pinned_go: &pinned_go go=1.17-1 pinned_go_fips: &pinned_go_fips go-boring=1.16.6-6 build_dir: &build_dir /cfsetup_build default-flavor: buster stretch: &stretch build: build_dir: *build_dir builddeps: - *pinned_go_fips - build-essential post-cache: - export GOOS=linux - export GOARCH=amd64 - export FIPS=true - make cloudflared build-non-fips: # helpful to catch problems with non-fips (only used for releasing non-linux artifacts) before releases build_dir: *build_dir builddeps: - *pinned_go - build-essential post-cache: - export GOOS=linux - export GOARCH=amd64 - make cloudflared build-all-packages: #except osxpkg build_dir: *build_dir builddeps: - *pinned_go_fips - build-essential - fakeroot - rubygem-fpm - rpm - wget # libmsi and libgcab are libraries the wixl binary depends on. - libmsi-dev - libgcab-dev pre-cache: # TODO: Replace this wixl with the official one once msitools supports # environment. - wget -P /usr/local/bin - chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/wixl post-cache: - export FIPS=true - ./ github-release-pkgs: build_dir: *build_dir builddeps: - *pinned_go_fips - build-essential - fakeroot - rubygem-fpm - rpm - wget # libmsi and libgcab are libraries the wixl binary depends on. - libmsi-dev - libgcab-dev - python3-setuptools - python3-pip pre-cache: - wget -P /usr/local/bin - chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/wixl - pip3 install pygithub post-cache: # build all packages and move them to /cfsetup/built_artifacts - ./ # release the packages built and moved to /cfsetup/built_artifacts - make github-release-built-pkgs build-deb: build_dir: *build_dir builddeps: &build_deb_deps - *pinned_go_fips - build-essential - fakeroot - rubygem-fpm post-cache: - export GOOS=linux - export GOARCH=amd64 - export FIPS=true - make cloudflared-deb build-deb-nightly: build_dir: *build_dir builddeps: *build_deb_deps post-cache: - export GOOS=linux - export GOARCH=amd64 - export FIPS=true - export NIGHTLY=true - make cloudflared-deb build-deb-arm64: build_dir: *build_dir builddeps: *build_deb_deps post-cache: - export GOOS=linux - export GOARCH=arm64 - make cloudflared-deb publish-deb: build_dir: *build_dir builddeps: - *pinned_go_fips - build-essential - fakeroot - rubygem-fpm - openssh-client post-cache: - export GOOS=linux - export GOARCH=amd64 - export FIPS=true - make publish-deb github-release-macos-amd64: build_dir: *build_dir builddeps: - *pinned_go - python3-setuptools - python3-pip pre-cache: &install_pygithub - pip3 install pygithub post-cache: - make github-mac-upload test: build_dir: *build_dir builddeps: - *pinned_go_fips - build-essential - gotest-to-teamcity pre-cache: - go get - go get post-cache: - export GOOS=linux - export GOARCH=amd64 - export FIPS=true - export PATH="$HOME/go/bin:$PATH" - ./ - make test | gotest-to-teamcity component-test: build_dir: *build_dir builddeps: - *pinned_go_fips - python3.7 - python3-pip - python3-setuptools # procps installs the ps command which is needed in test_sysv_service because the init script # uses ps pid to determine if the agent is running - procps pre-cache-copy-paths: - component-tests/requirements.txt pre-cache: - sudo pip3 install --upgrade -r component-tests/requirements.txt post-cache: # Creates and routes a Named Tunnel for this build. Also constructs config file from env vars. - python3 component-tests/ --type create - pytest component-tests # The Named Tunnel is deleted and its route unprovisioned here. - python3 component-tests/ --type cleanup update-homebrew: builddeps: - openssh-client - s3cmd post-cache: - .teamcity/ github-message-release: build_dir: *build_dir builddeps: - *pinned_go - python3-setuptools - python3-pip pre-cache: *install_pygithub post-cache: - make github-message build-junos: build_dir: *build_dir builddeps: - *pinned_go - build-essential - python3 - genisoimage - jetez pre-cache: - ln -s /usr/bin/genisoimage /usr/bin/mkisofs post-cache: - export GOOS=freebsd - export GOARCH=amd64 - make cloudflared-junos publish-junos: build_dir: *build_dir builddeps: - *pinned_go - build-essential - python3 - genisoimage - jetez - s4cmd pre-cache: - ln -s /usr/bin/genisoimage /usr/bin/mkisofs post-cache: - export GOOS=freebsd - export GOARCH=amd64 - make publish-cloudflared-junos buster: *stretch bullseye: *stretch centos-7: publish-rpm: build_dir: *build_dir builddeps: &el7_builddeps - pre-cache: - yum install -y fakeroot - yum upgrade -y binutils-2.27-44.base.el7.x86_64 - wget -P /tmp/ - tar -C /usr/local -xzf /tmp/go1.16.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz post-cache: - export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin - export GOOS=linux - export GOARCH=amd64 - make publish-rpm build-rpm: build_dir: *build_dir builddeps: *el7_builddeps pre-cache: - yum install -y fakeroot - yum upgrade -y binutils-2.27-44.base.el7.x86_64 - wget -P /tmp/ - tar -C /usr/local -xzf /tmp/go1.16.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz post-cache: - export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin - export GOOS=linux - export GOARCH=amd64 - make cloudflared-rpm