using Go = import "/go.capnp"; $Go.package("aircraftlib"); $Go.import(""); @0x832bcc6686a26d56; const constDate :Zdate = (year = 2015, month = 8, day = 27); const constList :List(Zdate) = [(year = 2015, month = 8, day = 27), (year = 2015, month = 8, day = 28)]; const constEnum :Airport = jfk; struct Zdate { year @0 :Int16; month @1 :UInt8; day @2 :UInt8; } struct Zdata { data @0 :Data; } enum Airport { none @0; jfk @1; lax @2; sfo @3; luv @4; dfw @5; test @6; # test must be last because we use it to count # the number of elements in the Airport enum. } struct PlaneBase { name @0: Text; homes @1: List(Airport); rating @2: Int64; canFly @3: Bool; capacity @4: Int64; maxSpeed @5: Float64; } struct B737 { base @0: PlaneBase; } struct A320 { base @0: PlaneBase; } struct F16 { base @0: PlaneBase; } # need a struct with at least two pointers to catch certain bugs struct Regression { base @0: PlaneBase; b0 @1: Float64; # intercept beta @2: List(Float64); planes @3: List(Aircraft); ymu @4: Float64; # y-mean in original space ysd @5: Float64; # y-standard deviation in original space } struct Aircraft { # so we can restrict # and specify a Plane is required in # certain places. union { void @0: Void; # @0 will be the default, so always make @0 a Void. b737 @1: B737; a320 @2: A320; f16 @3: F16; } } struct Z { # Z must contain all types, as this is our # runtime type identification. It is a thin shim. union { void @0: Void; # always first in any union. zz @1: Z; # any. fyi, this can't be 'z' alone. f64 @2: Float64; f32 @3: Float32; i64 @4: Int64; i32 @5: Int32; i16 @6: Int16; i8 @7: Int8; u64 @8: UInt64; u32 @9: UInt32; u16 @10: UInt16; u8 @11: UInt8; bool @12: Bool; text @13: Text; blob @14: Data; f64vec @15: List(Float64); f32vec @16: List(Float32); i64vec @17: List(Int64); i32vec @18: List(Int32); i16vec @19: List(Int16); i8vec @20: List(Int8); u64vec @21: List(UInt64); u32vec @22: List(UInt32); u16vec @23: List(UInt16); u8vec @24: List(UInt8); boolvec @39: List(Bool); datavec @40: List(Data); textvec @41: List(Text); zvec @25: List(Z); zvecvec @26: List(List(Z)); zdate @27: Zdate; zdata @28: Zdata; aircraftvec @29: List(Aircraft); aircraft @30: Aircraft; regression @31: Regression; planebase @32: PlaneBase; airport @33: Airport; b737 @34: B737; a320 @35: A320; f16 @36: F16; zdatevec @37: List(Zdate); zdatavec @38: List(Zdata); grp :group { first @42 :UInt64; second @43 :UInt64; } echo @44 :Echo; echoBases @45 :EchoBases; } } # tests for Text/List(Text) recusion handling struct Counter { size @0: Int64; words @1: Text; wordlist @2: List(Text); bitlist @3: List(Bool); } struct Bag { counter @0: Counter; } struct Zserver { waitingjobs @0: List(Zjob); } struct Zjob { cmd @0: Text; args @1: List(Text); } # versioning test structs struct VerEmpty { } struct VerOneData { val @0: Int16; } struct VerTwoData { val @0: Int16; duo @1: Int64; } struct VerOnePtr { ptr @0: VerOneData; } struct VerTwoPtr { ptr1 @0: VerOneData; ptr2 @1: VerOneData; } struct VerTwoDataTwoPtr { val @0: Int16; duo @1: Int64; ptr1 @2: VerOneData; ptr2 @3: VerOneData; } struct HoldsVerEmptyList { mylist @0: List(VerEmpty); } struct HoldsVerOneDataList { mylist @0: List(VerOneData); } struct HoldsVerTwoDataList { mylist @0: List(VerTwoData); } struct HoldsVerOnePtrList { mylist @0: List(VerOnePtr); } struct HoldsVerTwoPtrList { mylist @0: List(VerTwoPtr); } struct HoldsVerTwoTwoList { mylist @0: List(VerTwoDataTwoPtr); } struct HoldsVerTwoTwoPlus { mylist @0: List(VerTwoTwoPlus); } struct VerTwoTwoPlus { val @0: Int16; duo @1: Int64; ptr1 @2: VerTwoDataTwoPtr; ptr2 @3: VerTwoDataTwoPtr; tre @4: Int64; lst3 @5: List(Int64); } # text handling struct HoldsText { txt @0: Text; lst @1: List(Text); lstlst @2: List(List(Text)); } # test that we avoid unnecessary truncation struct WrapEmpty { mightNotBeReallyEmpty @0: VerEmpty; } struct Wrap2x2 { mightNotBeReallyEmpty @0: VerTwoDataTwoPtr; } struct Wrap2x2plus { mightNotBeReallyEmpty @0: VerTwoTwoPlus; } # test voids in a union struct VoidUnion { union { a @0 :Void; b @1 :Void; } } # test List(List(Struct(List))) struct Nester1Capn { strs @0: List(Text); } struct RWTestCapn { nestMatrix @0: List(List(Nester1Capn)); } struct ListStructCapn { vec @0: List(Nester1Capn); } # test interfaces interface Echo { echo @0 (in :Text) -> (out :Text); } struct Hoth { base @0 :EchoBase; } struct EchoBase { echo @0 :Echo; } # test List(Struct(Interface)) struct EchoBases { bases @0 :List(EchoBase); } # test transforms struct StackingRoot { a @1 :StackingA; aWithDefault @0 :StackingA = (num = 42); } struct StackingA { num @0 :Int32; b @1 :StackingB; } struct StackingB { num @0 :Int32; } interface CallSequence { getNumber @0 () -> (n :UInt32); } # test defaults struct Defaults { text @0 :Text = "foo"; data @1 :Data = "bar"; float @2 :Float32 = 3.14; int @3 :Int32 = -123; uint @4 :UInt32 = 42; } # benchmarks struct BenchmarkA { name @0 :Text; birthDay @1 :Int64; phone @2 :Text; siblings @3 :Int32; spouse @4 :Bool; money @5 :Float64; } struct AllocBenchmark { fields @0 :List(Field); struct Field { stringValue @0 :Text; } }