package pogs import ( "fmt" "reflect" "testing" "time" "" "" capnp "" ) // Assert *HTTPOriginConfig implements OriginConfig var _ OriginConfig = (*HTTPOriginConfig)(nil) // Assert *WebSocketOriginConfig implements OriginConfig var _ OriginConfig = (*WebSocketOriginConfig)(nil) // Assert *HelloWorldOriginConfig implements OriginConfig var _ OriginConfig = (*HelloWorldOriginConfig)(nil) func TestVersion(t *testing.T) { firstVersion := InitVersion() secondVersion := Version(1) assert.False(t, firstVersion.IsNewerOrEqual(secondVersion)) assert.True(t, secondVersion.IsNewerOrEqual(firstVersion)) assert.True(t, secondVersion.IsNewerOrEqual(secondVersion)) } func TestClientConfigCapnp(t *testing.T) { for i, testCase := range ClientConfigTestCases() { _, seg, err := capnp.NewMessage(capnp.SingleSegment(nil)) capnpEntity, err := tunnelrpc.NewClientConfig(seg) if !assert.NoError(t, err) { t.Fatal("Couldn't initialize a new message") } err = MarshalClientConfig(capnpEntity, testCase) if !assert.NoError(t, err, "testCase index %v failed to marshal", i) { continue } result, err := UnmarshalClientConfig(capnpEntity) if !assert.NoError(t, err, "testCase index %v failed to unmarshal", i) { continue } assert.Equal(t, testCase, result, "testCase index %v didn't preserve struct through marshalling and unmarshalling", i) } } func ClientConfigTestCases() []*ClientConfig { addDoHProxyConfigs := func(c *ClientConfig) { c.DoHProxyConfigs = []*DoHProxyConfig{ sampleDoHProxyConfig(), } } addReverseProxyConfigs := func(c *ClientConfig) { c.ReverseProxyConfigs = []*ReverseProxyConfig{ sampleReverseProxyConfig(), sampleReverseProxyConfig(func(c *ReverseProxyConfig) { }), sampleReverseProxyConfig(func(c *ReverseProxyConfig) { c.OriginConfig = sampleHTTPOriginConfig() }), sampleReverseProxyConfig(func(c *ReverseProxyConfig) { c.OriginConfig = sampleHTTPOriginConfigUnixPath() }), sampleReverseProxyConfig(func(c *ReverseProxyConfig) { c.OriginConfig = sampleWebSocketOriginConfig() }), } } testCases := []*ClientConfig{ sampleClientConfig(), sampleClientConfig(addDoHProxyConfigs), sampleClientConfig(addReverseProxyConfigs), sampleClientConfig(addDoHProxyConfigs, addReverseProxyConfigs), } return testCases } func TestClientConfig(t *testing.T) { for _, testCase := range ClientConfigTestCases() { b, err := testCase.MarshalBytes() assert.NoError(t, err) clientConfig, err := UnmarshalClientConfigFromBytes(b) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, testCase, clientConfig) } } func TestUseConfigurationResult(t *testing.T) { testCases := []*UseConfigurationResult{ &UseConfigurationResult{ Success: true, }, &UseConfigurationResult{ Success: false, FailedConfigs: []*FailedConfig{ { Config: sampleReverseProxyConfig(), Reason: "Invalid certificate", }, { Config: sampleDoHProxyConfig(), Reason: "Cannot listen on port 53", }, }, }, } for i, testCase := range testCases { _, seg, err := capnp.NewMessage(capnp.SingleSegment(nil)) capnpEntity, err := tunnelrpc.NewUseConfigurationResult(seg) if !assert.NoError(t, err) { t.Fatal("Couldn't initialize a new message") } err = MarshalUseConfigurationResult(capnpEntity, testCase) if !assert.NoError(t, err, "testCase index %v failed to marshal", i) { continue } result, err := UnmarshalUseConfigurationResult(capnpEntity) if !assert.NoError(t, err, "testCase index %v failed to unmarshal", i) { continue } assert.Equal(t, testCase, result, "testCase index %v didn't preserve struct through marshalling and unmarshalling", i) } } func TestDoHProxyConfig(t *testing.T) { testCases := []*DoHProxyConfig{ sampleDoHProxyConfig(), sampleDoHProxyConfig(func(c *DoHProxyConfig) { c.Upstreams = nil }), } for i, testCase := range testCases { _, seg, err := capnp.NewMessage(capnp.SingleSegment(nil)) capnpEntity, err := tunnelrpc.NewDoHProxyConfig(seg) if !assert.NoError(t, err) { t.Fatal("Couldn't initialize a new message") } err = MarshalDoHProxyConfig(capnpEntity, testCase) if !assert.NoError(t, err, "testCase index %v failed to marshal", i) { continue } result, err := UnmarshalDoHProxyConfig(capnpEntity) if !assert.NoError(t, err, "testCase index %v failed to unmarshal", i) { continue } assert.Equal(t, testCase, result, "testCase index %v didn't preserve struct through marshalling and unmarshalling", i) } } func TestReverseProxyConfig(t *testing.T) { testCases := []*ReverseProxyConfig{ sampleReverseProxyConfig(), sampleReverseProxyConfig(func(c *ReverseProxyConfig) { c.OriginConfig = sampleHTTPOriginConfig() }), sampleReverseProxyConfig(func(c *ReverseProxyConfig) { c.OriginConfig = sampleHTTPOriginConfigUnixPath() }), sampleReverseProxyConfig(func(c *ReverseProxyConfig) { c.OriginConfig = sampleWebSocketOriginConfig() }), } for i, testCase := range testCases { _, seg, err := capnp.NewMessage(capnp.SingleSegment(nil)) capnpEntity, err := tunnelrpc.NewReverseProxyConfig(seg) if !assert.NoError(t, err) { t.Fatal("Couldn't initialize a new message") } err = MarshalReverseProxyConfig(capnpEntity, testCase) if !assert.NoError(t, err, "testCase index %v failed to marshal", i) { continue } result, err := UnmarshalReverseProxyConfig(capnpEntity) if !assert.NoError(t, err, "testCase index %v failed to unmarshal", i) { continue } assert.Equal(t, testCase, result, "testCase index %v didn't preserve struct through marshalling and unmarshalling", i) } } func TestHTTPOriginConfig(t *testing.T) { testCases := []*HTTPOriginConfig{ sampleHTTPOriginConfig(), } for i, testCase := range testCases { _, seg, err := capnp.NewMessage(capnp.SingleSegment(nil)) capnpEntity, err := tunnelrpc.NewHTTPOriginConfig(seg) if !assert.NoError(t, err) { t.Fatal("Couldn't initialize a new message") } err = MarshalHTTPOriginConfig(capnpEntity, testCase) if !assert.NoError(t, err, "testCase index %v failed to marshal", i) { continue } result, err := UnmarshalHTTPOriginConfig(capnpEntity) if !assert.NoError(t, err, "testCase index %v failed to unmarshal", i) { continue } assert.Equal(t, testCase, result, "testCase index %v didn't preserve struct through marshalling and unmarshalling", i) } } func TestWebSocketOriginConfig(t *testing.T) { testCases := []*WebSocketOriginConfig{ sampleWebSocketOriginConfig(), } for i, testCase := range testCases { _, seg, err := capnp.NewMessage(capnp.SingleSegment(nil)) capnpEntity, err := tunnelrpc.NewWebSocketOriginConfig(seg) if !assert.NoError(t, err) { t.Fatal("Couldn't initialize a new message") } err = MarshalWebSocketOriginConfig(capnpEntity, testCase) if !assert.NoError(t, err, "testCase index %v failed to marshal", i) { continue } result, err := UnmarshalWebSocketOriginConfig(capnpEntity) if !assert.NoError(t, err, "testCase index %v failed to unmarshal", i) { continue } assert.Equal(t, testCase, result, "testCase index %v didn't preserve struct through marshalling and unmarshalling", i) } } func TestOriginConfigInvalidURL(t *testing.T) { invalidConfigs := []OriginConfig{ &HTTPOriginConfig{ // this url doesn't have a scheme URLString: "", }, &WebSocketOriginConfig{ URLString: "", }, } for _, config := range invalidConfigs { service, err := config.Service() assert.Error(t, err) assert.Nil(t, service) } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions to generate sample data for ease of testing // // There's one "sample" function per struct type. Each goes like this: // 1. Initialize an instance of the relevant struct. // 2. Ensure the instance has no zero-valued fields. (This catches the // error-case where a field was added, but we forgot to add code to // marshal/unmarshal this field in CapnProto.) // 3. Apply one or more "override" functions (which accept a // pointer-to-struct, so they can mutate the instance). // sampleClientConfig initializes a new ClientConfig literal, // applies any number of overrides to it, and returns it. func sampleClientConfig(overrides ...func(*ClientConfig)) *ClientConfig { sample := &ClientConfig{ Version: Version(1337), SupervisorConfig: sampleSupervisorConfig(), EdgeConnectionConfig: sampleEdgeConnectionConfig(), } sample.ensureNoZeroFields() for _, f := range overrides { f(sample) } return sample } func sampleSupervisorConfig() *SupervisorConfig { sample := &SupervisorConfig{ AutoUpdateFrequency: 21 * time.Hour, MetricsUpdateFrequency: 11 * time.Minute, GracePeriod: 31 * time.Second, } sample.ensureNoZeroFields() return sample } func sampleEdgeConnectionConfig() *EdgeConnectionConfig { sample := &EdgeConnectionConfig{ NumHAConnections: 49, HeartbeatInterval: 5 * time.Second, Timeout: 9 * time.Second, MaxFailedHeartbeats: 9001, UserCredentialPath: "/Users/example/.cloudflared/cert.pem", } sample.ensureNoZeroFields() return sample } // sampleDoHProxyConfig initializes a new DoHProxyConfig struct, // applies any number of overrides to it, and returns it. func sampleDoHProxyConfig(overrides ...func(*DoHProxyConfig)) *DoHProxyConfig { sample := &DoHProxyConfig{ ListenHost: "", ListenPort: 53, Upstreams: []string{"", ""}, } sample.ensureNoZeroFields() for _, f := range overrides { f(sample) } return sample } // sampleReverseProxyConfig initializes a new ReverseProxyConfig struct, // applies any number of overrides to it, and returns it. func sampleReverseProxyConfig(overrides ...func(*ReverseProxyConfig)) *ReverseProxyConfig { sample := &ReverseProxyConfig{ TunnelHostname: "", OriginConfig: &HelloWorldOriginConfig{}, Retries: 18, ConnectionTimeout: 5 * time.Second, CompressionQuality: 3, } sample.ensureNoZeroFields() for _, f := range overrides { f(sample) } return sample } func sampleHTTPOriginConfig(overrides ...func(*HTTPOriginConfig)) *HTTPOriginConfig { sample := &HTTPOriginConfig{ URLString: "", TCPKeepAlive: 7 * time.Second, DialDualStack: true, TLSHandshakeTimeout: 11 * time.Second, TLSVerify: true, OriginCAPool: "/etc/cert.pem", OriginServerName: "", MaxIdleConnections: 19, IdleConnectionTimeout: 17 * time.Second, ProxyConnectionTimeout: 15 * time.Second, ExpectContinueTimeout: 21 * time.Second, ChunkedEncoding: true, } sample.ensureNoZeroFields() for _, f := range overrides { f(sample) } return sample } func sampleHTTPOriginConfigUnixPath(overrides ...func(*HTTPOriginConfig)) *HTTPOriginConfig { sample := &HTTPOriginConfig{ URLString: "unix:/var/lib/file.sock", TCPKeepAlive: 7 * time.Second, DialDualStack: true, TLSHandshakeTimeout: 11 * time.Second, TLSVerify: true, OriginCAPool: "/etc/cert.pem", OriginServerName: "", MaxIdleConnections: 19, IdleConnectionTimeout: 17 * time.Second, ProxyConnectionTimeout: 15 * time.Second, ExpectContinueTimeout: 21 * time.Second, ChunkedEncoding: true, } sample.ensureNoZeroFields() for _, f := range overrides { f(sample) } return sample } func sampleWebSocketOriginConfig(overrides ...func(*WebSocketOriginConfig)) *WebSocketOriginConfig { sample := &WebSocketOriginConfig{ URLString: "ssh://", TLSVerify: true, OriginCAPool: "/etc/cert.pem", OriginServerName: "", } sample.ensureNoZeroFields() for _, f := range overrides { f(sample) } return sample } func (c *ClientConfig) ensureNoZeroFields() { ensureNoZeroFieldsInSample(reflect.ValueOf(c), []string{"DoHProxyConfigs", "ReverseProxyConfigs"}) } func (c *SupervisorConfig) ensureNoZeroFields() { ensureNoZeroFieldsInSample(reflect.ValueOf(c), []string{}) } func (c *EdgeConnectionConfig) ensureNoZeroFields() { ensureNoZeroFieldsInSample(reflect.ValueOf(c), []string{}) } func (c *DoHProxyConfig) ensureNoZeroFields() { ensureNoZeroFieldsInSample(reflect.ValueOf(c), []string{}) } func (c *ReverseProxyConfig) ensureNoZeroFields() { ensureNoZeroFieldsInSample(reflect.ValueOf(c), []string{}) } func (c *HTTPOriginConfig) ensureNoZeroFields() { ensureNoZeroFieldsInSample(reflect.ValueOf(c), []string{}) } func (c *WebSocketOriginConfig) ensureNoZeroFields() { ensureNoZeroFieldsInSample(reflect.ValueOf(c), []string{}) } // ensureNoZeroFieldsInSample checks that all fields in the sample struct, // except those listed in `allowedZeroFieldNames`, are initialized to nonzero // values. Note that the value has to be a pointer for reflection to work // correctly: // e := &ExampleStruct{ ... } // ensureNoZeroFieldsInSample(reflect.ValueOf(e), []string{}) // // Context: // Our tests work by taking a sample struct and marshalling/unmarshalling it. // This makes them easy to write, but introduces some risk: if we don't // include a field in the sample value, it won't be covered under tests. // This check reduces that risk by requiring fields to be either initialized // or explicitly uninitialized. func ensureNoZeroFieldsInSample(ptrToSampleValue reflect.Value, allowedZeroFieldNames []string) { sampleValue := ptrToSampleValue.Elem() structType := ptrToSampleValue.Type().Elem() allowedZeroFieldSet := make(map[string]bool) for _, name := range allowedZeroFieldNames { if _, ok := structType.FieldByName(name); !ok { panic(fmt.Sprintf("struct %v has no field %v", structType.Name(), name)) } allowedZeroFieldSet[name] = true } for i := 0; i < structType.NumField(); i++ { if allowedZeroFieldSet[structType.Field(i).Name] { continue } zeroValue := reflect.Zero(structType.Field(i).Type) if reflect.DeepEqual(zeroValue.Interface(), sampleValue.Field(i).Interface()) { panic(fmt.Sprintf("In the sample value for struct %v, field %v was not initialized", structType.Name(), structType.Field(i).Name)) } } }