package tracing import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "math" "net/http" "os" "runtime" "" otelContrib "" "" "" "" "" "" "" tracesdk "" semconv "" "" ) const ( service = "cloudflared" tracerInstrumentName = "origin" TracerContextName = "cf-trace-id" TracerContextNameOverride = "uber-trace-id" IntCloudflaredTracingHeader = "cf-int-cloudflared-tracing" MaxErrorDescriptionLen = 100 traceHttpStatusCodeKey = "upstreamStatusCode" ) var ( CanonicalCloudflaredTracingHeader = http.CanonicalHeaderKey(IntCloudflaredTracingHeader) Http2TransportAttribute = trace.WithAttributes(transportAttributeKey.String("http2")) QuicTransportAttribute = trace.WithAttributes(transportAttributeKey.String("quic")) HostOSAttribute = semconv.HostTypeKey.String(runtime.GOOS) HostArchAttribute = semconv.HostArchKey.String(runtime.GOARCH) otelVersionAttribute attribute.KeyValue hostnameAttribute attribute.KeyValue cloudflaredVersionAttribute attribute.KeyValue serviceAttribute = semconv.ServiceNameKey.String(service) transportAttributeKey = attribute.Key("transport") otelVersionAttributeKey = attribute.Key("jaeger.version") errNoopTracerProvider = errors.New("noop tracer provider records no spans") ) func init() { // Register the jaeger propagator globally. otel.SetTextMapPropagator(otelContrib.Jaeger{}) otelVersionAttribute = otelVersionAttributeKey.String(fmt.Sprintf("go-otel-%s", otel.Version())) if hostname, err := os.Hostname(); err == nil { hostnameAttribute = attribute.String("hostname", hostname) } } func Init(version string) { cloudflaredVersionAttribute = semconv.ProcessRuntimeVersionKey.String(version) } type TracedRequest struct { *http.Request trace.TracerProvider exporter InMemoryClient } // NewTracedRequest creates a new tracer for the current request context. func NewTracedRequest(req *http.Request) *TracedRequest { ctx, exists := extractTrace(req) if !exists { return &TracedRequest{req, trace.NewNoopTracerProvider(), &NoopOtlpClient{}} } mc := new(InMemoryOtlpClient) exp, err := otlptrace.New(req.Context(), mc) if err != nil { return &TracedRequest{req, trace.NewNoopTracerProvider(), &NoopOtlpClient{}} } tp := tracesdk.NewTracerProvider( // We want to dump to in-memory exporter immediately tracesdk.WithSyncer(exp), // Record information about this application in a Resource. tracesdk.WithResource(resource.NewWithAttributes( semconv.SchemaURL, serviceAttribute, otelVersionAttribute, hostnameAttribute, cloudflaredVersionAttribute, HostOSAttribute, HostArchAttribute, )), ) return &TracedRequest{req.WithContext(ctx), tp, mc} } func (cft *TracedRequest) Tracer() trace.Tracer { return cft.TracerProvider.Tracer(tracerInstrumentName) } // Spans returns the spans as base64 encoded protobuf otlp traces. func (cft *TracedRequest) AddSpans(headers http.Header, log *zerolog.Logger) { if headers == nil { log.Error().Msgf("provided headers map is nil") return } enc, err := cft.exporter.Spans() switch err { case nil: break case errNoTraces: log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("expected traces to be available") return case errNoopTracer: return // noop tracer has no traces default: log.Error().Err(err) return } // No need to add header if no traces if enc == "" { log.Error().Msgf("no traces provided and no error from exporter") return } headers[CanonicalCloudflaredTracingHeader] = []string{enc} } // EndWithErrorStatus will set a status for the span and then end it. func EndWithErrorStatus(span trace.Span, err error) { endSpan(span, -1, codes.Error, err) } // EndWithStatusCode will set a status for the span and then end it. func EndWithStatusCode(span trace.Span, statusCode int) { endSpan(span, statusCode, codes.Ok, nil) } // EndWithErrorStatus will set a status for the span and then end it. func endSpan(span trace.Span, upstreamStatusCode int, spanStatusCode codes.Code, err error) { if span == nil { return } if upstreamStatusCode > 0 { span.SetAttributes(attribute.Int(traceHttpStatusCodeKey, upstreamStatusCode)) } // add error to status buf cap description errDescription := "" if err != nil { errDescription = err.Error() l := int(math.Min(float64(len(errDescription)), MaxErrorDescriptionLen)) errDescription = errDescription[:l] } span.SetStatus(spanStatusCode, errDescription) span.End() } // extractTrace attempts to check for a cf-trace-id from a request and return the // trace context with the provided http.Request. func extractTrace(req *http.Request) (context.Context, bool) { // Only add tracing for requests with appropriately tagged headers remoteTraces := req.Header.Values(TracerContextName) if len(remoteTraces) <= 0 { // Strip the cf-trace-id header req.Header.Del(TracerContextName) return nil, false } traceHeader := map[string]string{} for _, t := range remoteTraces { // Override the 'cf-trace-id' as 'uber-trace-id' so the jaeger propagator can extract it. // Last entry wins if multiple provided traceHeader[TracerContextNameOverride] = t } // Strip the cf-trace-id header req.Header.Del(TracerContextName) if traceHeader[TracerContextNameOverride] == "" { return nil, false } remoteCtx := otel.GetTextMapPropagator().Extract(req.Context(), propagation.MapCarrier(traceHeader)) return remoteCtx, true }