshal(0x9b87b390babc2ccf, s.Struct) return str } func (s TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params) GracePeriodNanoSec() int64 { return int64(s.Struct.Uint64(0)) } func (s TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params) SetGracePeriodNanoSec(v int64) { s.Struct.SetUint64(0, uint64(v)) } // TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_List is a list of TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params. type TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_List struct{ capnp.List } // NewTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params creates a new list of TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params. func NewTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_List, error) { l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 0}, sz) return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_List{l}, err } func (s TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_List) At(i int) TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params { return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params{s.List.Struct(i)} } func (s TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_List) Set(i int, v TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) } // TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params promised by a client call. type TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline } func (p TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_Promise) Struct() (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params, error) { s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct() return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params{s}, err } type TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results struct{ capnp.Struct } // TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results. const TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_TypeID = 0xa29a916d4ebdd894 func NewTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results, error) { st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0}) return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results{st}, err } func NewRootTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results, error) { st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0}) return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results{st}, err } func ReadRootTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results, error) { root, err := msg.RootPtr() return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results{root.Struct()}, err } func (s TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results) String() string { str, _ := text.Marshal(0xa29a916d4ebdd894, s.Struct) return str } // TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_List is a list of TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results. type TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_List struct{ capnp.List } // NewTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results creates a new list of TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results. func NewTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_List, error) { l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0}, sz) return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_List{l}, err } func (s TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_List) At(i int) TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results { return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results{s.List.Struct(i)} } func (s TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_List) Set(i int, v TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) } // TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results promised by a client call. type TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline } func (p TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_Promise) Struct() (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results, error) { s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct() return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results{s}, err } const schema_db8274f9144abc7e = "x\xda\x9cU_l\x14U\x17\xff\x9d{w;\xdb\xa4" + "e;\x99m\x02\x1bH\x13\xd2\x86B\xbe\xf2\xc1\xc7\x87" + "B\xfd\xd3?\x02\xba\xb5\x94\xbdl1\x08}`\xd8\xbd" + "l\xa7\xce\xcelffQH\x04%\x18#\x89\x04E" + "^0\x9a@\xe2\x8b\x0fj\xe2\x83\x89\xc1\x04_\xe4\x81" + "\x07^\xd4h$1J\x88\x91h\x88\x8d\x9ahb\xc6" + "\xdc\xd9\xce\xecR\x14\xd0\xb7\x99\xdf=\xf7\x9c\xdf9\xf7" + "\x9c\xdfY\xf7+\x1be\xeb\xd3_\xa7\x01\xb1%\xdd\x11" + ">X\xbbr\xfe\xbe3\x97\x8fC\xcf\xb3\xf0\xc8\x85\x89" + "\xdco\xc1\xb1\xaf\x00\xda\xf0\x19;L\xc6\xf7L\x03\x8c" + "\xebl\x07(\xbc\xf2\x9f\x0b\x1f\x9ez\xff\xc5\xd7!V" + "\x11\x01)\x0d\xd8\xf0\x07\xfb\x9d@\x86\xceG@\xe1k" + "_|4U{\xe5\xecy\xe8\xab\xe2\xf3\xcd\x9c1\xa4" + "\xc2\xde\x02]\xbd\xb8>\xf5A\xf3$\xcd\xd5\xd1\x10\xbf" + "\xa1\xae\x8e\xf1wA\xe1\x8a\x1f\xc7\xbb\x9d\x9b\xc7.B" + "\xcfS\x8bE\xd3\xf0\x1b>A\xc6/\xea\xd3\xf8)2" + "\x9e\xd8{\xfa\xd5\xf4\xf5\xd3\x97 \xf2\xd4n\xdd\xa1\xac" + "_Nyd\x9c\x8b\x82\xbf\x91\xba\x9f\x81\xc2\xfc{\x0f" + "\xbc3^\xf9\xf2\xf2\"\xdfQf\x9d\xda\xbc\xd1\xab\xa9" + "/]{\x1a\x14\xb2\xeb\xe6\xb2\xe7>\x7f\xf8j[\x0a" + "5\xed[B*\x9czb\xef\\\xe7\xb3\xd7\xae-\xa4" + "@\xea\xc8\xd4\xa2\x14\x1a\x9a\xca~\xe3\xbe19\xb3i" + "\xf7\x0d\xe8y~K!\xcfh\xc3d\xbc\x15\x059\xa7" + "]2Vg4 \xa0\x85\xb1\xc8a\xa4\x19r" + "\x94\xc28;\xf4E\xf9\x8dR\x18+)\xc5b\x08\x8c" + "R\x91\xee\xbd\xdc\xb7\x09q\x9f\x7f/\x15\x8b\x97\xde\xdd" + "\xeb\xd5\x8c\x93U|U\xb5\xda\xfc\xce\x01\xa2\x8b\x93X" + "\xca(\xb4\xdd\x05U\xccN\xb5\xb5\xd0\x9d\xd4\xaaI8" + "\xd6\xac\xac\xba\xac\xfc\xf7$\xfeM%\xa83\x9c\xc4l" + "[\xb7J\x05\xee\xe3$\xec6A\xb5\xd4b\x98\xe5$" + "\x8e'\x1a\xa5?\x7f\x02\x10\xc79\x89S\x8c4\xe9y" + "1%\xad\xe1\xb5$\xd6v\xab\x93\x96#}5\xd0\x0b" + "3\xac\x8e\xd4\xe4\xd6\xa5W3\x1d\xe9P\xb0\xcd\xb4\xec" + "\x86'\x91\x0c\xdd\x9f\x01\x00\x00\xff\xffR3\x9d#" func init() { schemas.Register(schema_db8274f9144abc7e, 0x84cb9536a2cf6d3c, 0x9b87b390babc2ccf, 0xa29a916d4ebdd894, 0xb70431c0dc014915, 0xc082ef6e0d42ed1d, 0xc793e50592935b4a, 0xcbd96442ae3bb01a, 0xdc3ed6801961e502, 0xe3e37d096a5b564e, 0xea58385c65416035, 0xf2c122394f447e8e, 0xf2c68e2547ec3866, 0xf41a0f001ad49e46) }